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854 lines (787 loc) · 54 KB
EverQuest Emulator server changes for the year 2021



[Akkadius] [Compile Fix] Squelch warnings
[Akkadius] [Quest API] Port DiaWind Plugin to Native Quest API (#1521)
[Akkadius] [Hitpoints] Remove HP Update Throttling (#1517)
[Akkadius] [Hotfix] Fixing FMT Format Crash (#1516)
[Akkadius] [Logging] Implement World GMSay Logging (#1505)
[Akkadius] Pad zero size packets which is what we did on encrypted connections prior to #1464 (#1504)
[Akkadius] [Repositories] Add datetime support to repositories (#1503)
[Akkadius] [Server] Tweak inter process keepalive timers; this is a very tiny overhead for inter-process chatter to check for connection liveness (#1502)
[Akkadius] [Shared Tasks] Shared Tasks System Implementation (#1451)
[Alex] [Netcode] Remove security from servertalk connections (#1464)
[Dencelle] [Cheat Detection] Anti-Cheat reimplementation (#1434)
[Gangsta] [Quest API] Sit method (#1449)
[Gangsta] [Spells] IsInvisSpell() Method + InvisRequireGroup Rule (#1453)
[KayenEQ] [Feature] Implemented /shield ability and related affects (#1494)
[KayenEQ] Fix SE_TwinCastBlocker to block twinproc (#1476)
[KayenEQ] Implemented SPA 482 SE_Skill_Base_Damage_Mod (#1474)
[KayenEQ] Implemented SPA 498 and 499 (extra attack chance effects) (#1475)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Added constant labeling to all StatBonuses that use as arrays. (#1485)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Allow SE_SecondaryForte 248 to be calculated as a bonus instead of hardcoded AA (#1507)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Bug fix for AOE Harmony/Lull (#1472)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Fix SPA 209 SE_DispelBeneficial not causing aggro (#1495)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Focus related functions to use int32 instead of int16
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Implemented SPA 390 SE_FcTimerLockout (#1496)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Implemented SPA 471 SE_Double_Melee_Round (#1492)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Implemented SPA 476 SE_Weapons_Stance and Live-like AA Enable/Disable Toggle (#1477)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Implemented SPA 489 SE_Worn_Endurance_Regen_Cap (#1493)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Implemented SPA 504 and 506 (#1488)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Major update to cast restriction code and new spell field 'caster_requirement_id' (field220) implemented (#1508)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] New SPA focus effects and focus limits (#1462)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] SPIndex fix for wrong const in variable (#1487)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Updated pet suspend code to use spell effect data and bonuses (#1501)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Updated SE_NegateSpellEffect SPA 382, new functionality (#1514)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Update for SPA 403 and 404 (#1482)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Update SPA 339 SE_TriggerOnCast (#1478)
[KayenEQ] [Spells] Update to SPA 130 and SPA 131 focus calculation, focus code improvements (#1486)
[KayenEQ] Update to focus SE_BlockNextSpell (#1479)
[Kinglykrab] [Bug Fix] Shared Bank Charges Fix (#1511)
[Kinglykrab] [Quest API] Add GetHealScale() and GetSpellScale() to Perl and Lua. (#1515)
[Kinglykrab] [Quest API] Adds new methods to NPCs and Corpses (#1510)
[Kinglykrab] [Quest API] Modify GetItemStat() and GetSpellStat() functionality. (#1509)
[Logan] [Mods] Added Hastev3Cap (#1506)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [CI] Enable Bots (Typo) in Drone Config (#1481)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [cmake] Update min cmake version due to fe7cb76 (#1489)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Fix bots with ExtraAttackChance changes (#1480)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Spells] Implement PVP resist and duration overrides (#1513)
[splose] [Hitpoints] More HP Fixes - Remove Hacks (#1518)

[Shared Tasks] Shared Task System Implementation (#1451)

See [Shared Tasks] Design Doc for design details. Huge props to @hgtw co-writing this system with me over the past 6 months or so

Demo Videos During Development


  • Shared tasks implementation to be as simple as possible
  • Shared tasks implementation to be least invasive to existing Quest API’s (Keep majority existing functionality)
  • Shared tasks to be least invasive to existing zone state management handling and use the zone-level state management to be a “client” or “subscriber” of * world when handling a task of type “shared”
  • Utilize all of the zone-level state management but insert middleware to intercept functionality where world should be authoritative over state management
  • World should be able to fully restore shared task state on crash or restart and pick up exactly where it left off
  • Attempt to keep zone as un-aware of any shared task state data as possible; none if at all possible outside of caches for duplicate update checking

High Level Notes

  • Shared task creation fully works out of the box either through existing quest::assigntask() or quest::taskselector() methods. You cannot mix shared tasks with regular tasks in the task selector window.
  • Validation fully in place for Shared Task requests / adding and removal of players
  • World keeps all shared task state and keeps the local state of players in sync with the single source of truth (World) through SharedTaskManager
  • DynamicZones were decoupled from Expeditions by HG to be able to be used flexibly with Shared Tasks
  • Most crucial shared task messaging support has been added. Eg. players being removed, added, leadership transfer, acquiring, validation etc.
  • Existing task packets consolidated and cleaned up
  • Lockouts fully implemented (Task timers)
  • Rate limiters added to some task commands for a small DOS mitigation layer
  • Shared Task completions get historically recorded for any sort of player logging

