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killerwife edited this page May 14, 2023 · 2 revisions

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The gameobject_addon tables

holds individual gameobject data, which does not use default fallback values. This data along with the gameobject_template.entry data is read and used to instantiate the objects in the world.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(10) NO PRIMARY KEY NULL gameobject guid
animprogress tinyint(3) NO 100 (classic/tbc) / 255 (wotlk) Setting nondefault animprogress
state tinyint(4) NO -1 (default fallback value) Setting nondefault state
path_rotation0 float NO 0 wotlk+
path_rotation1 float NO 0 wotlk+
path_rotation2 float NO 0 wotlk+
path_rotation3 float NO 0 wotlk+
StringId int(10) NO 0 StringId


The global unique identifier for the gameobject.guid. This field must be unique among all gameobjects.


Default: 100 (classic/tbc) / 255 (wotlk)


Only for chests. 1 = closed, 0 = open

GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DOOR, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_BUTTON & GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_AURA_GENERATOR use data0 (startOpen) from their gameobject_template as default state.

gameobject_template StartsOpen is inverted, 1 in gameobject_template is actually 0 in state.


rotation value, wotlk+


Sets StringId to all gameobjects with addon

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