- autoupdate: Allow checksum file that contains whitespaces (#4619)
- depends: Prevent error on no URL (#4595)
- decompress: Fix nested Zstd archive extraction (#4608)
- shim: Fix PS1 shim error when in different drive in PS7 (#4614)
- test: Format scripts by VSCode's PowerShell extension (#4609)
- test-bin: Only write output file in CI and fix trailing whitespaces (#4613)
- manifest: Fix manifests validation (#4620)
- changelog: Add 'CHANGLOG.md' (#4600)
- core: Redirect 'StandardError' in
(#4570)- decompress: Fix 'Expand-7zipArchive()' for nested archive (#4582)
- install: Add portableapps.com to strip_filename skips (#3244)
- install: Show manifest on installation (#4155)
- template: Add issue/PR templates (#4572)
- scoop-cat: Add
scoop cat
command (#4532) - scoop-config: Document all configuration options (#4579)
- bucket: Remove JetBrains bucket (dec25980)
- bucket: Remove nightlies bucket (48b035d7)
- core: Escape '.' in 'parse_app()'. (#4578)
- core: Use '-Encoding ASCII' in 'Out-File' (#4571)
- depends: Specify function scope (4d5fee36)
- install: Use
(#4535) - install: 'env_add_path' doesn't append '.' (#4550)
- repo: Update repo links (cbe29edd)
- scoop-update: Update apps with '--all' (ac71fccb)
- scoop-update: Fix scoop update -a requiring arguments (#4531)
- shim: Rework shimming logic (#4543)
- auto-pr: Remove hardcoded 'master' branch (#4567)
- checkver: Improve JSONPath extraction support (#4522)
- checkver: Use GitHub token from environment (#4557)
- schema: Enable autoupdate for 'license' (#4528)
- schema: Add 'license' definition (#4596)
- bucket: Move extras bucket to @ScoopInstaller (3e9a4d4e)
- decompress: Support Zstandard archive (#4372)
- install: Handle arch-specific env_add_path (#4013)
- install: s/lukesamson/ScoopInstaller in install.ps1 (5226f26f)
- message: Add config to disable aria2 warning message (#4422)
- shim: Add another alternative shim written in rust (#4229)
- scoop-prefix: Remove unused imports and functions (#4494)
- scoop-install: Auto uninstall previous failed installation (#3281)
- scoop-update: Add flags
as an alternative to '*' to update all (#3871)
- core: Change url() scope to avoid conflict with global aliases (#4342)
- core: Use
instead ofurl
- core: Use
- install: Fix
's resume download feature (#3292) - shim: Fixed trailing whitespace issue (#4307)
- scoop-reset: Skip when app instance is running (#4359)
- versions: Refactor 'versions.ps1' (#3721)
- autoupdate: Add multiple URL/hash/extract_dir... support (#3518)
- autoupdate: Update array of arrays correctly (#4502)
- schema: Fix Schema to support
in version (#4504) - supporting: Update Json to 12.0.3, Json.Schema to 3.0.14 (#3352)
- readme: Capitalize to prevent redirect (#4483)
- readme: s/lukesampson/ScoopInstaller in readme (4f5acd72)
- readme: Update extras bucket url in readme (f1a46e10)
- readme: Update Java bucket text (#4514)
- readme: Update notes about the NirSoft bucket (#4524)
- aria2: Inline progress (#3987)
- autoupdate: Add $urlNoExt and $basenameNoExt substitutions (#3742)
- config: Add configuration option for default architecture (#3778)
- install: Follow HTTP redirections when downloading a file (#3902)
- install: Let pathes in 'env_add_path' be added ascendantly (#3788)
- install:
error (#3976)
- install:
- list: Display main bucket name (#3759)
- shim: Add alt-shim support (#3998)
- scoop-checkup: Add check_envs_requirements (#3860)
- bucket: Update scoop-nonportable URL (#3776)
- download: Fosshub download (#4051)
- download: Progress bar on small files (96de9c14)
- hold: Replace "locked" terminology with "held" for consistency (#3917)
- git: Don't execute autostart programs when executing git commands (#3993)
- git: Enforce pull without rebase (#3765)
- install: Aria2 inline progress negative values (#4053)
- install: Fix wrong output of 'install/failed' (#3784)
- install: Fix 'failed' function (#3867)
- install: Re-add "Don't send referer to portableapps.com" (#3961)
- scoop: Remove temporary code from the scoop executable (#3898)
- update: Update outdated PowerShell 5 warning (#3986)
- scoop-info: Check bucket of installed app (#3740)
- checkver: Present script property (#3900)
- init: Force pester v4 (#4040)
- update: Support $persist_dir in uninstaller.script (#3692)
- core: Use [Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem instead of [intptr]::size (#3690)
- git: Remove unnecessary git_proxy_cmd() calls for local commands (8ee45a57)
- install: Check execution policy (#3619)
- update: Fix scoop update changelog output (e997017f)
- core: Tweak Invoke-ExternalCommand parameters (#3547)
- install: Use 7zip when available for faster zip file extraction (#3460)
- install: Add arch support to
(#3503) - install: Allow $version to be used in uninstaller scripts (#3592)
- install: Allow installing specific version if latest is installed (11c42d78)
- update: Allow updating apps from local manifest or URL (#3685)
- autoupdate: Decode basename when extract hash (#3615)
- autoupdate: Remove any whitespace from hash (#3579)
- bucket: Only lookup directories in buckets folder (#3631)
- comspec: Escape variables when calling COMSPEC commands (#3538)
- decompress: Fix bugs on extract_dir (#3540)
- editorconfig: Add missing } to bat/cmd regex (#3529)
- help: Rename help() to scoop_help() (#3564)
- install: Use Join-Path instead of string gluing. (#3566)
- scoop-info: Fix output for single binaries with alias (#3651)
- scoop-info: Remove a whitespace (#3652)
- auto-pr: Fix git status detection (7decfd4c)
- auto-pr: Hard reset bucket after running (79f8538b)
- checkurls: Trim renaming suffix in url (#3677)
- appveyor: use VS2019 image to fix PS6 issues (#3646)
- tests: Do not force maintainers to have SCOOP_HELPERS (#3604)
- readme: Improve installation instructions (#3600)
- decompress: Add 'ExtractDir' to 'Expand-...' functions (#3466)
- decompress: Allow 'Expand-InnoArchive -ExtractDir' to accept '{xxx}' (#3487)
- config: Show correct output when removing a config value (#3462)
- decompress: Change dark.exe parameter order (6141e46d)
- proxy: Rename parameters for Net.NetworkCredential (#3483)
- core:
-> 'Invoke-ExternalCommand()' (#3432)
- checkhashes: Checkhashes downloading twice when architecture properties does hot have url property (#3479)
- checkhashes: Do not call scoop directly (#3527)
- readme: Add known buckets to end of readme (2849e0f9)
- readme: Adjust URL of
(#3484) - readme: Fix a small typo (#3512)
- readme: Fix typo in readme (03bb07c8)
- readme: Update readme with correct count of nirsoft apps (e8d0be66)
- manifest: XPath support in checkver and autoupdate (#3458)
- update: Support changing scoop tracking repository (#3459)
- autoupdate: Handle xml namespace in xpath mode (#3465)
- autoupdate: Add 'regex' alias for 'find' (3453487e)
- autoupdate: Allow simple metalink and meta4 hash extraction (ecf627c3)
- autoupdate: Add version variables to autoupdate.hash.regex (#2966)
- autoupdate: Autoupdate improvements (#1371)
- autoupdate: Convert base64 encoded hash values (04c9ddeb)
- autoupdate: Improve base64 hash detection (310096e2)
- core: Add basic WSL support by appending .exe to powershell (#2323)
- core: Add Expand-DarkArchive and some other dependency features (#3450)
