All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.9.0-beta.4.2 (2022-03-04)
- develop a Split Pane component (#509) (3317aee), closes #510
- Improve usage examples in TestPane (#669) (0d42c0f)
- support listen to onCollapseAllFolders (#673) (c230885)
- support to set the expandKeys (#664) (e9a8cdd)
- filename missing and file path in EditorTree is not updated (#659) (aafa07d)
- fix usage of useMemo (#694) (24e6e2e)
- import Icon, Toolbar from relative path (#692) (a95fbe2)
- improve scrollbar style on windows platform (#665) (0be561d)
- make Keybinding work after reloading Molecule (#686) (a88a71e)
- move the style of statusBarView into mo.scss (#689) (08d799b)
- prevent the contextmenu event of Notification (#670) (1aa9f7f)
0.9.0-beta.3.2 (2022-02-18)
- LocaleNotification supports to trigger reload by pressing the Enter key (#643) (4b7d8de)
- support listen to the theme changed event (#646) (2590217)
- add icons to EditorTree and optimize its style (#656) (859fd73)
- customized MenuBar data will be lost when modifying the MenuBar's mode (#650) (15e219b)
- fix panels didn't active the next one after closing automatically (#653) (784dc07)
- improve the style of the Button in Notification (#654) (4a3470f)
- improve the style of the EditorTree node's icon (#657) (ffe6955)
- the interaction bug of MenuBar in horizontal mode (#647) (2294b3d)
- the onClick property of MenuItem will be overridden by custom data (#651) (467a7c0)
- update explorer when closing editor tab (#652) (953b2c0)
0.9.0-beta.3.1 (2022-02-08)
0.9.0-beta.3 (2022-01-27)
- add a Display component that controlling the Workbench Parts (#564) (948f09c)
- add Korean language pack (#558) (b9f817d)
- change the interaction of MenuBar in horizontal mode (#636) (b352afd)
- provide types of Keybinding and QuickAccess (#567) (0118b43)
- remove the onRemove processing logic in the built-in FolderTree extension (#617) (7a77374)
- support the horizontal layout of MenuBar (#553) (2cf2abb)
- support to dispose the Action (#599) (bfdf0bb)
- support to get the mode of the current Color Theme (#641) (57f8fab)
- support to set the folderTree nodes whether to sort by default (#614) (99754f9)
- Connect component supports to unsubscribe event by pass the callback (#635) (bde0274)
- correct the style of input and select (#578) (e0ba0fc)
- increase the z-index value of SubMenu in horizontal mode (#611) (b11b4e9)
- let defaultLocale works (#639) (2faaa9f)
- not allowed to reload the initialize method (#580) (7229fc5)
- optimize the style of MenuBar (#629) (f355c88)
- re-layout the Workbench when StatusBar is hidden (#557) (2d89f56)
- sync menuBar mode status (#637) (ecdb312)
- the style of the context menu of ActivityBarItem (#613) (08fd30f)
0.9.0-beta.2 (2022-01-05)
- add a Display component that controlling the Workbench Parts (#564) (948f09c)
- add Korean language pack (#558) (b9f817d)
- provide types of Keybinding and QuickAccess (#567) (0118b43)
- support the horizontal layout of MenuBar (#553) (2cf2abb)
- correct the style of input and select (#578) (e0ba0fc)
- not allowed to reload the initialize method (#580) (7229fc5)
- re-layout the Workbench when StatusBar is hidden (#557) (2d89f56)
0.9.0-beta.1.1 (2021-12-13)
0.9.0-beta.1 (2021-12-06)
- adjust the menu icon size (ed9cb8d)
- fix can't clear the notifications (#518) (2503f4a)
- fix create file node incorrect on contextMenu (#522) (14c6057)
- improve the circular dep error when execute yarn link (#528) (486182b)
- improve the exports of models (#507) (4b7ab03)
- improve the insert strategy in folderTree (#486) (3061b68)
- initView will override the setDefaultValue (#513) (586335e)
- remove the warning in console (#529) (059016c)
- show the SubMenu in right place when the Menu is horizontal mode (#526) (0d76520)
0.9.0-alpha.6 (2021-10-27)
- add built-in service (#471) (d96e2b3)
- provider supports custom locale (#473) (f1d9012), closes #478
- remove rc-tree and develop the new Tree component (#418) (8690180)
- set sidebar default width to 300px (d15a621)
- support render icon in tab title (#447) (d67c2e0)
- support to get groupId via tabId (#431) (44c2a7b)
- support to subscribe the drop event in tree (#450) (8626600)
- editor: add the onOpenTab event (#416) (cdbff6f)
- add built-in titles for the activityBar items (#424) (0a5c31d)
- fix editor size render incorrect when toggle the sidebar (9655a45)
- fix select all action always select the editor content (#415) (a1feb18)
- fix the searchById method (#469) (03e32fb)
- fix undo and redo actions (#440) (b76f372)
- improve the forceUpdate after editor open and close (#441) (50e0de2)
- optimize the shadow effect of Scrollable (#443) (76ad9b3)
- perfect the Tree component style (#428) (8ad91e0)
- prevent miniMapSlider covered by other colors (#448) (1b0aa04)
- remove the pointer-events CSS property (#423) (b3f6be6)
- remove the useless constructor arguments (e4699bc)
- remove useless code (#482) (5fbc961)
- renderPane exec twice (#439) (5eb14a5)
- set the collapse content width to initial value (366a635)
- the sidebar collapse title style (c27df72)
- the tsyringe inject the EditorModel error beacuse of the current is undefined (#468) (fbb4113)
- update the getBuiltInColors method to immutable (b744265)
- update the hover style for list (#476) (35e66fd)
