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kstapelfeldt edited this page Jan 12, 2022 · 14 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Alan, Don, Seth (Chair), Alex, Daniel, Drew, Jared, Kristina, Kyle, Melissa, Nat, Yamil, Kirsta (notes)


  1. Issue Roundup - Link sorted by date
  2. PR Roundup- Link sorted by date
  3. Can TAG group be the Chair roster for this meeting? Something else?
  4. Feel free to add more, or add something from Islandora Discussions


  • Seth is going on parental leave soon and won't be around for 6 weeks (everybody cheers! congratulations to Seth!)
  • Seth added additional details to as per comments
  • Alan - with a fresh installation you cannot do a reinstall of the Islandora module due to mediatracks field. Seth suggests: can we combine audio and video into a single submodule and then park the field setting in there. Currently in config/install but could be moved to config/optional. Will post something for review.
  • TAG will consider how to make a call for membership to increase core members
  • Kirsta will update the chairs roster to contain current core TAG members: Don, Jared, Seth, and Rosie. Kirsta and Isabella will be added for the next while just to fill in the cracks until we get a more robust TAG core group.
  • Discussions provide us with an opportunity to be more transparent and better organized about our discussions.

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