Client Command Support

  • /tasktimers
  • /taskplayerlist
  • /taskremove
  • /taskmakeleader
  • /taskadd
  • /taskquit

New Tables

  • character_instance_safereturns - Handles instance safe returns
  • character_task_timers - Character task timers / lockouts
  • completed_shared_task_activity_state - Historical Shared Task information
  • completed_shared_task_members - Historical Shared Task information
  • completed_shared_tasks - Historical Shared Task information
  • shared_task_activity_state - Shared Task activity state
  • shared_task_dynamic_zones - Shared Task dynamic zones associations
  • shared_task_members - Shared Task members
  • shared_tasks - Shared Tasks
describe character_instance_safereturns;
| Field            | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id               | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| character_id     | int(10) unsigned | NO   | UNI | NULL    |                |
| instance_zone_id | int(11)          | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| instance_id      | int(11)          | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| safe_zone_id     | int(11)          | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| safe_x           | float            | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| safe_y           | float            | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| safe_z           | float            | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| safe_heading     | float            | NO   |     | 0       |                |
9 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [peq]> describe character_task_timers;
| Field        | Type             | Null | Key | Default             | Extra          |
| id           | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL                | auto_increment |
| character_id | int(10) unsigned | NO   | MUL | 0                   |                |
| task_id      | int(10) unsigned | NO   | MUL | 0                   |                |
| timer_type   | int(11)          | NO   |     | 0                   |                |
| expire_time  | datetime         | NO   |     | current_timestamp() |                |
5 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [peq]> describe completed_shared_task_activity_state;
| Field          | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| shared_task_id | bigint(20) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| activity_id    | int(11)    | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| done_count     | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| updated_time   | datetime   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| completed_time | datetime   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
5 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [peq]> describe completed_shared_task_members;
| Field          | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| shared_task_id | bigint(20) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| character_id   | bigint(20) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| is_leader      | tinyint(4) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
3 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [peq]> describe completed_shared_tasks;
| Field           | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id              | bigint(20) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| task_id         | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| accepted_time   | datetime   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| expire_time     | datetime   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| completion_time | datetime   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| is_locked       | tinyint(1) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
6 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [peq]> describe shared_task_activity_state;
| Field          | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| shared_task_id | bigint(20) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| activity_id    | int(11)    | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| done_count     | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| updated_time   | datetime   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| completed_time | datetime   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
5 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [peq]> describe shared_task_dynamic_zones;
| Field           | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| shared_task_id  | bigint(20)       | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| dynamic_zone_id | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
2 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [peq]> describe shared_task_members;
| Field          | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| shared_task_id | bigint(20) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| character_id   | bigint(20) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| is_leader      | tinyint(4) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
3 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [peq]> describe shared_tasks;
| Field           | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id              | bigint(20) | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| task_id         | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| accepted_time   | datetime   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| expire_time     | datetime   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| completion_time | datetime   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| is_locked       | tinyint(1) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
6 rows in set (0.001 sec)

Newly Handled Ops

  • OP_SharedTaskAcceptNew
  • OP_SharedTaskAddPlayer
  • OP_SharedTaskInvite
  • OP_SharedTaskInviteResponse
  • OP_SharedTaskMakeLeader
  • OP_SharedTaskMemberChange
  • OP_SharedTaskMemberInvite
  • OP_SharedTaskMemberList
  • OP_SharedTaskPlayerList
  • OP_SharedTaskQuit
  • OP_SharedTaskRemovePlayer
  • OP_SharedTaskSelectWindow
  • OP_TaskRequestTimer
  • OP_TaskSelectWindow
  • OP_TaskTimers

Relevant Shared Task Source Files



image image image

[Quest API] Port DiaWind Plugin to Native Quest API

This PR ports the following Perl plugin to native source and is available to both Lua and Perl

New Quest API Methods

$client->DiaWind("markdown"); // alias
e.other:DiaWind("markdown"); // alias


  • {lb} = Light Blue Color

  • {y} = Yellow Color

  • {gold} = Gold Color

  • {g} = Green Color

  • {r} = Red Color

  • {gray} = Gray Color

  • ~ = End Color Tag ()

  • [> = Response Text (Not Visible) - This is what the player responds with, for example: [What else do we need to do?>

  • [] = Response Text (Visible) - If a NPC has multiple brackets, it will give the player multiple saylinks to click, if there is just one [bracket] inline with the text, the player will respond by clicking 'Yes' on the window

  • +66+ = Animation number - As long as there is a number between two plus signs together, the NPC will perform that animation

  • +salute+ = Animation phrase - This references

  • {bullet} - Equivalent to a bullet such as the one in this list

  • {in} - Will indent the text

  • {linebreak} - Will create a linebreak

  • mysterious - If the text 'mysterious' is anywhere in the text, it will not show up in the player window, but it will format the window as 'Mysterious Voice tells you'