- core: Enable TLS 1.2 in core.ps1 (#2074)
- core: Prepare extraction of main bucket (#3060)
- core: Support loading basedirs from config (#3121)
- core: Update requirement to version 5 or greater (#3330)
- core: Use consistent User-Agent Header on all webrequests (12962acf)
- core: Warn on shim overwrite (#2033)
- debug: Add option to indent debug output (bf54a978)
- decompress: Allow other args to be passthrough (#3411)
- download: Add support for multi-connection downloads via aria2c (#2312)
- download: Convert sourceforge urls to use downloads mirror (#3340)
- install: Add .NET 4.5 check to scoop install script (e52c24c9)
- install: Set file write permission to global persist dir (#2524)
- json: Normalize multi-line strings to string arrays on format (#2444)
- persist: Support persisting files without a file extension (#2408)
- shim: Add '.com'-type shim (#3366)
- shim: Enabled applications which require elevated privileges (#2053)
- shim: Enabled shimming of external applications (#2072)
- shim: Enabled wide characters forwarding in shims (#2106)
- shim: Make shim support PowerShell 2.0 (#2562)
- shim: Create sh shim (#1951)
- shortcuts: Add subdirectories/arguments for shortcuts (#1945)
- shortcuts: Allow $dir, $original_dir and $persist_dir substitutions for shortcuts (f3ddf0c0)
- shortcuts: Get start menu folder location from environment rather than predefined user profile path (c245a7fe)
- uninstall: Print purge step to console (#3123)
- uninstall: Add support for soft/purge uninstalling of scoop itself (#2781)
- update: Add hold/unhold command (#3444)
- scoop-checkup: Add NTFS check to checkup command (#1944)
- scoop-checkup: Check for LongPaths setting (#3387)
- scoop-info: Add scoop-info command (#2165)
- scoop-info: Support url manifest (#2538)
- scoop-prefix: Add scoop prefix command (#2117)
- scoop-update: Add notification for new main bucket (#3392)
- scoop-update: Show changelog after updating scoop and buckets (56c35f8f)
- scoop-which: Also show other applications in PATH with 'scoop which' (79bf99c3)
- autoupdate: Fix base64 hash extraction (98afb999)
- autoupdate: Fix base64 hash extraction length (#2852)
- autoupdate: Fix metalink hash extraction (2ad54747)
- autoupdate: Fix single line hash extraction (#3015)
- autoupdate: Improve auto-update hash extraction regex (21bf0dea)
- autoupdate: Linter fix (c9539b65)
- autoupdate: Use normal variable instead of magic $matches variable name (d74e0a85)
- bucket: Change wording of new_issue_msg() (e82587df)
- bucket: Fix new_issue_msg (#3375)
- bucket: Use $_.Name on gci result (1eb2609d)
- config: Enable writing to hidden .scoop file (#1982)
- config: Save and load true/false values as booleans in scoops config (16aec1a4)
- core: Allowed underscores in package names (#2930)
- core: Clean up some error messages (#2032)
- core: Change sf regex not to break some manifests (#2476)
- core: Check if 7zip installed via Scoop instead of using 7z.exe from PATH (55ce0c0b)
- core: Filter null or empty string from Scoops directory settings (5d5c7fa9)
- core: Fix "enable-encryptionscheme" for OSes before Windows 10 (#2084)
- core: Fix bug with Start-Process -Wait, exclusive to PowerShell Core on Windows 7 (#3415)
- core: Fix for relative paths (ff9c0c3d)
- core: Fix robocopy not releasing a directory after moving it (e2792f2e)
- core: Fix substitute() for arrays (#2048)
- core: Format hashes to lowercase (5d56f8ff)
- core: Invoke powershell with -noprofile flag from bash shims (#3165)
- core: Removed the bucket from the app name when checking directories (#2435)
- core: Return true for checking if a directory is 'in' itself (ac8a1567)
