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EventAI Tables

creature_ai_scripts for EventAI (ACID) scripted NPCs
creature_ai_summons for Summon IDs used in ACTION_T_SUMMON_ID (32)

EventAI Documentation

The Manual-like and most-recent documentation for EventAI can be found in doc/EventAI.txt

EventAI Guide

ScriptDev2 was integrated into cmangos on 04 sept 2015 and enables us to handle DB-based scripting that allows the use of a database (MySQL only right now) to specify the actions that a creature script will do.

The script is called EventAI and will be referenced like this for the rest of this guide. A basic EventAI script works with and requires only two pieces of information: When it happens and What happens when.

The first piece of information (the When it happens) will be referred to as the event.

The second piece of information (the What happens when) will be referred to as the action.
Currently, a single EventAI script entry can have up to three actions.

Anyone that wants to create entries for the EventAI script needs to answer the two questions above.

Some events will only occur once while others can be timed so that they occur at a specified interval.


Field Type Null Key Default Description
id NO PRI None creature_template.entry * 100 + (1 – 99), Order by Priority (lower higher prio)
creature_id NO CreatureEntry
event_type NO Event
event_inverse_phase_mask NO PhaseMask
event_chance NO Chance. Using a value of 0 in this field will make the event never occur. Values are from 0 to 100.
event_flags NO Every event also has a `chance` field that controls the chance of that event actually occurring. Using a value of 0 in this field will make the event never occur. Values are from 0 to 100.
event_param NO event_param1-3 for Event
action_type NO action_type1-3 for Event
action_param NO action_param1-3 for action_type1-3
comment comment describing the actions performed on event


let’s say that a certain creature using EventAI will have a max of four phases. We are then dealing with a 4 bit number in this field. Let’s further say that that certain creature has an event that will only trigger in its phase 2 (a timed spell cast for instance). Then the field should contain all of the phases the event SHOULDN’T be triggered in…then out of the four bits, we leave the third bit alone (off) and turn on all of the other bits so we get 1011 which is equal to 11, so we put in 11 as the inverse phase mask for the event entry. As another example, let’s say that the same creature previously mentioned has another event that is only triggered in the phase 0 and phase 3. This would mean that we need to ignore phase 1 and 2, so our bitmask would be 0110 which is equal to 6 so we put in 6 for this event’s inverse phase mask field. Please note that both examples were tailored for a creature with four and only four phases. If you decide to add more phases later on, you will have to redefine all of the nonzero bitmasks for all of the mob’s events.

EventAI can also support phases. A phase is just a way to group certain events + actions together so that the creature will perform certain actions based on what event it is currently on. The way the phase system works in EventAI is that for every event added, it needs to be specified under which phases the event SHOULD NOT occur. This is a bit confusing at first, so let’s look at it more closely. A creature can have more than one phase, up to a max of 32 different phases (with the first one being phase 0, and last one being phase 31). How the phase selection field works is that it contains a 32bit number. Each bit in the number represents a possible phase, with the bit in the least significant position signifying phase 0 and the most significant bit signifying phase 31. The default value of zero in this field has no bits set and since the field controls when the event should NOT trigger, it would then mean that the event will always be triggered independent of the current phase the creature is in. Therefore, if you want to specify what phases the event should occur in, you need to add up all of the corresponding bits for all the other phases where the event shouldn’t trigger in (confusing…yes).

All of the events, EventFlags, actions and possible targets are summarized and described below.

  • NU = Not Used*
  • IC = In Combat Only*
  • OOC = Out Of Combat Only*
  • US = Unsupported


