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Bloom Postprocess

Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 6 revisions

Bloom Postprocess

Area Submitted Type
Games: Graphics, Games: Postprocessing, Games: Shaders 4/26/2007 Code Sample


This sample shows how to use bloom post-processing filters to add a glow effect over the top of an existing scene.

Sample Overview

Bloom post-processing emulates the visual effect of bright lights and glowing objects. It does this by extracting the brightest parts of an image to a custom render target, blurring these bright areas, and then adding the blurred result back into the original image.

Because bloom is implemented entirely as a post-process, it can easily be used over the top of any other 2D or 3D rendering techniques. In addition to the more extreme glowing effects, when used subtly it provides a useful softening that can make computer graphics look more organic and help to hide artifacts from elsewhere in your rendering. Particle systems, for example, often look better with a subtle bloom applied over the top.

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Download Size Description
BloomSample_4_0 11.48MB Source code and assets for the Bloom Postprocessing Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0) 11.48MB Source code and assets for the Bloom Postprocessing Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0)
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