Releases: trixi-framework/Trixi.jl
Releases · trixi-framework/Trixi.jl
Trixi v0.3.5
Closed issues:
- Use common testing terminology (#381)
Merged pull requests:
- Plot recipes (#384) (@sloede)
- improve 2D mortar flux (#388) (@ranocha)
- Rename manual tests to unit tests (#389) (@erik-f)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "RecipesBase" at version "1.1" (#395) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Plots" at version "1.9" for package test (#396) (@github-actions[bot])
Trixi v0.3.4
Closed issues:
- MPI: Replace deprecated methods (#330)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "StaticArrays" to "1.0" (#360) (@github-actions[bot])
- Implement AMR with MPI (#361) (@erik-f)
- Multicomponent joins Taal (#369) (@Cczernik)
- Add support for 3D LBM-DG with the D3Q27 scheme (#371) (@sloede)
- some minor improvements (#374) (@ranocha)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "LinearMaps" to "3.0" (#375) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Documenter" to "0.26" for package docs (#376) (@github-actions[bot])
- fix doctests and run them in CI (#377) (@ranocha)
- improve the analysis callback (and reduce allocations significantly) (#379) (@ranocha)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "SimpleMock" at version "1.2" for package test (#387) (@github-actions[bot])
Trixi v0.3.3
Closed issues:
- Allow any point-wise transformation of the output variables in solution files (#174)
- Taal: The final countdown (#319)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "LoopVectorization" to "0.9" (#362) (@github-actions[bot])
- set sol.t correctly in home brewed integrators (#363) (@ranocha)
- Add 2D Lattice-BGK equation (D2Q9) for quasi-incompressible flow (#364) (@sloede)
- Support conversion of conservative variables to arbitrary variables in SaveSolutionCallback (#365) (@sloede)
- more precompile statements (#366) (@ranocha)
- bump lower compat bounds for LoopVectorization and Tullio (#367) (@ranocha)
Trixi v0.3.2
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix calc ch (#353) (@andrewwinters5000)
- implement 1d solver for MHD equations (#355) (@andrewwinters5000)
- Disable Codecov (#357) (@sloede)
- Add one dimensional hyperbolic diffusion capability (#359) (@andrewwinters5000)
Trixi v0.3.0
Closed issues:
- Rename stuff for consistency & clarity (#9)
- Get rid of n_surfaces/n_elements etc. variable for which a get_xxx function exists (#10)
- General plan and layout (#42)
- Boundcheck (#55)
- Add REPL tricks to documentation (#66)
- Consistently map function names to their "canonical" names (#68)
- Document and export initial conditions (#70)
- Make AMR indicators function-based (#73)
- Clean up
(#74) - Separate implementation of time integration schemes (#83)
- Clean up functions related to the fluxes (#92)
- Example files parameters_rotor.toml and parameters_mhd_blast_wave.toml fail (#96)
- Use periodic values of linear advection initial/exact solutions (#135)
- Move more stuff to the thread cache (#136)
- Compute CFL factors a la Fluxo (#139)
- Pass
struct to source_terms_XXX (#142) - Enable Trixi2Img to plot results from 3D simulations (#147)
- TOML? Why? (#150)
- Add section on performance in Julia to docs (#164)
- Make the number of analysis nodes a parameter (#173)
- Checks for steady state should be implemented as functions (#176)
- Taal aka Trixi as a library (#177)
- Taal: Replace timeit with timeit_debug (#185)
- Clean up utils directory (#192)
- Allow scalars for advectionvelocity in 1D (#197)
- Taal: Which initial conditions, boundary conditions, source terms should be exported? (#207)
- Taal: Compare performance of point-wise source terms against element-wise source terms (#208)
- Axes in images generated by Trixi2Img are inverted and unlabeled (#213)
- Taal: Porting
(#219) - Taal: Make it easier to set
(#224) - Error norm issue for euler_khi_amr (#232)
- AMR indicator in Taal (#233)
- Naming: Singular or plural? (#234)
- Create example elixirs to show how to extend Trixi (#235)
- Taal: Should we use a named tuple for boundary conditions? (#238)
- Taal: Support for restarting simulations (#240)
- Update docs about 3D visualization capabilities with Trixi2Img (#241)
- Do not treat
as an error (#242) - Assimilate extended tests into normal tests (#243)
- How to name elixir files (#244)
- Reproducibility between Taam and Taal (#252)
- Taal: Positivity preserving limiter (#270)
- Remove Travis CI testing - at least on on Mac, maybe completely??? (#286)
- Migrate MPI to Taal (#287)
- Get rid of Appveyor and Travis CI (#289)
- Tighten test tolerances (#291)
- Taal: Execute callbacks when maxiters is reached (#295)
- Taal: sort and restructure tests (#301)
- Taal: Prettify simulation summary (#302)
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for parallel 2D simulations on static, uniform mesh (#167) (@sloede)
- Merge Taal into master (#200) (@ranocha)
- Update linear_scalar_advection.jl (#201) (@FelipeSantillan)
