3.3.0 (2021-04-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Fixes #31950 - support ansible plugin #184 (jlsherrill)
- Add support for ALLOWED_CONTENT_CHECKSUMS #183 (jlsherrill)
3.2.1 (2021-04-15)
Fixed bugs:
3.2.0 (2021-03-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Refs #32112 - Match upstream pulp default api service worker timeout #179 (wbclark)
- Fixes #32112 - Configure api service gunicorn worker timeout #178 (wbclark)
- Pulpcore logging format to include correlation id. #175 (jjeffers)
3.1.0 (2021-02-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Fixes #31835: Add disablereuse=on for pulpcore-content service #171 (ehelms)
- Fixes #31815 - Allow setting number of workers for content app #170 (ehelms)
3.0.0 (2021-01-28)
Breaking changes:
Implemented enhancements:
- Refs #31670 - don't timeout DB migrations #163 (evgeni)
- Allow setting parameters on the API and Content Apache proxy #160 (ehelms)
- Increase the secret key size to 50 chars #158 (ekohl)
- Set the reverse proxy host to the name of the service #153 (ehelms)
Fixed bugs:
- Include pulpcore in pulpcore::apache #169 (ehelms)
- Fixes #31694: systemd service type should be Type #165 (ehelms)
- Add proxy params to plugin Pulp 2 content routes #161 (ehelms)
- Fixes #31468 - create import/export directories #154 (jeremylenz)
2.2.2 (2021-01-21)
Fixed bugs:
2.2.1 (2020-12-09)
Fixed bugs:
2.2.0 (2020-12-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Set logoutput to on_failure for pulpcore::admin #148 (ekohl)
- Fixes #30436 - add allowed_export_paths to settings.py #147 (jeremylenz)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
2.1.0 (2020-11-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- support /pulp/deb proxying #145 (jlsherrill)
- Add ability to control if services are enabled or active #137 (ehelms)
- Support Pulpcore 3.7 #127 (ekohl)
2.0.0 (2020-10-29)
Breaking changes:
- Switch to using a Unix socket bind for API and Content services #124 (ehelms)
- Fixes #30465 - Use libexec wrappers for SELinux #116 (ekohl)
- Fixes #30423 - Change the application layout #115 (ekohl)
Implemented enhancements:
- Drop pid files and fix working dirs #125 (ekohl)
- Add Pulpcore repository class #123 (ekohl)
- Set docroot to pulpcore_static #141 (ekohl)
Fixed bugs:
- use absolute paths in unit files #129 (wbclark)
- Fixes #31018 - Force UTF-8 database encoding #126 (ekohl)
Merged pull requests:
- Describe the service setup in README #135 (ekohl)
- Expand README with more about the support policy. #128 (ekohl)
1.3.0 (2020-09-23)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Manage the static assets via a class #121 (ekohl)
- Refs #30780 - set proper content origin setting #119 (jlsherrill)
- Fixes #30770 - check for the admin user before pw reset #118 (jlsherrill)
1.2.0 (2020-08-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Fixes #29895 - add pulp_deb plugin #112 (m-bucher)
- Use pulpcore-manager #111 (ekohl)
- Refs #30057 - Configure Pulpcore Worker Count #100 (wbclark)
Fixed bugs:
1.1.0 (2020-06-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Use the non-deprecated namedspaced pg function #106 (ekohl)
- Fixes #30059 - Add certguard plugin #99 (sjha4)
- Fixes #29075 - add pulp_rpm plugin #89 (wbclark)
Fixed bugs:
- Refs #30133 - Unconditionally install RHSM for certguard #103 (ekohl)
- Fixes #30133 - Install python3-subscription-manager-rhsm #101 (sjha4)
Merged pull requests:
1.0.0 (2020-05-14)
Breaking changes:
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow puppet/redis 6.x #95 (ekohl)