ID Name Param1 Param2 Param3 Param4 Param5 Param6 Description
0 EVENT_T_TIMER_IN_COMBAT InitialMin InitialMax RepeatMin RepeatMax IC - Expires first between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
1 EVENT_T_TIMER_OOC InitialMin InitialMax RepeatMin RepeatMax OOC - Expires first between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
2 EVENT_T_HP HPMax% HPMin% RepeatMin RepeatMax allowOutOfCombat IC - Expires when HP% is between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
3 EVENT_T_MANA ManaMax% ManaMin% RepeatMin RepeatMax allowOutOfCombat IC - Expires when Mana% is between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
4 EVENT_T_AGGRO NU NU NU NU Expires on Aggro
5 EVENT_T_KILL RepeatMin RepeatMax PlayerOnly NU Expires when creature kills a unit (Player only if Param3 = 1). Will repeat every (Param1) and (Param2)
6 EVENT_T_DEATH conditionId NU NU NU Expires on Death
7 EVENT_T_EVADE NU NU NU NU Expires on Evade
8 EVENT_T_SPELLHIT spellId schoolMask RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires on (Param1) spellId or on (Param2) schoolMask spellhit. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
9 EVENT_T_RANGE MinDist MaxDist RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when current target distance is greater than (Param1) and less than (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
10 EVENT_T_OOC_LOS noHostile maxRange RepeatMin RepeatMax playerOnly conditionId OOC - Expires when a unit (friendly only if Param1 = 1) moves within (Param2) distance to creature. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
11 EVENT_T_SPAWNED condition (1 = map / 2 = area) conditionValue1 MapID or AreaID NU NU Expires on Spawn, can be conditioned to Map or Area
12 EVENT_T_TARGET_HP HPMax% HPMin% RepeatMin RepeatMax allowOutOfCombat Expires when current target HP% is between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
13 EVENT_T_TARGET_CASTING RepeatMin RepeatMax NU NU Expires when current target is casting a spell. Will repeat every (Param1) and (Param2)
14 EVENT_T_FRIENDLY_HP HPDeficit Radius RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when a friendly unit (Target = 12) has at least (param1) HP missing in (param2) radius. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
15 EVENT_T_FRIENDLY_IS_CC DispelType (US) Radius RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when a friendly unit (Target = 12) is crowd controlled in (param2) radius. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
16 EVENT_T_FRIENDLY_MISSING_BUFF spellId Radius RepeatMin RepeatMax inCombat (0 = Only in combat, 1 = Out and in combat, 2 = Only out of combat) Expires when a friendly unit (Target = 12) is missing aura given by (param1) spellId in (param2) radius. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
17 EVENT_T_SUMMONED_UNIT CreatureEntry RepeatMin RepeatMax NU Expires when creature with (Param1) CreatureEntry spawned or for all spawns if (Param1 = 0). Will repeat every (Param2) and (Param3)
18 EVENT_T_TARGET_MANA ManaMax% ManaMin% RepeatMin RepeatMax allowOutOfCombat Expires when current target MP% is between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
21 EVENT_T_REACHED_HOME NU NU NU NU Expires on Reached Home (after Evade)
22 EVENT_T_RECEIVE_EMOTE TextEmote ConditionId NU NU Expires when creature receives TextEmotes from player paired with a potential condition (Param 2)
23 EVENT_T_AURA spellId AmountInStack RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when creature has spell (Param1) aura stacks applied greater or equal to (Param2) amount. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
24 EVENT_T_TARGET_AURA spellId AmountInStack RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when current target have spell (Param1) aura stacks applied greater or equal to (Param2) amount. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
25 EVENT_T_SUMMONED_JUST_DIED CreatureEntry RepeatMin RepeatMax NU Expires after creature with (Param1) CreatureEntry died or for all spawns if (Param1 = 0). Will repeat every (Param2) and (Param3)
26 EVENT_T_SUMMONED_JUST_DESPAWN CreatureEntry RepeatMin RepeatMax NU Expires before creature with (Param1) CreatureEntry despawned or for all spawns if (Param1 = 0). Will repeat every (Param2) and (Param3)
27 EVENT_T_MISSING_AURA spellId AmountInStack RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when creature have spell (Param1) aura stacks applied less than (Param2) amount. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
28 EVENT_T_TARGET_MISSING_AURA spellId AmountInStack RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when current target have spell (Param1) aura stacks applied less than (Param2) amount. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
29 EVENT_T_TIMER_GENERIC InitialMin InitialMax RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires first between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4)
30 EVENT_T_RECEIVE_AI_EVENT AIEventType Sender-Entry unused1 unused2 Expires when the creature receives an (Param1) AIEventType, sent by (Param2 != 0) Sender-Entry. If (Param2 = 0) then sent by any creature
31 EVENT_T_ENERGY EnergyMax% EnergyMin% RepeatMin RepeatMax allowOutOfCombat Expires when Energy% is between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) if Condition: between (Param1) and (Param2) are still met
32 EVENT_T_SELECT_ATTACKING_TARGET MinRange MaxRange RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when threat table has target with distance between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) if Condition: between (Param1) and (Param2) are still met
33 EVENT_T_FACING_TARGET Back(0)OrFront(1) unused RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when creature is (behind = 0 / infront = 1 of target. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) if Condition: (Param1) is still met
34 EVENT_T_SPELLHIT_TARGET SpellID Schoolmask RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires upon Spell Hit of the NPC. When (param1) is set, it is the specific Spell ID used as the trigger. With (param2) specified, the expiration is limited to specific spell schools (–1 for all) and Spell ID value is ignored. Will repeat Event Conditions Check between every (Param3) and (Param4). Only A Spell ID or Spell School may be Specified but NOT both
35 EVENT_T_DEATH_PREVENTED unused NU NU NU Expires when Death prevention (Action 42) kicks in
37 EVENT_T_SPELL_CAST SpellId 0 NU NU on successful spell cast

Now that all of the supported events have been listed and described, we shall now move on to the actions that can be performed.

Each event can take up to three actions. The actions will all be performed when the event is triggered and they will be performed in the order that they have been defined. This means that, for a certain event, action 1 will be performed first, followed by action 2, then lastly by action 3.

Just like event definitions, each action can use up to three different parameters but not all actions will use all three parameters. If a parameter isn’t mentioned for an action, then that action does not need that parameter.


ID Name Param 1 Param 2 Param 3 Description
0 ACTION_T_NONE NU NU NU Does nothing!
1 ACTION_T_TEXT broadcast_text1 broadcast_text2 broadcast_text3 broadcast_text#Id. Optionally custom_text.#entry can be used as negative values
2 ACTION_T_SET_FACTION factionId TemporaryFactionFlags NU Changes faction for a creature. When (Param1) is zero, creature will revert to it’s default faction. Flags will determine when faction is restored to default (evade, respawn etc)
3 ACTION_T_MORPH_TO_ENTRY_OR_MODEL CreatureEntry modelId NU CreatureEntry OR modelId (param2) (or 0 for both to demorph)
4 ACTION_T_SOUND SoundId NU NU Creature plays Sound. IDs are contained in the DBC files
5 ACTION_T_EMOTE emoteId NU NU Creature does visual emote. IDs are contained in the DBC files
9 ACTION_T_RANDOM_SOUND Sound ID 1 Sound ID 2 Sound ID 3 Picks a sound ID at random and plays it; –1 = action skipped if chosen
10 ACTION_T_RANDOM_EMOTE Emote ID 1 Emote ID 2 Emote ID 3 Picks an emote ID at random and does visual emote; –1 = action skipped if chosen
11 ACTION_T_CAST spellId target enum CastFlags Creature cast spell on a target with specified castFlags
12 ACTION_T_SPAWN CreatureEntry target Duration in milliseconds Creature spawns a creature with (Param1) CreatureEntry at Target for a given duration (infinite if zero)
13 ACTION_T_THREAT_SINGLE_PCT Threat % target NU Modifies target threat by a percent (–100 to +100)
14 ACTION_T_THREAT_ALL_PCT Threat % NU NU Modifies everyone’s threat by a percent (–100 to +100), –101 will cause Evade
15 ACTION_T_QUEST_EVENT Quest ID target NU Satisfies external script objective for a quest for the target (MUST be a player)
16 ACTION_T_CAST_EVENT CreatureEntry spellId target Emulates spell cast on the creature for the target (must be a player) [hacky]
17 ACTION_T_SET_UNIT_FIELD EUnitFields Value target DEPRECATED (Use dbscript for unit or npc flags instead, notify about any other needs to the devs) Sets unit field at the index to the value given for the target. More information on the field value indeces can be found at character data data
18 ACTION_T_SET_UNIT_FLAG UnitFlags target NU Sets flag(s) on the target
19 ACTION_T_REMOVE_UNIT_FLAG UnitFlags target NU Removes flag(s) from the target
20 ACTION_T_AUTO_ATTACK Boolean NU NU If 0 cant melee, else (1) continues/starts it
21 ACTION_T_COMBAT_MOVEMENT Boolean NU NU If 0 stops movement, else (1) continues/starts it
22 ACTION_T_SET_PHASE Phase # NU NU Sets current phase to number given. This number must be an integer between 0 and 31 inclusive
23 ACTION_T_INC_PHASE Number NU NU deprecated, increments (or decrements) the phase by given number
24 ACTION_T_EVADE CombatOnly NU NU Force creature reset. 1 Exit combat + lose threat, 0 Evade
25 ACTION_T_FLEE_FOR_ASSIST NU NU NU Force creature to flee from combat
26 ACTION_T_QUEST_EVENT_ALL Quest ID NU NU Satisfies external objective for a quest for all players in threat list similar to ACTION_T_QUEST_EVENT
27 ACTION_T_CAST_EVENT_ALL Quest ID spellId NU Emulates spell cast on creature for all players in threat list similar to ACTION_T_CAST_EVENT
28 ACTION_T_REMOVEAURASFROMSPELL target spellId NU Removes all auras from a spellId from the target
29 ACTION_T_RANGED_MOVEMENT Distance Angle NU creature sets ranged movement generator keeping the creature at a distance. Note that specifying zero angle and distance will make it just melee instead
30 ACTION_T_RANDOM_PHASE Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Randomly chooses a phase from the list of three phases
31 ACTION_T_RANDOM_PHASE_RANGE Min Phase Max Phase + 1 NU Chooses a random phase in the range specified. This number must be an integer between 0 and 31 inclusive
32 ACTION_T_SUMMON_ID CreatureEntry target Summon ID Summons a creature using the data specified in the separate creature_ai_summons table
33 ACTION_T_KILLED_MONSTER CreatureEntry target NU Simulates a kill for a CreatureEntry given for the player from the target
34 ACTION_T_SET_INST_DATA Field 32 bit Value NU Sets data for the instance. Note that this will only work when the creature is inside an instantiable zone that has a valid script (ScriptedInstance) assigned.
35 ACTION_T_SET_INST_DATA64 Field target NU Stores target’s GUID at the field given in the instance script
36 ACTION_T_UPDATE_TEMPLATE CreatureEntry Faction NU This function temporarily changes creature entry to new entry, display is changed, loot is changed, but AI is not changed. At respawn creature will be reverted to original entry. Alliance(0) or Horde (1)
37 ACTION_T_DIE NU NU NU Kills the creature
38 ACTION_T_ZONE_COMBAT_PULSE NU NU NU Places all players within the instance into combat with the creature. Only works in combat and only works inside of instances
39 ACTION_T_CALL_FOR_HELP Radius NU NU Call any friendly creatures (if its not in combat/etc) in radius attack creature target
40 ACTION_T_SET_SHEATH SheathState NU NU Set SheathState for creature (0-no weapon show (not used mostly by creatures), 1-melee weapon show, 2-ranged weapon show)
41 ACTION_T_FORCE_DESPAWN msDelay NU NU Despawns the creature, If 0 despawn instant, other despawn after delay (in ms)
42 ACTION_T_SET_INVINCIBILITY_HP_LEVEL Value HP_Level(0) or HP_Percent(1) NU Set minimum health level for creature that can be set at damage as flat value or percent from max health
43 ACTION_T_MOUNT_TO_ENTRY_OR_MODEL CreatureEntry modelId NU CreatureEntry (param1) or modelId (param2) or 0 for both to dismount
44 ACTION_T_CHANCED_TEXT Chance broadcast_text1 broadcast_text2 deprecated, use 54! Chance to display broadcast_text during event.
45 ACTION_T_THROW_AI_EVENT AIEventType Radius target Throws an AIEventType (Param1) to friendly Npcs in range (Param2), Invoker of event is Target
46 ACTION_T_SET_THROW_MASK EventTypeMask NU NU Marks for which AIEvents the npc will throw AIEvents on its own.
47 ACTION_T_SET_STAND_STATE UnitStandStateType NU NU Set the UnitStandStateType (Param1) of the current creature
48 ACTION_T_CHANGE_MOVEMENT MovementType spawndist/PathId NU Change the creature MovementGeneratorType (Param1). If the movement type is Random Movement (1), the spawndist (Param2) must be provided. If the movement type is Waypoint Movement (2), (Param2) is PathId
49 RE_USE_ACTION_T_49 NU NU NU comment
50 ACTION_T_SET_REACT_STATE ReactStates NU NU Change ReactState of the creature
51 ACTION_T_PAUSE_WAYPOINTS DoPause(1) UnPause(0) NU NU Pause or unpause waypoints of creature. Pause 1, Unpause 0
52 ACTION_T_INTERRUPT_SPELL CurrentSpellTypes NU NU Interrupt spell in given slot for creature
53 ACTION_T_START_RELAY_SCRIPT RelayIDorTemplate target NU Launches dbscripts_on_relay script, either static one, or when (Param1) is < 0 then random one chosen from dbscript_random_templates
54 ACTION_T_TEXT_NEW broadcast_text Target dbscript_random_templates Displays text, either static one or when (Param3) != 0, then random one chosen from dbscript_random_templates
55 ACTION_T_ATTACK_START Target NU NU Starts attacking Target
56 ACTION_T_DESPAWN_GUARDIANS CreatureEntry NU NU Despawns guardian with specified entry, or if 0 despawns all guardians
57 ACTION_T_SET_RANGED_MODE RangeModeType chaseDistance NU Enable RangeModeType, distance to chase at, NU
59 ACTION_T_SET_FACING target Set (0), Reset (1) NU Sets facing, i.e. orientation to target, or resets it to last waypoint hit, or to respawn position
60 ACTION_T_SET_SPELL_SET SetId NU NU Set for possess
61 ACTION_T_SET_IMMOBILIZED_STATE Apply CombatOnly NU CombatOnly is autoremoved on combat stop (death, evade, despawn)
62 ACTION_T_SET_DESPAWN_AGGREGATION Mask Entry1 Entry2 Enable aggregation (despawn for summons) of guids for despawn on event (death, evade). To be used mostly on spawn.
63 ACTION_T_SET_IMMUNITY_SET SetId NU NU SetId - creature_immunities
64 ACTION_T_SET_FOLLOW_MOVEMENT state NU NU state - 0 off, 1 on


Bit Name Description
1 EFLAG_REPEATABLE Event repeats (Does not repeat if this flag is not set)
2 EFLAG_NORMAL, EFLAG_DIFFICULTY_0 Event only occurs in Normal instance difficulty + [wotlk: (10-Man Normal)]
4 EFLAG_HEROIC, EFLAG_DIFFICULTY_1 Event only occurs in Heroic instance difficulty + [wotlk: (25-Man Normal)]
8 EFLAG_DIFFICULTY_2 Event only occurs in [wotlk: (10-Man Heroic)]
16 EFLAG_DIFFICULTY_3 Event only occurs in [wotlk (25-Man Heroic)]
32 EFLAG_RANDOM_ACTION Random use action1, 2, or 3
64 EFLAG_RESERVED_6 Reserved
128 EFLAG_DEBUG_ONLY Event only occurs in debug build
256 EFLAG_RANGED_MODE_ONLY Event only occurs in ranged mode
512 EFLAG_MELEE_MODE_ONLY Event only occurs in melee mode
1024 EFLAG_COMBAT_ACTION Only one per cycle


ID Name Description
0 TARGET_T_SELF Targets itself
1 TARGET_T_HOSTILE Targets the current victim (usually the one with the most threat)
2 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_SECOND_AGGRO Targets the unit with the second most threat in the threat list
3 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_LAST_AGGRO Targets the unit with the least threat in the threat list
4 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_RANDOM Targets a random unit from the threat list
5 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_RANDOM_NOT_TOP Targets a random unit from the threat list excluding the one with the most threat
6 TARGET_T_ACTION_INVOKER Targets the unit that caused the event; only for certain events only.
8 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_RANDOM_PLAYER Targets Random Player on The Threat List
9 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_RANDOM_NOT_TOP_PLAYER Targets Any Random Player Except Top Threat
10 TARGET_T_EVENT_SENDER Creature who sent a received AIEvent - only triggered by EVENT_T_RECEIVE_AI_EVENT
11 TARGET_T_SPAWNER Owner of unit if exists
13 TARGET_T_PLAYER_INVOKER Player who initiated hostile contact with this npc
14 TARGET_T_PLAYER_TAPPED Player who currently holds to score the kill credit from the npc
15 TARGET_T_NONE Default spell target - sets nullptr which should be most common spell fill
16 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_RANDOM_MANA Random target with mana
17 TARGET_T_NEAREST_AOE_TARGET Checks for available near aoe targets by EffectRadiusIndex[0] for the spell used
18 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_FARTHEST_AWAY Farthest away target, excluding melee range


