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Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 7 revisions


Area Submitted Type
Games: 2D Graphics, Games: Gameplay, Games: Graphics, Input, Touch & Gestures 10/4/2010 Code Sample


Platformer is a self-contained game solution for Windows, Xbox 360, and Windows Phone 7 that includes both game code and game assets. The game is a standard 2D platformer with levels, enemies, and collectable gems.

Note, this sample has been upgraded for MonoGame 3.8 for all its supported platforms and can be found here:

MonoGame Platformer 2D sample

Sample Overview

This game, while functional, leaves room for expansion. Several non-essential features and systems aren't finished. This makes it easier and quicker to understand the structure of the game, and how the pieces fit together to provide a rich gaming experience.

Platformer includes the following features:

Cross-platform support for Windows, Xbox 360, and Windows Phone 7.
Control of the player character by using the keyboard or gamepad, or the accelerometer and touch on Windows Phone 7.
Simple physics modeling (falling and jumping) and dynamic collision checking.
Production-level sprite sheets, sound effects, and other game assets.
High- and low-resolution assets, and an additional content project containing audio assets.

All content and source code downloaded from this page are bound to the Microsoft Permissive License (Ms-PL).

Download Size Description
Platformer_4_0 6.68MB Source code and assets for Platformer Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0). 6.68MB Source code and assets for Platformer Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0).
MonoGame Platformer 2D sample 6.68MB Source code and assets for Platformer Sample upgraded for MonoGame 3.8.
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