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Color Replacement

Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 6 revisions

Color Replacement

Area Submitted Type
Games: Content Pipeline, Games: Graphics, Games: Shaders 5/24/2007 Code Sample


This sample demonstrates how to render parts of an object with a user-defined color.

Sample Overview

When it's the Red Team versus the Blue Team, or when you want to drive a car painted with your favorite color, you either need to create a texture for each color or perform color replacement programmatically. This sample implements color replacement by using an artist-defined alpha map that acts like a spray paint stencil. The stencil enables you to have soldiers with any color armor you choose, without tinting their faces the same color.

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Download Size Description
ColorReplacementSample_4_0 1.86MB Source code and assets for the Color Replacement Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0) 1.86MB Source code and assets for the Color Replacement Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0)
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