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Saltgurka edited this page Jul 22, 2017 · 4 revisions

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To link creatures by GUID, please refer to Creature_linking

The `Creature_linking_template` table


Name Type Null Key Default Extra
entry int(10) unsigned NO PRI 0
map mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI 0
master_entry int(10) unsigned NO 0
flag mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
search_range mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


creature_template.entry of the slave mob that is linked


Id of map of the mobs


master to trigger events


flag – describing what should happen when

Flag Name Comment
1 FLAG_AGGRO_ON_AGGRO the "slave" aggroes when the "master" aggroes
2 FLAG_TO_AGGRO_ON_AGGRO the master aggroes when the slave aggroes
4 FLAG_RESPAWN_ON_EVADE the slave respawns when the master evades
8 FLAG_TO_RESPAWN_ON_EVADE the master respawns when the slave evades
16 FLAG_DESPAWN_ON_DEATH the slave despawns when the master dies
32 FLAG_SELFKILL_ON_DEATH the slave goes suicide when the master dies
64 FLAG_RESPAWN_ON_DEATH the slave respawn when the master dies
128 FLAG_RESPAWN_ON_RESPAWN the slave respawns on master respawn
256 FLAG_DESPAWN_ON_RESPAWN the slave despawns on master respawn (TODO: check for slave != master)
512 FLAG_FOLLOW the slave follows the master, very basic, see TODO notes in commit, or post below
1024 FLAG_CANT_SPAWN_IF_BOSS_DEAD the slave cannot respawn while boss is dead
2048 FLAG_CANT_SPAWN_IF_BOSS_ALIVE the slave cannot respawn while boss is alive
4096 FLAG_DESPAWN_ON_EVADE the slave despawn after the master evade
8192 FLAG_DESPAWN_ON_DESPAWN the slave despawn after the master despawns


IF given != 0 only mobs with spawn-dist <= search_range around the master_entry will be linked to the master. Use this to model group behaviour.

IF = 0 all mobs on the map are linked to the master.

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