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Atum Server

Yannik Marchand edited this page Aug 16, 2024 · 7 revisions

Switch > Game Content

The atum server provides title content. It always requires an edge token.


The following files are provided by the server:

  • /c1/a/d/<title id>: control NCA for title (icon and name)
  • /c1/a/d/<title id>/<title version>: control NCA for title (icon and name)
  • /c1/t/a/<title id>/<title version>: NCA containing CNMT
  • /c1/<title id>/c/a/<content id>: NCA containing CNMT
  • /c1/<title id>/c/c/<content id>: NCA containing game content
  • /c1/<title id>/c/c/<content id>/d: JSON object containing content hashes
  • /c2/<title id>/c/a/<content id>: NCA containing CNMT
  • /c2/<title id>/c/c/<content id>: NCA containing game content
  • /c2/<title id>/c/c/<content id>/d: JSON object containing content hashes

The difference between c1 and c2 is that c1 requires an edge token from dauth, while c2 requires an edge token from dragons.

Request Headers

Header Description
Accept */*
User-Agent User agent
X-Nintendo-DenebEdgeToken Edge token

For requests ending in /d, the Accept header contains application/json instead and comes after the edge token header.

User Agents

The user agent looks as follows: NintendoSDK Firmware/<firmware version>-<revision> (platform:NX; did:<device id>; eid:lp1). The firmware version and revision number are obtained from the system version title.

Here is an example: NintendoSDK Firmware/15.0.0-4.0 (platform:NX; did:6265ca40780b1c0d; eid:lp1)

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