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widberg edited this page Apr 10, 2023 · 56 revisions

FUEL and other TotemTech games store some configuration data in the Windows Registry. The root key for FUEL is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\FUEL.

Certain values in the registry are able to be overridden by the config.opt file. Other games may not use the registry at all.



The value of BitmapEnable depends on the checkboxes Enable Normal Maps, Enable Dirt Maps, and Enable Occlusion in the Advanced window in GameSetup.exe. When Enable Normal Maps is unchecked the bits 0xA8 are set, otherwise the bits are unset. When Enable Dirt Maps is unchecked the bit 0x40 is set, otherwise the bit is unset. When Enable Occlusion is unchecked the bit 0x4 is set, otherwise the bit is unset. Naturally, if all 3 checkboxes are set then BitmapEnable is 0, and if all 3 checkboxes are unchecked BitmapEnable is 0xEC. Despite appearing in the same window, the Enable Shadow Maps checkbox has no effect on BitmapEnable; instead it controls the value of VideoShadowMap.


This key is read by the game but is not editable in GameSetup.exe. A value of 1 inverts the Y-Axis movement of the camera. This is separate from the OPTIONS -> CONTROLS -> SETTINGS -> Camera Y Axis Inverted option, which is stored in the save file. The registry value and Camera Y Axis value stack together. If both are inverted then they cancel out and it is as if the camera Y-Axis is not inverted. The arrow key camera controls are always inverted regardless of either setting.


This key is read by the game but is not editable in GameSetup.exe. The movement of the camera along each axis is multiplied by MouseSensitivity * 0.0099999998 * 1.5 + 0.5.


This key is read by the game but is not editable in GameSetup.exe. After the game reads the value, it is immediately discarded.


This key is read by the game but is not editable in GameSetup.exe. This value is unused in favor of MouseSensitivity.


The value for this key corresponds to a trtext ID.

UserLanguageID trtext ID Language

There is no corresponding UserLanguageID for the trtext IDs 20, 21, and 22.


It is unclear how the Version key's value is determined. The value does not appear to have changed between FUEL and Up.


The value for this key is the index in the Video Adapter drop-down selection in GameSetup.exe.


The value for this key is the Anisotropic Level selected in GameSetup.exe. Disabled is 1, 2x is 2, 4x is 4, 8x is 8, and 16x is 16.


If the value of this key is 0 then the same flags variable as VideoShadowMap is bitwise or'd with 0x40000. This flag appears to never be tested by the game. I cannot notice a difference between having this set or not.


This value is a boolean that cannot be set using GameSetup.exe. The game looks normal with the default value of 1. With a value of 0, the game looks overexposed and several meshes are invisible. Recompiling shaders with the value of 0 does not seem to help. Clicking Play or Quit in GameSetup.exe sets this value to 1.


The value for this key is the index in the Resolution drop-down in GameSetup.exe. However, the VideoResolution key is what is actually used to determine the resolution the game runs at. Clicking Play or Quit in GameSetup.exe sets the value of VideoResolution to the corresponding resolution for the selected index in the Resolution drop-down, overwriting any custom resolution set in VideoResolution.


The value for this key is the Antialiasing selected in GameSetup.exe. Disabled is 0, 1x is 1, 2x is 2, 4x is 4, and 8x is 8.


The value for this key is the index in the Performance drop-down in the Advanced window in GameSetup.exe. Low is 0, Medium is 1, and High is 2. This value by itself is only used to store the preset and has no effect outside of setting the checkboxes that control BitmapEnable and VideoShadowMap on selection. The checkboxes themselves are what determine the values of BitmapEnable and VideoShadowMap regardless of the preset selected.


The VideoResolution registry key is encoded as (height << 16) | (width & 0xFFFF), that is, the height component is the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit REG_DWORD value and the width component is the lower 16 bits. So width=1920=0x0780, height=1080=0x0438 becomes VideoResolution=0x04380780.

See also: Custom Resolution & Shader Tweak


This key is read by the game but is not editable in GameSetup.exe. After the game reads the value, it is immediately discarded.