Bit Name Description
1 CAST_INTERRUPT_PREVIOUS Interrupts any previous spell casting.
2 CAST_TRIGGERED Forces the cast to be instant and ignores any mana/reagents requirements.
4 CAST_FORCE_CAST Forces spell to cast even if the target is possibly out of range or the creature is possibly out of mana
8 CAST_NO_MELEE_IF_OOM Prevents creature from entering melee if out of mana or out of range
16 CAST_FORCE_TARGET_SELF Forces the target to cast this spell on itself
32 CAST_AURA_NOT_PRESENT Only casts the spell on the target if the target does not have the aura from that spell on itself already.
128 CAST_SWITCH_CASTER_TARGET Switches target and caster for spell cast
256 CAST_MAIN_SPELL Marks main spell for AI Type = Action 57 ACTION_T_SET_RANGED_MODE
512 CAST_PLAYER_ONLY Selects only player targets - substitution for EAI not having more params
1024 CAST_DISTANCE_YOURSELF Deprecated - Done automatically in RangeMode
2048 CAST_TARGET_CASTING Selects only targets that are casting - EAI only
4096 CAST_ONLY_XYZ Targets only coords of target and not unit


Value Type
124 SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_SPELL (without Holy)


Value Type


Value Type Sender Invoker
0 AI_EVENT_JUST_DIED Killed Npc Killer
1 AI_EVENT_CRITICAL_HEALTH Hurt Npc DamageDealer - Expected to be sent by 10% health
2 AI_EVENT_LOST_HEALTH Hurt Npc DamageDealer - Expected to be sent by 50% health
3 AI_EVENT_LOST_SOME_HEALTH Hurt Npc DamageDealer - Expected to be sent by 90% health
5 AI_EVENT_CUSTOM_EVENTAI_A Npc that throws custom event TARGET_T_ACTION_INVOKER (if exists)
6 AI_EVENT_CUSTOM_EVENTAI_B Npc that throws custom event TARGET_T_ACTION_INVOKER (if exists)
7 AI_EVENT_GOT_CCED CCed Npc Caster that CCed
8 AI_EVENT_CUSTOM_EVENTAI_C Npc that throws custom event TARGET_T_ACTION_INVOKER (if exists)
9 AI_EVENT_CUSTOM_EVENTAI_D Npc that throws custom event TARGET_T_ACTION_INVOKER (if exists)
10 AI_EVENT_CUSTOM_EVENTAI_E Npc that throws custom event TARGET_T_ACTION_INVOKER (if exists)
11 AI_EVENT_CUSTOM_EVENTAI_F Npc that throws custom event TARGET_T_ACTION_INVOKER (if exists)


Bit Hex Type Description
0 0x00 TEMPFACTION_NONE When no flag is used in temporary faction change, faction will be persistent. It will then require manual change back to default/another faction when changed once
1 0x01 TEMPFACTION_RESTORE_RESPAWN Default faction will be restored at respawn
2 0x02 TEMPFACTION_RESTORE_COMBAT_STOP at CombatStop() (happens at creature death, at evade or custom scripte among others)
4 0x04 TEMPFACTION_RESTORE_REACH_HOME at reaching home in home movement (evade), if not already done at CombatStop()
8 0x08 TEMPFACTION_TOGGLE_NON_ATTACKABLE Remove UNIT_FLAG_NON_ATTACKABLE(0x02) when faction is changed (reapply when temp-faction is removed)
16 0x10 TEMPFACTION_TOGGLE_IMMUNE_TO_PLAYER Remove UNIT_FLAG_IMMUNE_TO_PLAYER(0x100) when faction is changed (reapply when temp-faction is removed)
32 0x20 TEMPFACTION_TOGGLE_IMMUNE_TO_NPC Remove UNIT_FLAG_PASSIVE(0x200) when faction is changed (reapply when temp-faction is removed)
64 0x40 TEMPFACTION_TOGGLE_PACIFIED Remove UNIT_FLAG_PACIFIED(0x20000) when faction is changed (reapply when temp-faction is removed)
128 0x80 TEMPFACTION_TOGGLE_NOT_SELECTABLE Remove UNIT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE(0x2000000) when faction is changed (reapply when temp-faction is removed)


