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cala edited this page Jun 20, 2020 · 11 revisions

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The creature_movement table

This table holds information on each unique creature (guid) waypoint. In essence, a waypoint just defines a path that the creature will follow by going from point to point. More specifically, once the creature arrives at a point, it can do different things like cast a spell, do an emote, etc. Usually this table is filled through the .wp command (and its various subcommands) in the world.

Please note that for a creature to use waypoints, its MovementType must be 2.

To add waypoints in-game:

  • .npc setmovetype way creature guid or select npc
  • .wp add guid or select npc


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(10) unsigned NO PRI 0
point mediumint(8) NO PRI 0
position_x float NO 0
position_y float NO 0
position_z float NO 0
waittime int(10) NO 0
script_id mediumint(8) NO 0
orientation float NO 0

Description of the fields


The guid of the creature if creature_movement. See creature_guid


Defines the waypoint number. A creature will go from waypoint to waypoint in the order controlled by this field.

As a convention, the first point of a path must be greater than zero. This is expected by core.


The X position of the waypoint.


The Y position of the waypoint.


The Z position of the waypoint.


The time that the creature will wait before heading to the next waypoint, in milliseconds.


Reference to DBScripts_on_creature_movement


The orientation the creature will face once it reaches the waypoint. (North = 0.0; South = pi (3.14159))

Setting this field to 100 means the creature will not change its orientation upon reaching the waypoint.

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