This release has a few fixes and new features over v0.3.3:
- New UI elements for BTC swaps. Interface wording now matches the selected mode (fiat or swap). For example a "Buy" order is now a "Swap In" order. Mode (fiat/swap) can be switched in the "settings", "offers" and "create" pages.
- Swaps are now denominated in Sats.
- Fix numeric input for small amounts (smaller than zero) when taking orders with range.
- Fix Telegram notifications for takers.
- Fix
telegram bot and token when enabling telegram notifications. - Fix faulty referral links when using the
Versions before v0.3.1 are now partially incompatible with a v0.3.4 coordinator, so an update is highly recommended!
Docker Images
Coordinator Backend Image v0.3.4-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats:v0.3.4-alpha
Client App Image v0.3.4-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats-client:v0.3.4-alpha
See nodeapp/docker-compose.yml for an example docker-compose usage of the robosats-client
Find below the Android APK assets. The APK release is unsigned.
Known bugs:
- Android APK has no sound or notifications.
v0.3.4-alpha (2023-02-12)
Closed issues:
- My order is not loading, loosing my deposit. #352
- Hint for Amount when doing Bitcoin on-chain Swap In/Out mentions fiat, not bitcoin #351
- Add Twint as payment method in Switzerland #340
- Can't take order #335
- Adapt every UI component to auto scale in size #195
Merged pull requests:
- Added new How To guide #350 (athena-alpha)
- Added new How To guide #349 (athena-alpha)
- Update 07-wallets.md #348 (Gravity2106)
- Deprecate old routing budget pipeline #347 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Enhance UI for Swaps #346 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- add e-Transfer to payment methods #345 (toadlyBroodle)
- Add buyer and seller diagram pipelines #344 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /frontend #342 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /mobile #341 (dependabot[bot])
- Update ca.json #336 (BlueLynx21)
- Update 13-fees.md #329 (okada-blue)
v0.3.3-alpha (2022-12-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Bump pillow from 7.0.0 to 9.3.0 #332 (dependabot[bot])
v0.3.2-alpha (2022-11-28)
android-f7d4648 (2022-11-27)
v0.3.1-alpha (2022-11-26)
Merged pull requests:
- Add routing budget and lnproxy #328 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Update Docs - Minor Fixes #327 (okada-blue)
- Add advanced options to LN payout form #326 (Reckless-Satoshi)
android-9feccde (2022-11-24)
Closed issues:
- PRO & Basic: TradeBox and OrderPage functional components. #303
- UX suggestion - changing title bar as additional event notification (in addition to ring) #283
android-6b2dedc (2022-11-21)
Merged pull requests:
- Bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 in /frontend #325 (dependabot[bot])
- Add Tradebox, OrderDetails, Notifications, OrderPage functional components. #315 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Update docs - 12-prices.md #276 (okada-blue)
v0.3.0-alpha (2022-11-17)
Merged pull requests:
android-7f731df (2022-11-15)
Merged pull requests:
- Android fixed turtle mode #323 (KoalaSat)
- Add new Generating Avatar gif animation #321 (Reckless-Satoshi)
android-df78637 (2022-11-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Add swappable baseurls #316 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Fix Robot token not loading to android #313 (KoalaSat)
- Partial work on add TradeBox functional component #309 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Do not convert non-ascii to unicode escape sequences in pre-commit hook #307 (redphix)
- Some notes on proxy wallets #306 (lnproxy)
- Refactor Encrypted chat to component #297 (KoalaSat)
android-7c2f6e1 (2022-11-07)
android-9273ba0 (2022-11-06)
android-3bae399 (2022-11-02)
android-cafc63b (2022-10-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Add pre-commit to CONTRIBUTING.md #305 (redphix)
- Bump nokogiri from 1.13.6 to 1.13.9 in /docs #301 (dependabot[bot])
- Add depth widget. Fix style book. #300 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Add pre-commit-config #298 (redphix)
v0.2.2-alpha (2022-10-22)
Closed issues:
- Add REST API endpoint for the trade chat (Turtle mode chat) #175
Merged pull requests:
- Add react layout grid playground #299 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Conform to pep8 rules #295 (redphix)
- Annoy black #293 (redphix)
- Update Chinese language #292 (ra5pvt1n)
- Fixes to python auto-formatting #291 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Bump django from 3.2.15 to 3.2.16 #290 (dependabot[bot])
- Add functional homepage #289 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Add Chat endpoint to API v0 #288 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Python files style cleanup #281 (redphix)
