Releases: nf-core/raredisease
Releases · nf-core/raredisease
2.4.0 - Vitalstatistix
2.3.0 - Getafix
What's Changed
- Bumpversion 2.2.0->2.3.0dev by @ramprasadn in #610
- Add option to analyse only mitochondria by @ramprasadn in #608
- 5% frequency threshold for mitochondrial clinical vcfs by @ramprasadn in #616
- allow vep 112 by @jemten in #617
- Minor fixes by @ramprasadn in #618
- update modules by @ramprasadn in #619
- Change output file prefix for upd and chromograph by @ramprasadn in #620
- Invoke rhocallviz subworkflow only once per sample. by @ramprasadn in #621
- Update modules by @ramprasadn in #623
- Fix channel declaration error in the cadd subworkflow by @ramprasadn in #624
- Update genmod and multiqc by @ramprasadn in #625
- template update 3.0.1 by @ramprasadn in #629
- Important! Template update for nf-core/tools v3.0.1 by @nf-core-bot in #628
- Important! Template update for nf-core/tools v3.0.2 by @nf-core-bot in #630
- ensure string comparison by @jemten in #632
- add bait regions to deepvariant for WES by @ramprasadn in #633
- Merge germlinecnvcaller output by @ramprasadn in #635
- Raredisease: Add fastp output to multiqc by @peterpru in #637
- Fix fastqc samplenames in multiqc report by @ramprasadn in #638
- Vep update to 113 by @ramprasadn in #639
- Use target bed files as regions instead of bait intervals for SNV calling in WES samples by @ramprasadn in #636
- Upd fix by @jemten in #643
- Update modules by @ramprasadn in #646
- Add option to restrict analysis to specific contigs by @ramprasadn in #644
- add fastp and ngsbits to multiqc input by @peterpru in #647
- Fix tests by @ramprasadn in #648
- patch vep 110 by @ramprasadn in #649
- Sync v3.1.1 of nf-core template by @ramprasadn in #655
- Important! Template update for nf-core/tools v3.1.1 by @nf-core-bot in #654
- Remove suffixes sample name in repeat call vcfs by @ramprasadn in #657
- Update module MultiQC to version 1.26 by @peterpru in #660
- padding bed file by @jemten in #658
- Fix sex by @jemten in #659
- Pre release PR1 by @ramprasadn in #664
- set for some input files by @jemten in #661
- Add haplocheck to multiqc by @fevac in #662
- Pre release PR2 by @ramprasadn in #665
- Fix download tests by @ramprasadn in #667
- Important! Template update for nf-core/tools v3.1.2 by @nf-core-bot in #668
- Review suggestions on v2.3.0 by @ramprasadn in #669
- Template update v320 by @ramprasadn in #671
- Important! Template update for nf-core/tools v3.2.0 by @nf-core-bot in #670
- update haplogrep3 by @ramprasadn in #672
- Keep only SVs that PASS the filter by @ramprasadn in #673
- Update versions by @ramprasadn in #674
- Add option to skip haplogrep3 by @ramprasadn in #675
- Release v2.3.0 by @ramprasadn in #666
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.2.0...2.3.0
2.2.0 - Dogmatix
What's Changed
- typo by @EmelineFavreau in #562
- adds missinf citations for bwameme by @jemten in #563
- Few fixes by @ramprasadn in #570
- Add parameters to skip snv calling and repeat analysis by @ramprasadn in #571
- Add a new paramter to skip sv calling by @ramprasadn in #572
- Turn off workflows irrelevant for WES analysis by @ramprasadn in #573
- Refactor by @ramprasadn in #574
- update peddy module by @ramprasadn in #576
- Refactor citations by @ramprasadn in #577
- Fix WES error by @ramprasadn in #578
- Bcftools roh logic update by @ramprasadn in #579
- adds channels to meme mt align by @jemten in #582
- fix: added publishDir mode in raredisease.config by @irliampa in #584
- Reorder SNV annotation subworkflow to improve performance by @ramprasadn in #585
- SV calling error in WES samples by @ramprasadn in #586
- Deepvariant update v1.6.1 by @ramprasadn in #587
- Add an option to pass extra resources to vcfanno by @ramprasadn in #588
- Add feature to pass vcf.gz files as an additional resource for vcfanno by @ramprasadn in #589
- makes 0 an allowed value for sex by @jemten in #595
- Update docs by @ramprasadn in #594
- Change lane type from number to string by @ramprasadn in #597
- Add option to supply bed file with PAR regions & enable haploid analysis for males by @ramprasadn in #598
- bwamem2 for mt by @ramprasadn in #600