- color theme: optimize the Panel, actionBar (#445) (9ac1962)
0.9.0-alpha.5 (2021-09-07)
- adjust the import method (#400) (1ea6238)
- folderTree support to loadData (#367) (a9c6ded)
- support set the sorting of the panel (#351) (95470fe)
- support to set the default context menu in folderTree (#363) (bbb3021)
- update the LocaleService initial logic (#397) (c98df53)
- add an if statement before calling the unmountComponentAtNode (#319) (99a7d81)
- can't add the new panel when open it (#390) (f8eddab)
- ellipsis the title when width is too narrow (#412) (55efbb7)
- height is lost after adjusting the input text (#347) (d4f5512), closes #317
- improve the style of tab title (#409) (832a034)
- improve type definition of editor tab (#341) (22597b4)
- optimize the Color Theme (#395) (9a6ed01)
- prevent page broken via folderTree (#358) (160a798)
- prevent page broken when data is undefined (#361) (26d611a)
- tree can't update root node (#368) (45fe3f6)
0.9.0-alpha.4 (2021-08-09)
- api: different invoke methods based on molecule API
- menubar: add menu bar methods to service and support shortcut keys (#298) (3370b0f), closes #292
- access the color themes globally (1a627d5)
- access the CommandPalette globally (f37989b)
- add checked color for activityBar item (e09f07d)
- add CommandQuickAccessProvider and CommandQuickAccessViewAction (5a42e22)
- add the outputEditorInstance property in panelService (#229) (14ab294)
- add the quickAccess for the Settings (458a4ca)
- alter the Workbench tabIndex default to 0 (f1c278b)
- appearance needs re layout after show or hide (#171) (a809494)
- develop explorer panels (#174) (921ecc5)
- develop open editors window (#183) (098c78c)
- editor actions & actionBar support tooltip (#260) (325eea0)
- editorTree & editorTabs support scroll into view (#275) (07b9a0f)
- encapsulate Action2 for workbench (39d9e07)
- encapsulate common workspace Actions API based on moanco api (1d49058)
- encapsulate the quickAccessProvider (223ea3c)
- extract layoutService (#176) (a15245f)
- folderTree support to set entry page (#209) (8c4096a)
- gulp task support to watch file changed (#251) (7e7b963)
- improve problems panel (#242) (16be69c)
- menu support to set divider (#205) (c8aca25)
- move the default problems extension to stories (#227) (3210191)
- support keybinding via extensions (#198) (fb3c370)
- support onPanelToolbarClick in explorer panels (#218) (a78594f)
- support to customize welcome page (#202) (1f9b24b)
- support to toggle panels via keybinding (#208) (7ae4310)
- support to toggle side bar visibility by command (#203) (72b7dcc)
- collapse: collapse panel content support to scroll (#185) (c2fb3d5)
- collapse: collaspe support to specify grow attr (#188) (d5dca2e)
- component: search input support text wrap (#169) (0052f52)
- component: search input support to specify validateInfo (#167) (8e40782)
- i18n: localize support to provide dynamic replace text (#186) (ad1bbc1)
- i18n: support basic il8n feature (#170) (ce3c202), closes #106 #107
- remove the default active animation (b3ee198)
- support cache SplitPane Position of Panel and reset SplitPane p… (#161) (e23a6b0)
- support show or hide statusBar when rightClik statusBar panel (#154) (b26c532)
- update builtin color theme (d02f552)
- notification: modify styles for notification panel (8d20149)
- panel service: modify panel service test code (c808b12)
- problems and notification: modify problems and notification styles and rename panel (7c1a08d)
- problems and notification: update problems and notification code (aa6b32d), closes #103
- tsconfig: modify tsconfig for yarn build esm (6c9e308)
add animation for expand the collapse (17995c9)
add the keyword type when exporting the interface or type object (b3966f9)
add the type keyword to the ILocale interface (#273) (f58f0a1)
adjust the margin of Sidebar search control (ad5319f)
auto adjust the output after resize the panel (#240) (7cbe2ed)
code Editor content is wrong when EditorTabs are changed (#160) (2b05642)
default regsiter the SettingsController singleton (#204) (442b1a9)
disable update the tab when onUpdateTab (aa25528)
duplicate command palette in editor context menu (#243) (111a4cd)
editor disappear when closing a maximized panel (#287) (7b32028)
fix keybinding invalidation when dispose an editor (#258) (4399719)
improve active style and prevent the show of native contextMenu (#225) (70f3804)
improve editor content change (a9d2bcf)
improve editor tabs change (c1c34e2)
improve minimap color theme & problem color theme (#270) (958928e)
improve the timing when to check empty of panels (#233) (5ef6a82)
location render incorrect after editing (d0877f0)
output panel didn't save data when switching panels (#252) (92b7321)
remove the updateTab action (a95e4db)
remove the useless injectable decorator (ec61d0f)
setting config not working when deleting property (#309) (23116af)
the editor content incorrect when changing tabs (#210) (7d59c07)
build: replace the path named mo with relative path (8146eee)
collapse: fix calc content height failed because of height: 100% (#194) (f6a6ba6)
collapse: improve the timing to detect panel content whether empty (#184) (eb70c6d)
editor: fix report error message when close tab in editor (#207) (32daee2)
folderTree: improve add root folder & delete dialog (#192) (c49e534)
global: set the color of Tag a as inherit (#216) (54cc07c), closes #187
update the color theme (58df79b)
monaco: import default language contributions (6d0fdbc)
api: refactor the molecule API and interfaces (fa01143), closes #143 #153
0.9.0-alpha.3.1 (2021-07-15)
- auto adjust the output after resize the panel (#240) (7cbe2ed)
- duplicate command palette in editor context menu (#243) (111a4cd)
- fix problem panel cannot open after hiding (#239) (4d80bf9)
- improve editor actions (#234) (443d4da)
- improve the timing when to check empty of panels (#233) (5ef6a82)
- improve tree helper types (#248) (1dfee56)
- improve unreasonable design (#232) (74f8976)
- update foldertree new folder (#247) (c505abe)
- api: different invoke methods based on molecule API
- access the color themes globally (1a627d5)
- access the CommandPalette globally (f37989b)
- add checked color for activityBar item (e09f07d)
- add colorRegistery (ff55f06)
- add colorRegistery (84f5780)
- add CommandQuickAccessProvider and CommandQuickAccessViewAction (5a42e22)
- add testing sidebar panel (d9b9fdc)
- add the outputEditorInstance property in panelService (#229) (14ab294)
- add the quickAccess for the Settings (458a4ca)
- alter the Workbench tabIndex default to 0 (f1c278b)
- appearance needs re layout after show or hide (#171) (a809494)
- code format premitter (519a651)
- delete debugger (2493cd7)
- delete unless code (be4091d)
- develop explorer panels (#174) (921ecc5)
- develop open editors window (#183) (098c78c)
- display the editor line and column info on statusBar (f502adb)
- encapsulate Action2 for workbench (39d9e07)
- encapsulate common workspace Actions API based on moanco api (1d49058)
- encapsulate the quickAccessProvider (223ea3c)
- explorer service add (9963180)
- extract layoutService (#176) (a15245f)
- extract ITab interface to tabComponent (3645f46)
- extract overside tabDataInterface (c7a6857)
- folder service test (4d13957)
- folderTree support to set entry page (#209) (8c4096a)
- menu support to set divider (#205) (c8aca25)
- move the default problems extension to stories (#227) (3210191)
- remove the default active animation (b3ee198)
- support cache SplitPane Position of Panel and reset SplitPane p… (#161) (e23a6b0)
- support keybinding via extensions (#198) (fb3c370)
- support onPanelToolbarClick in explorer panels (#218) (a78594f)
- support to customize welcome page (#202) (1f9b24b)
- support to toggle panels via keybinding (#208) (7ae4310)
- support to toggle side bar visibility by command (#203) (72b7dcc)
- collapse: collapse panel content support to scroll (#185) (c2fb3d5)
- collapse: collaspe support to specify grow attr (#188) (d5dca2e)
- component: search input support text wrap (#169) (0052f52)
- component: search input support to specify validateInfo (#167) (8e40782)
- editor: add split window and some features for editor (3bf957b)
- i18n: localize support to provide dynamic replace text (#186) (ad1bbc1)
- i18n: support basic il8n feature (#170) (ce3c202), closes #106 #107
- support show or hide statusBar when rightClik statusBar panel (#154) (b26c532)
- update builtin color theme (d02f552)
- editor: custom the TabPane renderer (b65d221)
- monaco: add json language (dd4846c)
- notification: modify styles for notification panel (8d20149)
- panel: add intitial service, model and controller (2c4eac3)
- panel: support add, remove and update Panel features, builtin OUTPUT and PROBLEMS panel (909bcc8), closes #19 #22
- panel service: modify panel service test code (c808b12)
- problems and notification: update problems and notification code (aa6b32d), closes #103
- settings: add basic Settings feature (8bceabd), closes #104
- tsconfig: modify tsconfig for yarn build esm (6c9e308)
- utils: add flatObject and normalizeFlattedObject functions (cb93d7c)
- add addConextMenu removeContextMenu activityServices (10411e3)
- add onTabChange and onToolbarClick interfaces in panelService (6cab8f0), closes #45
- connect state and view by connect method (fc9188f)
- define contextMenu command id (b08f56f)
- editorService support subscribe onMoveTab, onSelectTab, onCloseAll, onCloseTab, onCloseOth etc (#140) (48c8984)
- explorer headerToolBar feats add (c3ac8af)
- export the shadowClassName of contextView (7875f19)
- extract editor modified logic to extensions (#138) (70aafcf)
- extract logic to extensions (cd47341)
- extract overside logic (1f089fb)
- extract randomId (459d867)
- extract TreeViewUtil to help file (883de0f)
- import mo.scss manually (1d4fb98)
- listen sample folder contextmenu event (46343fd)
- optimize fileType definition (768f176)
- optimize folderPanel contextMenu logic and extract style to mo (d1191a5)
- optimize moduleName (eb68f89)
- optimize some named (315d520)
- optimzie activityBar onContextMenuClick method (60056ad)
- optmize stories (c2bf6b0)
- prettier format code (768885c)
- prettier validate format (3c6ffe4)
- resolve #37 (3597665)
- support show or hide menuBar search and explorer (0618d12)
- sync main code (381f11a)
- icon: add onClick prop in Icon (b9fed09)
- notification: add simple Notification module (a99d855), closes #18
- panel: support show or hide, and maximize or restore the Panel (a3c8d85), closes #19
- problems and notification: modify problems and notification styles and rename panel (7c1a08d)
- status bar: tuning the status bar component (5db28ec)
- status/bar: modify status bar item (cc14adf)
- update the menu item height to 1.8em (ac345cc)
- components: add Breadcrumb (70d6dd5)
- react: add abstract class Controller (a55dc0f)
- react: add Connector for service, view and controller (88dcc80)
- settings: add intitial service and model (57597f1)
- theme: add default palenight theme (d5382f8)
- theme: add default palenight theme (6df509a)
- theme: compatible with vscode theme (768abf2)
- theme: compatible with vscode theme (4839c84)
- add basic Checkbox component (550d04a)
- add basic Select component (027535d)
- add basic statusBar (4c9b91c)
- add draft dialog component (02aa023)
- add getAttr function (10199b8)
- add serviceTab logic (bbc1973)
- delete service add (293d0ee)
- eliminate omit.js NPM package (baac047)
- enable afterClose callback (939f16e)
- extract colorValue to theme (dee0a71)
- extract css to theme (966c0ae)
- extract the ClassName out of the function; Prevent duplicate execution (056ef35)
- finish dialog interface (8642a90)
- lock rc package version (c8a7999)
- optimize actionButton interface (aca2fbb)
- optimize code (f97c818)
- optimize code (2ddcbb8)
- optimize dataType interface name (7023127)
- optimize default action (36919df)
- optmize type interface (f299d4e)
- refactor closeTab logic (70f85e4)
- refactor scss (af491c4)
- relation to issue #10 (6e77c1f)
- remove noUsed functionDefine (4591cf5)
- remove unless code (ec9a643)
- resolve closeTab backfill (32acfd5)
- resolve conflicts (9c38fee)
- resolve conflicts (2347396)
- resolve emitEvent params missing (fa829a7)
- resovle #37 (dd2577d)
- sync code (2406e72)
- sync code (34263ca)
- sync dev code (e81554d)
- test editor logic (6141663)
- use resetProps (d6200a9)
- contextview: add more contextview demo (868e190)
- add basic Input and TextArea component (e00d81e)
- add Button component (daa88ee)
- add Button component (9cb82b7)
- add draft inputbox component (6fd365e)
- add draft scrollabe (d77b6b0)
- add draft tabs stories (78c25f9)
- add Icon component (d342606)
- add Icon component (bff6978)
- add keyCodes.ts (5b968d1)
- add Scrollable component (8691459)
- add second version of Tab component (6aabcf6)
- adjust filePath (a839ef7)
- conetxtMenu add (d3f334a)
- delete scrollble component (656ec89)
- delete unless file (4b3573e)
- extend the ClassNames interface (9fdc1d9)
- extract color styles to theme.scss (6dd927f)
- extract data to service (c74adaf)
- finish input interface and UI (a680aa4)
- finish TextArea interface and UI and Stories (052b16f)
- intergate typings (a7be36f)
- open file (ffa5708)
- process empty logic (ce3afd4)
- refactor service interface (78f3eba)
- remove dists (6aea7ef)
- remove fileIcon component and debugger webpack plugin (52c089f)
- remove unless code (af80ee3)
- remove unused NPM packages (ecd97ec)
- resolve conflicts (a99d131)
- some service add (93bd10e)
- stories optimzie (c017b7c)
- sync Code (e46213f)
- classname: add BEM wrapper functions (cd12f91)
- contextview: add onHide, dispose function, and shadowOutline option (9f527f5)
- eventemitter: add unsubscribe function (697c431)
- sync code (7f5dd53)
- sync sourceCode (304e31a)
- test scriptFile icons (4232028)
- update actionBar icon (1c8def7)
- contextview: attach mac css class and default append view to workbench (40f70ea)
- contextview: attach mac css class and default append view to workbench (4bd9b7e)
- dropdown: add basic component and stories (f00df97)
- dropdown: add basic component and stories (5391d05)
- dropdown: add basic component and stories (77941be)
- dropdown: support the overlay display by different placement (47dadcd)
- gitlab: add mr, issue template (447b3a1)
- global: add favicon (675f803)
- global: add favicon (9db841a)
- icon: add icon component based on codicons (2f6a071)
- icon: add icon component based on codicons (664247c)
- id.ts: add const ID_APP (4f2b567)
- list: add basic List component (8c3a691)
- list: add basic List component (6cd3531)
- list: initial list component (0c52a1c)
- list: initial list component (77d2c43)
- menu: add menu component (afab6dc)
- menu: add menu component (1fe6831)
- react: add cloneReactChildren function (3c38959)
- react: add cloneReactChildren function (699f96a)
- add em2Px function (c9e291e)
- getPositionByPlacement (18c4b75)
- typings: declare HTMLElementProps (a32c78c)
- add dropDown menu to menuBar (607a46f)
- add findParentByClassName, getEventPosition, triggerEvent, TriggerEvent (7121416)
- optimize code (aa772a4)
- test fileIcon render (4bd0725)
- id.ts: add const ID_APP (c80b2b7)
- statusbar: update status bar controller (77b43d7), closes #17
- typings: declare HTMLElementProps (3aed642)
- utils: add mergeFunctions (4c09efa)
- activityBar selected (5de680f)
- add actionBar and samples (83e5947)
- add classNames common function (56886e8)
- add common animation.scss (278e71a)
- add contextMenu component (606f73c)
- add contextMenu for activityBar (6648524)
- add contextView and actionBar examples (8c5bece)
- add dom helper module (bb728c4)
- add draft contextMenu component (7ad4483)
- add draft contextView component (4ae6678)
- add editorGroup model (06a4a22)
- add em2Px function (58c8e3f)
- add findParentByClassName, getEventPosition, triggerEvent, TriggerEvent (c42afcf)
- add first version of tabComponent (f05c506)
- add Menu component (df20a80)
- add model layer and extract view interfaces to model file (85eed7e)
- add observable decorator (e54aa51)
- add onClose event (7574845)
- add propsTable component (8a60f66)
- add servcie declare (17a237c)
- add ToolBar component (0c35c3b)
- common stories style (0171801)
- compoent ui opti (e120d46)
- declare service interface (6ccd70c)
- extract GlobalEvent abstract class (20c5dbe)
- extract react service, and re render by observable model (4b9582a)
- global import animation.css (33103ac)
- only push item (1363592)
- optimize code (bd657b9)
- tree ui add (b7d37a9)
- component: collapse init (9b10669)
- add global items in actiitybar (cd31e15)
- add logger (c31031b)
- add mapping state service (65d20b2)
- add menuBarProvider (77f5fcd)
- add menuBarService (600ba8e)
- add sidebar, theme layout and others core modules (2196711)
- add singleton decorator (b676e55)
- add the main entry file for molecule (63064c9)
- add the ui extension (0e23b74)
- add welcome page (d49731e)
- construct the workbench struct (2bbf4a5)
- declare molecule service (9cbec33)
- declare ui interface (513ce9c)
- encapsulate monaco-editor as react component (2452d49)
- extract common ids (fdfa1df)
- init common definitions for molecule (3a4316f)
- init the activity bar of workbench (558843e)
- init the editor of workbench (6f3dbf3)
- init the menu bar of workbench (db03bc5)
- init the panel of workbench (97eccfe)
- init the settings of workbench (2ff9c9e)
- init the sidebar of workbench (403ef36)
- init the status bar of workbench (abcae7e)
- init workbench (7446677)
- logger moleculeCtx, its convenient for development (25db6cb)
- provide abstract class baseService (5590dca)
- provide the eventService class for event management (d5708b5)
- utils: add cloneInstance function (03f66a5)
- some default extensions (bbc891e)
- styled editor breadcrumbs (ca96140)
- support multiple subscribe for the same event (84ce57a)
- the parameter of prefixClaName supports Symbol (8b258de)
add animation for expand the collapse (17995c9)
add default generic type (4fc75cf)
add lib gitignore (6d97e5a)
add the keyword type when exporting the interface or type object (b3966f9)
adjust the margin of Sidebar search control (ad5319f)
alter the type of Connector props and status to any (53fc63e)
change file name (9cb0760)
code Editor content is wrong when EditorTabs are changed (#160) (2b05642)
code format premitter (de3d81a)
currentTab of the currentGroup is selected by default when add EditorGroup (1353943)
default regsiter the SettingsController singleton (#204) (442b1a9)
delete some test code (05098f3)
disable update the tab when onUpdateTab (aa25528)
editor.executeEdits that pass in the desired end selection for the editor on which you invoke (#137) (a2d3d27)
fix ci problems (d413fb5)
fix ci type validate error (ce77de5)
fix cycle file, extract connect to controller (#126) (69bbb75)
fix function params (cd6fa5b)
fix removeFolder exec error and delete modal style (#81) (c664353)
format code prettier (ec63d9b)
improve active style and prevent the show of native contextMenu (#225) (70f3804)
improve editor content change (a9d2bcf)
improve editor tabs change (c1c34e2)
location render incorrect after editing (d0877f0)
manual pass Controller to View (03791e7)
premitter code format (0259a15)
prettier code format (ea609ea)
prettier format code (4b14844)
remove useless package-lock.json (2f391f1)
the editor content incorrect when changing tabs (#210) (7d59c07)
actionbar: merge onClick event (f5c24b3)
build: replace the path named mo with relative path (8146eee)
ci: fix ci error (6c80a4f)
collapse: fix calc content height failed because of height: 100% (#194) (f6a6ba6)
collapse: improve the timing to detect panel content whether empty (#184) (eb70c6d)
dialog: remove the style.scss import (0a420fb)
editor: fix report error message when close tab in editor (#207) (32daee2)
folderTree: improve add root folder & delete dialog (#192) (c49e534)
global: set the color of Tag a as inherit (#216) (54cc07c), closes #187
mock editor.create method (abe61d6)
remove folderEvent from editor controller (4015f58)
remove the updateTab action (a95e4db)
remove the useless injectable decorator (ec61d0f)
update the color theme (58df79b)
eventbus: expand the arguments of emit (94020b8)
logger: expand the arguments of function (6732faa)
monaco: import default language contributions (6d0fdbc)
output: disable the minimap and fix output can't refresh problem (#124) (5a9dba2), closes #123
slipt-pane: import Pane module directly (e6b7b70)
stylelint: ignore esm and umd folder (6a175af)
toolbar: remove the toolbar style.scss import (58c8884), closes #131
activitybar items overflow (21f8f7a)
add key prop for each subMenu (f36f09e)
check-types fix (09a57d6)
code format (adea9b0)
contextmenu trigger fix (8432c46)
del mock data (c27d346)
del npmrc file (454f8c6)
delcare ActivityBarEvent in model (dded331)
derive the arguments of callback function (bccae6e)
derive the arguments of callback function (cdf8388)
disable no-invalid-this eslint rule (a841f8b)
disable no-invalid-this eslint rule (86f536e)
export * from menuItem (2b76400)
fix content (b79bd40)
fix fileType (5d76b32)