The value for this key is the checkbox Enable Shadow Maps in the Advanced window in GameSetup.exe. Unchecked is 0 and checked is 1. The same flags variable as VideoCubeMap is or'd with 0x20000 if VideoShadowMap is 0. As expected, unchecking this disables shadows in the game.


The value for this key is the index in the Texture Filtering drop-down in GameSetup.exe. Bilinear is 0, Trilinear is 1, and Anisotropic is 2.


The value for this key is the index in the Texture Quality drop-down in GameSetup.exe. HIGH is 0 and LOW is 1.


Note that while by default the registry for FUEL contains these subkeys, they have no effect since the controls are loaded from the save file. The game contains all the logic to load the controls from the registry as described below but does not. Other games allow the controls to be changed using GameSetup.exe, FUEL only allows the controls to be changed via an in-game menu. NbPlayer can be set to 0 and Controls00 deleted without effect.

The subkey ControlsZZ, where ZZ is in the range [0, NbPlayer), has a number of subkeys matching the pattern Control.XX.YY.Primary/Secondary where XX is in the range [0, NbContext) and YY is in the range [0, 32). By default NbPlayer has a value of 1 and NbContext has a value of 3. Not all possible permutations are used by default.

The value of each of these keys is encoded as (data << 16) | (type & 0xFFFF), that is, the data component is the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit REG_DWORD value and the type component is the lower 16 bits. There are four possible type values, each type uses the data component differently.

Conventionally, the Primary keys are for mouse and keyboard controls while the Secondary keys are for joystick controls.

See also: Custom Gamepad Control Mapping


A type component with a value less than or equal to -3 represents no selected input for that control. The data component is unused and 0 by default.


A type component with a value equal to -2 represents a mouse input. A data component value of 8 or 9 corresponds to scrolling down or up respectively. Other data component values correspond to mouse buttons.


A type component with a value equal to -1 represents a DirectInput KeyCode input for that control. In this case, the data component is a DIK KeyCode.

DirectInput Joystick

A type component with a value greater than or equal to 0 represents a DirectInput joystick, where the exact value is the index of the Joystick. In this case, the data component is encoded as (data_type << 8) | (data_data & 0xFF), that is, the data_type component is the upper 8 bits of the 16-bit WORD value and the data_data component is the lower 8 bits. There are 5 possible values for data_type, each type uses the data_data component differently.


A data_type component with a value equal to 0 represents a joystick button. In this case, the data_data component represents the button index.


A data_type component with a value equal to 1 represents a joystick POV button, a DPad button. In this case, the data_data component is encoded as (data_data_index << 4) | (data_data_direction & 0xF), that is, the data_data_index component is the upper 4 bits of the 8-bit BYTE value and the data_data_direction component is the lower 4 bits. The data_data_index component corresponds to the POV index, the index of the DPad in the list of DPads. A data_data_direction component with a value of 0, 1, 2, or 3 corresponds to up, right, down, and left respectively.


A data_type component with a value equal to 2 represents a joystick Slider. In this case, the data_data component is encoded as (data_data_index << 4) | (data_data_sign & 0xF), that is, the data_data_index component is the upper 4 bits of the 8-bit BYTE value and the data_data_sign component is the lower 4 bits. The data_data_index component corresponds to the slider index. A data_data_sign component with a value of 0 or 1 corresponds to negative or positive respectively.


A data_type component with a value equal to 3 represents a joystick rotation. In this case, the data_data component is encoded as (data_data_axis << 4) | (data_data_sign & 0xF), that is, the data_data_axis component is the upper 4 bits of the 8-bit BYTE value and the data_data_sign component is the lower 4 bits. A data_data_axis component with a value of 0, 1, or 2 corresponds to X, Y, or Z respectively. A data_data_sign component with a value of 0 or 1 corresponds to negative or positive respectively.