android-f3d36fb (2022-10-16)
Closed issues:
- Add matchmaking system #237
Merged pull requests:
- Revert catch on Tor Android connection #287 (KoalaSat)
- Android style fixes #286 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Android minor fixes #285 (KoalaSat)
- Fix docs - add missing field in /api/book #279 (redphix)
- Create WebsocketWebClient #277 (KoalaSat)
- Update docs - add on-chain payouts page #272 (redphix)
- Add Traditional Chinese language locale #271 (ra5pvt1n)
- Add MakerForm functional component #265 (Reckless-Satoshi)
android-27154d5 (2022-10-10)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Add currencies ETB, GEL, and UGX which Yadio now supports #275 (sgornick)
- Persist Data on Android #274 (KoalaSat)
- Update Basque language #273 (OSFr0g)
- Update docs - 05-trade-escrow.md #264 (okada-blue)
android-9bda934 (2022-10-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Android Tor icon and copy to clipboard #269 (KoalaSat)
- Fix broken url in translations docs #268 (bitcoin-solo)
android-36cf156 (2022-10-04)
Closed issues:
- API Documentation #75
Merged pull requests:
- Android app config and fixes #267 (KoalaSat)
- Update docs - 09-swaps.md #263 (redphix)
- Update docs - add matrix room link in development #262 (redphix)
- Add OpenAPI v3.0 Docs for API #243 (redphix)
v0.2.1-alpha (2022-09-29)
android-ab4d83b (2022-09-28)
Closed issues:
- Android/iOS app. Torified webview in react-native. #42
Merged pull requests:
- Add android webview app #259 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Book functional component #256 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Bump commonmarker from 0.23.4 to 0.23.6 in /docs #255 (dependabot[bot])
- Mobile Avatar Book Smooth Load #254 (KoalaSat)
- Update 03-premium.md and 04-bonds.md #248 (okada-blue)
- Update 02-robots.md #246 (okada-blue)
- Fix logic of checking whether non-participants can view order details #245 (redphix)
- Enable Telegram notifications for order takers #244 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Frontend API client #242 (KoalaSat)
- Fix error when query parameters not passed #239 (redphix)
- Expose Satoshis Now on API #236 (KoalaSat)
- Move the most recent value in sats of an order calculation to the backend #235 (KoalaSat)
- Fix selfhosted secure/unsecure context bug #234 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Current progress on issue #195 (auto-scale to fontsize) #233 (fmitjans)
- Add QR Code to enable Telegram notifications #232 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Fix dependencies #231 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Update 03-premium.md #229 (okada-blue)
- Change css to fix order book alignment in safari desktop #225 (ozoono)
- Update 02-robots.md #221 (okada-blue)
- Add book depth chart #219 (KoalaSat)
- Update th.json #218 (bkminer1984)
- Client app for soverign nodes #216 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Add WebLN support #215 (KoalaSat)
- keeping russian up to date #213 (Tonytherussian)
- Make robosats setup more easy #212 (ShatteredBunny)
- Bump django from 3.2.14 to 3.2.15 #211 (dependabot[bot])
- Stealth invoices #210 (ShatteredBunny)
- Add grpc generation script and update setup.md to run it using docker container #209 (ShatteredBunny)
- thai translation #205 (bkminer1984)
- Pull#198 followup #202 (zx9r)
- Compute percentile over orders of the same type #201 (merchero)
- Issue#194 #198 (zx9r)
- Czech translation update #197 (Wertiko)
- Czech translation #191 (Wertiko)
- Bump tzinfo from 1.2.9 to 1.2.10 in /docs #189 (dependabot[bot])
- Update ca.json #188 (BlueLynx21)
- Bump terser from 5.10.0 to 5.14.2 in /frontend #187 (dependabot[bot])
- Add payment method: UPI #186 (prithugoswami)
- Add Swedish translation #185 (angeria)
- Bump django-celery-results from 2.2.0 to 2.4.0 #184 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump django from 3.2.13 to 3.2.14 #183 (dependabot[bot])
- Basque lang few spelling errors corrected #182 (OSFr0g)
- hotfix for weighted median premium #180 (ghost)
- Adding Portuguese translation #178 (LindomarRodrigues)
- Replace weighted average to weighted median. #173 (ghost)
- Basque (eu) language added #172 (4pt1x)
- Add Tunisian Dinars (TND) #171 (SkanderHelali)
- Update messages.py #167 (Gravity2106)
- Update send/receive icons #166 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Initial Italian translation #165 (ChuckLeMostre)
- Update 07-wallets.md #163 (Gravity2106)
- Fix Spanish TG message #162 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- ru.json update #161 (Tonytherussian)
- Buyer payouts as on-the-fly reverse submarine swaps #160 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- docs: add CLN, other backends for Zeus, fix links #158 (openoms)