fix focus (3816eb5)
fix lint (b67a74a)
fix yarnrc and some todo (8658641)
merge tabs and collapse (c3e1451)
prettier format fix (1a67fff)
rename data backfill (0b0742d)
ts error (456168c)
ts types error fix (e2fb056)
typing error (ebca2f0)
conflict: merge Button and List (7c6df2a)
event emitter: extend the event origianl function arguments (30c6f51)
logger: expand the arguments of function (63642ea)
tabs: add dragAndDrop HOC (e94acc1)
fix validate (6b7887e)
prettier format (ed3065d)
stylelint: prettify and ignore markdownlint extension (23a9966)
sync: fix conflict (ad7bd67)
ts: typing errors (2b1d115)
fix replace classNames use local method (2110081)
merge tabs and collapse (b5eb235)
merge tabs and collapse (e479848)
rebase dev (ca91fce)
rebase dev (f6099e9)
remove illegal charactor for json file (e8bdb74)
remove the Symbol parameter type (db86ef2)
remove useless option and fix the Select value logic (f3154f1)
stylelint (6d2dbeb)
sync code (a13551e)
typing error (a144947)
typing error (8891b52)
theme: mixin-pattern error (1f82d95)
workbench: cache the workbench SplitPane position (#76) (2af86cd), closes #60
unexpect none as border-top value (1eff91a)
api: refactor the molecule API and interfaces (fa01143), closes #143 #153
0.9.0-alpha.2.1 (2021-05-26)
- api: different invoke methods based on molecule API
- access the color themes globally (1a627d5)
- access the CommandPalette globally (f37989b)
- add checked color for activityBar item (e09f07d)
- add CommandQuickAccessProvider and CommandQuickAccessViewAction (5a42e22)
- add the quickAccess for the Settings (458a4ca)
- alter the Workbench tabIndex default to 0 (f1c278b)
- encapsulate Action2 for workbench (39d9e07)
- encapsulate common workspace Actions API based on moanco api (1d49058)
- encapsulate the quickAccessProvider (223ea3c)
- remove the default active animation (b3ee198)
- support show or hide statusBar when rightClik statusBar panel (#154) (b26c532)
- update builtin color theme (d02f552)
- notification: modify styles for notification panel (8d20149)
- panel service: modify panel service test code (c808b12)
- problems and notification: modify problems and notification styles and rename panel (7c1a08d)
- problems and notification: update problems and notification code (aa6b32d), closes #103
- tsconfig: modify tsconfig for yarn build esm (6c9e308)
add animation for expand the collapse (17995c9)
add the keyword type when exporting the interface or type object (b3966f9)
adjust the margin of Sidebar search control (ad5319f)
disable update the tab when onUpdateTab (aa25528)
remove the updateTab action (a95e4db)
remove the useless injectable decorator (ec61d0f)
update the color theme (58df79b)
monaco: import default language contributions (6d0fdbc)
api: refactor the molecule API and interfaces (fa01143), closes #143 #153
- editor: custom the TabPane renderer (b65d221)
- monaco: add json language (dd4846c)
- settings: add basic Settings feature (8bceabd), closes #104
- utils: add flatObject and normalizeFlattedObject functions (cb93d7c)
- add addConextMenu removeContextMenu activityServices (10411e3)
- add colorRegistery (ff55f06)
- add colorRegistery (84f5780)
- add onTabChange and onToolbarClick interfaces in panelService (6cab8f0), closes #45
- add testing sidebar panel (d9b9fdc)
- code format premitter (519a651)
- connect state and view by connect method (fc9188f)
- define contextMenu command id (b08f56f)
- display the editor line and column info on statusBar (f502adb)
- editorService support subscribe onMoveTab, onSelectTab, onCloseAll, onCloseTab, onCloseOth etc (#140) (48c8984)
- explorer headerToolBar feats add (c3ac8af)
- explorer service add (9963180)
- export the shadowClassName of contextView (7875f19)
- extract editor modified logic to extensions (#138) (70aafcf)
- extract ITabProps interface to tabComponent (3645f46)
- extract logic to extensions (cd47341)
- extract overside tabDataInterface (c7a6857)
- extract TreeViewUtil to help file (883de0f)
- import mo.scss manually (1d4fb98)
- listen sample folder contextmenu event (46343fd)
- optimize dataType interface name (7023127)
- optimize some named (315d520)
- optimzie activityBar onContextMenuClick method (60056ad)
- optmize stories (c2bf6b0)
- prettier validate format (3c6ffe4)
- resolve #37 (3597665)
- resovle #37 (dd2577d)
- support show or hide menuBar search and explorer (0618d12)
- sync main code (381f11a)
- components: add Breadcrumb (70d6dd5)
- editor: add split window and some features for editor (3bf957b)
- icon: add onClick prop in Icon (b9fed09)
- notification: add simple Notification module (a99d855), closes #18
- panel: add intitial service, model and controller (2c4eac3)
- panel: support add, remove and update Panel features, builtin OUTPUT and PROBLEMS panel (909bcc8), closes #19 #22
- react: add abstract class Controller (a55dc0f)
- react: add Connector for service, view and controller (88dcc80)
- settings: add intitial service and model (57597f1)
- status bar: tuning the status bar component (5db28ec)
- status/bar: modify status bar item (cc14adf)
- statusbar: update status bar controller (77b43d7), closes #17
- extract randomId (459d867)
- folder service test (4d13957)
- optimize fileType definition (768f176)
- optimize folderPanel contextMenu logic and extract style to mo (d1191a5)
