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Roadmap Meeting Mar 20 2015 2pm AST

Nick Ruest edited this page Mar 21, 2015 · 8 revisions
  • Chair: Nick
  • Notetaker: Jennifer

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: David, Melissa, Nick, Donald, Jennifer
  • Apologies: Kirsta, Paul, Stephen

Old Business

Interest Groups

  • Preservation Interest Group (Donald/Nick)

    • This is currently on hold.
  • Archival Interest group (Melissa)

    • A call has gone out to people and another reminder will be sent.
  • Fedora 4 Interest Group (Nick)

    • Meetings are the 4th Friday of the month. The next meeting is next Friday. This group is actively discussing migration work and data modeling. There is new a Hydra metadata working group that will met for the 1st time on Tuesday. This group is also fleshing out the audit services.
  • GIS Interest Group (Donald)

    • At the last meeting, there was a discussion on creating user stories and use cases using [behat] ( This is like Cucumber.
  • Documentation Interest Group (Melissa)

    • This group is focused on the release documentation and will coordinate with the release team. Documentation has also been changed to focus on audience to make content easier to find. Brian Brown is also writing new documentation for the VM.
  • Dev Ops Interest Group

    • Mark Jordan has notified us of his intention to form a new group. 15 or so people on the listserv expressed interest in joining up.
    • A convener has been found, Andy Wagner!

Islandora Camp updates

  • iCampEU2

    • This camp has 9 registered attendees and most likely several registrations will happen just before registration closes. This camp is looking good.
  • Islandora Conference

    • This is coming along. The planning team just met recently. A survey went out seeking suggestions about workshop proposals. Some suggestions include: Islandora Solr Views, Themeing, XML forms.
  • iCampCT

Release Update

  • Everything is going according to plan and on track. The Islandora Jira now has some new features such as wiki syntax for comments and an affected version field.

Component offer - Islandora Form Fieldpanel - Ashok Modi

  • This is done. Once this is refined, it will be ready for release.


  • Nick's draft
  • Message to the community (again, like Hydra )
    • Nick and Melissa will draft a message for Islandora, to be approved by Roadmap

New Business

  • An Islandora MODS Metadata Profile? [dm]
    • This message got me thinking again about how standardizing Islandora's metadata would be helpful for the community. The development is a bit organic so each solution pack has its own set of forms. It'd be helpful if developers had a base set of required MODS elements and a set of related vocabularies. Doesn't mean you can't create your own form. It would also give us a reason to review the forms associated with the solution packs.

    • Jen's work at UCONN might help inform the discuss.

    • There is a lot of interest in MODS xml forms. It would be helpful to have a standardized form that users could modify. Adding functionality for taxonomies and autocompletes would also be helpful. Taxonomies and linked data functionality would be great to include in the forms. This would require some programming as the form might have to fetch linked data uri's. Do we need a Metadata IG? Jen will post a message to gather interest and potential names of interested people.


  • David: Focused on training workshops for Fedora 4 that are coming up. In the long-term, working on developing a curriculum for Fedora 4 camps and YouTube videos.
  • Donald: Working on PREMIS spreadsheet and PREMIS IG
  • Melissa: The CLA is now up on the webpage.
  • Nick: Worked on the Fedora Omeka Connector at York. Example and on GitHub

Closing Remarks

Next meeting: April 17 Chair: Melissa Notes: Mark Leggott

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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