- Add AlertBot documentation #157 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Add currency aed, which Yadio now supports #156 (sgornick)
- Update de.json #155 (dsitti)
- Add currencies byn egp lkr mad #154 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Update ca.json #148 (BlueLynx21)
- Implement end-to-end auditable encryption and new user login methods. #147 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Add Russian Translation #146 (Tonytherussian)
- update de.json #144 (dsitti)
- Add more details in frontend setup guide about css files #143 (ozoono)
- change docpaths #142 (smargold476)
- Convert ExchangeSummaryDialog, ProfileDialog and StatsDialog to Typescript #141 (fernandoporazzi)
- Add Learn.RoboSats splash screen art by @Red_purdy #140 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Add banners and profile pics #139 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Added iOS app and made some minor grammar edits #138 (hugoender)
- Add Jekyll markdown site as GH page #136 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Catalan translation #133 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Convert LinearDeterminate component to Typescript #132 (fernandoporazzi)
- Fix typos in spanish translation file #131 (ozoono)
- Fix layout for small iOS devices and allow scroll #130 (ozoono)
- Fix order book alignement in iOS #127 (ozoono)
- Update de.json #122 (dsitti)
- First group logos and icons revisited (@ RedPurdy) #120 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Add complete set of localized amazon icons #119 (ozoono)
- Add new svg buy/sell icons #118 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Update fr.json #117 (PeterMcBTC)
- Add amazon icons including flags of 8 regions #113 (ozoono)
- Polish translation #111 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Advanced maker options v2 #110 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- de.json #108 (dsitti)
- fr.json #107 (PeterMcBTC)
- pl.json #105 (valladolidBTCpol)
- Bump django from 3.2.12 to 3.2.13 #104 (dependabot[bot])
- Add typescript support #103 (fernandoporazzi)
- Remove built main.js from versioning #102 (fernandoporazzi)
- BTC instead of Sats on Stats For Nerds #98 (ibertario)
- Spanish translation #96 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Extract getCookie function into its own file #94 (fernandoporazzi)
- Internationalization #85 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Add autocomplete, icons, custom selector #84 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Create Fiat Payment Guide #83 (bkminer1984)
- Update currencies.json #82 (tradewind886)
- Update getFlags.js #81 (tradewind886)
- Add How-to-use_de, changed trading limits and time for open orders in the how-to-use.md #79 (dsitti)
- Robosats Logo #77 (MishoKanaria)
- Advanced maker options v1 #76 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Implement X-of-Y steps in TradeBox #74 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Spanish translation added #72 (GianfrancoBazzani)
- Update sensitive-data-PGP-guide.md #71 (GianfrancoBazzani)
- Fixed some issues related to the PGP guide #67 (GianfrancoBazzani)
- Add sensitive data cipher guide #63 (GianfrancoBazzani)
- A privacy friendly referral program #62 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Upgrade fee structure #61 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Chatbox fixes #59 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Fix wrong spanish guide link #58 (beefgroin)
- Dispute system v2 #54 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Telegram notifications #53 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Migrate to postgresql #51 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Update how-to-use_es.md #47 (mamifiero)
- Complete Spanish translation of tutorial #45 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Stabilize runtime #43 (Reckless-Satoshi)
v0.2.0-alpha (2022-09-22)
Closed issues:
- Implement automated versioning, releases and version mismatch checks. #241
- Move the most recent value in sats of an order calculation to the backend #224
- [solved] QtQr adds invisible characters front of the string in the QRcode #214
- Improve docker-compose.yml / setup.md #208
- Order expired, LN still confirming #207
- Add onchain address validation compatible with Taproot adresses #194
- Add the fiat amount to the chat component #192
- Identify the taken amount as a maker of an order with an amount range on small screens is clumsy #181
- “Extra” features to increase the popularity of RoboSats #179
- Add WebLN support #176
- Add 'stealth invoices': an On/Off toggle for lightning invoice description #168
- Detailed amounts of sats involved after a trade #150
- Add book depth chart #134
android-b4fac4c (2022-07-14)