A data_type component with a value equal to 4 represents a joystick axis. In this case, the data_data component is encoded as (data_data_axis << 4) | (data_data_sign & 0xF), that is, the data_data_axis component is the upper 4 bits of the 8-bit byte value and the data_data_sign component is the lower 4 bits. A data_data_axis component with a value of 0, 1, or 2 corresponds to X, Y, or Z respectively. A data_data_sign component with a value of 0 or 1 corresponds to negative or positive respectively.


The X and Y axis correspond to the left stick while the Z axis and Z rotation correspond to the right stick.

Default Controls

The following table describes the default registry values for the Controls00 subkeys and their decoding according to the scheme described above. DIK KeyCodes in the table are given assuming a QWERTY keyboard layout.

Key Value Data Type
Control.00.00.Primary 0x1effff DIK_A DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.00.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.01.Primary 0x20ffff DIK_D DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.01.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.02.Primary 0x11ffff DIK_W DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.02.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.03.Primary 0x1fffff DIK_S DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.03.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.04.Primary 0xcbffff DIK_LEFT DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.04.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.05.Primary 0xcdffff DIK_RIGHT DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.05.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.06.Primary 0xc8ffff DIK_UP DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.06.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.07.Primary 0xd0ffff DIK_DOWN DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.07.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.08.Primary 0x4fffff DIK_NUMPAD1 DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.08.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.09.Primary 0x1ffff DIK_ESCAPE DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.09.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.10.Primary 0x13ffff DIK_R DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.10.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.11.Primary 0x1cffff DIK_RETURN DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.11.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.12.Primary 0x39ffff DIK_SPACE DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.12.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.13.Primary 0x1dffff DIK_LCONTROL DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.13.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.14.Primary 0x52ffff DIK_NUMPAD0 DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.14.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.15.Primary 0x21ffff DIK_F DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.15.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.00.16.Primary 0x12ffff DIK_E DirectInput KeyCode
Control.00.16.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.01.00.Primary 0x1fffff DIK_S DirectInput KeyCode
Control.01.00.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.01.01.Primary 0x1effff DIK_A DirectInput KeyCode
Control.01.01.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.01.02.Primary 0x11ffff DIK_W DirectInput KeyCode
Control.01.02.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.01.03.Primary 0x20ffff DIK_D DirectInput KeyCode
Control.01.03.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.01.04.Primary 0x14ffff DIK_T DirectInput KeyCode
Control.01.04.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.01.05.Primary 0x15ffff DIK_Y DirectInput KeyCode
Control.01.05.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.01.06.Primary 0x16ffff DIK_U DirectInput KeyCode
Control.01.06.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.01.07.Primary 0x17ffff DIK_I DirectInput KeyCode
Control.01.07.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.00.Primary 0xc8ffff DIK_UP DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.00.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.01.Primary 0xd0ffff DIK_DOWN DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.01.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.02.Primary 0xcdffff DIK_RIGHT DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.02.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.03.Primary 0xcbffff DIK_LEFT DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.03.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.04.Primary 0x1cffff DIK_RETURN DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.04.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.05.Primary 0x12ffff DIK_E DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.05.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.06.Primary 0x1ffff DIK_ESCAPE DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.06.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.07.Primary 0x14ffff DIK_T DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.07.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.08.Primary 0x15ffff DIK_Y DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.08.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.09.Primary 0x16ffff DIK_U DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.09.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.10.Primary 0x17ffff DIK_I DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.10.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.11.Primary 0x2cffff DIK_Z DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.11.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.12.Primary 0x2dffff DIK_X DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.12.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.13.Primary 0x23ffff DIK_H DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.13.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.14.Primary 0x2effff DIK_C DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.14.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.15.Primary 0xeffff DIK_BACK DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.15.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled
Control.02.16.Primary 0x13ffff DIK_R DirectInput KeyCode
Control.02.16.Secondary 0xfffd 0 Disabled

Notably, the F1 key does not appear in the registry despite being used to show the Immediate Mode Popup Menu. Maybe this key is stored in the save file and omitted from the registry despite every other default in the registry lining up with the defaults in the save file.

Registry Contents

A formatted dump of the result of running reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\FUEL /s follows.

    Version                 REG_DWORD    0x5887c8ac
    VideoMode               REG_DWORD    0x0
    VideoResolution         REG_DWORD    0x4380780
    VideoAdapter            REG_DWORD    0x0
    VideoPref               REG_DWORD    0x2
    VideoMultisample        REG_DWORD    0x8
    VideoAnisotropic        REG_DWORD    0x10
    VideoHDRI               REG_DWORD    0x1
    VideoSFX                REG_DWORD    0x0
    VideoShadowMap          REG_DWORD    0x1
    BitmapEnable            REG_DWORD    0x0
    VideoCubeMap            REG_DWORD    0x1
    VideoTextureQuality     REG_DWORD    0x0
    VideoTextureFiltering   REG_DWORD    0x2
    InvertYAxis             REG_DWORD    0x0
    MouseSensitivity        REG_DWORD    0x32
    PadsSensitivity         REG_DWORD    0x32
    NbPlayer                REG_DWORD    0x1
    UserLanguageID          REG_SZ       1033

    NbContext                  REG_DWORD    0x3
    Control.00.00.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x1effff
    Control.00.00.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.01.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x20ffff
    Control.00.01.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.02.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x11ffff
    Control.00.02.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.03.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x1fffff
    Control.00.03.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.04.Primary      REG_DWORD    0xcbffff
    Control.00.04.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.05.Primary      REG_DWORD    0xcdffff
    Control.00.05.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.06.Primary      REG_DWORD    0xc8ffff
    Control.00.06.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.07.Primary      REG_DWORD    0xd0ffff
    Control.00.07.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.08.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x4fffff
    Control.00.08.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.09.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x1ffff
    Control.00.09.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.10.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x13ffff
    Control.00.10.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.11.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x1cffff
    Control.00.11.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.12.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x39ffff
    Control.00.12.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.13.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x1dffff
    Control.00.13.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.14.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x52ffff
    Control.00.14.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.15.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x21ffff
    Control.00.15.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.00.16.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x12ffff
    Control.00.16.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.01.00.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x1fffff
    Control.01.00.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.01.01.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x1effff
    Control.01.01.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.01.02.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x11ffff
    Control.01.02.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.01.03.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x20ffff
    Control.01.03.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.01.04.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x14ffff
    Control.01.04.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.01.05.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x15ffff
    Control.01.05.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.01.06.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x16ffff
    Control.01.06.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.01.07.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x17ffff
    Control.01.07.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.00.Primary      REG_DWORD    0xc8ffff
    Control.02.00.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.01.Primary      REG_DWORD    0xd0ffff
    Control.02.01.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.02.Primary      REG_DWORD    0xcdffff
    Control.02.02.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.03.Primary      REG_DWORD    0xcbffff
    Control.02.03.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.04.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x1cffff
    Control.02.04.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.05.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x12ffff
    Control.02.05.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.06.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x1ffff
    Control.02.06.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.07.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x14ffff
    Control.02.07.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.08.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x15ffff
    Control.02.08.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.09.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x16ffff
    Control.02.09.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.10.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x17ffff
    Control.02.10.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.11.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x2cffff
    Control.02.11.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.12.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x2dffff
    Control.02.12.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.13.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x23ffff
    Control.02.13.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.14.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x2effff
    Control.02.14.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.15.Primary      REG_DWORD    0xeffff
    Control.02.15.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd
    Control.02.16.Primary      REG_DWORD    0x13ffff
    Control.02.16.Secondary    REG_DWORD    0xfffd


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Read the Docs

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Asobo BigFile Format Specification
Asobo Classes
Asobo File Format Idioms
Asobo CRC32
Asobo LZ Compression
Asobo Arithmetic Coding Compression
Asobo Save Game File Format Specification
Asobo Audio Formats
TotemTech/ToonTech/Zouna/ACE/BSSTech/Opal Timeline
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