Revision 16
- api-image:
resource-revision: 11
Static resources:
Released to 'latest/edge' at 14:28 UTC on 2 Aug 2023
What's Changed
- Initialize project file structure by @omar-selo in #3
- Creates dev microk8s environment using skaffold by @omar-selo in #4
- Add postgresdb, sqlalchemy and alembic by @omar-selo in #5
- Move migrations from skaffold to k8s for stag/prod by @omar-selo in #7
- Add v0 data models by @nadzyah in #6
- Dummy UI by @omar-selo in #8
- Add snap manager endpoint by @nadzyah in #9
- Refactor tests, use db migrations, correct session, rollback automatically by @omar-selo in #12
- Add basic endpoints to fetch data from DB by @nadzyah in #10
- Update data models with builds and add dummy endpoints by @omar-selo in #14
- Retrieve UI data from backend by @omar-selo in #11
- Terraform provider backed Juju model setup + associated charmed operators for API and backend by @mz2 in #13
- Start test execution and patch test execution endpoints by @omar-selo in #17
- Linting, unit and integration tests pass for the frontend charm by @mz2 in #16
- Test backend GitHub action by @omar-selo in #19
- Seed backend data by @omar-selo in #22
- Test frontend github action by @omar-selo in #21
- Take db url from environment if available by @omar-selo in #24
- Implement artefacts promote endpoint for debs by @nadzyah in #15
- Fix docker build and push github action by @omar-selo in #23
- Get migrations working in charms by @omar-selo in #25
- Return only latest artefacts to frontend by @nadzyah in #27
- Get artefact endpoint by @omar-selo in #26
- Return test-execution id from the /test-executions/start-test endpoint by @nadzyah in #29
- Fix artefact build uniqueness by @omar-selo in #30
- Make text selectable by @omar-selo in #28
- Fix random test failure by @omar-selo in #31
- README fixes by @jocave in #18
- Seed data fix by @omar-selo in #32
- Expanded artefact view by @omar-selo in #33
- Changes to deploy staging by @omar-selo in #34
New Contributors
- @omar-selo made their first contribution in #3
- @nadzyah made their first contribution in #6
- @mz2 made their first contribution in #13
- @jocave made their first contribution in #18
Full Changelog: