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AnonXS edited this page May 20, 2024
60 revisions
(Reloadable) – are in-game reloadable with the .reload command.
(Core) – Changes to these tables are to be commited and reviewed in CMaNGOS-Core Repositories NOT CMaNGOS-DB Repositories due to their complexity and relations.
(Classic) (TBC) (WotLK) (Cata) – used since or only in a certain version of CMaNGOS-Core
Table | Content |
achievement_criteria_requirement | contains what need to be done to complete an achievement criteria. |
achievement_reward | contains the rewards for achievements added with Wrath of the Lichking. |
areatrigger_involvedrelation (Reloadable) | Enable a trigger to finish one condition of a quest (explore) |
areatrigger_tavern (Reloadable) | Enable a trigger when player enters a city or tavern. This causes the player to enter a resting state. |
areatrigger_teleport (Reloadable) | contains all the teleport triggers definition. This table is used to complete .dbc file information. |
battleground_events | contains the description of battleground events. |
battleground_template | contains information about the different battlegrounds. |
battlemaster_entry | holds information on which NPC can start what battleground or arena. |
broadcast_text | holds all the texts. |
broadcast_text_locale | holds translations for broadcast_text |
combat_condition | holds complex checks for executing combat events on units for creature_spell_list |
command (Reloadable) | holds help and security information for commands. |
conditions | With this table and the new conditions it is possible to create tree like and very complicated combined conditions. |
creature | contains individual creature spawn data. Spawn of a creature is an instance of the creature object in the world. |
creature_addon | defines different things that are applied on creature with a certain GUID when it is loaded. |
creature_ai_scripts (Reloadable) | ACID (Artificial Creature Intelligence Database) EventAI |
creature_ai_summons (Reloadable) | is used to provide NPC support for an event using action 32 = ACTION_T_SUMMON as one of its Actions. |
creature_battleground | contains the description of creatures spawned on battlegrounds. |
creature_conditional_spawn | contains creatures GUID that is spawned in INSTANCES depends of PLAYERS Faction Alliance/Horde. |
creature_cooldowns | ? |
creature_equip_template | contains all equipment mobs can wear. |
creature_immunities | Contains Immunities, that can not be set by MechanicImmuneMask (Taunt Immunity, Curse of Tongues Immunity) |
creature_involvedrelation (Reloadable) | holds NPC quest ender relations on which NPCs finishes which quests. |
creature_linking | Creature Linking for Aggro/Respawn/Movement/Event by GUID |
creature_linking_template | Creature Linking for Aggro/Respawn/Movement/Event by ENTRY |
creature_loot_template (Reloadable) | Creature Loot |
creature_model_info | contains all models of mobs, their gender and other information that are model related. |
creature_model_race | contains data to override displayed models based on the race of the player. |
creature_movement | holds all the information on each single GUID creature’s waypoints. |
creature_movement_template | holds all the information on each single ENTRY creature’s waypoints. |
creature_onkill_reputation | controls the reputation given by creatures when killed by other players. |
creature_questrelation (Reloadable) | holds NPC quest giver relations on which NPCs start which quests. |
creature_spawn_data | link between individual creatures GUID and creature_spawn_data_template |
creature_spawn_data_template | contains data to override spawned creatures UnitFlags, Faction, ModelId, EquipmentId, CurHealth, CurMana, SpawnFlags |
creature_spawn_entry | holds multiple creature_template.entry a creature.guid can be spawned as. creature.id = 0 |
creature_spell_list | holds basic creature combat information, supplymented by creature_spell_list_entry and creature_spell_targeting (hardcoded target values for creature_spell_list |
creature_template | contains the description of creatures. |
creature_template_addon | defines different things that are applied on creature with a certain ENTRY when it is loaded. |
creature_template_classlevelstats | Unit Base Stats |
creature_template_spells | holds creature spell data |
costum_texts | ? |
db_version | contains the version of the DB in use. |
dbscript_random_templates | holds randomize texts and relay scripts |
dbscripts_on_creature_death (Reloadable) | holds scripts activated when a creature dies. |
dbscripts_on_creature_movement (Reloadable) | holds scripts activated while a npc is moving. |
dbscripts_on_event (Reloadable) | holds scripts activated whenever an event is activated by spell, gameobject or taxi waypoints. |
dbscripts_on_go_template_use (Reloadable) | holds possible scripts activated by gameobjects. |
dbscripts_on_go_use (Reloadable) | holds possible scripts activated by GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DOOR and GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_BUTTON. |
dbscripts_on_gossip (Reloadable) | holds scripts activated on gossip_menu_option or gossip_menu. |
dbscripts_on_quest_end (Reloadable) | holds scripts activated when a player finishes a quest. |
dbscripts_on_quest_start (Reloadable) | holds scripts activated when a player accepts a quest. |
dbscripts_on_relay (Reloadable) | holds scripts that are relayed from AI or other dbscripts. |