- prettier format code (768885c)
- panel: support show or hide, and maximize or restore the Panel (a3c8d85), closes #19
- update the menu item height to 1.8em (ac345cc)
- theme: add default palenight theme (d5382f8)
- theme: add default palenight theme (6df509a)
- theme: compatible with vscode theme (768abf2)
- theme: compatible with vscode theme (4839c84)
- add basic Checkbox component (550d04a)
- add basic Input and TextArea component (e00d81e)
- add basic Select component (027535d)
- add basic statusBar (4c9b91c)
- add draft dialog component (02aa023)
- add draft inputbox component (6fd365e)
- add getAttr function (10199b8)
- add keyCodes.ts (5b968d1)
- add serviceTab logic (bbc1973)
- conetxtMenu add (d3f334a)
- delete debugger (2493cd7)
- delete service add (293d0ee)
- delete unless code (be4091d)
- eliminate omit.js NPM package (baac047)
- enable afterClose callback (939f16e)
- extend the ClassNames interface (9fdc1d9)
- extract colorValue to theme (dee0a71)
- extract css to theme (966c0ae)
- extract data to service (c74adaf)
- extract overside logic (1f089fb)
- extract the ClassName out of the function; Prevent duplicate execution (056ef35)
- finish dialog interface (8642a90)
- finish input interface and UI (a680aa4)
- finish TextArea interface and UI and Stories (052b16f)
- intergate typings (a7be36f)
- lock rc package version (c8a7999)
- open file (ffa5708)
- optimize actionButton interface (aca2fbb)
- optimize code (f97c818)
- optimize code (2ddcbb8)
- optimize default action (36919df)
- optimize moduleName (eb68f89)
- optmize type interface (f299d4e)
- process empty logic (ce3afd4)
- refactor closeTab logic (70f85e4)
- refactor scss (af491c4)
- refactor service interface (78f3eba)
- relation to issue #10 (6e77c1f)
- remove noUsed functionDefine (4591cf5)
- remove unless code (ec9a643)
- remove unless code (af80ee3)
- resolve closeTab backfill (32acfd5)
- resolve conflicts (9c38fee)
- resolve conflicts (2347396)
- resolve emitEvent params missing (fa829a7)
- some service add (93bd10e)
- stories optimzie (c017b7c)
- sync code (2406e72)
- sync code (34263ca)
- sync Code (e46213f)
- sync dev code (e81554d)
- test editor logic (6141663)
- use resetProps (d6200a9)
- classname: add BEM wrapper functions (cd12f91)
- contextview: add more contextview demo (868e190)
- contextview: add onHide, dispose function, and shadowOutline option (9f527f5)
- eventemitter: add unsubscribe function (697c431)
- add Button component (daa88ee)
- add Button component (9cb82b7)
- add draft scrollabe (d77b6b0)
- add draft tabs stories (78c25f9)
- add dropDown menu to menuBar (607a46f)
- add em2Px function (c9e291e)
- add findParentByClassName, getEventPosition, triggerEvent, TriggerEvent (7121416)
- add Icon component (d342606)
- add Icon component (bff6978)
- add Scrollable component (8691459)
- add second version of Tab component (6aabcf6)
- adjust filePath (a839ef7)
- delete scrollble component (656ec89)
- delete unless file (4b3573e)
- extract color styles to theme.scss (6dd927f)
- getPositionByPlacement (18c4b75)
- optimize code (aa772a4)
- remove dists (6aea7ef)
- remove fileIcon component and debugger webpack plugin (52c089f)
- remove unused NPM packages (ecd97ec)
- resolve conflicts (a99d131)
- sync sourceCode (304e31a)
- update actionBar icon (1c8def7)
- contextview: attach mac css class and default append view to workbench (40f70ea)
- contextview: attach mac css class and default append view to workbench (4bd9b7e)
- dropdown: add basic component and stories (f00df97)
- dropdown: add basic component and stories (5391d05)
- dropdown: add basic component and stories (77941be)
- dropdown: support the overlay display by different placement (47dadcd)
- gitlab: add mr, issue template (447b3a1)
- global: add favicon (675f803)
- global: add favicon (9db841a)
- icon: add icon component based on codicons (2f6a071)
- icon: add icon component based on codicons (664247c)
- id.ts: add const ID_APP (4f2b567)
- id.ts: add const ID_APP (c80b2b7)
- list: add basic List component (8c3a691)
- list: add basic List component (6cd3531)
- list: initial list component (0c52a1c)
- list: initial list component (77d2c43)
- react: add cloneReactChildren function (3c38959)
- add contextView and actionBar examples (8c5bece)
- add em2Px function (58c8e3f)
- add findParentByClassName, getEventPosition, triggerEvent, TriggerEvent (c42afcf)
- compoent ui opti (e120d46)
- sync code (7f5dd53)
- test fileIcon render (4bd0725)
- test scriptFile icons (4232028)
- menu: add menu component (afab6dc)
- menu: add menu component (1fe6831)
- react: add cloneReactChildren function (699f96a)
- typings: declare HTMLElementProps (a32c78c)
- typings: declare HTMLElementProps (3aed642)
- utils: add mergeFunctions (4c09efa)
- activityBar selected (5de680f)
- add actionBar and samples (83e5947)
- add classNames common function (56886e8)
- add common animation.scss (278e71a)
- add contextMenu component (606f73c)
- add contextMenu for activityBar (6648524)
- add dom helper module (bb728c4)
- add draft contextMenu component (7ad4483)
- add draft contextView component (4ae6678)
- add first version of tabComponent (f05c506)
- add mapping state service (65d20b2)
- add Menu component (df20a80)
- component: collapse init (9b10669)
- add editorGroup model (06a4a22)
