Releases: punch-mission/punchbowl
Releases · punch-mission/punchbowl
What's Changed
- adds zspike blurring and parameterization by @lowderchris in #345
- rename PUNCH io module by @jmbhughes in #350
- Adds sphinx gallery by @lowderchris in #352
- make binder work by @jmbhughes in #356
- Configure binder by @jmbhughes in #357
- Rename example gallery by @jmbhughes in #358
- Update binder.yaml by @jmbhughes in #360
- Separate quick punch by @jmbhughes in #361
- specify codecov path by @jmbhughes in #362
- Update issue templates by @jmbhughes in #364
- Update by @jmbhughes in #365
- update copyright year by @jmbhughes in #367
Full Changelog: 0.0.8...0.0.9
What's Changed
- Fix stellar by @jmbhughes in #344
- Updates for V4 RFR2 by @jmbhughes in #346
Full Changelog: 0.0.7...0.0.8
What's Changed
- Reproject starfield sample and uncertainty in one fell swoop by @svank in #323
- PUNCH user guide by @lowderchris in #316
- Unpack uncertainties faster by @svank in #324
- Make mosaics faster w/ bounding boxes by @svank in #326
- Ignore warnings in unpacking uncertainty by @svank in #329
- Be a little more accurate/safe with bounding boxes by @svank in #327
- Fully implement previous change to bounding boxes by @svank in #332
- adds thresholding to spike value replacement by @lowderchris in #331
- Metadata check by @lowderchris in #330
- Fixes merging, improves f corona modeling by @jmbhughes in #333
- adds DOI badge by @lowderchris in #334
- Turn velocity plot test into a figure test by @svank in #325
- Better f corona by @svank in #335
- Document python tutorials by @lowderchris in #336
- Change despike settings by @svank in #338
- WCS array shape by @lowderchris in #337
- adds wcs keywords to ignore to prevent duplication by @lowderchris in #340
- Create starfield estimates that are less distorted by @svank in #339
- remove broken link by @jmbhughes in #341
- adds file provenance extname and test by @lowderchris in #342
- Quicklook generation by @jmbhughes in #343
Full Changelog: 0.0.6...0.0.7
What's Changed
- Improve calculation of pixel areas by @svank in #306
- November 17th Mega Update by @jmbhughes in #310
- Confirm l2 l3 tests by @jmbhughes in #311
- flow tracking by @lowderchris in #308
- Update .pre-commit-config.yaml by @jmbhughes in #315
- Reusable celestial reprojections by @svank in #309
- Large prep for End2End by @jmbhughes in #317
- fix import by @jmbhughes in #318
- When generating WCSes, set NAXIS/array_shape/etc. by @svank in #320
- Faster star subtraction by @svank in #319
- Updated Level2/polarization by @s0larish in #322
Full Changelog: 0.0.5...0.0.6
What's Changed
- automatically converts metafields by @jmbhughes in #305
Full Changelog: 0.0.4...0.0.5
What's Changed
- add debug mode by @jmbhughes in #290
- fix call of remove starfield by @jmbhughes in #292
- copy over estimate stray light by @jmbhughes in #294
- update low noise generation by @jmbhughes in #295
- Improve f corona flow generation by @jmbhughes in #296
- adds visualization core by @jmbhughes in #297
- flips quicklook data vertically to the expected spatial orientation by @lowderchris in #300
- Prep work for secondary starfield removal, plus fix for F-corona estimation by @svank in #301
- Work fast! Clean up many issues. by @jmbhughes in #302
- adds new get method to normmeta by @jmbhughes in #304
New Contributors
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #298
- @svank made their first contribution in #301
Full Changelog: 0.0.3...0.0.4
What's Changed
- Fixes figure in intro.rst by @jmbhughes in #281
- add file hashing by @jmbhughes in #276
- Delete docs/requirements.txt by @jmbhughes in #284
- Delete .github/workflows/docs.yaml by @jmbhughes in #285
- fix versions in docs by @jmbhughes in #286
- Adds polarref keyword by @jmbhughes in #277
- add new f corona model generation algorithm by @jmbhughes in #287
- update psf to new regularizepsf by @jmbhughes in #289
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...0.0.3
Full Changelog: 0.0.1...v0.0.2
Release to fix the versioning in pypi
What's Changed
- removes duplicated f-corona test by @jmbhughes in #81