dbscripts_on_spell (Reloadable) | holds scripts that can be activated by spells |
disenchant_loot_template (Reloadable) | Item disenchant loot |
exploration_basexp | controls the XP gained by characters when they explore new zones. |
faction_store | Faction.dbc |
fishing_loot_template (Reloadable) | Fishing loot |
game_event | contains definitions for all game events that are activated or deactivated automatically by the Game Event System in the core. |
game_event_creature | contains all creature instances that have to be spawned/unspawned during defined game events. |
game_event_creature_data | contains all creature instances that need to change display id and/or equipment during defined game events. |
game_event_gameobject | contains all gameobjects instances that participate to any game event. |
game_event_mail | ? |
game_event_quest | holds quests, which are only active during certain events. |
game_event_time | ? |
game_graveyard_zone (Reloadable) | Contains informations about zones connected to world’s graveyards. |
game_tele | contains a list of teleport locations that can be used with the .tele command in-game. |
game_weather | holds the percentages for weather changes in various zones. |
gameobject | holds the individual object data on each spawned game object in the world. |
gameobject_addon | Nondefault animprogress, state, path_rotation |
gameobject_battleground | contains the events of gameobjects which are spawned on battlegrounds. |
gameobject_involvedrelation (Reloadable) | holds game object quest taker relations. |
gameobject_loot_template (Reloadable) | Gameobject loot |
gameobject_questrelation (Reloadable) | holds game object quest giver relations. |
gameobject_spawn_entry | holds multiple gameobject_template.entry a gameobject.guid can be spawned as. gameobject.id = 0 |
gameobject_template | contains template off all world’s objects. |
gameobject_template_addon | Artkit Data |
gossip_menu (Reloadable) | contains displayed gossip when a player talks to an NPC. |
gossip_menu_option (Reloadable) | holds infos about menu options a gossip NPC can have. |
gossip_texts | holds gossip texts used in ScriptDevAI. |
instance_dungeon_encounters | ? |
instance_encounters | ? |
instance_template (Core) | contains all the templates for every instance. |
item_convert | ? |
item_enchantment_template | holds enchantment chance information for items that should have either a random property or a random suffix attached to them. |
item_expire_convert (Reloadable) | contains pairs of times which turn into an other item after a certain amount of time. |
item_loot_template (Reloadable) | Item loot |
item_required_target (Reloadable) | These spell effects require a specific target in either alive or dead state (for creatures). |
item_template | holds information on every item that exists in the game. |
locales_areatrigger_teleport | ? |
locales_creature | is used to provide to localized clients with localized string for creatures. |
locales_gameobject | is used to provide to localized clients with localized string for gameobjects. |
locales_gossip_menu_option | ? |
locales_item | is used to provide to localized clients with localized string for items. |
locales_npc_text | is used to provide localized clients with localized string for npc_texts. |
locales_page_text | is used to provide localized clients with localized string for page_texts. |
locales_points_of_interest | ? |
locales_quest | is used to provide to localized clients with localized string for quest templates. |
locales_questgiver_greeting | is used to provide to localized clients with localized string for questgiver_greetings. |
locales_trainer_greeting | ? |
mail_level_reward (Reloadable) | holds information on sent mails when a character levels up. Can be specified by raceMask. |
mail_loot_template (Reloadable) | ? |
mangos_string | holds all of the strings used internally by the server. |
milling_loot_template | Milling loot |
npc_spellclick_spells (Reloadable) | holds information about spells to be casted upon receiving CMSG_SPELLCLICK. |
npc_text | contains the texts that are used for gossip. |
npc_text_broadcast_text | Should replace npc_text as new npc_text at some point |
npc_trainer | holds the spell data for all trainers by ENTRY. |
npc_trainer_template | holds the spell data for all trainers by TrainerTemplateId. |
npc_vendor | holds the vendor data for all NPCs that sell items by ENTRY. |
npc_vendor_template | holds the vendor data for all NPCs that sell items by VendorTemplateId. |
page_text | holds the text for letter items. |
pet_familystats | ? |
pet_levelstats | holds information on individual pet base stats based on level. |
pet_name_generation | holds pieces of names (first and last half) that are use for pet name generation. |
petcreateinfo_spell | controls what spells a tameable beast will have once tamed. |
pickpocketing_loot_template (Reloadable) | Pickpocketing loot |
player_classlevelstats | holds information on the base health and mana of characters when they level up. Each class has different level stats. |
player_levelstats | holds information on the base health and mana of characters when they level up. Each class has different level stats. |
player_xp_for_level | includes information on how much experience needed for next level. Comes from sniffs. |
playercreateinfo | holds the start positions of each class-race combinations for all newly created characters. |