Closed issues:
- Same backup code, shows new robot avatar, name and referral link #159
- Attempting Lightning Payment stuck #145
- Unclear flow for the seller taker #137
- Buyer payouts on-chain with on-the-fly reverse submarine swaps. #128
- Add Ukrainian Hryvnia #124
- Alert about backing up Robot Tokens #123
- Possible unwanted function redefined in api/tasks.py #114
- Order created with different range amount that specified #112
- Escrow locking time period is too short #106
- Use Create React App or Next.js on frontend #101
- Missing some icons on Desktop #90
- INFO button visibility on night mode #89
- Small typos on "What is RoboSats?" INFO #88
- Public order options: pause and renew #87
- Error changing Pricing Method when Amount Range is enabled #86
- Buy lightning btc with onchain btc #73
- Show the chat box even before the counterparty is 'online'? #70
- Give a 'Step x of y' infographic while trading #69
- Implement cookies tied to a browser window? #68
- Javascript error in Copy of Clipboard from Contract Box #65
- Suggestion: Publish README.md using Github Pages (i.e., Github.io ) #64
- A tutorial explicitly made for OpenKeychain+RoboSats (/docs/) #60
- Feature Request: Remove ajax.googleapis.com scripts from the app #57
- Introduce RoboSats to r/Bitcoin #55
- Advanced options for makers #52
- High sensitivity to client's clock #49
- Notify makers when an order is taken (even if they left the site) #48
- Make the frontend pretty. #37
- Multilanguage Support #35
- Keep user nickname, avatar and token on sight always #32
- Show small hints and description on mouse hover #31
- 'Ring' sound for makers when a taker is found. #30
v0.1.0-mvp (2022-01-31)
Closed issues:
- Dynamic countdown timer and progressbar (expiration bar) #27
- Lightning functionality; calls to LND RPC and logic updates as invoices are locked and validated. #24
- Make navigation trough Order Book and user gen functions sequential #23
- If user is logged in and is taker or maker, always redirect to Order page #22
- Order Book is by default set to any type (buy or sell) and any currency #21
- Create Get OrderBook API call and simple front end with cards #18
- Send correct status message when OrderView is called #17
- Create a general app status information endpoint and react component to place in the bottom #14
- Create user generator backend and frontend landing page #13
- Add field "payment_method" to Order model and front end form #10
- Create OrderPage.js and set up API endpoint #9
- Load all important application hparams from .env file on root dir #8
- Load currency dictionary from .json into both: backend model and frontend form. #7
- Initialize frontend and create first pages #5
- Add an API endpoint to make orders #3
- Init Django project #1
Merged pull requests:
- Logics update: escrow settles exactly at buyer payout time. #36 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Logics third iteration #29 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Create new chat app, configure urls #28 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Lightning integration #26 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Logics second iteration #25 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Htlc model #20 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Add book order API endpoint and basic frontend cards page #19 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Improve content and handling on OrderPage #16 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- User generator page #15 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Order details page #12 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Add payment method field #11 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Initialize frontend and create first pages #6 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Implemet initial API with MakeOrder endpoint #4 (Reckless-Satoshi)
- Initialize the Django project and write setup guide #2 (Reckless-Satoshi)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
- Update ca.json by @BlueLynx21 in #336
- Update 13-fees.md by @okada-blue in #329
- Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /mobile by @dependabot in #341
- Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /frontend by @dependabot in #342
- Add buyer and seller diagram pipelines by @Reckless-Satoshi in #344
- add e-Transfer to payment methods by @toadlyBroodle in #345
- Enhance UI for Swaps by @Reckless-Satoshi in #346
- Deprecate old routing budget pipeline by @Reckless-Satoshi in #347
- Update 07-wallets.md by @Gravity2106 in #348
- Added new How To guide by @athena-alpha in #350
- Added new How To guide by @athena-alpha in #349
New Contributors
- @toadlyBroodle made their first contribution in #345
- @athena-alpha made their first contribution in #350