- add global items in actiitybar (cd31e15)
- add logger (c31031b)
- add menuBarProvider (77f5fcd)
- add menuBarService (600ba8e)
- add model layer and extract view interfaces to model file (85eed7e)
- add observable decorator (e54aa51)
- add onClose event (7574845)
- add propsTable component (8a60f66)
- add servcie declare (17a237c)
- add sidebar, theme layout and others core modules (2196711)
- add singleton decorator (b676e55)
- add the main entry file for molecule (63064c9)
- add the ui extension (0e23b74)
- add ToolBar component (0c35c3b)
- add welcome page (d49731e)
- common stories style (0171801)
- construct the workbench struct (2bbf4a5)
- declare molecule service (9cbec33)
- declare service interface (6ccd70c)
- declare ui interface (513ce9c)
- encapsulate monaco-editor as react component (2452d49)
- extract common ids (fdfa1df)
- extract GlobalEvent abstract class (20c5dbe)
- extract react service, and re render by observable model (4b9582a)
- global import animation.css (33103ac)
- init common definitions for molecule (3a4316f)
- init the activity bar of workbench (558843e)
- init the editor of workbench (6f3dbf3)
- init the menu bar of workbench (db03bc5)
- init the panel of workbench (97eccfe)
- init the settings of workbench (2ff9c9e)
- init the sidebar of workbench (403ef36)
- init the status bar of workbench (abcae7e)
- init workbench (7446677)
- logger moleculeCtx, its convenient for development (25db6cb)
- only push item (1363592)
- optimize code (bd657b9)
- provide abstract class baseService (5590dca)
- provide the eventService class for event management (d5708b5)
- utils: add cloneInstance function (03f66a5)
- some default extensions (bbc891e)
- styled editor breadcrumbs (ca96140)
- support multiple subscribe for the same event (84ce57a)
- the parameter of prefixClaName supports Symbol (8b258de)
- tree ui add (b7d37a9)
- editor.executeEdits that pass in the desired end selection for the editor on which you invoke (#137) (a2d3d27)
- remove folderEvent from editor controller (4015f58)
- actionbar: merge onClick event (f5c24b3)
- dialog: remove the style.scss import (0a420fb)
- menu: provides onClick API (f325ac4), closes #87
- output: disable the minimap and fix output can't refresh problem (#124) (5a9dba2), closes #123
- stylelint: ignore esm and umd folder (6a175af)
- theme: improve the colorTheme detail (cee788d), closes #20
- toolbar: remove the toolbar style.scss import (58c8884), closes #131
- add lib gitignore (6d97e5a)
- alter the type of Connector props and status to any (53fc63e)
- change file name (9cb0760)
- check-types fix (09a57d6)
- code format premitter (de3d81a)
- currentTab of the currentGroup is selected by default when add EditorGroup (1353943)
- delete some test code (05098f3)
- fix ci problems (d413fb5)
- fix ci type validate error (ce77de5)
- fix cycle file, extract connect to controller (#126) (69bbb75)
- fix fileType (5d76b32)
- fix function params (cd6fa5b)
- fix removeFolder exec error and delete modal style (#81) (c664353)
- format code prettier (ec63d9b)
- manual pass Controller to View (03791e7)
- mock editor.create method (abe61d6)
- premitter code format (0259a15)
- prettier code format (ea609ea)
- prettier format (ed3065d)
- prettier format code (4b14844)
- prettier format fix (1a67fff)
- remove useless package-lock.json (2f391f1)
- rename data backfill (0b0742d)
- ts types error fix (e2fb056)
- ci: fix ci error (6c80a4f)
- logger: expand the arguments of function (63642ea)
- activitybar items overflow (21f8f7a)
- add default generic type (4fc75cf)
- code format (adea9b0)
- contextmenu trigger fix (8432c46)
- del mock data (c27d346)
- del npmrc file (454f8c6)
- delcare ActivityBarEvent in model (dded331)
- derive the arguments of callback function (bccae6e)
- derive the arguments of callback function (cdf8388)
- disable no-invalid-this eslint rule (a841f8b)
- disable no-invalid-this eslint rule (86f536e)
- export * from menuItem (2b76400)
- fix focus (3816eb5)
- ts error (456168c)
- event emitter: extend the event origianl function arguments (30c6f51)
- eventbus: expand the arguments of emit (94020b8)
- logger: expand the arguments of function (6732faa)
- output: disable the editor minimap (5330ece), closes #62
- slipt-pane: import Pane module directly (e6b7b70)
- tabs: add dragAndDrop HOC (e94acc1)
- ts: typing errors (2b1d115)
- workbench: cache the workbench SplitPane position (#76) (2af86cd), closes #60
- add key prop for each subMenu (f36f09e)
- fix content (b79bd40)
- fix lint (b67a74a)
- fix replace classNames use local method (2110081)
- fix validate (6b7887e)
- fix yarnrc and some todo (8658641)
- merge tabs and collapse (b5eb235)
- merge tabs and collapse (e479848)
- merge tabs and collapse (c3e1451)
- rebase dev (ca91fce)
- rebase dev (f6099e9)
- remove illegal charactor for json file (e8bdb74)
- remove the Symbol parameter type (db86ef2)
- remove useless option and fix the Select value logic (f3154f1)
- stylelint (6d2dbeb)
- typing error (ebca2f0)
- typing error (a144947)
- conflict: merge Button and List (7c6df2a)
- stylelint: prettify and ignore markdownlint extension (23a9966)
- sync code (a13551e)
- typing error (8891b52)
- theme: mixin-pattern error (1f82d95)
- unexpect none as border-top value (1eff91a)
- sync: fix conflict (ad7bd67)