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Simon Jackson edited this page Jun 7, 2017
1 revision
Here is a port of my path finding algorithm from C++ to C# and XNA
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage;
namespace Ziggyware
class PathFinding
//takes three points on a triangle where point 2 is the center point
//and creates a new point in the direction the 'arrow' of points makes
public static Vector3 GetTriPoint(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3)
//vector from p2 to p1
Vector3 p2p1, p3p1;
Vector3 temp;
Vector3.Subtract(ref p1, ref p2, out p2p1);
Vector3.Normalize(ref p2p1, out temp);
p2p1 = temp;
//vector from p3 to p1
Vector3.Subtract(ref p1, ref p3, out p3p1);
Vector3.Normalize(ref p3p1, out temp);
p3p1 = temp;
//add the vectors together to produce new vector
Vector3.Add(ref p2p1, ref p3p1, out temp);
//normalize the vector to reduce the length to 1 unit
Vector3.Normalize(ref temp, out temp);
// scale the vector... no good if its < 1. : )
Vector3.Multiply(ref temp, 5.0f, out temp);
//add the new vector to p1 (offset it)
Vector3.Add(ref temp, ref p1, out temp);
return temp;
//Taken from comp.graphics.algorithms FAQ
public static bool IntersectionOfTwoLines(
Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c,
Vector3 d, out Vector3 result)
result = Vector3.Zero;
float r, s;
float denominator = (b.X - a.X) * (d.Y - c.Y) - (b.Y - a.Y) * (d.X - c.X);
// If the denominator in above is zero, AB & CD are colinear
if (denominator == 0)
return false;
float numeratorR = (a.Y - c.Y) * (d.X - c.X) - (a.X - c.X) * (d.Y - c.Y);
// If the numerator above is also zero, AB & CD are collinear.
// If they are collinear, then the segments may be projected to the x-
// or y-axis, and overlap of the projected intervals checked.
r = numeratorR / denominator;
float numeratorS = (a.Y - c.Y) * (b.X - a.X) - (a.X - c.X) * (b.Y - a.Y);
s = numeratorS / denominator;
// If 0 < = r < = 1 & 0 < = s < = 1, intersection exists
// r < 0 or r > 1 or s < 0 or s >1 line segments do not intersect
if (r < 0 || r > 1 || s < 0 || s > 1)
return false;
// Note:
// If the intersection point of the 2 lines are needed (lines in this
// context mean infinite lines) regardless whether the two line
// segments intersect, then
// If r > 1, P is located on extension of AB
// If r < 0, P is located on extension of BA
// If s > 1, P is located on extension of CD
// If s < 0, P is located on extension of DC
// Find intersection point
result.X = a.X + (r * (b.X - a.X));
result.Y = a.Y + (r * (b.Y - a.Y));
return true;
public class Obstacle
public List<Vector3> Points = new List<Vector3>();
class BeenTo
public int BeenToObject;
public List<int> BeenToVertex = new List<int>();
public class PathFinder
public List<Obstacle> ObstacleList = new List<Obstacle>();
public Vector3 Direction;
public Vector3 Location;
public float Speed;
public bool FoundPath;
public int NextPointIndex;
public Vector3 NextPoint;
List<BeenTo> BeenToList = new List<BeenTo>();
public List<Vector3> Path = new List<Vector3>();
public bool UseOptimizedPath;
public int ClosestObjectIndex;
public int ClosestVertexIndex;
public float Dist;
public Vector3 StartPoint = Vector3.Zero;
public Vector3 EndPoint = Vector3.One;
public PathFinder()
UseOptimizedPath = true;
ClosestObjectIndex = 0;
ClosestVertexIndex = 0;
Dist = 0.0f;
FoundPath = false;
NextPointIndex = 0;
Speed = 1.0f;
public bool HaveBeenToObjPoint(int objIndex, int vertexIndex)
bool SkipVertex = false;
//make shure we havent already tried this point
for (int i = 0; i < BeenToList.Count; i++)
BeenTo bt = BeenToList[i];
if (bt.BeenToObject == objIndex)
for (int x = 0; x < bt.BeenToVertex.Count; x++)
if (bt.BeenToVertex[x] == vertexIndex)
SkipVertex = true;
return SkipVertex;
public bool GetClosestVisiblePointToGoal(Vector3 fromPoint)
float fClosest = float.MinValue;
bool didfind = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ObstacleList.Count; i++)
if (ObstacleList[i].Points.Count > 2)
for (int j = 0; j < ObstacleList[i].Points.Count; j++)
if (HaveBeenToObjPoint(i, j) == true)
Obstacle o = ObstacleList[i];
// get prev point
Vector3 temp =
o.Points[j == 0 ? o.Points.Count - 1 : j - 1];
//get next point
Vector3 temp2 =
o.Points[j == o.Points.Count - 1 ? 0 : j + 1];
Vector3 v = GetTriPoint(o.Points[j], temp, temp2);
if (CheckObstacles(fromPoint, v) == false)
Dist = Vector3.Distance(o.Points[j], EndPoint);
if (Dist < fClosest)
NextPointIndex = 1;
ClosestObjectIndex = i;
ClosestVertexIndex = j;
fClosest = Dist;
didfind = true;
if (CheckObstacles(v, EndPoint) == false)
NextPoint =
return false;
if (didfind)
NextPoint =
BeenTo bt = new BeenTo();
bt.BeenToObject = ClosestObjectIndex;
return didfind;
public void ClearPath()
FoundPath = false;
public void DrawPath()
//not yet implemented, here is how i did it in GDI
//POINT lastPoint;
//for(int i=0;i<Path.Count-1;i++)
// SelectObject(hdc,GetRedPen());
// MoveToEx(hdc,Path[i].x,Path[i].y,&lastPoint);
// LineTo(hdc,Path[i+1].x,Path[i+1].y);
public void GetPath()
if (FoundPath == false)
if (CheckObstacles(Location, EndPoint) == false)
FoundPath = true;
NextPointIndex = Path.Count - 1;
NextPoint = Location;
while (true)
while (GetClosestVisiblePointToGoal(NextPoint))
Obstacle closest = ObstacleList[ClosestObjectIndex];
// get prev point
Vector3 temp =
closest.Points[ClosestObjectIndex == 0 ?