  • wintype:0/1 - If this is 1 the window will be Yes/No

  • popupid:ID - If this option is present, it will give the popup window and ID

  • noquotes - This tells the window to not use any quotes for special formatting at times

  • nosound - No sound affect will play with the window

  • =Timer= - If a number is specified between the two ==, it will countdown a timer on the popup window



HTML Color Codes

You can also callout the follow color codes to use in the window as well by calling them out in brackets

    {"black",                  "#000000"},
    {"brown",                  "#804000"},
    {"burgundy",               "#800000"},
    {"cadet_blue",             "#77BFC7"},
    {"cadet_blue_1",           "#4C787E"},
    {"chartreuse",             "#8AFB17"},
    {"chartreuse_1",           "#7FE817"},
    {"chartreuse_2",           "#6CC417"},
    {"chartreuse_3",           "#437C17"},
    {"chocolate",              "#C85A17"},
    {"coral",                  "#F76541"},
    {"coral_1",                "#E55B3C"},
    {"coral_2",                "#C34A2C"},
    {"cornflower_blue",        "#151B8D"},
    {"cyan",                   "#00FFFF"},
    {"cyan_1",                 "#57FEFF"},
    {"cyan_2",                 "#50EBEC"},
    {"cyan_3",                 "#46C7C7"},
    {"cyan_4",                 "#307D7E"},
    {"dark_blue",              "#0000A0"},
    {"dark_goldenrod",         "#AF7817"},
    {"dark_goldenrod_1",       "#FBB117"},
    {"dark_goldenrod_2",       "#E8A317"},
    {"dark_goldenrod_3",       "#C58917"},
    {"dark_goldenrod_4",       "#7F5217"},
    {"dark_green",             "#254117"},
    {"dark_grey",              "#808080"},
    {"dark_olive_green",       "#CCFB5D"},
    {"dark_olive_green_2",     "#BCE954"},
    {"dark_olive_green_3",     "#A0C544"},
    {"dark_olive_green_4",     "#667C26"},
    {"dark_orange",            "#F88017"},
    {"dark_orange_1",          "#F87217"},
    {"dark_orange_2",          "#E56717"},
    {"dark_orange_3",          "#7E3117"},
    {"dark_orange_3",          "#C35617"},
    {"dark_orchid",            "#7D1B7E"},
    {"dark_orchid_1",          "#B041FF"},
    {"dark_orchid_2",          "#A23BEC"},
    {"dark_orchid_3",          "#8B31C7"},
    {"dark_orchid_4",          "#571B7e"},
    {"dark_purple",            "#800080"},
    {"dark_salmon",            "#E18B6B"},
    {"dark_sea_green",         "#8BB381"},
    {"dark_sea_green_1",       "#C3FDB8"},
    {"dark_sea_green_2",       "#B5EAAA"},
    {"dark_sea_green_3",       "#99C68E"},
    {"dark_sea_green_4",       "#617C58"},
    {"dark_slate_blue",        "#2B3856"},
    {"dark_slate_gray",        "#25383C"},
    {"dark_slate_gray_1",      "#9AFEFF"},
    {"dark_slate_gray_2",      "#8EEBEC"},
    {"dark_slate_gray_3",      "#78c7c7"},
    {"dark_slate_gray_4",      "#4C7D7E"},
    {"dark_turquoise",         "#3B9C9C"},
    {"dark_violet",            "#842DCE"},
    {"deep_pink",              "#F52887"},
    {"deep_pink_1",            "#E4287C"},
    {"deep_pink_2",            "#C12267"},
    {"deep_pink_3",            "#7D053F"},
    {"deep_sky_blue",          "#3BB9FF"},
    {"deep_sky_blue_1",        "#38ACEC"},
    {"deep_sky_blue_2",        "#3090C7"},
    {"deep_sky_blue_3",        "#25587E"},
    {"dim_gray",               "#463E41"},
    {"dodger_blue",            "#1589FF"},
    {"dodger_blue_1",          "#157DEC"},
    {"dodger_blue_2",          "#1569C7"},
    {"dodger_blue_3",          "#153E7E"},
    {"firebrick",              "#800517"},
    {"firebrick_1",            "#F62817"},
    {"firebrick_2",            "#E42217"},
    {"firebrick_3",            "#C11B17"},
    {"forest_green",           "#4E9258"},
    {"forest_green_1",         "#808000"},
    {"gold",                   "#D4A017"},
    {"gold_1",                 "#FDD017"},
    {"gold_2",                 "#EAC117"},
    {"gold_3",                 "#C7A317"},
    {"gold_4",                 "#806517"},
    {"goldenrod",              "#EDDA74"},
    {"goldenrod_1",            "#FBB917"},
    {"goldenrod_2",            "#E9AB17"},
    {"goldenrod_3",            "#C68E17"},
    {"goldenrod_4",            "#805817"},
    {"grass_green",            "#408080"},
    {"gray",                   "#736F6E"},
    {"gray_1",                 "#150517"},
    {"gray_2",                 "#250517"},
    {"gray_3",                 "#2B1B17"},
    {"gray_4",                 "#302217"},
    {"gray_5",                 "#302226"},
    {"gray_6",                 "#342826"},
    {"gray_7",                 "#34282C"},
    {"gray_8",                 "#382D2C"},