- core: Store last update time as String (e8af15cc)
- decompress: Add .bz2 files to decompression (#2085)
- decompress: Added retry when unzip fail because of AV (#1822)
- decompress: Catch unzip failures from bad file names (#2472)
- decompress: Compatible Expand-ZipArchive() with Pscx (#3425)
- decompress: Correct deprecation function name (#3406)
- decompress: Fix dark parameter order (87a1e784)
- depends: Don't force adding dark dependency (#3453)
- depends: Don't include the requested app in the list of dependencies (1bc6a479)
- depends: Fix empty bucket name (#2827)
- depends: Fix null reference error when no buckets are configured (88040972)
- depends: Show message about missing bucket when installing dependencies (7a6218c5)
- download: Don't send referer to portableapps.com (0c2b3da3)
- download: Fix fosshub downloads with aria2c (803525a8)
- download: Interrupt download causes partial cache file to be used for next install (5be02865)
- download: Overwrite any existing files when extracting (58cca68f)
- download: Show warning about SourceForge.net hash validation fails (8504338b)
- getopt: Don't try to parse int arguments (23fe5a53)
- getopt: Don't try to parse array arguments (9b6e7b5e)
- getopt: Return remaining args, use getopt for scoop install (b7cfd6fd)
- getopt: Skip if arg is $null (f2d9f0d7)
- getopt: Skip arg if it's decimal (5f0c8cfb)
- git: Disable git pager when running git log (cac99759)
- git: Fix update log output (0daa25c6)
- json: Catch JsonReaderException (fb58e92c)
- install: Add filename to warning for files without hash in the manifest (4c9beee8)
- install: Add multi-line support to pre/post_install (#1980)
- install: Added exclusion for sourceforge. [#METR-21516] (#2109)
- install: Ignore url fragment for PowerShell Core 6.1.0 (#2602)
- install: Fix fail when installing from non-default bucket (#2247)
- install: Fix PowerShell core crash (#2554)
- install: Option to skip hash validation and error message improvements (#2260)
- install: Remove env_ensure_home (#1967)
- install: Show first 8 bytes of file in the hash check error message (e4cbb42e)
- persist: Fix condition for persist_permission() (eb7b7cbf) (1a2598bc)
- persist: Fixed persisting bug when force update app with same version (#2774)
- persist: Fix the target didn't be created (#3008)
- persist: Prevent directory creation from being output (#1999)
- scoop: Force to add new main bucket (#3419)
- shim: Fix .ps1 shim parsing logic (#2564)
- shim: Fixed ps1/jar->ps1 shims args handling (#2120)
- shortcuts: Improve Shortcut creation (83b82386)
- uninstall: Better error handling during uninstallation (#2079)
- uninstall: Uninstall fails to remove architecture-specific shims (8b1871b2)
- update: Rewording PowerShell update notice (d006fb93)
- versions: Improvements for the reset command to deal with empty current alias dir correctly (#2896)
- scoop-alias: Improve "scoop alias list" output (#2163)
- scoop-cache: Display help on incorrect cache command (#3431)
- scoop-cache: scoop cache command not using $SCOOP_CACHE (#1990)
- scoop-info: Improve scoop-info license attributes output (#2397)
- scoop-install: Prevent installing programs from JSON multiple times (936cf9cb)
- scoop-reset: Persist data on reset (#2773)
- scoop-reset: Re-create shortcuts (6e5b7e57)
- scoop-search: Better handling for invalid query (bf024705)
- scoop-uninstall: Checked if uninstaller removed its directory (#2078)
- scoop-update: Add config option "show_update_log" (d68cb3ce)
- scoop-update: First scoop update fails because scoop deletes itself too early (376630fd)
- scoop-update: Fix branch switching (#3372)