Type classic tbc wotlk Description
UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH 22 22 24 Health
UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 23 23 25 Mana
UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_DISPLAY 37,38,39 37,38,39 56,57,58 WOTLK: UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID - Equipment offset for slot 0,1,2 (Mainhand, Offhand, Ranged)
UNIT_FIELD_BOUNDINGRADIUS 129 150 65 bounding_radius
UNIT_FIELD_COMBATREACH 130 151 66 combat_reach
UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS 143 164 79 DynamicFlags
UNIT_NPC_FLAGS 147 168 82 NpcFlags


Value Type Description
0 REACT_PASSIVE Wont attack on its own, maybe due to CallForHelp
1 REACT_DEFENSIVE Will attack when attacked
2 REACT_AGGRESSIVE Will attack (default)


Value Type Description


Value Type Description
1 Aggro Creature SetInCombat
2 Evade Creature remove from Combat
3 Death Creature just die
4 Special Need for more as one enemy in a fight (like 4 horseman)


Value Type Description
0 TYPE_NONE Melee Mode
3 TYPE_NO_MELEE_MODE Stationary Mode (No Melee, No Chase)
4 TYPE_DISTANCER Distances itself whenever possible



Bit Name Comment
0 SHEATH_STATE_UNARMED all weapons sheathed
1 SHEATH_STATE_MELEE melee weapon(s) unsheathed
2 SHEATH_STATE_RANGED ranged weapon(s) unsheathed



Bit Name Comment
0 UNIT_STAND_STATE_STAND normal behavior
1 UNIT_STAND_STATE_SIT sitting on ground
2 UNIT_STAND_STATE_SIT_CHAIR sitting on normal chair
4 UNIT_STAND_STATE_SIT_LOW_CHAIR sitting on low chair
5 UNIT_STAND_STATE_SIT_MEDIUM_CHAIR sitting on medium chair
6 UNIT_STAND_STATE_SIT_HIGH_CHAIR sitting on high chair
9 UNIT_STAND_STATE_CUSTOM Depends on model animation. Submerge, freeze, hide, hibernate, rest


Working with phases requires a certain amount of math. You will have to know a few things before we begin.

You should have an idea of how many phases the NPC will have.
You will have to know Binary Addition. Don’t worry, I’ll show you how to do it.

0110 = 06 (base 10)  
0111 = 07 (base 10)  
____ = __
1101 = 13 (base 10)

Ranged mode - reference usage

('327301','3273','11','0','100','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','57','2','35','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Kolkar Stormer - Enable Range Mode on Spawn'),

('327305','3273','0','0','100','1281','0','0','3000','4000','0','0','11','9532','1','256','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Kolkar Stormer - Cast Lightning Bolt (Range Mode)'),
('327306','3273','0','0','100','1537','0','0','5000','20000','0','0','11','9532','1','256','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Kolkar Stormer - Cast Lightning Bolt (Melee Mode)'),

The ranged mode was designed to be toggled on spawn, but can effectively by toggled on phase change or on other condition when needed. It automatically reverts itself on evade. It works in connection with its modes, and automatically changes chase distance. A main casting spell, which is supposed to be lowest in priority (highest ID), needs to use 256 cast flag. This notes that when this spell returns OOM error, ranged mode automatically adjusts its behavior to melee mode. Ranged mode also responds to kicks and silence on this spell, forcing the mob into temporary melee mode. Last notable feature with ranged mode is distancing, which occurs if current victim is rooted by an aura and the npc is in melee mode. When creature is in melee mode, and the target is rooted, the creature runs away from main aggro targets melee reach.

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