    {"gray_9",                 "#3b3131"},
    {"gray_10",                "#3E3535"},
    {"gray_11",                "#413839"},
    {"gray_12",                "#41383C"},
    {"gray_13",                "#463E3F"},
    {"gray_14",                "#4A4344"},
    {"gray_15",                "#4C4646"},
    {"gray_16",                "#4E4848"},
    {"gray_17",                "#504A4B"},
    {"gray_18",                "#544E4F"},
    {"gray_19",                "#565051"},
    {"gray_19",                "#595454"},
    {"gray_20",                "#5C5858"},
    {"gray_21",                "#5F5A59"},
    {"gray_22",                "#625D5D"},
    {"gray_23",                "#646060"},
    {"gray_24",                "#666362"},
    {"gray_25",                "#696565"},
    {"gray_26",                "#6D6968"},
    {"gray_27",                "#6E6A6B"},
    {"gray_28",                "#726E6D"},
    {"gray_29",                "#747170"},
    {"green",                  "#00FF00"},
    {"green_1",                "#5FFB17"},
    {"green_2",                "#59E817"},
    {"green_3",                "#4CC417"},
    {"green_4",                "#347C17"},
    {"green_yellow",           "#B1FB17"},
    {"hot_pink",               "#F660AB"},
    {"hot_pink_1",             "#F665AB"},
    {"hot_pink_2",             "#E45E9D"},
    {"hot_pink_3",             "#C25283"},
    {"hot_pink_4",             "#7D2252"},
    {"indian_red",             "#F75D59"},
    {"indian_red_2",           "#E55451"},
    {"indian_red_3",           "#C24641"},
    {"indian_red_4",           "#7E2217"},
    {"khaki",                  "#ADA96E"},
    {"khaki_1",                "#FFF380"},
    {"khaki_2",                "#EDE275"},
    {"khaki_3",                "#C9BE62"},
    {"khaki_4",                "#827839"},
    {"lavender",               "#E3E4FA"},
    {"lavender_blush",         "#FDEEF4"},
    {"lavender_blush_1",       "#EBDDE2"},
    {"lavender_blush_2",       "#C8BBBE"},
    {"lavender_blush_3",       "#817679"},
    {"lawn_green",             "#87F717"},
    {"lemon_chiffon",          "#FFF8C6"},
    {"lemon_chiffon_1",        "#ECE5B6"},
    {"lemon_chiffon_2",        "#C9C299"},
    {"lemon_chiffon_3",        "#827B60"},
    {"light_blue",             "#0000FF"},
    {"light_blue_1",           "#ADDFFF"},
    {"light_blue_2",           "#BDEDFF"},
    {"light_blue_3",           "#AFDCEC"},
    {"light_blue_4",           "#95B9C7"},
    {"light_blue_5",           "#5E767E"},
    {"light_coral",            "#E77471"},
    {"light_cyan",             "#E0FFFF"},
    {"light_cyan_1",           "#CFECEC"},
    {"light_cyan_2",           "#AFC7C7"},
    {"light_cyan_3",           "#717D7D"},
    {"light_golden",           "#ECD672"},
    {"light_goldenrod",        "#ECD872"},
    {"light_goldenrod_1",      "#FFE87C"},
    {"light_goldenrod_2",      "#C8B560"},
    {"light_goldenrod_3",      "#817339"},
    {"light_goldenrod_yellow", "#FAF8CC"},
    {"light_grey",             "#C0C0C0"},
    {"light_pink",             "#FAAFBA"},
    {"light_pink_1",           "#F9A7B0"},
    {"light_pink_2",           "#E799A3"},
    {"light_pink_3",           "#C48189"},
    {"light_pink_4",           "#7F4E52"},
    {"light_purple",           "#FF0080"},
    {"light_salmon",           "#F9966B"},
    {"light_salmon_1",         "#E78A61"},
    {"light_salmon_2",         "#C47451"},
    {"light_salmon_3",         "#7F462C"},
    {"light_sea_green",        "#3EA99F"},
    {"light_sky_blue",         "#82CAFA"},
    {"light_sky_blue_1",       "#A0CFEC"},
    {"light_sky_blue_2",       "#87AFC7"},
    {"light_sky_blue_3",       "#566D7E"},
    {"light_slate_blue",       "#736AFF"},
    {"light_slate_gray",       "#6D7B8D"},
    {"light_steel_blue",       "#728FCE"},
    {"light_steel_blue_1",     "#C6DEFF"},
    {"light_steel_blue_2",     "#B7CEEC"},
    {"light_steel_blue_3",     "#646D7E"},
    {"lime_green",             "#41A317"},
    {"magenta",                "#FF00FF"},
    {"magenta_1",              "#F433FF"},
    {"magenta_2",              "#E238EC"},
    {"magenta_3",              "#C031C7"},
    {"maroon",                 "#810541"},
    {"maroon_1",               "#F535AA"},
    {"maroon_2",               "#E3319D"},
    {"maroon_3",               "#C12283"},
    {"maroon_4",               "#7D0552"},
    {"medium_aquamarine",      "#348781"},
    {"medium_forest_green",    "#347235"},
    {"medium_orchid",          "#B048B5"},
    {"medium_orchid_1",        "#D462FF"},
    {"medium_orchid_2",        "#C45AEC"},
    {"medium_orchid_3",        "#A74AC7"},
    {"medium_orchid_4",        "#6A287E"},
    {"medium_purple",          "#8467D7"},
    {"medium_purple_1",        "#9E7BFF"},
    {"medium_purple_2",        "#9172EC"},
    {"medium_purple_3",        "#7A5DC7"},
    {"medium_purple_4",        "#4E387E"},
    {"medium_sea_green",       "#306754"},
    {"medium_slate_blue",      "#5E5A80"},
    {"medium_spring_green",    "#348017"},
    {"medium_turquoise",       "#48CCCD"},
    {"medium_violet_red",      "#CA226B"},
    {"midnight_blue",          "#151B54"},
    {"orange",                 "#FF8040"},
    {"pale_turquoise",         "#92C7C7"},
    {"pale_turquoise_1",       "#5E7D7E"},
    {"pale_violet_red",        "#D16587"},
    {"pale_violet_red_1",      "#F778A1"},
    {"pale_violet_red_2",      "#E56E94"},
    {"pale_violet_red_3",      "#C25A7C"},
    {"pale_violet_red_4",      "#7E354D"},
    {"pastel_green",           "#00FF00"},
    {"pink",                   "#FAAFBE"},
    {"pink_1",                 "#FF00FF"},
    {"pink_2",                 "#E7A1B0"},
    {"pink_3",                 "#C48793"},
    {"pink_4",                 "#7F525D"},
    {"plum",                   "#B93B8F"},
    {"plum_1",                 "#F9B7FF"},
    {"plum_2",                 "#E6A9EC"},
    {"plum_3",                 "#C38EC7"},
    {"plum_4",                 "#7E587E"},
    {"purple",                 "#8E35EF"},
    {"purple_1",               "#893BFF"},
    {"purple_2",               "#7F38EC"},
    {"purple_3",               "#6C2DC7"},
    {"purple_4",               "#461B7E"},
    {"red",                    "#FF0000"},
    {"red_1",                  "#F62217"},
    {"red_2",                  "#E41B17"},
    {"rosy_brown",             "#B38481"},
    {"rosy_brown_1",           "#FBBBB9"},
    {"rosy_brown_2",           "#E8ADAA"},
    {"rosy_brown_3",           "#C5908E"},
    {"rosy_brown_4",           "#7F5A58"},
    {"royal_blue",             "#2B60DE"},
    {"royal_blue_1",           "#306EFF"},
    {"royal_blue_2",           "#2B65EC"},
    {"royal_blue_3",           "#2554C7"},
    {"royal_blue_4",           "#15317E"},
    {"salmon_1",               "#F88158"},
    {"salmon_2",               "#E67451"},
    {"salmon_3",               "#C36241"},
    {"salmon_4",               "#7E3817"},
    {"sandy_brown",            "#EE9A4D"},
    {"sea_green",              "#4E8975"},
    {"sea_green_1",            "#6AFB92"},
    {"sea_green_2",            "#64E986"},
    {"sea_green_3",            "#54C571"},
    {"sea_green_4",            "#387C44"},
    {"sienna",                 "#8A4117"},
    {"sienna_1",               "#F87431"},
    {"sienna_2",               "#E66C2C"},
    {"sienna_3",               "#C35817"},
    {"sienna_4",               "#7E3517"},
    {"sky_blue",               "#82CAFF"},
    {"sky_blue_1",             "#6698FF"},
    {"sky_blue_2",             "#79BAEC"},
    {"sky_blue_3",             "#659EC7"},
    {"sky_blue_4",             "#41627E"},
    {"slate_blue",             "#357EC7"},
    {"slate_blue_1",           "#737CA1"},
    {"slate_blue_2",           "#6960EC"},
    {"slate_blue_3",           "#342D7E"},
    {"slate_gray",             "#657383"},
    {"slate_gray_1",           "#C2DFFF"},
    {"slate_gray_2",           "#B4CFEC"},
    {"slate_gray_3",           "#98AFC7"},
    {"slate_gray_4",           "#616D7E"},
    {"spring_green",           "#4AA02C"},
    {"spring_green_1",         "#5EFB6E"},
    {"spring_green_2",         "#57E964"},
    {"spring_green_3",         "#4CC552"},
    {"spring_green_4",         "#347C2C"},
    {"steel_blue",             "#4863A0"},
    {"steel_blue_1",           "#5CB3FF"},
    {"steel_blue_2",           "#56A5EC"},
    {"steel_blue_3",           "#488AC7"},
    {"steel_blue_4",           "#2B547E"},
    {"thistle",                "#D2B9D3"},
    {"thistle_1",              "#FCDFFF"},
    {"thistle_2",              "#E9CFEC"},
    {"thistle_3",              "#C6AEC7"},
    {"thistle_4",              "#806D7E"},
    {"turquoise",              "#00FFFF"},
    {"turquoise_1",            "#43C6DB"},
    {"turquoise_2",            "#52F3FF"},
    {"turquoise_3",            "#4EE2EC"},
    {"turquoise_4",            "#43BFC7"},
    {"violet",                 "#8D38C9"},
    {"violet_red",             "#F6358A"},
    {"violet_red_1",           "#F6358A"},
    {"violet_red_2",           "#E4317F"},
    {"violet_red_3",           "#C12869"},
    {"violet_red_4",           "#7D0541"},
    {"white",                  "#FFFFFF"},
    {"yellow",                 "#FFFF00"},
    {"yellow_1",               "#FFFC17"},
    {"yellow_green",           "#52D017"}

