Releases: mgonzs13/whisper_ros
Changelog from version 3.0.3 to 3.1.0:
6d908c3 new version 3.1.0
d693d1a updating hfhub.cpp
dadd16e Use SileroVAD with CUDA (#9)
dcfcc03 minor cleans
b64388b cleaning whisper_hfhub_vendor CMakeLists
fd7a48e replacing Python HF Hub for a C++ version
750ff91 creating clang-format file
2e5fd51 adding ament_clang_format
9748995 Added arm64 architecture (#7)
Changelog from version 3.0.0 to 3.0.1:
14b8ff3 new version 3.0.1
05cb75c onnxruntime_vendor renamed to whisper_onnxruntime_vendor
05ffad7 minor fix to Dockerfile
73918ab minor fixes in README
13f88f2 audio_common dependency moved to bringup
8fed831 descriptions for whisper_ros and whisper_bringup pkgs
7c74e3b huggingface-hub upgraded to 0.27.0
46f590c fixing pip3 install in Dockerfile
63e5d17 pip installation added to Dockerfile
f6e8903 requirements file added
Changelog from version 2.7.1 to 3.0.0:
3cef83d new version 3.0.0
15ba503 new workflows for ROS 2 distros
5ee0490 curl added to dependencies
218b40c Merge pull request #6 from mgonzs13/silero-vad-cpp
e16e9ab adding set whisper log level
eb6fae6 whisper logs added to vad_iterator
16bb406 improving code comments
a71f682 whisper_utils created
6c608e3 new whisper logs
520de60 struct TranscriptionOutput name fixed
4a77cf2 fixing license comments
a40cbc9 fixing ifndef guards names
1f7ff05 improving vad publishing
0eedfbb removing Python silero version
8c6cd54 add the previous and the next chunks to publish
6519098 input_node_dims fixed
d99e235 minor fixes
d49c721 new model repo
870c655 removing unused params form vad_iterator
dd32b5e DESTINATION added to install
fef6b9e minor fixes for compile onnxruntime and run silero
163d9a2 initial changes for silero-vad-cpp
8ad8369 whisper.cpp updated + vendor CMakeLists adapted
3257017 Update
d1fce01 workflows names fixed
35b90ee close inactive issues workflow
09f3eb8 permissions added to workflows
f80defc minor fix to step name Setup Docker Buildx
30567ce cron added to docker build workflow
d0af263 Doxyfile created