closest.Points.Count - 1 :
ClosestVertexIndex - 1];
//get next point
Vector3 temp2 =
closest.Points[ClosestObjectIndex ==
closest.Points.Count - 1 ?
0 :
ClosestVertexIndex + 1];
Vector3 v = GetTriPoint(NextPoint, temp, temp2);
NextPoint = Path[Path.Count - 1];
if (Path.Count > 1)
if (ObstacleList.Count > 0)
if (ObstacleList[0].Points.Count > 2)
Obstacle clostestObstacle =
// get prev point
Vector3 temp =
losestVertexIndex == 0 ?
clostestObstacle.Points.Count - 1 :
ClosestVertexIndex - 1];
//get next point
Vector3 temp2 =
ClosestVertexIndex ==
clostestObstacle.Points.Count - 1 ?
0 :
ClosestVertexIndex + 1];
Vector3 v = GetTriPoint(NextPoint, temp, temp2);
NextPoint = Path[Path.Count - 1];
if (CheckObstacles(Path[Path.Count - 1], EndPoint) == false)
Path.RemoveAt(Path.Count - 1);
Path.RemoveAt(Path.Count - 1);
Path.RemoveAt(Path.Count - 1);
NextPoint = Path[Path.Count - 1];
if (ObstacleList.Count > 0)
if (ObstacleList[0].Points.Count > 2)
Obstacle obstacle = ObstacleList[ClosestObjectIndex];
// get prev point
Vector3 temp = obstacle.Points[
ClosestVertexIndex == 0 ?
obstacle.Points.Count - 1 :
ClosestVertexIndex - 1];
//get next point
Vector3 temp2 = obstacle.Points[
ClosestVertexIndex == obstacle.Points.Count - 1 ?
0 :
ClosestVertexIndex + 1];
Vector3 v = GetTriPoint(NextPoint, temp, temp2);
NextPoint = Path[Path.Count - 1];
FoundPath = true;
public void DoCleanPath()
if (UseOptimizedPath)
while (!CleanPath()) { }
public bool CleanPath()
int foundAt = -1;
float foundAtDist = float.MinValue;
//make shure Path is the best possible
for (int i = 0; i < Path.Count - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < Path.Count; j++)
if (CheckObstacles(Path[i], Path[j]) == false)
if (j > i + 1)
float temp = Vector3.Distance(Path[j], EndPoint);
if (temp < foundAtDist)
foundAt = j;
foundAtDist = temp;
if (foundAt != -1)
for (int k = foundAt - 1; k > i; k--)
return false;
return true;
public void UpdatePosition(bool RunPath)
if (RunPath)
if (FoundPath == true)
if (Location != Path[NextPointIndex])
Direction = Path[NextPointIndex] - StartPoint;
if (Vector3.Distance(Location,
Path[NextPointIndex]) <= Speed)
Location = Path[NextPointIndex];
Location += Direction * Speed;
Location = Path[NextPointIndex];
if (NextPointIndex == Path.Count)
RunPath = false;
StartPoint = Location;
public void SetStartPoint()
Location = StartPoint;
Direction = EndPoint - StartPoint;
public bool CheckObstacles(Vector3 point, Vector3 dest)
for (int j = 0; j < ObstacleList.Count; j++)
Obstacle ob = ObstacleList[j];
for (int i = 0; i < ob.Points.Count; i++)
Vector3 a = ob.Points[i];
Vector3 b = ob.Points[i == ob.Points.Count - 1 ? 0 : i + 1];
Vector3 result;
if (IntersectionOfTwoLines(a, b, point, dest, out result))
return true;
return false;
public class PathFinderManager
public List<PathFinder> PathFinders = new List<PathFinder>();