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Morten Aune Lyrstad edited this page Apr 16, 2022
54 revisions
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public interface IMyEntity
Interface for all entities. (PB scripting interface)
Namespace: VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame
Assembly: VRage.Game.dll
- IMyAdvancedDoor
- IMyAirtightDoorBase
- IMyAirtightHangarDoor
- IMyAirtightSlideDoor
- IMyAirVent
- IMyArtificialMassBlock
- IMyAssembler
- IMyAttachableTopBlock
- IMyBatteryBlock
- IMyBeacon
- IMyButtonPanel
- IMyCameraBlock
- IMyCargoContainer
- IMyCockpit
- IMyCollector
- IMyControlPanel
- IMyConveyor
- IMyConveyorSorter
- IMyConveyorTube
- IMyCryoChamber
- IMyCubeBlock
- IMyCubeGrid
- IMyDecoy
- IMyDoor
- IMyExtendedPistonBase
- IMyFunctionalBlock
- IMyGasGenerator
- IMyGasTank
- IMyGravityGenerator
- IMyGravityGeneratorBase
- IMyGravityGeneratorSphere
- IMyGyro
- IMyHeatVent
- IMyInteriorLight
- IMyJumpDrive
- IMyLandingGear
- IMyLargeConveyorTurretBase
- IMyLargeGatlingTurret
- IMyLargeInteriorTurret
- IMyLargeMissileTurret
- IMyLargeTurretBase
- IMyLaserAntenna
- IMyLightingBlock
- IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock
- IMyMedicalRoom
- IMyMotorAdvancedRotor
- IMyMotorAdvancedStator
- IMyMotorBase
- IMyMotorRotor
- IMyMotorStator
- IMyMotorSuspension
- IMyOreDetector
- IMyOxygenFarm
- IMyOxygenGenerator
- IMyOxygenTank
- IMyParachute
- IMyPassage
- IMyPistonBase
- IMyPistonTop
- IMyPowerProducer
- IMyProductionBlock
- IMyProgrammableBlock
- IMyProjector
- IMyRadioAntenna
- IMyReactor
- IMyRefinery
- IMyReflectorLight
- IMyRemoteControl
- IMySafeZoneBlock
- IMySensorBlock
- IMyShipConnector
- IMyShipController
- IMyShipDrill
- IMyShipGrinder
- IMyShipMergeBlock
- IMyShipToolBase
- IMyShipWelder
- IMySmallGatlingGun
- IMySmallMissileLauncher
- IMySmallMissileLauncherReload
- IMySolarPanel
- IMySoundBlock
- IMySpaceBall
- IMyStoreBlock
- IMyTargetDummyBlock
- IMyTerminalBlock
- IMyTextPanel
- IMyThrust
- IMyTimerBlock
- IMyTurretControlBlock
- IMyUpgradableBlock
- IMyUpgradeModule
- IMyUserControllableGun
- IMyVirtualMass
- IMyWarhead
- IMyWheel
Member | Description |
\%1bool Closed { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.Closed) | True if the block has been removed from the world. |
\%1MyEntityComponentContainer Components { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.Components) | Gets blocks component logic container |
\%1string DisplayName { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.DisplayName) | Gets user friendly name of entity. May be null For block terminal name use DisplayNameText |
\%1long EntityId { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.EntityId) | Id of entity |
\%1bool HasInventory { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.HasInventory) | Returns true if this entity has got at least one inventory. Note that one aggregate inventory can contain zero simple inventories => zero will be returned even if GetInventory() != null. |
\%1int InventoryCount { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.InventoryCount) | Returns the count of the number of inventories this entity has. |
\%1string Name { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.Name) | Some entities can have uniq name, and game can find them by name VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntities.TryGetEntityByName(System.String,VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity@) |
\%1BoundingBoxD WorldAABB { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.WorldAABB) | Gets world axis-aligned bounding box |
\%1BoundingBoxD WorldAABBHr { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.WorldAABBHr) | Gets world axis-aligned bounding box |
\%1MatrixD WorldMatrix { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.WorldMatrix) | Gets world matrix of this entity |
\%1BoundingSphereD WorldVolume { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.WorldVolume) | Gets bounding sphere of this entity |
\%1BoundingSphereD WorldVolumeHr { get; }](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.WorldVolumeHr) | Gets bounding sphere of this entity |
Member | Description |
\%1IMyInventory GetInventory()](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.GetInventory) | Simply get the MyInventoryBase component stored in this entity. |
\%1IMyInventory GetInventory(int)](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.GetInventory) | Search for inventory component with maching index. |
\%1Vector3D GetPosition()](VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyEntity.GetPosition) | Gets position in world coordinates |
Do you have questions, comments, suggestions for improvements? Is there something I can do better? Did I make a mistake? Please add an issue here, and prefix your issue title with Wiki. Thank you, your help will be very appreciated!