[Logging] Implement World GMSay Logging (#1505)

Also work peeled from #1451

This enables world GM say logging and relays all messages to all zoneservers.

This was especially helpful during Shared Tasks work where we need / want to see real live communication of packets being sent back and forth between world and zone



This also adds the following rule which is enabled by default

RULE_BOOL(Logging, WorldGMSayLogging, true, "Relay worldserver logging to zone processes via GM say output")

Of course operators will need to be mindful of not turning on excessive logging but should be fine performance wise under normal conditions


[Akkadius] [Hotfix] SendIllusion revert to October
[Akkadius] [Repositories] Regenerate repositories with int64 support, reserved word support (#1440)
[Akkadius] [Repository Generator] Add int64/bigint support, add support for reserved words (#1439)
[Akkadius] [Repository Usage] Migrate NPC Scale Manager to use repositories (#1441)
[Dencelle] [Code] Addition of zone constants for hard coding (#1443)
[Dencelle] [Commands] Make #maxskills work on target. (#1445)
[E Spause] Add SetGMStatus to LUA, cleanup unused variable, cleanup naming of new function added to Client class, remove unneeded return on void function. (#1471)
[Gangsta] [Merchants] Fix issue where an item purchased with 1 charges actually is bought with 0 charges
[Gangsta] [Bugfix] Fixes guards assisting mobs against players (#1448)
[KayenEQ] Projectiles Update (#1468)
[KayenEQ] [Feature] New SPAs pass 1 (#1454)
[KayenEQ] [Feature] New SPAs pass 2 (#1459)
[KimLS] Fix for compile issue when you either don't have openSSL or you're using a version not supported by httplib
[Kurt Gilpin] [Inventory] Remove Trader's Satchel ID from inventory.cpp (#1423)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Add defines (commented) for further known SPAs (#1446)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Bug Fix] spell cast time cap issue introduced in e5b9d72 (#1435)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Spells Cleanup] Unify and add most hardcoded spell IDs (#1438)
[Natedog2012] Allow NPCs to aggro player pets with NPCAggro field set in database and new rule AggroPlayerPets set to true (#1450)
[splose] [Quest API] Add $client->SetGMStatus() (#1465)


[Alex] [Bots] Add Bot scripting capabilities to the source. (#1378)
[Alex] [Bots] Remove hardcoded race-class combinations from bots. (#1375)
[Alex] [Bug Fix] Fix CMakeLists.txt so compile works. (#1387)
[Alex] [Commands] Add #findclass [search criteria] command. (#1384)
[Alex] [Commands] Add #viewzoneloot [item id] command. (#1382)
[Alex] [Pets] Unhardcode Beastlord pet values. (#1379)
[Alex] [Quest API] Add ChangeLastName() and ClearLastName() to Lua. (#1386)
[Alex] [Quest API] Add SetHideMe() to Perl/Lua. (#1388)
[Alex] [Quest API] Add getcleannpcnamebyid(npc_id) to Perl/Lua. (#1383)
[Alex] [Quest API] Add several methods to Perl/Lua API for LDoN stuff. (#1356)
[Alex] [Shared Bank] Add additional popup to shared bank warning message, as client-side filters can cause the message to be unseen. (#1368)
[Alex] [Spells] Adds a rule to allow right-click memorize from spell scrolls. (#1377)
[Dencelle] [Bug Fix] EntityList::AESpell fix for Pacify / Mez (#1354)
[Dencelle] [Bug Fix] Fix for charges not being sold correctly (#1357)
[Dencelle] [Bug Fix] NPC not breaking charm correctly (#1363)
[Kurt Gilpin] (HEAD -> master, origin/master) Fix crash when casting with no target (#1390)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Magic numbers bad (#1373)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] This skill bonus was suppose to only apply to monks with epics (#1364)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Bug Fix] EntityList::AESpell was off by one (#1351)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Fix] Fix Spell Cast Time reduction issues (#1369)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Quest API] Add Lua_Mob::GetShuffledHateList (#1381)
[Michael] [Rule] Allow Skill ups from items (Default: On) (#1376)
[Paul Coene] [GM Command] #list npcs Goto option now goes to higher Z if selected NPC is a boat. (#1349)
[RoTPvP] [PVP] Pvp guard assist code. (Guards will assist in PvP based on faction) (#1367)
[RoTPvP] [Spells] Added a pet check to Cazic Touch (#1365)
[TurmoilToad] [Docs] Create (#1360)
[hg] [Dynamic Zones] Store min and max players on dz (#1355)
[hg] [Expeditions] Avoid expedition leader change if only member (#1372)
[hg] [Expeditions] Move member compass updates to dz (#1371)
[hg] [Expeditions] Store members on dynamic zone (#1358)
[hg] [Quest API] Add write overloads to lua packet quest api (#1366)
[hg] [Repository Generator] Fix repository generator on windows (#1353)
[regneq] [Time] strict spawn_events now take into account EQ minute. (#1370)
[splose] [Bug Fix] Allow GMs to chat when stunned (#1380)
[splose] [Rules] Add rule to allow you to cast invis on already invis'd players (#1361)


