631 commits
to official-release
since this release
3.19.0 (2023-03-15)
Bug Fixes
- active schools/teams load quicker and more reliable (#1754) (9ee705e), closes #694
- button in popups to navigate to full screen page (#1751) (5599ab2), closes #1695
- added and deleted ToDos are correctly updated in the table (05b3860)
- added hint when user account is disabled (#1737) (341b8f2), closes #1734
- .added pagination to shortcut widget (#1738) (42295d0), closes #1692
- .adding new option in safari (#1750) (7a3652d)
- better highlighting of buttons (4d22ceb), closes #1743
- .change detection is triggered once children are updated with school info (0c49249)
- .created custom form input for boolean values (#1715) (058c3a9), closes #1683
- .entity count dashboards routes to the correct entity list (#1764) (6a56ca9)
- .forms have better visibility on phones (#1736) (27d701a)
- .missing queries don't throw errors (#1744) (d7c5159)
- .prefilter is correctly used (#1763) (5e0a9e3)
- roll call setup shows all activities if none match the current user (#1748) (6c56afe), closes #1745
- .service worker is only registered once user logs in (#1712) (62fadce), closes #1663
- .sort is only applied once columns are available (c665a89)
- .state leaks in matching component (#1746) (a0a6180)
- .sync restart on errors (#1767) (ffcdf1c)
- todos without start date are shown as active (21a14dd)