- Updating Sentieon DNAscope ml-model by @asp8200 in #601
- Resolve issues that cropped up when aligner and mt_aligner were different by @ramprasadn in #605
- Add option to generate csi index for managed variants by @ramprasadn in #606
- Change platform description and update vcf2cytosure conditional by @ramprasadn in #607
- Updatevep from v110-112 by @ramprasadn in #609
- Release 2.2.0 by @ramprasadn in #580
New Contributors
- @EmelineFavreau made their first contribution in #562
- @irliampa made their first contribution in #584
Full Changelog: 2.1.0...2.2.0
2.1.0 - Obelix
What's Changed
- Bumpversion 2.1.0dev by @ramprasadn in #533
- Update changelog by @ramprasadn in #534
- adding explicit temps by @jemten in #541
- Template update v2.14.1 by @ramprasadn in #548
- Important! Template update for nf-core/tools v2.14.1 by @nf-core-bot in #547
- Include "other" variants for CADD to analyse multallelic indels by @fa2k in #545
- Refactoring + other issues with cadd and samtools merge by @ramprasadn in #538
- Bwafallback by @ramprasadn in #551
- changed valid values for the sex variable by @sima-r in #550
- Skip mitochondrial analysis for WES by @ramprasadn in #552
- Add bwameme by @ramprasadn in #553
- Fix join issues in ME calling subworkflow by @ramprasadn in #556
- Resolve warnings by @ramprasadn in #557
- updating type check by @jemten in #559
- update modules by @ramprasadn in #558
- refactor by @ramprasadn in #561
- Release 2.1.0 by @ramprasadn in #555
Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.1.0
2.0.1 - Asterix (patch)
What's Changed
- Address the right emit channel from the germlinecnvcaller module (
instead ofcalls
) - by @ramprasadn in #536
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.0.1
2.0.0 - Asterix
What's Changed
- bumpversion to 1.2.0dev by @ramprasadn in #384
- Updating tiddit to v3.6.1 by @asp8200 in #385
- Sync dev to latest master with changes from patch release 1.1.1 by @ramprasadn in #390
- switch to nf-validation for parameter and samplesheet validation by @ramprasadn in #386
- Correct GATK4 container spec by @adamrtalbot in #391
- Make cram prefix same as the default markduplicates prefix by @ramprasadn in #392
- Update documentation by @ramprasadn in #394
- Add constraints to block the pipeline from running CollectWgsMetrics on WES samples by @ramprasadn in #396
- Make target bed file optional for WGS mode by @ramprasadn in #395
- Update sentieon bwamemindex by @asp8200 in #397
- sort ranked SVs before indexing by @ramprasadn in #393
- Installing and calling nf-core/modules version of sentieon/bwamem by @asp8200 in #398
- Replace local version of SENTIEON_READWRITER with nf-core version by @asp8200 in #399
- Replace local version of SENTIEON_DATAMETRICS with nf-core version by @asp8200 in #400
- Replace local version of sentieon-locuscollector and sentieon-dedup by @asp8200 in #401
- Remove sentieon BQSR by @asp8200 in #402
- Replace local version of SENTIEON_DNAMODELAPPLY with nf-core version by @asp8200 in #403
- Replace local version of SENTIEON_WGSMETRICS with nf-core version by @asp8200 in #404
- Add documentation for running without Internet access by @fa2k in #389
- Add sentieon/dnascope from nf-core/modules by @ramprasadn in #406
- Set "0" a default for missing maternal and paternal id in ped file by @ramprasadn in #411
- Update modules to their latest nf-core version by @ramprasadn in #412
- Add skip_vep_filter parameter by @ramprasadn in #416
- Remove duplicate entries from probands and upd_children in meta by @ramprasadn in #420
- Fixes vep starting as many instances as the square of the number of scatters by @ramprasadn in #421
- Update dnascope-module by @asp8200 in #422
- Add a new sample field to meta by @ramprasadn in #425
- Refactor mitochondrial analysis workflow by @ramprasadn in #419
- Template updates v2.10 by @ramprasadn in #431
- add metromap with core elements by @ramprasadn in #428
- Add logo+metromap for both light and dark themes by @ramprasadn in #432
- add skip_qualimap and skip_eklipse parameters by @ramprasadn in #436
- fix warnings and clean up terminal logs by @ramprasadn in #435
- skip haplocheck and fastqc [skip ci] by @ramprasadn in #438