- scoop-update: Fix update with cookies (#3261)
- scoop-update: Improve is_scoop_outdated() and add last_scoop_update() (f3f559c4)
- scoop-update: Resolve linting, fix appveyor tests error (#2148)
- bucket: Move function into lib from lib-exec (#3062)
- bucket: Optimize buckets function (#3341)
- config: Move configuration handling to core.ps1 (#3242)
- core: aria2_path() -> file_path() (0f464016)
- core: cmd_available() -> Test-CommandAvailable() (#3314)
- core: ensure_all_installed() -> Confirm-InstallationStatus() (#3293)
- core: Move default_aliases into the scoped function (#3233)
- core: Refactor function names and fix installing 7zip locally if already globally available (#3416)
- core: Simplified last_scoop_update() (#2931)
- core: Tweak SecurityProtocol usage (#3065)
- decompress: Refactored (w/ install.ps1, core.ps1) (#3169)
- decompress: Refactor extraction handling functions (#3204)
- download: Download functionality refactor (#1329)
- install: Rename locate() to Find-Manifest() (9eed3d89)
- auto-pr: Add -App parameter (#3157)
- auto-pr: Add SkipUpdated parameter (#3168)
- checkhashes: Add bin\checkhashes.ps1 (#2766)
- checkurls: Add SkipValid Parameter (#2845)
- checkurls: Import config.ps1 in checkurls.ps1 (126e9c97)
- checkver: Add 'useragent' property (8feb3867)
- checkver: Add 'jsonpath' alias for 'jp' (76fdb6b7)
- checkver: Add 're' alias 'regex' (468649c8)
- checkver: Allow using the current version in checkver URL (607ac9ca)
- checkver: Fix example parameters (#3413)
- checkver: GitHub checkver case-insensitive version check (2e2633e9)
- checkver: Remove old commented code (72754036)
- checkver: Resolve issue on Powershell >6.1.0 (#2592)
- checkver: Support skipping up to date manifests (#2624)
- schema: Add shortcutsArray definition to schema.json (0c7e6002)
- schema: extract_to property is on active duty (not deprecated) (59e994c5)
- schema: Improve comments in schema.json (b5ed0761)
- supporting: Update validator.exe and shim.exe (#2024)
- json: Adapt to path change of Newtonsoft.Json.dll (#2034)
- supporting: Update Newtonsoft.Json to 11.0.2, Newtonsoft.Json.Schema to 3.0.10 (#3043)
- validator: Improve error reporting, add support for multiple files (#3134)
- appveyor: Rebuild cache (7311b41b)
- appveyor: Run tests for PowerShell 5 and 6 (#2603)
- test: Improve installation of lessmsi and innounp (#3409)
- lint: PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases (#2075)
- bucket: Add importable tests for Buckets (478f52c4)
- bucket: Fix manifest tests for buckets (589303fa)
- bucket: Handle JSON.NET schema validation limit exceeded. (139813a8)
- file: Move style constraints tests to separate test file (7b7113fc)
- linux: Fix some tests on linux (#2153)
- manifest: Expose bucketdir variable in manifest test script (#2182)
- test: Add -TestPath param to test.ps1 (f857dce9)
- test: Force install PSScriptAnalyzer and BuildHelpers (7a1b5a18)
- test: Require BuildHelpers version 2.0.0 (ac3ee766)
- test: Update BuildHelpers to version 2.0.1 (dde4d0f9)
- core: Use Pester 4.0 syntax in core tests (#2712)
- install: Use Pester 4.0 syntax to the install tests (#2713)
- test: Use Pester 4.0 syntax to multiple files (#2714)
- readme: Add discord chat badge (#3241)
- readme: Add more details about scoops installation (#2273)
- readme: Corrected enable powershell executionpolicy (#2020)
- readme: Update Discord invite link (5f269249)
- readme: Update requirements note (#2509)
- readme: Fix typo (you -> your), (it's -> its) (#2698)
- readme: Remove trailing whitespaces (d25186bf)
- readme: Remove "tail" from example (is coreutils) (#2158)