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Alexander O'Neill edited this page Sep 16, 2020 · 8 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Danny Lamb
  • Melissa Anez
  • Adam Vessey
  • Bryan Brown
  • Chris Kellen
  • Elliot Metsger
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Natkeeran
  • Nguyen Huynh
  • Seth Shaw
  • Cary Gordon
  • Alexander O'Neill ⭐ 💪


  1. Welcome new committer Bryan Brown 🚀 🍰
  2. Doodle poll for continuing discussion on our google doc:
  3. advancedqueue for background job feedback?
  4. Issue Roundup
    2. Feel free to add any issues you'd like addressed
  5. PR Roundup
    1. Feel free to add any PRs you'd like addressed
  6. Feel free to add agenda items...


New Committer, Bryan Brown.

Continuing discussion about streamlining UX and solution packs - may reschedule if not enough response.

Survey results

Danny notes desire for better reporting of background jobs status.

Advanced Queue

Discussion of tradeoffs of

Drawback is that a lot of what is currently done in Karaf would need to be re-implemented.

Nat mentions that the stack has a steep learning curve, focusing on PHP will simplify the stack.

Seth: Propose draft implementation for image derivatives.

Danny will try to break down and estimate how much work moving to something like Advanced Queue would be.

Documentation was the #1 survey result.

Documentation, want to include the DIG while they aren't going to be the ones who do all of the documentation work themselves.

Seth: If we are bringing in taxonomy terms from a number of places, and you need to merge them, how does that work?

There are modules that will let you reconcile terms, but aren't compatible with typed relations.

Rosie mentions the WikiData data model as something interesting, though may not be practical to model in Drupal as nodes.

Multifile media

Re-tested and it still works, a bit tricky. Need to figure out why Travis doesn't work.


Modelling questions

Configuration entities, should an embargo entity be modelled as a node type or a custom entity type?

Refer to the #embargoes channel in slack for more details.

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