This changelog entry encompasses the past 6 months of updates and PR's

[Akkadius] Drone Build Pipeline (#1144)
[Akkadius] [DevTools] Improve DevTools Toggling Options (#1161)
[Akkadius] [Door Opening] Rule to let configure Animal Door Opening (#1231)
[Akkadius] [Repositories] Insert repository improvements (#1236)
[Akkadius] [Scheduler] Event scheduler implementation (#1257) [Akkadius] Move data aliases after null checks for safety [skip ci]
[Akkadius] Revert "[BUG] Fix for Group Leader Disband Issue"
[Akkadius] Update repo with latest template [skip ci]
[Akkadius] [Hotfix] DB Manifest
[Akkadius] [Hotfix] Incorrect Perl usage method (docs)
[Akkadius] [Hotfix] Remove test branch fields from repo
[Akkadius] [Installer] Swap unstable powershell download for Perl LWP::Simple call
[Alex] [CLE] Reset iterator in IsAccountInGame() (#1345)
[Alex] Add HasDisciplineLearned() to Perl/Lua.
[Alex] Add ScaleNPC() to Perl and Lua. (#1238)
[Alex] Add SetRadiantCrystals() and SetEbonCrystals() to Perl/Lua. (#1159)
[Alex] Add character-specific zone-based experience modifiers. (#1326)
[Alex] Add new experience modifiers table to GetCharacterTables() and GetPlayerTables() in database_schema.h. (#1338)
[Alex] Add removeitem(item_id, quantity) to Perl/Lua. (#1156)
[Alex] Convert NPC Spell AI from int16 to uint16. (#1262)
[Alex] Fix Perl NPC GetAvoidanceRating() Perl Croak. (#1333)
[Alex] Fix SQL for NPC Spells. (#1265)
[Alex] [Bug Fix] Zone Heading for Binds, Summons, Teleports, and Zoning. (#1328)
[Alex] [Experience] Add exp mod to npc types to let a server op change the exp modifier (#1252)
[Alex] [Library] Update zlibng (#1255)
[Alex] [Quest API] Add HTML color tag method to Perl and Lua. (#1324)
[Alex] [Quest API] Add IsHorse() to Perl and Lua. (#1264)
[Alex] [Quest API] Add IsRaidTarget() to Perl and Lua (#1347)
[Alex] [Quest API] Add Mob-based data bucket methods to Perl/Lua. (#1237)
[Alex] [Quest API] Add new zone name methods to Perl and Lua. (#1309)
[Alex] [Quest API] Add secondstotime(duration) to Perl and Lua. (#1281)
[Alex] [Quest API] Convert Client GetLastName() method export to Mob export. (#1331)
[Alex] [Quest API] Resolves traindiscs and scribespells issues in Perl/Lua. (#1249)
[Alex] [Rules] Cleanup all unused rules. (#1308)
[Alex] quest::getspellname() and quest::getclassname() fixes/additions. (#1158)
[E Spause] Add safeguard for issue with mobs pathing to 0,0,0 on teleport nodes with values 0,0,0 (#1140)
[JeffyW] [Installer] $ENV support, formatting, and optimizations (#1340)
[KimLS] Fix for issue in movement manager where a drop aggro can happen and processing continues.
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Add include to PATH_SUFFIXES for Windows builds (#1246)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Add string util search_deliminated_string (#1260)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Feature/underworld (#1146)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Fix NPC Scale Manager leaking (#1254)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Fix some leaks of groups/raids (#1242)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Fix va_list leaks in MakeAnyLenString/AppendAnyLenString (#1240)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Hack to fix repulsable bard charms (#1320)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] LuaJIT calls it lua51.lib/dll on Windows ... (#1247)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Provide more search paths for luajit (#1216)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] Switch scheduled hot zone check to search instead of split (#1313)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Bug Fix] Add Bounds Checking to OP_LFGCommand Comment Processing
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Bug Fix] Fix use-after-free corruption with some DB calls (#1335)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Bug Fix] Misc Bard Song Fixes (#1317)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Cleanup] Nuke Make/AppendAnyLenString (#1251)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Cleanup] Only link Lua with zone (#1288)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Cleanup] use std::make_unique (#1259)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Fix] Clean up Filtered/MessageString functions (#1311)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Lua/Cmake] Prefer LuaJIT over normal Lua (#1235)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Rule] Add a rule to disable the Pet Resist buff (#1337)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] [Strings] Split String Optimizations (#1325)
