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kstapelfeldt edited this page Oct 20, 2021 · 21 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Rosie LeFaive, Seth Shaw, Adam Vessey, Drew Heles, Eli Zoller, Jared Whiklo, Kyle Huynh, Lara Gomez, Melissa Anez


  1. Sprint dates - what if we go November 29th - December 15th?
  2. Issue Roundup
  3. PR Roundup - especially! Can we add another profile view?
  4. Proposal for new section of the agenda "Topics Roster" (see below) - select topic for today? populate with additional topics?
  5. Review DevOps Repo descriptions/dependencies Rosie made this sheet to sort out DevOps
  6. Test deployment survey: what edits? (
  7. UTSC - Demo citation functions

Topics Roster (Backlog of issues to discuss)


  1. Sprint dates - what if we go November 29th - December 15th? - no complaints raised about timing.
  2. Issue Roundup - skipped except to note the influx of use cases from Rosie and Kirsta.
  3. PR Roundup - especially!
  • Last test it worked but not completely (by Seth), feedback was provided and not addressed. Kirsta wrote Noah to let him know that additional work needs to be completed: merge conflicts, 404 home page, code to provide this as an 'option' and then also documentation. Had a discussion about the single deployment strategy.

Alex: Also I’d like to add that it would be very helpful if the install profile was available in its own repository that could be pulled in from outside ISLE

Adam: The profile proper is over in ?

Eli: That could be it but that’s not what appears to be being used by that PR ?

Adam: Seems… unnecessarily indirect to have the Islandora-sandbox project just point at it? As in: Could make use of the drupal/recommended-project and then require the profile, programmatically?

Bethany: I’m guessing what Adam said is the goal. That this profile was a step to make customization easier. And getting rid of islandora_defaults

Eli: Maybe someone from Born digital could start coming to the tech calls? It would really help from us guessing what they are doing/thinking

Nat/Alex: We can support more flexible arrangements (options for both customizations and pre-made defaults).

Adam: Being able to point to a base project is valuable, but it would be useful to be able to point to various things/branches.

Alex: Tried to make something that would allow injection of an install profile, but it didn't work. Would be easier to have a composer that could give you everything.

Proposal going forward

Distribute Islandora “vanilla” and “demo” as a directory structure that includes a composer file and the install profile itself. It could then be specified when you run a playbook. People could use these pre-existing profiles or use their own. This would support both ansible and docker use cases.

Next step: Repository with Islandora install demo needs to be restructured to look more like a drupal recommended project but contains the install profile itself.

Notes link added to PR and notes sent to Noah.

Discussion about open source software and community support, and deployment.

Can you get a new Islandora container without turfing your site setup? Discussion of this.

  1. Proposal for new section of the agenda "Topics Roster" (see below) - select topic for today? populate with additional topics?

No complaints I guess so I expect we will keep going with this approach.

  1. Test deployment survey: what edits? (

Kirsta will send tomorrow pending feedback from the group received today.

  1. UTSC - Demo citation functions

Nat and Lara will attend the IR meeting tomorrow to demo. See also:

Discussed two new PRs around removing Karaf. Didn't capture this conversation as I had to go.

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