- removes duplicated test by @jmbhughes in #83
- reduces the pre-commit allowed file size by @jmbhughes in #84
- reduce pre-commit allowed file size by @jmbhughes in #85
- bumps codecov action version by @jmbhughes in #88
- Improve wcs metadata handling by @lowderchris in #62
- Create LICENSE by @jmbhughes in #95
- Monthly merge to main by @github-actions in #100
- L1vi vignetting flatfield correction by @lowderchris in #98
- Polarization reprojection by @lowderchris in #103
- Adds bright feature detection module by @mwest007 in #97
- Last merge from develop by @jmbhughes in #110
- Delete .github/workflows/monthly.yaml by @jmbhughes in #111
- Update ci.yaml by @jmbhughes in #112
- prototypes stray light removal code by @jmbhughes in #113
- Update by @jmbhughes in #114
- Remove level0 by @jmbhughes in #115
- updates requirements to by @jmbhughes in #116
- fix docs ci by @jmbhughes in #118
- Add despiking code by @jmbhughes in #120
- Corrects style by @jmbhughes in #128
- Corrects and tests inclusion of spacecraft location metadata by @lowderchris in #132
- Add uncertainty conversion to integer layer by @lowderchris in #129
- adds development guide note by @jmbhughes in #133
- switches to pyproject.toml completely by @jmbhughes in #136
- Update PR template by @jmbhughes in #140
- Adds Level 3 flow, cleans up parameters for Level 1, fixes deficient pixel uncertainty by @jmbhughes in #139
- fixes wcs ordering, converts to pyproject.toml by @jmbhughes in #135
- Adds initial uncertainty values from initial pipeline data by @lowderchris in #138
- fix hughes author email, bump python version to 3.10 by @jmbhughes in #142
- improves ci by @jmbhughes in #159
- makes sure all subpackages are imported by @jmbhughes in #160
- Adds bright structure tests by @mwest007 in #152
- fixed test_threshold_sigma by @mwest007 in #164
- Update product codes by @lowderchris in #165
- Starfield removal by @s0larish in #161
- Fix #166 by @jmbhughes in #169
- WIP: Extend docs by @jmbhughes in #163
- Close #170 --- product codes in yaml file by @lowderchris in #172
- Doc fixes by @d-lamb in #178
- adds codespell by @jmbhughes in #180
- Removes CCD and image processing keyword sections from level 2 data by @lowderchris in #194
- adds psf generation placeholder by @jmbhughes in #197
- Fixes data representation by removing punchdata and correcting uncertainty saving by @jmbhughes in #198
- fix errors introduced by moving data by @jmbhughes in #199
- set quantize level for uncertainty by @jmbhughes in #200
- adds version numbering to files by @jmbhughes in #201
- Fix psf model generation by @jmbhughes in #202
- improve flows by @jmbhughes in #203
- remove casting to int by @jmbhughes in #213
- Bump Python version by @jmbhughes in #215
- fix solpolpy usage by @jmbhughes in #217
- Handle distortion io by @jmbhughes in #218
- add ritesh's contribution for polarization by @jmbhughes in #219
- make fileversn have a value always by @jmbhughes in #220
- updated stray light vignetting by @mwest007 in #222
- Fix warning tests to pass CI (stray light and vignetting) by @mwest007 in #224
- Fixes wcs conversions by @jmbhughes in #226
- Get running by @jmbhughes in #228
- Testing flows by @jmbhughes in #229
- Post build 3 review merge by @jmbhughes in #231
- fix ruff and broken tests by @jmbhughes in #242
- close the hdu list for writing by @jmbhughes in #243
- added f corona model interpolation by @jmbhughes in #248
- moves sqrt encoding by @jmbhughes in #251
- Quickpunch flow by @jmbhughes in #244
- Create ci_fixed.yaml by @jmbhughes in #253
- Quickpunch flow by @jmbhughes in #255
- NumPy 2.0+ compatibility by @lowderchris in #254
- turn alignment back on by @jmbhughes in #256
- updates units and description for square-root encoded DN data by @lowderchris in #271
- use sunpy all by @jmbhughes in #272
- close many finished todos by @jmbhughes in #273
- Prepare public version by @jmbhughes in #279
- Update .readthedocs.yaml by @jmbhughes in #280
New Contributors
- @mwest007 made their first contribution in #97
- @s0larish made their first contribution in #161
- @d-lamb made their first contribution in #178
Full Changelog: