- Options to open viewer with left and right panels collapsed (#482)
- Improved support for flipped viewing (Thanks to Michael Barrett) (#484)
- Dynamic loading of Lookup Tables from the server (Thanks to Tom Boissonnet) (#485)
- Fix Timestamp loading when some Z/C planes are missing (Thanks to Tom Boissonnet) (#486)
- Mobile layout for small screens (#488)
- Image loading error handling (#474)
- Tile loading improvements, spinners and error handling (#470)
- Upgrade several JavaScript dependencies
- Add support for "mirroring" (flipping of image in X and Y axes - Thanks to Michael Barrett) (#439)
- Make app compatible with Django 4.0.x (#451)
- Upgrade Aurelia framework (#422)
- Upgrade many dependencies, including webpack 5 (#450)
- Add support for ROI color-picker palette (Thanks to Michael Barrett) (#415)
- Rename ?server query parameter to ?host (#414)
- Make app compatible with Django 1.11.x and 3.2.x (#399)
- Pin omero-web version to 5.14.0 #403
- Improve support for units #386
- Delay the loading of the timestamp metadata #373
- Restore app compatibility with OMERO.server 5.6.0 #377
- Bug fix: preserve Shape popup state when reloading regions of interest #374
- Symlink AGPL license to the root of the source code repository #363
- Update dependencies (lodash, elliptic) #370 #382
- Resize viewer when thumbnail panel hidden #368
- Validate zoomLevelScaling #359
- Add request limit as a known issue with nginx config #361
- Make projection slider range clearer #348
- Tiling threshold max projection bytes #349
- Bug fix: handle of non-default units for image timestamps #343
- Add link to the how-to guide in Help menu #336 #344
- Fix copyright range in Help menu #339
- Improve console debugging for karma test server #334
- support linking to ROI or Shape #311
- allow higher zoom levels for big Images #325
- link to Image in webclient #328
- this release requires an update to omero-web 5.7.0
This version drops support for Python 2.
This version includes:
- fix multi-viewer sync buttons #275
- disable panning of viewer when popup is shown on a Shape #276
- fix formatting of CSV when exporting Shapes outside the image #277
- show or hide all Shapes within an ROI #278
- fix UI update when saving ROIs in multi-viewer mode #279
This version includes:
- show a grid indicating the number of ROIs on each Z/T plane #245
- show Shape info in a popup on the image #248
- improve accuracy of Ellipse area calculation #263
- support sorting of ROIs in the table #264
- fix opening of Images in a Well when not in your default group #271
This version includes:
- removal of rounded corners from the scalebar #261
- display of ROI names in the Comment column when applicable #268
This version includes:
- export of ROI coordinates along with pixel intensities #257
- modify scalebar to display user-friendly lengths #253
- link to current viewport available via context menu #240
- fix caching of image settings on Save to All #255
- fix thumbnails loading #246
- do not change the centre of the viewport when using 1:1 #247
- fix loading of ROIs when playing movie #249
- fix permissions issue when loading pixels intensity #250
- handle large numbers of ROIs on image #231
- drag and drop thumbnails to open image viewers (not supported on Internet Explorer) #233
- support URL query parameters for x, y and zoom #236
- fix scrolling of thumbnail panel to selected image #234
- fix resizing of rectangles after dragging #229
- fix double-click zooming when in drawing mode #228
- update to use version 5.3.0 of OpenLayers #218
- this removes the need for closure compiler in the build
This version includes:
- cached image settings to allow navigation between images without losing unsaved settings
- improved thumbnail loading
- enabled double-click to zoom on image viewing
- improved tooltips on ROIs
- added documentation for the architecture of the application
This version includes:
- disabled projection for image where sizeX * sizeY > 4000000
- added option to map pixels values using map other than linear
- added option to display pixels intensity when mousing over image
- enabled viewing of multiple images in the same browser window by double-clicking
- added support for opening the image in other installed applications e.g. OMERO.figure
- added option to export ROIs statistics in CSV file or Excel file
- improved ROIs creation, manipulation and persistence
- improved copy/paste of ROIs across images
- added new icon for polyline
- improved handling of statistical values
- handled images with large number of channels
- added menus in header
- improved loading and display of bird's eye view
- improved loading of tiles
- correctly handled data access depending on permissions level
- improved UI
- added minimal support for masks
- updated documentation
- reviewed build system to reduce the bundled size
- improved build system for development
- improved testing infrastructure
- upgraded Webpack to 3.6.0
- upgraded Openlayers to version 4.6.5
- upgraded JQuery to version 3.3.1
This version includes:
- displayed both import date and acquisition date when available
- fixed configuration issue when used as the default viewer in OMERO.web
- reduced the size of the bundled javascript
- renamed the control inverting the color to "invert" instead of "reverse"
- added option to export basic ROIs statistics in a CSV file
- added option to query pixels intensity
- upgraded Openlayers to version 4.3.2
This version includes:
- added option to save the image in the viewport as png
- added option to export basic ROIs measurement (area and length) in a CSV file
- handled opening of datasets and wells
- saved the projected image as a new image in OMERO
- improved support for ROIs transformations
- upgraded Openlayers and Aurelia
- added rois count
This version includes:
- support for omero prefix
- improved manipulation of rendering setting for floating images with very small pixels range
- support for maximum intensity projection along Z
- loading ROIs using the web api
- added ability to draw lines
- improved copy and paste of ROIs and added a new context menu for these actions
- added ability to open multiple selected images
- improved layout of ROIs table
- added support for two new Lookup tables from
Janelia <https://www.janelia.org/>
_ - added option to turn on or off the interpolation
Initial Release
This version includes:
- availability from PyPI
- support for 'Open With' functionality
- support for non-tiled and tiled images
- ability to adjust rendering settings
- support for lookup tables and reverse intensity rendering
- support for histograms
- saved rendering settings
- displayed images in the same dataset as the selected image on left-hand panel
- displayed time information
- draggable scalebar
- support for panning
- smooth zooming
- support for rotation
- ability to draw regions of interest
- shapes can be attached to a given plane, a given z or t or none
- ability to copy/paste rois between images
- saved regions of interests