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June 2014 Morning Status Meetings

sblondel edited this page Feb 6, 2018 · 1 revision

This page contains a brief summary of the status of the Xolotl development team each morning during the month of June 2014.


Jay - Finishing the preprocessor, trying to scale the code today.
David - Planning for the INCITE proposal.
Brian - Planning for the INCITE proposal.
Crystal - Planning for UQ meetings over the next few days. Looking into performance issues some more.
Sophie - Planning for the UQ meetings over the next few days. Reviewing the HDF5 parallel code.


Jay - Working on Titan.
Sophie and Crystal - Working on UQ at Sandia.


Sophie - Going over UQ stuff, cleaning it up, committing it, etc.
Crystal - Going over UQ stuff, cleaning it up, committing it, etc. Writing up a summary and HOWTO about the work.


Sophie - Continuing the UQ work. Working on setting up general order bayesian inference. Getting titan accounts. Working with Crystal on HDF5 preprocessor preparation.
Crystal - Getting Titan accounts. Working on moving the 2D forward propagation for UQ code. Working with Crystal on HDF5 preprocessor preparation.


Jay - Testing out Xolotl on Titan to figure out processor limit where "inconsistent data" messages start.
Crystal - Working on the 2D forward propagation. Starting "extra options" part of the Preprocessor.
Sophie - Working on the 2D Bayesian inference. Reviewing NiCE's HDF5 code for SFRs to prepare for the HDF5 code in the preprocessor.


Jay - Add the HDF5 bundles to preprocessor.
Sophie - Working on the HDF5 parts of the preprocessor. Working on 2D Bayesian inference.
Crystal - Working on the Preprocessor's generateParams() operation.


Sophie - Working on HDF5 integration in a branch of the repo.
Crystal - Working Preprocessor, specifically the generateParameters method.


Sophie - Working on tests for HDF5 writing. Working on HDF5 integration in branches. Fixing possible MPI communication problem.
Crystal - Implementing tests for preprocessor. Working on command line override for user options.


Crystal - Testing the new command line arguments interface.
Sophie - Working on merge for new HDF5 reader/writer. Tests for HDF5 in the Preprocessor.


Sophie - Making Xolotl being able to read from params.txt file in the preprocessor branch. Adding HDF5 reading capabilities to the preprocessor.


Sophie - Working on reading in parameters file, and writing tests for it.
Crystal - Working on the Preprocessor, specifically reading in the PETSc options.


Crystal - Working on the Preprocessor command line arguments, specifically PETSc arguments with JewelCLI. Working on the forward UQ/bayesian inference.
Sophie - Merging all HDF5 and Preprocessor work into single branch. Refactoring code to handle the branch merge. Trunk merge to come later.


Sophie - Continuing the merge of Preprocessor and HDF5 into branches. Also working on Bayesian fits.
Crystal - Working on test for generatePetschArgs in Preprocessor.


Sophie - Working on Bayesian inference. Merge Preprocessor work into trunk. Working to add extra reaction.
Crystal - Working on Preprocessor and Arguments PETSc arguments. Working on trunk merge. Working on UQ stuff.

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