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NEX Common Types

Yannik Marchand edited this page Dec 19, 2023 · 29 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. String
  2. Buffer
  3. qBuffer
  4. List
  5. Map
  6. PID
  7. Result
  8. DateTime
  9. StationURL
  10. Variant
  11. Structure
  12. Data
  13. AnyDataHolder
  14. RVConnectionData
  15. ResultRange


Type Description
Uint16 Length (including null terminator)
Chars Null terminated UTF-8 string


Type Description
Uint32 Length
Bytes Data


Type Description
Uint16 Length
Bytes Data


Type Description
Uint32 Number of entries


A map is a list of (key, value) pairs.


Every user is given a unique id called principal id.

Platform Type
3DS / Wii U Uint32
Switch Uint64


Type Description
Uint32 Result code

If the most significant bit is set an error occurred. Otherwise, the result indicates success. A list of error codes can be found in nintendo/nex/


Type Description
Uint64 Value

This is not a normal time stamp. Instead, it consists of a bunch of bit fields:

Bits Description
63 - 26 Year
25 - 22 Month
21 - 17 Day
16 - 12 Hour
11 - 6 Minute
5 - 0 Second


Type Description
String Station URL

A station url contains the address and port of a server or client, along with a few parameters. The order of the fields is arbitrary. Here's an example station url: prudps:/stream=10;sid=1;CID=1;type=2;address=;port=60101;PID=2

Field Description
<scheme> udp, prudp or prudps
address Address
port Port
stream Stream type (see here)
sid Stream id (PRUDP port)
CID Connection id
PID Principal id
type NAT type flags
RVCID Rendez-vous connection id
natm NAT mapping
natf NAT filtering
upnp UPnP support (0 or 1)
pmp PMP support (0 or 1)
probeinit Probe request initiation
PRID Probe request id
fastproberesponse Fast probe response
NodeID Node id

The following fields were added on Nintendo Switch:

Field Description
Uri Uri
R Use relay server (0 or 1)
Rsa Relay server address
Rsp Relay server port
Ra Relay address
Rp Relay port
Tpt Transport protocol type
Pl Platform type
Ntrpa NAT traversal requester private address
Ntrpp NAT traversal requester private port

NAT Type Flags

Flag Description
1 Is behind NAT
2 Is public

NAT Mapping

Value Description
0 Unknown
1 Endpoint independent mapping
2 Endpoint dependent mapping

NAT Filtering

Value Description
0 Unknown
1 Port independent filtering
2 Port dependent filtering


A variant consists of an uint8 indicating the type followed by its value.

Type id Type
0 None
1 Sint64
2 Double
3 Bool
4 String
5 DateTime
6 Uint64


NEX v3.5.0 introduced a versioning system to structures. Before v3.5.0 their contents were just normally stored into the stream. However, starting with v3.5.0, structures are stored like this:

Type Description
Uint8 Version
Uint32 Content length

Nintendo often seems to be changing a structure without updating its version number though.

A structure may inherit another structure. The child is stored right after the parent, and gets its own version header.

Data (Structure)

This struct does not have any fields.


This class can hold any object derived from a given base class (usually nn::nex::Data). Some meta data is sent along with it, so the other side can properly identify and decode the object.

Type Description
String Type name
Uint32 Length of data, including the next length field
Uint32 Length of data
Object data

RVConnectionData (Structure)

Nintendo does not use any special protocols.

Type Name Description
StationURL m_urlRegularProtocols Server address (regular protocols)
List<byte> m_lstSpecialProtocols Special protocols
StationURL m_urlSpecialProtocols Server address (special protocols)

Revision 1:

Type Name Description
DateTime m_currentUTCTime Time


Game Secure server
Friends prudps:/stream=10;type=2;PID=2;port=60091;address=;sid=1;CID=1
DKC:TF prudps:/port=43221;CID=1;address=;PID=2;stream=10;type=2;sid=1
MK8 prudps:/sid=1;port=59201;address=;PID=2;stream=10;type=2;CID=1

ResultRange (Structure)

Some methods query a large set of objects. These methods normally take a ResultRange parameter that limits the number of objects that are returned.

Type Name Description
Uint32 m_uiOffset Offset
Uint32 m_uiSize Length
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