1.1.0 (2022-04-01)
- allow barcode and edit link in search results (#6494) (41fe83f), closes #5994
- Dutch additions (#6498) (ef4db01)
- export ecoscore fields (#6467) (00bdd9e)
- knowledge panel to display the ingredients that make a product not vegan / vegetarian / palm oil free (#6420) (27b7137)
- link product attributes to knowledge panels (#6493) (4950f97)
- more flexible exports (#6483) (a636491)
- Record the reasons for NOVA classification of a product and add a NOVA knowledge panel (#6510) (bbf14bc)
- Refactor CSV exports, add tests, export Eco-Score fields (#6444) (96d31df)
- Switch to the new FAQ system (#6461) (3c40a1b)
- Add tests for Carrefour France import, + solve serving_size bug (#6476) (f255f30)
- Cleaning ingredients (#6472) (ebddf2b)
- Dutch finetuning (#6418) (ed59464)
- fix image upload buttons - #173 (#6485) (c747d50)
- fix states and countries taxonomies, build taxonomies (#6442) (17faad1)
- handle both absolute and relative percent values for sub-ingredients (#6528) (04bdb4e)
- Import serving size bug (#6474) (ee2ee44)
- ingredient doubles (#6419) (764bbbc)
- ingredient doubles continues (#6433) (ec77a78)
- release please should trigger actions (#6503) (5d9836d)
- remove obsolete strings & remove duplicate strings (#6440) (4a2dfd1)
- Translation doubles 4 (#6412) (69a6549)
- untranslated string for Smoothie (#6492) (ffe58a2)
- add allergens and traces to ingredients panel (#6266) (686f4fd)
- Add auto-labelling to PRs (#6216) (6e430e2)
- add evaluations to nutrition facts table knowledge panel (#6152) (41cd8b2)
- Add f_lang function to emulate python f-strings for translations (#5962) (435f898)
- add fruits-vegetables-nuts-estimate-from-ingredients to CSV export (#6013) (8e986b5)
- add fruits-vegetables-nuts-estimate-from-ingredients to CSV export #6004 (8e986b5)
- add Grafana deployment annotation (9fb1f2a)
- add include_root_entries option to taxonomy API, fixes #6039 (#6040) (7bcbcb7)
- add mongodb metrics exporter (bce8205)
- add panel_group element and environment_card panel (#5958) (e10ec23)
- add repo interoperability (48522db)
- add script to export products data and images for docker dev (#6010) (a3d1a55)
- Add Top Issues (#6217) (a1acd8d)
- Add Wikidata items to categories (#5805) (d71eee3)
- Categories taxonomy improvements for Wikidata and IGPs (#6196) (b854c27)
- different Nutri-Score icons and text for unknown and not-applicable (#6278) (ccdd01b)
- dynamic assets generation in dev mode (4c0c5bd)
- dynamic assets generation in dev mode, fixes #5846 (2370e21)
- example product in API with code=example - #6250 (#6252) (c0605a4)
- Experimental extended Eco-Score panel (#6314) (de82954)
- Extract ingredients origins from labels and use them in Eco-Score (#6377) (d5bd976)
- Finalize Eco-Score knowledge panels (#6017) (b14375d)
- Fix and improve detection of apps (name and UUID) to populate data sources (#6319) (0092e2e)
- Initial support for specific ingredients parsing (#6243) (f69e9a9)
- Knowledge panels for labels (#5950) (a64919c)
- manufacturing place + origins of ingredients knowledge panels + Normalize all panels (#6069) (d37011a)
- Palm oil knowledge panel (#5968) (8cd1f22)
- producers: add link to admin manual on session sucess (#6267) (ea37ad7)
- refactor Eco-Score knowledge panels + accordion display on web (#5841) (ecc8539)
- start of additives panels (#6270) (7f9ac03)
- add countries correctly in scanbot (#6014) (7dceea2)
- add postgres_exporter, unexpose postgres port (270c977)
- added norway logo so that tests passes (7c4e506)
- allow unchecking checked boxes in product edit form (#6203) (dd25800)
- change string to boolean for expanded knowledge panel (#6081) (b05e668)
- changed some log levels to debug (#6335) (085b2e6)
- correct errors in labels taxonomy (#6392) (c6119d4)
- correct nesting of cgi/nutrient.pl API response #5997 (4367016)
- create directory for stats files if needed (#6208) (4326c50)
- details of improvements oppportunities (#6359) (b740fc0)
- docker networks in prod after exporters crashing (24862e8)
- docker networks in prod after exporters crashing (436587e)
- ensure windows newlines don't break panels (#6254) (74e9b3a)
- fix daily tasks (#6227) (5f9c7c7)
- fix gulpfile (#5988) (bbe0e4f)
- fix log level config handling (344a7aa)
- fixes to have build_lang running (c99538b)
- French translation for appetizers (#6253) (bcbc70c)
- identify lecitina de girasol additive and make emulsifiers Nova 4 (#5972) (9022c0e)
- increase timeout for gen_top_tags_per_country.pl - fixes #6244 (#6246) (35d4d24)
- keep eol to lf as default (#6220) (e4a2911)
- link to edited product - fixes #5954 (#5963) (942fd34)
- links to previous revisions in product edit form (#6336) (240489f)
- Localize Eco-Score soon enough + add 'world' Eco-Score. (#6105) (0621b94)
- make incron work as non root (24746d3) <<<<<<< HEAD
- Make maybe vegan/vegetarian attribute score 50 instead of 20 (#5839) (70ea2e1) =======
- match UID in Dockerfile with user uid in servers (2182532)
- normalize code for /products endpoint #6024 (#6026) (640f6b5)
- npm run prepare issue (290b71a)
- npm run prepare issue (fb3479a)
- product images ownership (d2aff77)
- product images ownership (642cc8c)
- product_images location was wrong (5278808)
- put back compiled templates dir in data_root/tmp (#6129) (e156c1c)
- quote some strings in knowledge panel JSON output (#6076) (d9ebe60)
- Remove empty POT-Creation-Date in hu.po (#6008) (e8e1ec0)
- remove external volumes for ones that need re-creation (dbdd4be)
- remove MONGO_INIT_ROOT_USERNAME/PASSWORD as it breaks the dev workflow" (#6127) (494e0c5)
- rename type to tagtype in taxonomy API (#5953) (d8cf36a)
- set language of fields during init, fixes #6310 (#6311) (8c2886f)
- show 'we need your help' message for ingredients analysis only when needed - fixes #6341 (#6342) (9e001c1)
- the backend needs write access to product images (#6011) (5278808)
- tmpfs is for tmp :-) (f1599b5)
- try lowercased email on login (1e2342f)
- trying to fix problems with pathes and volumes (be14135)
- turn relative links to absolute links in knowledge panels (#6353) (7be647d)
- typo fix on developing (#6324) (0a6d637)
- typo in function name in Food.pm #6288 #6287 (#6291) (20d3228)
- unexpose postgres port (29165df)
- update log.conf to match production settings (8d8b622)
- use /tmp for compiled templates (ff68e15)
- use PerlPostConfigRequire instead of PerlRequire (cbecadc)
- use relative path to find tests expected results (27392a7)
- volume is podata not po_data (99c09a7)
- volume is podata not po_data (5b89f45)