- Further updates to Taal (#212) (@ranocha)
- More updates to Taal (#218) (@ranocha)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "MPI" at version "0.15" (#220) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "OffsetArrays" at version "1.3" (#221) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "MPI" at version "0.15" for package test (#222) (@github-actions[bot])
- conversion of MHD parameter files into elixir files (#223) (@andrewwinters5000)
- start to concert toml to elixir (#225) (@gregorgassner)
- Taal: Hyperbolic diffusion and AMR controller (#227) (@ranocha)
- Taal: AMR allocations (#228) (@ranocha)
- Convert parameter to elixir for 2D Euler tests (#229) (@andrewwinters5000)
- first version of euler elixir for khi with amr. only three level avai… (#230) (@gregorgassner)
- More updates to Taal (#249) (@ranocha)
- copy list of authors when building docs (#250) (@ranocha)
- Update docs to include 3D features of Trixi2Img (#251) (@erik-f)
- add note on time integration methods to the docs (#254) (@ranocha)
- Taal 3D (#255) (@ranocha)
- Port shock capturing with non-conservative terms into Taal (#256) (@andrewwinters5000)
- document possible ways to run benchmarks (#258) (@ranocha)
- document some common options to solve [ci skip] (#259) (@ranocha)
- Taal: simple Jacobian computation using central FD (#262) (@ranocha)
- port 2N gravity time step to Taal (#263) (@ranocha)
- analytic vortex AMR: t, iter as kwargs in AMR indicator (#264) (@ranocha)
- Taal: More elixirs (#265) (@ranocha)
- Match Taal and Taam (#266) (@ranocha)
- Make Taal pass Taam tests (#267) (@sloede)
- More adaptations for Taal/Taam (#268) (@ranocha)
- Taal: restarts (#271) (@ranocha)
- Simple self-cooked time integration faking the interface of OrdinaryDiffEq (#272) (@ranocha)
- Ensure final time step size
is not nearly zero (#273) (@sloede) - PositivityPreservingLimiterZhangShu (#274) (@ranocha)
- Add support for 3S* schemes to Taal (#275) (@sloede)
- compare performance of source terms in 3D (#276) (@ranocha)
- show how to define new ICs inside the Jeans elixir (#278) (@ranocha)
- Taal: more sync (#281) (@ranocha)
- docstrings for ICs/BCs/sources etc. (#282) (@ranocha)
- Toml2elixirsync 3d (#283) (@Cczernik)
- Merge MPI into Taal (#285) (@ranocha)
- WIP: migrate to GitHub actions (#288) (@ranocha)
- Port MPI to Taal (#292) (@ranocha)
- Mix more 1D elixirs (#293) (@sloede)
- Must mix more elixirs (#294) (@sloede)
- Port remaining tests for 2D (#296) (@sloede)
- introduce isfinished(integrator) (#297) (@ranocha)
- update docs to Taal and fix typos (#298) (@ranocha)
- Mix more 3D elixirs and port correspondings tests (#299) (@sloede)
- Some CI updates (#300) (@ranocha)
- comparing elixir_eulergravity_eoc_test.jl (#305) (@ranocha)
- Sync examples/2d/elixir_eulergravity_sedov_blast_wave.jl (#306) (@ranocha)
- latency reduction (#307) (@ranocha)
- test_trixi_include as macro (#308) (@ranocha)
- confirm elixir_euler_blob_shockcapturing_mortar.jl (#309) (@ranocha)
- Improve docs (#310) (@ranocha)
- Port & mix last 3D elixirs (#311) (@sloede)
- Resolve CFL magic (#313) (@ranocha)
- example callbacks (#314) (@ranocha)
- additional notes on performance and helpful packages (#315) (@ranocha)
- consistent example names (#320) (@ranocha)
- remove Travis CI and Appveyor integration (#321) (@ranocha)
- Fix MHD flux (#322) (@ranocha)
- add examples folder to coverage (hopefully) (#323) (@ranocha)
- Fix MHD time step (#324) (@ranocha)
- adapt AMR check for final step (#325) (@ranocha)
- Fix time step size calculation and analysis polydeg (#326) (@sloede)
- sort tests by dimension and equations (#327) (@ranocha)
- Remove Taam (#331) (@ranocha)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "HDF5" to "0.14" (#332) (@github-actions[bot])
- Prettify summary output (#333) (@sloede)
- Removed old parts of containers (#334) (@ranocha)
- Add OrdinaryDiffEq to docs (#335) (@sloede)
- Make
elixir simple again (#336) (@sloede) - Reorder callbacks (#338) (@sloede)
- Rename example callbacks/limiter to be consistent with directory naming scheme (#340) (@sloede)
- Tighten relative tolerance for the testing (#341) (@andrewwinters5000)
- Increase coverage (#345) (@ranocha)
- test Zhang-Shu and Löhner in 1D and 2D (#346) (@ranocha)
- additional tests of show methods (#347) (@ranocha)
- Further improve coverage (#348) (@sloede)
Trixi v0.2.6
Merged pull requests:
- WIP: Taal (#187) (@ranocha)
- Jo/support 1d (#188) (@JuliaOd)
- Travis: Build also for another dev branch and not on Julia nightly anymore (#196) (@ranocha)
- Taal: add trixi_include and move definitions of abstract types for dispatch (#202) (@ranocha)
- Taal 1D (#203) (@ranocha)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "EllipsisNotation" to "1.0" (#209) (@github-actions[bot])
- Some fixes for Taal (#211) (@ranocha)
Trixi v0.2.4
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
Trixi v0.2.3
Closed issues:
- Make
more general and support errors of primitive variables (#162)
Merged pull requests: