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August 2020 Morning Status Meetings

sblondel edited this page Aug 26, 2020 · 15 revisions

This page contains a brief summary of the status of the Xolotl development team each morning during the month of August 2020.


Sophie - Measuring the memory in plsm branch with different phase space. Working on the NE coupling code.


Sophie - Starting more dynamic grid simulations and continuing on the NE coupling code.


Sophie - Cleaning up python scripts for analysis and continuing on the NE coupling code.


Sophie - Continuing to update the coupling code with Fande's recent changes. Working on iron grouping in plsm branch.


Sophie - Continuing to work on iron grouping in plsm branch. Cleaning the helium retention monitor in different branches.


Sophie - Continuing to clean the helium retention monitor in different branches. Starting long HeV diffusivity simulations.


Sophie - Profiling larger simulations with matrix free methods. Continuing on the retention monitor in the plsm branch.


Sophie - Working on the monitors in different branches.


Sophie - Profiling the time spent in deep_copy as a function of DOF and number of grid points in the NE case.


Sophie - Continuing on the plsm network branch monitor and installing on Cori and Summit.


Sophie - Continuing on the plsm network branch monitors and NE coupling profiling with CUDA backend.


Sophie - Continuing on the plsm network branch monitors and matrix free PETSc options.


Sophie - Adding a description line in the output files of the plsm branch. Gathering data for CUDA back-end with varying DOF and grid points.

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