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Entered normal space event

Tkael edited this page Jun 20, 2021 · 11 revisions

Triggered when your ship enters normal space.

When using this event in the Speech responder the information about this event is available under the event object. The available variables are as follows:

  • {event.bodyname} - The nearest body to the commander when entering normal space

  • {event.bodytype} - The localized type of the nearest body to the commander when entering normal space

  • {event.bodytype_invariant} - The invariant type of the nearest body to the commander when entering normal space

  • {event.multicrew} - True if the ship is belongs to another player

  • {event.systemname} - The system at which the commander has entered normal space

  • {} - True if the ship is an transport (e.g. taxi or dropship)

To respond to this event in VoiceAttack, create a command entitled ((EDDI entered normal space)). VoiceAttack variables will be generated to allow you to access the event information.

The following VoiceAttack variables are available for this event:

  • {TXT:EDDI entered normal space bodyname} - The nearest body to the commander when entering normal space

  • {TXT:EDDI entered normal space bodytype} - The localized type of the nearest body to the commander when entering normal space

  • {TXT:EDDI entered normal space bodytype invariant} - The invariant type of the nearest body to the commander when entering normal space

  • {BOOL:EDDI entered normal space multicrew} - True if the ship is belongs to another player

  • {TXT:EDDI entered normal space systemname} - The system at which the commander has entered normal space

  • {BOOL:EDDI entered normal space taxi} - True if the ship is an transport (e.g. taxi or dropship)

For more details on VoiceAttack integration, see

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