<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There was 1 Prioritized Active pull request:
838: (4/65) local-storage: STOR-505: Add proposal for exporting local storage device health metrics (rohantmp)
This enhancement proposes that we export health metrics for each local device on each node.
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 2 Other Merged pull requests:
468: (13/68) machine-api: Add dedicated instances proposal (alexander-demichev)
Make it possible for users to create machines which run as dedicated instances. Dedicated instances are instances that usually run on hardware that's dedicated to a single customer.
683: (57/319) insights: Insights Operator pulling and exposing data from the OCM API (tremes)
This enhancement will enable the Insights Operator to pull the Simple Content Access certs for using RHEL subscription content from the OCM (OpenShift Cluster Manager) API. The certificates will be exposed by the Insights Operator in the OpenShift API to allow users to use them when consuming and building container images on the platform.
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 2 Other New pull requests:
870: (2/2) update: Versioning cincinnati api and json schema (PratikMahajan)
As of today, we declare the schema version in Cincinnati Graph URI. We currently, do not embed the version information in json schema. The enhancement will embed the version information in the json schema. This has the benefit of being easy to implement and to pass around if we ship Cincinnati JSON over non-HTTP channels. Enhancement will also implement media type versioning while requesting the graph e.g.
ContentType: application/vnd.redhat.cincinnati.v1+json
. The move to supplying requested version in media type field will require us to move towards a generic un-versioned Graph URI, with the move, we'll still support old URI for foreseeable future. -
871: (1/1) baremetal: MPINSTALL-7: Enable Baremetal on other Platforms to support ZTP (asalkeld)
BMO is only available when deploying an OpenShift cluster with the baremetal platform (via the IPI or AI workflow). Having the ability to manage baremetal nodes from clusters without requiring the cluster to be on baremetal would be beneficial to customers.
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 15 Other Active pull requests:
- 866: (119/120) monitoring: Proposed OLM-based Monitoring Stack Solution for RH Managed Services and future needs. (bwplotka)
- 811: (24/30) network: Enhancement proposal for OVN secondary networks (maiqueb)
- 867: (23/29) node-tuning: Move PAO to OCP enhancement (MarSik)
- 837: (8/47) insights: Conditional Data Gathering for Insights Operator (Sergey1011010)
- 817: (8/177) network: Baremetal IPI Network Configuration for Day-1 (cybertron)
- 862: (6/36) machine-api: Add Machine Deletion Hooks Proposal (JoelSpeed)
- 571: (6/239) network: Cloud API component for egress IP (alexanderConstantinescu)
- 843: (4/102) general: Node Healthcheck Operator (rgolangh)
- 652: (4/8) node: Enable cgroup v2 support (harche)
- 722: (3/11) multi-arch: Add "Build OKD for ppc64le" proposal (mjturek)
- 687: (1/118) storage: Add AWS EFS CSI driver operator (jsafrane)
- 201: (1/97) general: bootimages: Downloading and updating bootimages via release image (cgwalters)
- 844: (2/18) dev-guide: host-port-registry: add 9446 port (andfasano)
- 618: (1/18) dev-guide: Add more details about host port ownership (danwinship)
- 522: (1/42) olm: Update OLM managed operator metrics enhancement (awgreene)
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 5 Other Closed pull requests:
- 626: (2/42) machine-config: enhancements/machine-config: securing MCS (crawford)
- 661: (2/122) operator-framework-api: New OpenshiftCatalogueValidator (camilamacedo86)
- 676: (2/10) kube-apiserver: api compatibility (sanchezl)
- 682: (2/35) alerting: alerting as a feature (dofinn)
- 693: (2/31) general: CONVENTIONS: Add section on limits (smarterclayton)
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 3 Old (labeled as stale, but discussion in last 7 days) pull requests:
- 461: (1/10) ingress: Add aws-elb-idle-timeout enhancement (Miciah)
- 784: (1/45) installer: Allow installer to include/exclude components based on user select install solution (bparees)
- 742: (1/94) cluster-scope-secret-volumes: Update projected resource CSI driver proposal (adambkaplan)
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 4 Other lifecycle/stale pull requests:
- 748: (0/5) cluster-logging: New proposal: Forwarder output parameter templates (alanconway)
- 775: (0/10) network: Drop Node Hostname Resolution (cybertron)
- 774: (0/7) network: Remove OpenShift-SDN requirement for Bare Metal Load Balancer (markdgray)
- 779: (0/2) general: Update High Availability Conventions (ravisantoshgudimetla)
<PR ID>: (activity this week / total activity) summary
There were 50 Idle (no comments for at least 7 days) pull requests:
- 137: (0/303) general: CLI in-cluster management (sallyom)
- 292: (0/203) machine-api: Add Managing Control Plane machines proposal (enxebre)
- 302: (0/31) kube-apiserver: [thought-experiment] single-node cluster static pod creation (deads2k)
- 341: (0/80) maintenance: Machine-maintenance operator proposal (dofinn)
- 343: (0/43) authentication: cluster-wide oauth-proxy settings (deads2k)
- 363: (0/201) cvo: Enhancement for adding upgrade preflight checks for operators (LalatenduMohanty)
- 371: (0/22) ingress: Add forwarded-header-policy enhancement (Miciah)
- 427: (0/54) update: enhancements/update/phased-rollouts: Propose a new enhancement (wking)
- 475: (0/35) general: enhancements/update/update-blocker-lifecycle: Propose a new enhancement (wking)
- 567: (0/110) machine-api: Added proposal for remediation history (slintes)
- 593: (0/136) general: Add proposal for hiding container mountpoints from systemd (lack)
- 613: (0/20) network: NetworkPolicies for System Namespaces (danwinship)
- 654: (0/20) dns: ARO private DNS zone resource removal (jim-minter)
- 660: (0/21) cluster-logging: Flow control API enhancements, first draft. (alanconway)
- 673: (0/55) machine-api: short-circuiting-backoff (mshitrit)
- 706: (0/154) api-review: apply user defined tags to all resources (gregsheremeta)
- 725: (0/27) distributed-tracing: distributed tracing (sallyom)
- 730: (0/10) network: mtu: ability to change running cluster's mtu setting (msherif1234)
- 732: (0/147) network: Add Smart NIC OVN offload enhancement (zshi-redhat)
- 736: (0/110) installer: Add enhancement - IBM Cloud provider for Power Virtual Server platform (jaypoulz)
- 738: (0/103) network: Installing OCP on ARM-Based Smart NICs (danwinship)
- 745: (0/99) security: Security Profiles Operator integration in OpenShift (JAORMX)
- 747: (0/60) network: Enable Kubernetes NMstate by default for selected platforms (yboaron)
- 751: (0/85) builds: Disable Jenkins Pipeline Build Strategy by Default (adambkaplan)
- 753: (0/136) workload-partitioning: add plan for configuration and enablement ownership (dhellmann)
- 771: (0/16) update: add eus MCO enhancement (rphillips)
- 773: (0/40) installer: Enhancement proposal for OpenShift IPI on IBM Cloud (jeffnowicki)
- 781: (0/67) installer: CORS-1650: RHEL 8 Server Worker/Infra Node Support (mtnbikenc)
- 787: (0/8) update: Add no drain upgrade filter (michaelgugino)
- 791: (0/29) baremetal: Support RAID and BIOS configuration for baremetal IPI deployments (hs0210)
- 802: (0/37) workload-partitioning: WIP Workload partitioning API enhancement (MarSik)
- 804: (0/28) workload-partitioning: PAO render initial draft (MarSik)
- 806: (0/1) ingress: Ingress: Add ingress operator and operand logging level API (sgreene570)
- 812: (0/45) node: Add proposal about Node Operator (saschagrunert)
- 821: (0/88) update: enhancements/update/targeted-update-edge-blocking: Propose a new enhancement (wking)
- 831: (0/97) single-node: aos-sno-pair enhancement (mshitrit)
- 834: (0/82) machine-api: Propose new controller for pausing MHC during cluster upgrades (slintes)
- 836: (0/16) etcd: ETCD-58: Add enhancement for automated defragmentation (hexfusion)
- 841: (0/32) builds: Remove Jenkins from the OCP Payload (adambkaplan)
- 850: (0/13) network: Enable flows collection (mariomac)
- 855: (0/59) ingress: ingress: Add bind-options enhancement (m-yosefpor)
- 863: (0/2) api-review: [OCPNODE-677] Add conversin webhook for ICSP (QiWang19)
- 864: (0/3) api-review: [OCPNODE-555] Add SignedRegistries to Image CR (QiWang19)
- 538: (0/17) machine-api: update machine-api-usage-telemetry (elmiko)
- 666: (0/27) kube-apiserver: adding new userequest audit policy (EmilyM1)
- 797: (0/19) ingress: custom routes: set up an explicit trust to the oauth-server (stlaz)
- 805: (0/3) general: CONVENTIONS.md: add runlevel documentation (mcoops)
- 810: (0/2) general: tools: update make dependency to build lint image (dhellmann)
- 849: (0/5) ingress: NE-310 Enhancement proposal for HSTS route admission plugin (candita)
- 861: (0/1) dev-guide: Add CSI driver metrics ports (jsafrane)