- Add cnvnator subworkflow by @ramprasadn in #434
- addressing #429 by @jemten in #445
- Document which variantcatalogs to use by @jemten in #443
- Update modules by @ramprasadn in #449
- Fix mem qualifier by @jemten in #451
- Add sex check by @Lucpen in #453
- Fix two instances of wrong process name passed to
when running in sentieon mode by @alkc in #454 - feat add fastp by @Lucpen in #457
- Vcf2cytosure by @jemten in #456
- Nf core template update by @jemten in #461
- Important! Template update for nf-core/tools v2.11.1 by @nf-core-bot in #463
- feat added specific values for some samplesheet params by @Lucpen in #459
- GATK CNVCaller fixes by @Jakob37 in #472
- Updating vcf2cytosure and tiddit cov by @jemten in #470
- Add found_in tag to vcf by @ramprasadn in #471
- Change hardcoded platform value to params.platform in modules/align_MT.config by @alkc in #475
- adds schema for svdb query inputs by @jemten in #476
- Add bwa mem by @ramprasadn in #474
- Fix for getting chr sizes when fai is given by @jemten in #479
- Add mobile element calling to raredisease by @peterpru in #440
- fix number of me channels by @jemten in #481
- Subworkflow for mobile element annotation by @jemten in #483
- Vep update by @ramprasadn in #482
- Add rtgtools by @ramprasadn in #484
- Update RG generation string by @ramprasadn in #487
- refactoring clinical research split by @jemten in #485
- Update modules by @ramprasadn in #488
- Template update to 2.12 by @ramprasadn in #501
- Important! Template update for nf-core/tools v2.12 by @nf-core-bot in #499
- Vep pli update by @Lucpen in #491
- Refactor code and configs by @ramprasadn in #490
- fix input channel for vcf2cytosure subworkflow by @jemten in #500
- cnvnator patch by @ramprasadn in #503
- update expansionhunter by @ramprasadn in #502
- minor edit to output documentation by @ramprasadn in #504
- Added a local module to generate bed files with variant caller annotations by @ramprasadn in #505
- Update modules by @ramprasadn in #506
- Chromograph viz by @ramprasadn in #507
- Add subsample mt by @ramprasadn in #508
- Add parameter to supply variant consequence files by @ramprasadn in #510
- add new parameter to supply a bed like file for filtering vep results by @ramprasadn in #511
- Add rhocall viz by @ramprasadn in #512
- updating gens subworkflow by @jemten in #515
- Rename outputs by @ramprasadn in #516
- Template update v 2.13 by @ramprasadn in #518
- Important! Template update for nf-core/tools v2.13 by @nf-core-bot in #517
- Normalize repeat expansions by @ramprasadn in #524
- chromograph autozyg by @ramprasadn in #523
- Fix samplenames in smncopynumbercaller by @ramprasadn in #522
- Important! Template update for nf-core/tools v2.13.1 by @nf-core-bot in #525
- Add option to annotate vcf2cytosure file with different(customer) ids by @ramprasadn in #521
- modules update by @ramprasadn in #526
- Release prep v2.0.0 by @ramprasadn in #527
- Test download cleanup by @ramprasadn in #529
- fix: parameters not resolving properly when igenomes are used by @ramprasadn in #530
- Release 2.0.0 by @ramprasadn in #528
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.1.1...2.0.0
1.1.1 - Abu (patch)
1.1.0 - Abu
What's Changed
- Annotate small indels with CADD scores by @ramprasadn in #325
- convert bam to cram by @ramprasadn in #340
- Add shiftfasta by @ramprasadn in #354
- feat added MT deletion script by @Lucpen in #349
- Adding upd by @hrydbeck in #364
- Add ek by @Lucpen in #365
- add chromograph by @ramprasadn in #366
- Update to template 2.9 by @ramprasadn in #372
- Avoid publishing uncompressed VCF-file from HMTNOTE_ANNOTATE by @asp8200 in #368
- added check for case id by @EmmaCAndersson in #357
- Gatkcnvcaller by @ramprasadn in #362
- Update schema,, and remove unused parameters by @ramprasadn in #373
- update eklipse by @ramprasadn in #374
New Contributors
- @adamrtalbot made their first contribution in #360
- @hrydbeck made their first contribution in #364
- @asp8200 made their first contribution in #368
- @EmmaCAndersson made their first contribution in #357
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0
Merge pull request #322 from nf-core/dev Release 1.0.0