- Revert "Pin Facter to < 4" #86 (ekohl)
- Create admin user #85 (sjha4)
- Allow extlib 5.x #84 (mmoll)
- Fixes #29190 - Support EL8 #77 (wbclark)
Fixed bugs:
0.2.0 (2020-03-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Fixes #29069 - Apply selinux labels to pulpcore ports #72 (wbclark)
- Refs #28901 - Support SSL connection for external postgresql database #71 (wbclark)
Merged pull requests:
- Pin Facter to < 4 #81 (ekohl)
- enable httpd_can_network_connect selinux boolean #76 (wbclark)
- Prepare acceptance tests for EL8 #75 (ekohl)
- Fixes #28996 - Set PULP_STATIC_ROOT #69 (wbclark)
0.1.0 (2020-02-13)
Closed issues:
- package installation in plugin.pp should be option #59
- configurable REMOTE_USER_ENVIRON_NAME #58
- Pulp 2 and 3 API calls through Apache don't play nice #49
- Add smoke tests to nightly installer pipelines #42
- Check on pulpcore-resource-manager naming and configuration form latest ansible-pulp #36
- Update CONTENT_ORIGIN to match proper value ansible-pulp #35
- Make PULP2 mongodb settings configurable #33
- Add database migration command #23
- Allow disabling management of Apache via a paramter #11
- Support external postgresql #10
- Allow specification of externally managed PostgreSQl instance #4
- Update to use django-admin solution for pulpcore #39
- Update Redis database number to '8' #34
- Drop Ansible settings #32
- Secret key handling #31
- pulp-api fails to start due to permission denied on key #22
- The 'gunicorn' command is located at /usr/bin #20
- The 'rq' command is located at /usr/bin #19
- Manage of user_home "/var/lib/pulp" clashes with dependency in Katello #17
- Drop settings PostgreSQL globals #16
- Install from RPM repos rather than PyPI #9
- Allow using Redis configured by Foreman #7
- Deploy Apache configurations to Foreman vhost #5
Merged pull requests:
- Refs #28901 - add setting postgresql_db_user #67 (wbclark)
- Refs #28720 - Fixup migration variables and template #66 (wbclark)
- Verify everything to have documented parameters #65 (ekohl)
- Fixes #28901 - support external postgresql #64 (wbclark)
- Refs #28720 - move migration params into migration plugin #63 (wbclark)
- Fixes #28904 - make REMOTE_USER_ENVIRON_NAME configurable #61 (synkd)
- Fixes #28812 - fix permissions to allow pulp2 access #60 (jlsherrill)
- Fixes #28720 - connect to mongo for content migrations #57 (wbclark)
- Fixes #28654 - support client cert auth with pulp3 #56 (wbclark)
- Run acceptance tests with SCL redis #54 (ekohl)
- Update pulpcore worker systemd naming #53 (ianballou)
- use puppet-redis > 5.0.0 #52 (wbclark)
- Specify /pulp/api/v3 #50 (wbclark)
- Use koji in acceptance tests and use python3-django-admin #48 (wbclark)
- make servername configurable #45 (wbclark)
- Improve settings. #44 (wbclark)
- Introduce a pulpcore::admin define #43 (ekohl)
- Refresh collectstatic on the settings file #29 (ekohl)
- collectstatic needs --noinput to avoid waiting on user input #28 (ehelms)
- fixes #16: Drop postgresql globals #26 (ehelms)
- fixes #23: Only run database migrations if they are any pending #25 (ehelms)
- Install pulpcore from RPM packages + chaining + pg client #24 (ekohl)
- remove redundant reverse proxy declarations #15 (wbclark)
- don't enable software collections #14 (wbclark)
- improve declaration of api and content urls #13 (wbclark)
- apache vhost can be externally managed #12 (wbclark)
- fixed default params #8 (wbclark)
- Creation of initial classes #2 (wbclark)
- initial setup via modulesync #1 (wbclark)
- Add file and container plugins #30 (ekohl)