playercreateinfo_action | holds information on what default actions a brand new character should start out with. |
playercreateinfo_item | holds information on what items each race-class combination of a new character starts out with. |
playercreateinfo_skills | holds information on what skills newly created characters should start out with. |
playercreateinfo_spell | holds information on what spells newly created characters should start out with. |
points_of_interest (Reloadable) | comes from sniffs. |
pool_creature | contains all pooled creatures by GUID that are part of a pool_template. |
pool_creature_template | contains all pooled creatures by ENTRY that are part of a pool_template. |
pool_gameobject | contains all pooled gameobjects by GUID that are part of a pool_template. |
pool_gameobject_template | contains all pooled gameobjects by ENTRY that are part of a pool_template. |
pool_pool | contains pool of pools. You can create a pool with a chance of a range of pools in that pool being activated. |
pool_template | contains all pool instances that participate to any game event. |
prospecting_loot_template (Reloadable) | Prospecting loot |
quest_poi (Reloadable) | comes from sniffs. |
quest_poi_points (Reloadable) | comes from sniffs. Visually speaking, this table is used to identify the X and Y coordinates on the map (not the minimap – the main map) where a quest’s question mark should appear. |
quest_template (Reloadable) | contains all basic definitions of quests available. |
questgiver_greeting (Reloadable) | contains texts sent by certain quest creatures/objects. |
reference_loot_template (Reloadable) | reference loot (loot groups) |
reference_loot_template_names (Reloadable) | Holds names of commonly used reference_loot_template |
reputation_reward_rate (Reloadable) | holds reputation multipliers for specific factions. |
reputation_spillover_template | holds information about the Reputation Bleed Over -Effect |
reserved_name (Reloadable) | serves as a simple list of names that players (gmlevel == 0) cannot use when naming their characters. |
script_texts (Core) | holds all the texts used by core scripted creatures/entities (ScriptDev) |
script_waypoint (Core) | ? |
scripted_areatrigger (Core) | This table links areatriggers to C++ scripts. |
scripted_event_id (Core) | This table links event id’s to C++ scripts. |
skill_discovery_template (Reloadable) | controls the so called “discovery” system of learning spells. |
skill_extra_item_template | holds information about when using certain profession spells, you have the chance of creating more than one copy of the item. |
skill_fishing_base_level | controls the minimum skill level required in fishing to fish in a certain area. |
skinning_loot_template | Skinning loot |
spam_records | Anticheat |
spawn_group | Defines how groups of entities spawn spawn_group_entry, spawn_group_formation, spawn_group_linked_group, spawn_group_spawn |
spell_affect (Reloadable) | holds information on what spells are affected by what spell mods. |
spell_area (Reloadable) | holds information on what spells are applied to npcs/players in some areas. |
spell_chain (Reloadable) | defines spell chains. A spell chain is a series of spells which all share the same name and all do the same thing. |
spell_check | ? |
spell_cone | holds Degrees for Cone spells |
spell_elixir (Reloadable) | holds elixir information to be used to properly stack the elixirs. |
spell_facing | ? |
spell_learn_spell (Reloadable) | holds information on spells that should be learned at the same time a player learns another spell. |
spell_loot_template (Reloadable) | Spell loot |
spell_pet_auras | ? |
spell_proc_event (Reloadable) | holds information on how certain spells activate, which proc other spells. |
spell_proc_item_enchant (Reloadable) | holds information (ppmRate) for item (weapon) enchants |
spell_script_target (Reloadable) | holds information on spell effects which require a specific target in either alive or dead state (for creatures). |
spell_scripts (Core) | holds ScriptName of spells scripted in Core |
spell_target_position (Reloadable) | holds coordinate information on where the player should be teleported to when a spell with effect SPELL_EFFECT_TELEPORT_UNITS. |
spell_template (Core) | contains the description of spells. |
spell_threat (Reloadable) | holds threat values on all spells that should either give or take away threat. |
string_id | holds ids and strings connection between string_id variables. StringId is assigned to a world object, and then enables querying. Effectively supercedes guid, entry, or other kind of targeting, and enables custom targeting from spells or even per dbscript. |
taxi_shortcuts (Reloadable) | holds information about shortcuts for each individual taxi flight. |
trainer_greeting | ? |
transports | contains all type 15 transports (Boats and Zeppelins). |
unit_condition | contains data used for condition checks on units |
vehicle_accessory | ? |
warden_scans | Anticheat |
waypoint_path | paths linked to spawn_groups |
waypoint_path_name | path names linked to spawn_groups |
world_safe_locs | ? |
world_template (Core) | holds the ScriptNames of the world maps 0, 1, 530, 571 |
worldstate_expression | holds data for evaluating worldstate conditions. On more info about worldstate variables go to Worldstates |
worldstate_name | holds data on worldstate variables used for CONDITION_WORLDSTATE |