[Michael Cook (mackal)] zlib-ng1.dll ends up in a different path (#1268)
[Paul Coene] #grid delete was deleting the grids everywhere (#1346)
[Paul Coene] Added RACE_BOAT_533 to IsBoat() (#1154)
[Paul Coene] Client tracks pet sit/stand - force new pets to stand rather than use client (#1155)
[Paul Coene] Fix calls to GetSafePoints to not pass null_ptr as zonename (#1336)
[Paul Coene] Prevent client update while on boat if boat turning (#1343)
[Paul Coene] Remove the extra erroneous message (DoT landing message) at mob death if mob dies of DoT. (#1138)
[Paul Coene] Remove unneeded calls to DoAnim() for spells/bardsong (#1290)
[Paul Coene] [Boats] Fix x/y offsets from client to reflect EQ x/y instead of boat heading… (#1296)
[Paul Coene] [Bug Fix] Add debugging and fix edge case where no target for aggro mob (#1344)
[Paul Coene] [Bug] Fix ignore_primary_assist. (#1323)
[Paul Coene] [Feature] Allow any spawn2 spawned mob to path while zone is idle if new flag is set. (#1339)
[Peter Rigby] [Fix] Moved assigning of AISpellVar variables before AI_Start() so that any values that override the rule values will not be ignored (#1321)
[RoTPvP] Added a check to stop Bard song for Mezz/Stun (#1319)
[Thalic] Minor ortographic corrections of ruletypes.h (#1147)
[Thalix] Minor ruletypes.h cleanup (#1306)
[Thalix] Update command.cpp (#1289)
[Thalix] [Crash] Bugfix for zone crash caused by #flymode -1 (#1291)
[TurmoilToad] Add category tags for Object methods. (#1232)
[TurmoilToad] Add category tags for corpse methods (#1234)
[TurmoilToad] Add category tags to new client methods. (#1233)
[TurmoilToad] Update perl_questitem.cpp (#1227)
[TurmoilToad] [Quest API] Perl Client Annotations (#1224)
[TurmoilToad] [Quest API] Perl Door Annotations (#1241)
[TurmoilToad] [Quest API] Perl Entity List Annotations (#1243)
[TurmoilToad] [Quest API] Perl Group Annotations (#1261)
[TurmoilToad] [Quest API] Perl Hate Entry Annotations (#1244)
[TurmoilToad] [Quest API] Perl Mob Annotations (#1258)
[TurmoilToad] [Quest API] Perl NPC Annotations (#1245)
[TurmoilToad] [Quest API] Perl Raid Annotations (#1226)
[hg] Add missing includes to fix windows compile (#1314)
[hg] Throttle auto expedition leader changes (#1293)
[hg] [Dynamic Zones] Rename dynamic zone structs (#1327)
[hg] [Expeditions] Cleanup client dz safe return methods (#1300)
[hg] [Expeditions] Create common dz abstract class (#1312)
[hg] [Expeditions] Decouple dz updates from expeditions (#1303)
[hg] [Expeditions] Let dz process its expired state (#1310)
[hg] [Expeditions] Refactor expedition caching (#1315)
[hg] [Expeditions] Refactor expedition requests (#1301)
[hg] [Expeditions] Store description and leader name on dz (#1294)
[hg] [Expeditions] Track DZ member status in world (#1341)
[hg] [Expeditions] [Quest API] Add expedition IsLocked to Quest API (#1292)
[neckkola] Added new Perl/LUA GetSpellIDByBookSlot (#1151)
[splose] [Rules] Add rule 'GM:MinStatusToBypassLockedServer' (#1330)
[splose] add quest::get_spell_level(uint16 spell_id, uint8 class_id) (#1295)
[splose] setting spawn2.version to -1 will now properly spawn mobs in all zone versions (#1299)



  • Add quest::message(color, message) to Perl.
  • Add quest::whisper(message) to Perl.
  • Add $client->HasDisciplineLearned(spell_id) to Perl.
  • Add eq.message(color, message) to Lua.
  • Add eq.whisper(message) to Lua.
  • Add client:HasDisciplineLearned(spell_id) to Lua.
  • Add 4 new special attacks to Perl and Lua.
      • Immune to all damage except NPC damage.
      • Immune to all damage except Client damage.
      • Immune to aggro by a Client.
      • Immune to aggro by an NPC, clients must attack directly to gain aggro, allows pet only boss mechanics and stuff.



  • Added $client->Fling() to Perl.
  • Added $client->SetEbonCrystals() to Perl.
  • Added $client->SetRadiantCrystals() to Perl.
  • Added client:GetTargetRingX() to Lua.
  • Added client:GetTargetRingY() to Lua.
  • Added client:GetTargetRingZ() to Lua.
  • Added client:Fling() to Lua.
  • Added client:SetEbonCrystals() to Lua.
  • Added client:SetRadiantCrystals() to Lua.