DataHub v0.15.0 Release Notes
Please refer to v0.15.0.1 for full release notes.
What's Changed
- fix(ingest): override setdefault in file-backed dict by @hsheth2 in #11359
- fix(ingest/airflow): simplify env configuration by @hsheth2 in #11371
- fix(airflow): added support for jinja template for datahub emitter operator by @dushayntAW in #11300
- fix(smoke-test): add wait for sync to smoke-test by @david-leifker in #11405
- fix(customSearch): apply query string interpolation to function score by @RyanHolstien in #11406
- fix(docs): Fix typo in bigquery permissions error by @gabe-lyons in #11401
- build(deps-dev): bump vite from 4.5.3 to 4.5.5 in /datahub-web-react by @dependabot in #11410
- feat(ingest/gc): Add dataflow and soft deleted entities cleanup by @treff7es in #11102
- feat(ingestion): adds env property in ContainerProperties by @sgomezvillamor in #11214
- feat(ingest/gc): Add dry run mode to gc recipe by @treff7es in #11413
- feat(kafka-setup): allow override KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS by @david-leifker in #11400
- chore(docs): update release notes v0.14.1 by @david-leifker in #11408
- Advance search - Added case sensitive flag for wildcard searches by @kanavnarula in #11272
- fix(changeGenerator): fixes schema change generator corner cases v2 by @RyanHolstien in #11386
- feat(docs-site) datahub homepage v2 by @jayacryl in #11342
- feat(structuredProps) Add created and lastModified timestamps to structured prop entity by @chriscollins3456 in #11419
- feat(docs-site) tours to open in a modal by @jayacryl in #11420
- feat(structuredProps) Add delete structured props endpoint and handle null props by @chriscollins3456 in #11418
- test(ingest/mcp_diff): Fallback to overwriting file on more complicated diffs by @asikowitz in #11407
- feat(docs-site) fixed home paddings on mobile site by @jayacryl in #11431
- feat(ingest): add
method to client by @hsheth2 in #11425 - fix(siblings) Combine siblings in embedded search results by @chriscollins3456 in #11421
- fix(structuredProps) Fix adding new allowed types in updateStructuredProp endpoint by @chriscollins3456 in #11424
- build(deps): bump path-to-regexp from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 in /datahub-web-react by @dependabot in #11356
- chore(bump): bump spring versions by @david-leifker in #11435
- chore(bump): pac4j version by @david-leifker in #11436
- fix(graphql/getDataset): Do not fetch parent for schema fields by @asikowitz in #11434
- build: allow gradle daemon by @hsheth2 in #11437
- fix(ingest/dbt): handle null index values by @hsheth2 in #11433
- build(deps): bump dompurify from 2.3.8 to 2.5.4 in /datahub-web-react by @dependabot in #11387
- build(deps): bump dset from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 in /datahub-web-react by @dependabot in #11361
- fix(ingest/dbt): fix dbt catalog version check by @sid-acryl in #11350
- Add STARTS_WITH policy condition to allow for URN-wildcard-based policies by @githendrik in #11441
- fix(restoreIndices): fix bug in urn paginated restoreIndices exit code by @david-leifker in #11443
- feat(Analytics) Allow dateRangeField to be configurable for timeSeries chart by @mkamalas in #11366
- fix(SearchDocumentTransformer): Use correct variable to update ES by @pinakipb2 in #11430
- chore(version): bump protobuf version by @david-leifker in #11446
- fix(search): restore prefix phrase match on quoted search by @david-leifker in #11444
- fix(oidc): apply acr values to redirect url by @RyanHolstien in #11447
- refactor(ui/lineage): Replace FetchedEntities Object with Map by @asikowitz in #11440
- feat(ingest/sink): report datahub-rest sink mode by @hsheth2 in #11422
- docs(ingest): add docs on pydantic compatibility by @hsheth2 in #11423
- chore: use unique docker log artifact names by @hsheth2 in #11445
- test(graphql): fix searchFlags in searchAcrossLineage by @david-leifker in #11448
- Update pr-labeler.yml by @donovan-acryl in #11393
- fix(docs): fix layout in documentation after #11380 by @Masterchen09 in #11390
- Group Modal Css fix by @kanavnarula in #11403
- feat(graph): graph index soft-delete support by @david-leifker in #11453
- config(reindex): create reindex timeout configuration by @david-leifker in #11456
- fix(ingest): sort by last modified not working in the UI by @sid-acryl in #11343
- feat(data-contracts): support custom assertions in the data contracts builder by @jayacryl in #11454
- fix(ingest/sqlglot): Make detach_ctes more robust by @asikowitz in #11449
- fix(ingest/mode): add connection timeouts to avoid RemoteDisconnected errors by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #11245
- build(gradle): Update gradle.properties by @david-leifker in #11458
- build(yarn): increase yarn timeout and version bump by @david-leifker in #11461
- fix(ingest/dbt): allow custom owner types for dbt meta by @hsheth2 in #11460
- doc: fix typo by @anshbansal in #11464
- fix(ingestion/looker): skip personal folder independent looks by @sid-acryl in #11415
- bump(version): zookeeper by @david-leifker in #11465
- fix(ingest): do not cache temporary tables schema resolvers by @mayurinehate in #11432
- fix(structuredProps) Allow upserting structured props on schema fields that don't exist by @chriscollins3456 in #11466
- fix(docs-website): disable dark mode by @hsheth2 in #11468
- fix: fix broken global style by @yoonhyejin in #11470
- feat(ingest/dbt): speed up dbt CLL with node_name_patterns by @hsheth2 in #11450
- feat(ingest/dbt): produce multiple assertions for multi-table dbt tests by @hsheth2 in #11451
- feat(ingest): add
to ingestion-base image by @hsheth2 in #11477 - fix(ingest): include platform instance in looker usage urns by @hsheth2 in #11469
- fix(ingest/openapi): update recipe for DataHub OpenAPI with url_complement and bearer token by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #10980
- docs(aws): Update AWS docs to keep consistency with Docker docs by @AColocho in #11284
- feat: add second navbar by @yoonhyejin in #11471
- feat: CTA to live demos in cloud section and a few more case studies on home by @jayacryl in #11488
- fix(ingest/bq): do not query PARTITIONS for biglake tables by @mayurinehate in #11463
- config(rest-api): enable authentication and api authorization by default by @david-leifker in #11484
- feat(ingest/databricks): add usage perf report by @mayurinehate in #11480
- feat(ingestion/tableau): introduce project_path_pattern by @haeniya in #10855
- docs(ingest/dbt): update run result paths examples by @acrylJonny in #11138
- feat(ingest): support
by @hsheth2 in #11476 - refactor(criterion): refactor criterion construction by @david-leifker in #11486
- feat(auth) - Manage Children Glossary term authorization check for Owner, Domain, Remove link by @mkamalas in #11337
- fix(ingest/dagster): Fixing path to the dagster logo by @treff7es in #11489
- docker(config): Update docker profiles by @david-leifker in #11495
- fix(docs): fix form type by @deepgarg-visa in #11497
- fix(fragments.graphql): values is a correct parameter for FacetFilterInput by @bda618 in #11485
- feat: made datahub home page colors more consistent by @jayacryl in #11496
- fix(ingest/bigquery): optimise queries v2 session processing by @mayurinehate in #11492
- feat(ingest/elasticsearch): add api_key auth by @th0ger in #11475
- fix(doc): Update the documentation for Timeline API by @sakethvarma397 in #11504
- docs(upgrade): add note about downgrade limitation by @david-leifker in #11507
- fix(docs-website): corrected minor alignment issues on the home page by @jayacryl in #11508
- chore(cleanup): remove legacy bootstrap step by @david-leifker in #11494
- docs(search): example of entity weighting by @david-leifker in #11511
- feat(businessattribute): filter schema rows on business-attribute pro… by @deepgarg-visa in #11502
- fix(ingest/lookml): missing lineage for looker template -- if prod by @sid-acryl in #11426
- fix(ingestion/transformer): Add container support for ownership and domains by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #11375
- fix(ingestion/nifi): Improve nifi lineage extraction performance by @skrydal in #11490
- fix(dagster-plugin): Fix in/outs format and source config by @DSchmidtDev in #11481
- fix(ingest/elasticsearch): detect sub-properties in 'nested' type mapping by @Bumyu in #11338
- chore: update case studies by @hsheth2 in #11520
- feat: visa case study with a text label instead of logo by @jayacryl in #11521
- feat(docs-site) added snap logo by @jayacryl in #11522
- fix(ingest/looker) : Handle DeserializeError to improve error reporting. by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #11457
- build(misc): misc build, config, version updates by @david-leifker in #11527
- feat: add miro & foursquare & Deutsche Telekom by @yoonhyejin in #11516
- fix(ingestion/nifi): Fix for incremental lineage ingestion for nifi by @skrydal in #11517
- fix(tests): fix metadata-io tests by @david-leifker in #11530
- fix(search): Fix empty description by @david-leifker in #11514
- Block http trace method on mce and mce consumers by @udays-visa in #11513
- feat(bootstrap): bootstrap template mcps by @david-leifker in #11518
- add new CREATE and UPDATE privileges for USERS_AND_GROUPS by @githendrik in #11364
- feat(graphql/lineage): Support including ghost entities by @asikowitz in #11510
- fix(ingest/sigma): handle members api paginated response by @mayurinehate in #11535
- fix(metadata-service): Pass editableDatasetNameEnabled feature flag to the config. by @kris48k in #11391
- Added IEQUAL operator to support case insensitive searches by @Nbagga14 in #11501
- build(deps): bump rollup from 3.29.4 to 3.29.5 in /datahub-web-react by @dependabot in #11459
- build(deps): bump express from 4.19.2 to 4.20.0 in /docs-website by @dependabot in #11357
- build(deps): bump fast-loops from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4 in /datahub-web-react by @dependabot in #10885
- feat(fabric): Add sandbox as a possible environment variable by @pedro93 in #11491
- chore(bump): bump commons, misc versions by @david-leifker in #11538
- feat(dataProduct): add data product unset side effect by @RyanHolstien in #11512
- fix(search): Elasticsearch bool query should by @david-leifker in #11536
- fix(changeGenerator): fix logic around descriptions and make execution more efficient by @RyanHolstien in #11539
- feat(models): add support for generic platform resources by @shirshanka in #11531
- fix(ingest): fix UnboundLocalError in dataproduct transformer by @hsheth2 in #11528
- fix(ingest): add typeUrn in glossary sync source by @anshbansal in #11545
- fix(docs-site) cloud form copy spelling error by @jayacryl in #11455
- fix(propagation): show last modified propagated documentation by @shirshanka in #11498
- privileges(refactor): consolidate individual sys op privileges by @david-leifker in #11549
- feat(website): added built by acryl and linkedin to home hero by @jayacryl in #11548
- feat(ingest/bigquery): casing for tmp table check for queries v2 by @mayurinehate in #11534
- fix(ingestion/powerbi): fix for databricks lineage m-query pattern by @sid-acryl in #11462
- fix(datahub-gc): set system flag on ingestion source by @david-leifker in #11554
- fix(lint): fix yarn lint breakage from #11498 by @shirshanka in #11553
- chore(ci): bump trivy action version by @david-leifker in #11555
- feat(docker-profiles): add elasticsearch envs to docker profiles by @david-leifker in #11546
- sdk(platform-resource): add entity type for ease of use by @shirshanka in #11541
- docs(release): 0.3.6 - docs update by @david-leifker in #11506
- fix(datahub-gc): Update ingestion-datahub-gc.yaml by @david-leifker in #11556
- fix(ci): fix cassandra test flake by @david-leifker in #11557
- feat(scan): add scanning to setup images by @RyanHolstien in #11563
- Fix data search for fieldType = OBJECT for non-string fields by @udbhav-hbk in #11524
- docs(search): add structured search examples for structured properties by @david-leifker in #11565
- docs(datahub source): Add urn exclusions to docs by @eboneil in #11568
- docs(csv-enricher): Add warning for write_semantics by @eboneil in #11561
- fix(test): fix test specific for single query by @david-leifker in #11567
- feat(ingest/bigquery): Add way to reference existing DataHub Tag from a bigquery label by @treff7es in #11544
- chore: remove obsolete attribute from docker by @anshbansal in #11573
- fix(cli): update hard delete confirmation message in delete cli by @hsheth2 in #11550
- feat(ingest/stateful): omit irrelevant urns for deletion by @mayurinehate in #11558
- feat(ingest): add extra reporting for rest sink ASYNC_BATCH mode by @hsheth2 in #11562
- feat(models): support dashboards containing dashboards by @hsheth2 in #11529
- feat(ingest): support
special server value by @hsheth2 in #11569 - fix(test): Update EbeanAspectDaoTest.java by @david-leifker in #11580
- feat(airflow): add a
config parameter by @hsheth2 in #11537 - feat(ingest): add preset source by @llance in #10954
- fix(ui): update soft-deletion banner message by @hsheth2 in #11571
- fix(ingest/looker): handle sdk error for folder_ancestors by @mayurinehate in #11575
- feat(airflow): add airflow 2.10 to test matrix by @hsheth2 in #11579
- docs(cypress): Update README.txt by @david-leifker in #11588
- fix(trivy): multi-repo, bump trivy version by @david-leifker in #11590
- fix(trivy): also add alternative java db by @david-leifker in #11591
- feat(openapi-v3): generic entities scroll by @david-leifker in #11564
- fix: display demo form modal on mobile by @yoonhyejin in #11581
- fix(ingest): ignore irrelevant urns from % change computation by @mayurinehate in #11583
- feat(ingest/powerbi): fix subTypes and add workspace_type_filter by @sid-acryl in #11523
- fix(ingest): gracefully handle missing system metadata in client by @hsheth2 in #11592
- docs(assertions): add example of fetching associated dataset to assertion docs by @gabe-lyons in #11566
- fix(ingest/sac): handle descriptions which are None correctly by @Masterchen09 in #11572
- fix(ingest/iceberg): Iceberg table name by @skrydal in #11599
- chore(frontend): force frontend protobuf version by @david-leifker in #11601
- fix(airflow): add dag AllowDenyPattern config by @dushayntAW in #11472
- docs(structured-properties): example to read structured properties fr… by @gabe-lyons in #11603
- fix(bootstrap): fix early bootstrap mcps by @david-leifker in #11605
- fix(spark-lineage-legacy): fix check jar script by @david-leifker in #11608
- fix(sdk): platform resource api for non existent resources by @shirshanka in #11610
- fix(ingestion/redshift): Fix for Redshift COPY-based lineage by @skrydal in #11552
- fix(ingest/delta-lake): skip file count if require_files is false by @mayurinehate in #11611
- fix(ingest/superset): parse postgres platform correctly by @ssidorenko in #11540
- feat(openapi-v3): support async and createIfNotExists params on aspect by @david-leifker in #11609
- fix(ingest/preset): Add skip_on_failure to root_validator decorator by @asikowitz in #11615
- docs(apis): update OpenAPI disclaimer by @hsheth2 in #11617
- docs: add docs on term suggestion by @hsheth2 in #11606
- fix(airflow): fix lint related to dag_run field by @hsheth2 in #11616
- fix(ingest): drop empty fields by @anshbansal in #11613
- fix(ci): ensure py 3.10 by @david-leifker in #11626
- feat(docs-site) brought back announcement banner by @jayacryl in #11618
- fix(search): make graphql query autoCompleteForMultiple to show exact matches first by @deepgarg-visa in #11586
- feat: add contributor pr open comment action by @yoonhyejin in #11487
- docs(ingestion): add architecture diagrams by @david-leifker in #11628
- feat(validations): Ingest and metadata schema validators by @david-leifker in #11619
- fix(ci): Update contributor-open-pr-comment.yml by @david-leifker in #11631
- fix(ci): add runtime limit by @david-leifker in #11630
- fix(ci): metadata-io req python by @david-leifker in #11632
- feat: add quickstart post by @yoonhyejin in #11623
- feat(ingest/bigquery): Generate platform resource entities for BigQuery labels by @treff7es in #11602
- fix(ingest): add preset deps by @hsheth2 in #11637
- feat(docker-profiles): allow version override for quickstartDebug by @david-leifker in #11643
- feat(ingest/powerbi): link cross workspace dataset into assets by @sid-acryl in #11560
- docs(custom-plugins): add overview image by @david-leifker in #11634
- fix(ci): fix build and test workflow by @david-leifker in #11644
- fix(ingest): remove default value from DatahubClientConfig.server by @hsheth2 in #11570
- chore(ingest): reorganize unit tests by @hsheth2 in #11636
- fix(ingest): run sqllineage in process by default by @hsheth2 in #11650
- feat(ingest): add offline flag to SQL parser CLI by @hsheth2 in #11635
- fix(ingest/redshift): reduce sequence limit for LISTAGG by @hsheth2 in #11621
- fix(ingest/bigquery): Not setting platform instance for bigquery platform resources by @treff7es in #11659
- fix(ingest/dbt): fix bug in CLL pruning by @hsheth2 in #11614
- fix(ingest/redshift): fix syntax error in temp sql by @hsheth2 in #11661
- docs(airflow): add known limitations for automatic lineage by @hsheth2 in #11652
- perf(ingest): streamline CLL generation by @hsheth2 in #11645
- feat(ingest): ensure sqlite file delete on clean exit by @mayurinehate in #11612
- fix(sdk): platform resource - support indexed queries when urns are i… by @shirshanka in #11660
- fix(ingest/dbt): Prevent lineage cycles when parsing sql of dbt models by @asikowitz in #11666
- fix(ingest/dagster): FIx JobSnapshot import is broken by @treff7es in #11672
- feat(ingest/transformer/domain): Add support for on conflict do nothing to dataset domain transformers by @asikowitz in #11649
- fix(ingest/looker): Remove bad imports from looker_common by @feldjay in #11663
- feat(ingest/looker): include project name in model/explore properties by @hsheth2 in #11664
- feat(ingest/fivetran): protect against high sync volume by @hsheth2 in #11589
- feat(sdk):platform-resource - complex queries by @shirshanka in #11675
- fix(docs): fix businessattributes doc by @deepgarg-visa in #11653
- feat(ingest/fivetran): add safeguards on table/column lineage by @hsheth2 in #11674
- fix(ui): show DataHub logo for DataHub sources in ingestion souces list by @Masterchen09 in #11658
- fix(ingest/prefect): Fix prefect mypy errors by @treff7es in #11680
- fix(docs-site): announcement bar responsive behavior by @jayacryl in #11681
- fix(misc): misc fixes by @david-leifker in #11678
- chore(version): confluent base image by @david-leifker in #11689
- feat(ingest): generate urn types for all entities by @hsheth2 in #11676
- fix(ingest): cache sql is_profiling_enabled method by @hsheth2 in #11665
- fix(ingest/bigquery): Fix tags urn/name ingestion for BigQuery by @skrydal in #11691
- doc(bigquery-sync): Add doc for BigQuery sync by @treff7es in #11577
- feat(ingest): use mainline sqlglot by @hsheth2 in #11693
- fix(ingest): add logging for mcp diff by @hsheth2 in #11683
- fix(ingestion/glue): manage table names from resource_links from nearest catalog correctly by @aviv-julienjehannet in #11578
- feat(ingest/fivetran): show connector filter reason by @hsheth2 in #11695
- feat(ingest/snowflake): support lineage via rename and swap using que… by @mayurinehate in #11600
- fix(ingest/mongodb): Add Collection Name as Dataset Name in MongoDB by @pankajmahato-visa in #11698
- fix(ui): show structured report context in pre by @hsheth2 in #11673
- feat(logs): add change event details to log context and improve some logs in MCL/MCP by @RyanHolstien in #11690
- feat(ingest/oracle): retire deprecated cx_oracle library by @acrylJonny in #11607
- fix(ingest/superset): Don't set schema/db for druid by @ssidorenko in #11682
- fix(ci): remove pip cache by @RyanHolstien in #11702
- feat(ingestion/dagster): Dagster assetless ingestion by @treff7es in #11262
- chore(deps): bump http-proxy-middleware from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 in /docs-website by @dependabot in #11694
- fet(ingest/bigquery): Add support ingesting foreign keys and primary keys for BigQuery tables by @treff7es in #11686
- feat(ingest/fivetran): support overriding destination db by @hsheth2 in #11701
- feat(ingest/tableau): support ingestion of access roles by @haeniya in #11157
- fix(logging): minor modifications for logging by @RyanHolstien in #11703
- feat: multi-query lineage for temp upstreams by @mayurinehate in #11708
- docs(managed/v0.3.6): Add additional release notes for by @asikowitz in #11715
- gradle(profiles): create compose base variable by @david-leifker in #11716
- fix(log): reduce log volume for ingestion and consumers by @darnaut in #11714
- misc(gradle): project name parameter by @david-leifker in #11717
- refactor(datahub-frontend): upgrade frontend pac4j by @david-leifker in #11709
- fix: business attribute empty bubble selection issue by @kartikey-visa in #11720
- feat(frontend): show browse paths for business attributes related entities - schema fields by @kartikey-visa in #11585
- feat(bigquery): support config for region qualifiers to fetch jobs by @mayurinehate in #11728
- feat(docs) steps on handling workspace admin approvals for slack installation by @jayacryl in #11726
- feat(docs-site) slack bot scopes by @jayacryl in #11727
- feat(docs) steps on how to troubleshoot the slack command not working by @jayacryl in #11723
- fix(docs-site) remove free trial notes by @jayacryl in #11729
- doc: add missed breaking change note by @anshbansal in #11725
- feat(ingest/fivetran): avoid duplicate table lineage entries by @hsheth2 in #11712
- fix(ingestion/bigquery-gcs-lineage): Add lineage extraction for BigQuery with GCS source by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #11442
- feat(ingestion/powerbi): ingest powerbi app by @sid-acryl in #11629
- feat(ingest/databricks): report unique query count from usage by @mayurinehate in #11576
- feat(ingest): unpin traitlets by @hsheth2 in #11731
- feat(ingest/transform): extend ownership transformer to other entities by @anshbansal in #11700
- feat(ingest): remove dep on
by @hsheth2 in #11733 - fix(ingest/unity): remove redundant check by @hsheth2 in #11732
- feat(ingest): check ordering in SqlParsingAggregator tests by @hsheth2 in #11735
- feat(docs-website): init solution pages by @yoonhyejin in #11533
- fix(struct-prop): fix unintended struct prop ES mutation by @david-leifker in #11751
- fix(openapi-v3): fix mcp alternative validator & test by @david-leifker in #11744
- fix: add learn more in the homepage by @yoonhyejin in #11752
- docs(dbt-cloud): reference service accounts in docs by @hsheth2 in #11750
- fix(ingestion/powerbi): handle double quotes in M-query by @sid-acryl in #11743
- fix(ingest/bigquery): add missing path spec deps by @hsheth2 in #11748
- feat(ingest/datahub): Add way to filter soft deleted entities by @treff7es in #11738
- fix(ingest): pin teradata dep by @hsheth2 in #11760
- fix(ingest): reduce asyncio in check_upgrade by @hsheth2 in #11734
- feat(ingest/powerbi): add timeouts for m-query parsing by @hsheth2 in #11753
- fix(structuredProperties): fixes underscore behavior in structured property names by @RyanHolstien in #11746
- feat(ui): Support markdown for incident descriptions by @jjoyce0510 in #11759
- feat(ingestion): Add execution request cleanup job by @noggi in #11765
- feat(docs-site) polishes and improved responsiveness for the home and solutions pages by @jayacryl in #11770
- feat(ingest): unpin looker-sdk dependency by @chriscc2 in #11755
- feat(forms/cli): add additional filters to the forms CLI (subtypes, platform instances, owners, tags and glossary terms) by @Masterchen09 in #10979
- docs(spark): fix incorrect config option by @steffengr in #11119
- feat(ingest/powerbi): improve reporting around m-query parser by @hsheth2 in #11763
- docs(graphql): fix typo in entity.graphql by @vejeta in #11764
- doc(bigquery): Update setup.md by @tanguyantoine in #11769
- fix: install servicebell & add condition for markprompt by @yoonhyejin in #11532
- feat(ingest/cli): add undo soft delete command by @anshbansal in #11740
- fix(docs-site) improvements to home page by @jayacryl in #11783
- Make DatahubGC bootstrap MCP non-optional by @noggi in #11785
- fix(ingest/redshift): fix unload lineage in lineage_v2 by @hsheth2 in #11620
- fix(ingest/openapi): Fix openapi tests by @treff7es in #11789
- user should be able to pass custom mcp kafka topic by @ronybony1990 in #11767
- logging(template-mcp): adding more logging around templating by @david-leifker in #11786
- feat(entity-client): batch entity-client ingestProposals by @david-leifker in #11787
- feat(ingest/dremio): Dremio Source Ingestion by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #11598
- fix(entity-client): switch to caller runs for entity-client by @david-leifker in #11791
- bump(cli): Update ingestion-datahub-gc.yaml by @david-leifker in #11794
- fix(ingest/powerbi): change default for
by @hsheth2 in #11742 - docs(breaking-changes): datahub-gc by @david-leifker in #11808
- fix(doc/bigquery-sync): Update bigquery sync documentation by @treff7es in #11805
- fix(ingest/gc): add limit, add actual loop for iterating over batches by @anshbansal in #11809
- fix(ingest/browsePathsV2): Emit Container aspect first, to avoid BrowsePathsV2 generation race condition by @asikowitz in #11813
- fix(ingest/fivetran): do not materialise upstream by @anshbansal in #11806
- fix(ingest/dremio): update dremio sql query to retrieve queried datasets in sql jobs by @acrylJonny in #11801
- fix(ingestion/powerbi): object has no attribute startswith by @sid-acryl in #11814
- fix(views): fix environment filter for views by @RyanHolstien in #11771
- feat(template-mcps): allow further control for helm by @david-leifker in #11816
- fix(timeline): fixes primary key change events by @RyanHolstien in #11819
- fix(ingest): ignore processed query_id from temp upstream by @mayurinehate in #11798
- feat(ingest): add stateful ingestion support for file source by @mayurinehate in #11804
- docs(relationship): update relationship docs by @david-leifker in #11820
- feat(model): add deprecation aspect to container by @anshbansal in #11824
- feat(web-react) improved webpage title generation logic by @jayacryl in #11773
- feat(ingest/gx): support gx version 0.18.0 by @mayurinehate in #11823
- feat(ingestion/powerbi): DatabricksMultiCloud native query support by @sid-acryl in #11756
- fix(ci): additional disk clean by @david-leifker in #11835
- feat(docs) better oidc setup docs by @jayacryl in #11793
- fix(config): add missing package by @RyanHolstien in #11842
- fix(timeline): fixes a renaming corner case by @RyanHolstien in #11843
- fix(ui): show ingested entities in ingestion report when ingestion succeeded with warnings by @Masterchen09 in #11704
- v0.3.7 release docs by @jjoyce0510 in #11836
- fix(ingest/dbt): handle multiple owners by @anshbansal in #11848
- fix(ingest): update GX version having name arg by @mayurinehate in #11849
- docs(release): helm chart version req 0.3.7 by @david-leifker in #11850
- refactor(run-id): refactor run id updates by @david-leifker in #11834
- fix(ingestion-web) sorting and filtering uses api by @jayacryl in #11844
- docs(automations): Add new doc for Glossary Term Propagation Automation, other docs cleanup by @jjoyce0510 in #11851
- fix(ingest/oracle): fix scheme for sqlalchemy < 2 by @mayurinehate in #11829
- fix(ingest/partition-executor): Fix deadlock by recomputing ready items by @asikowitz in #11853
- fix(ingest/dremio): Dremio software jobs retrieval SQL query fix query error by @acrylJonny in #11817
- fix(docs): Update v_0_3_7.md by @david-leifker in #11861
- fix(doc): fix link to doc, update cli recommendation by @anshbansal in #11866
- chore(version): bump netty version by @david-leifker in #11862
- chore(docs): Minor improvements to transformer docs and java example by @skrydal in #11859
- feat(ingest/cassandra): Add support for Cassandra as a source by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #11822
- search(entity-type): make searchable EntityTypeKey by @david-leifker in #11868
- docs(search): example tag AND condition by @david-leifker in #11870
- Update CSVInfo.tsx by @gabe-lyons in #11871
- chore(structured-properties): add cli validation for entity types by @shirshanka in #11863
- feat(py-sdk): add cli version to ingestion headers by @githendrik in #11847
- fix(ingest/airflow): Remove seems like not intended force debug mode which caused plugin fail on EMR by @treff7es in #11877
- fix(ingest/airflow): Add log to dag emit by @treff7es in #11880
- feat(ingest/iceberg): Iceberg performance improvement by @skrydal in #11182
- fix(ingest/lookml): replace class variable with instance variable for improved encapsulation by @raudzis in #11881
- docs(urn): urn encoding by @david-leifker in #11884
- fix(ingest/partitionExecutor): Fetch ready items for non-empty batch when _pending is empty by @asikowitz in #11885
- fix(ingest): upgrade msal by @mikeburke24 in #11883
- refactor(kafka): reconfigure consumers to allow different config by @david-leifker in #11869
- Update v_0_3_7.md by @david-leifker in #11895
- docs(structured props): fix a typo in structured property docs by @gabe-lyons in #11887
- feat(mcl-upgrade): implement resume & urn pagination by @david-leifker in #11889
- fix(ui) Fix merging siblings schema with mix of v1 & v2 fields by @chriscollins3456 in #11837
- fix(ingest): consider sql parsing fallback as failure by @hsheth2 in #11896
- feat(spark): OpenLineage 1.24.2 upgrade by @treff7es in #11830
- chore(cleanup): remove unused UrnUtils function by @david-leifker in #11897
- perf(ingest/redshift): limit copy lineage by @hsheth2 in #11662
- fix(ingest): add error handling by @anshbansal in #11905
- chore(docs): Update restli-overview.md by @david-leifker in #11908
- docs: add hudi to integrations by @yoonhyejin in #11901
- Display username while removing the user from the group by @kanavnarula in #11706
- fix(ingest/powerbi): m-query fixes by @sid-acryl in #11906
- fix(auth)- Fix Redirect url flow in OidcCallback by @mkamalas in #11878
- chore(ingest): start using explicit exports by @hsheth2 in #11899
- chore(ingest): bump black by @hsheth2 in #11898
- refactor(ingest/snowflake): move oauth config into snowflake dir by @hsheth2 in #11888
- fix(ingest/bigquery): increase logging in bigquery-queries extractor by @hsheth2 in #11774
- Update the AWS instructions with EBS CSI and IAM policy instructions by @alberttwong in #11872
- fix(ingest/sql): disable patch checker by @hsheth2 in #11910
- docs(ingest/sac): add additional permission for SAP Analytics Cloud source to docs by @Masterchen09 in #11903
- chore(ingest): always use urn creation helpers by @hsheth2 in #11911
- chore: update contributors list by @kevinkarchacryl in #11915
- fix(ts): Suppress ts errors on Editor.tsx by @pinakipb2 in #11275
- chore(deps): bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.6 in /smoke-test/tests/cypress by @dependabot in #11890
- chore(deps): bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.6 in /docs-website by @dependabot in #11919
- feat(ingest): handle mssql casing issues in lineage by @hsheth2 in #11920
- docs(ingest): Raise error on unsupported sqlite version by @asikowitz in #11921
- fix(analytics): look at userEditableInfo to populate cells by @kevinkarchacryl in #11909
- fix(ingestion/kafka): OAuth callback execution by @sid-acryl in #11900
- feat(ingest/mssql): include stored procedure lineage by @mayurinehate in #11912
- fix(ui): use correct docs link for csv enricher by @bossenti in #11917
- fix(UI): incorrect month showing in MAU by @kevinkarchacryl in #11918
- fix(batch-patch): fix patches in batches by @david-leifker in #11928
- fix(structuredProps) Add validation that ID and qualifiedName have no… by @david-leifker in #11930
- fix(rest.li): fix use of Criterion in rest.li filters by @david-leifker in #11932
- fix(validation): improved urn validation logic by @david-leifker in #11935
- feat(search): adjust schema field boost by @david-leifker in #11933
- fix(ingest/bigquery): ignore include constraints for biglake datasets by @mayurinehate in #11874
- feat(ingest/kafka): improve error handling of oauth_cb config by @mayurinehate in #11929
- feat(ingest/oracle): support profile limits for large tables by @mayurinehate in #11827
- fix: remove ai summit post by @yoonhyejin in #11826
- fix(ui/graphql) Handle groups in institutionalMemory aspect by @chriscollins3456 in #11934
- fix(browseDAO): Handle null browse path from ES in BrowseDAO by @pinakipb2 in #11875
- fix(airflow): remove trino to presto mapping by @shepherd44 in #11925
- docs(ingest/bigquery): add partition support capability by @mayurinehate in #11940
- fix(dataProduct): reduce write fan-out for unset side effect by @RyanHolstien in #11951
- fix(ingest/tableau): handle none database field by @hsheth2 in #11950
- fix(urn-validator): update urn validation logic by @david-leifker in #11952
- feat(ingest): add more logs for kafka polling by @mayurinehate in #11954
- fix(ingest/sigma): migrate sigma workbooks from container to dashboard by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #11939
- fix(ingest/bigquery): Fix performance issue with column profiling ignore by @treff7es in #11807
- docs(cloud): add documentation for Data Product side effect by @RyanHolstien in #11948
- feat(ingest/mssql): allow filtering by procedure_pattern by @mayurinehate in #11953
- fix(test): updates a couple tests to disregard list order by @rtekal in #11840
- fix(dataproduct): optimize data product sideeffect by @david-leifker in #11961
- fix(gms/patch): Fix Upstream lineage patching when path contained encoded slash by @treff7es in #11957
- fix(ingest): always send correct data for advanced section by @anshbansal in #11960
- feat(schematron): add java capabilities for schema translation by @shirshanka in #11963
- fix(shadowJar): fix shadowJar by @david-leifker in #11968
- fix(ingest): ensure sentry is initialized with graph tags by @hsheth2 in #11949
- fix(ingest): more error handling by @anshbansal in #11969
- feat(datahub-gc): add truncation days param by @david-leifker in #11967
- docs(release): Update v_0_3_7.md by @david-leifker in #11937
- fix(ci): fix build-and-test by @david-leifker in #11974
- refactor(ingest/powerbi): organize code within the module based on responsibilities by @sid-acryl in #11924
- fix(schematron): fix for jdk8 by @david-leifker in #11975
- fix(automations docs): Update snowflake-tag-propagation.md to include permissions required for the Automation by @jjoyce0510 in #11977
- chore(bump): bump version of akka for datahub-frontend by @david-leifker in #11979
- feat(ingestion): extend feast plugin to ingest tags and owners by @margaridafernandes-trip in #11784
- fix(validation): additional URN validation adjustments by @david-leifker in #11973
- feat(search): Update search_config.yaml by @david-leifker in #11971
- docs(release): update recommended CLI by @anshbansal in #11986
- fix(ingest/kafka):add poll for admin client for oauth_cb by @mayurinehate in #11985
- fix(ingestion/iceberg): Improvements to iceberg source by @skrydal in #11987
- feat(ingest): standardize sql type mappings by @hsheth2 in #11982
- feat(ingest): bump typing_extensions dep by @hsheth2 in #11965
- feat(ingest): add tests for colon characters in urns by @hsheth2 in #11976
- feat(ingest/athena): handle partition fetching errors by @hsheth2 in #11966
- fix: Add option for disabling ownership extraction by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #11970
- feat(ingest/dremio): Retrieve default_schema for SQL views by @acrylJonny in #11832
- fix(docs): fix sample business glossary by @acrylJonny in #11669
- fix(java-sdk): custom properties patch client by @shirshanka in #11984
- fix[ingest/build]: Disable preflight script as it is not needed anymore by @treff7es in #11989
- feat: connector for Neo4j by @k-bartlett in #11526
- fix(ingestion/dremio): Fixed lineage view for dremio EE by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #11990
- fix(ingest/gc): delete invalid dpis by @anshbansal in #11998
- feat(airflow): show dag/task logs in CI by @hsheth2 in #11981
- chore(ingest): remove deprecated calls to Urn.create_from_string by @hsheth2 in #11983
- fix(ingest): resolve missing numeric types for profiling by @mayurinehate in #11991
- fix(docs): Add spark.datahub.stage_metadata_coalescing to recommended configuration for databricks by @acrylJonny in #11800
- build(coverage): enable code coverage for java and python by @chakru-r in #11992
- chore(docs): Update v_0_3_7.md - v0.3.7.5 by @david-leifker in #12005
- feat(java-sdk): add utils classes to give equivalence with python uti… by @shirshanka in #12002
- fix(ingest/sagemaker): Gracefully handle missing model group by @treff7es in #12000
- fix(ingest/gc): typo fix, do not delete empty entities by @anshbansal in #12011
- fix(ingest/gc): do not cleanup empty job/flow by @anshbansal in #12013
- fix(test): fix metadata-io tests by @david-leifker in #12006
- fix(ingest/looker): Don't fail on unknown liquid filters by @treff7es in #12014
- feat(docs-website) fix links by @jayacryl in #12019
- fix(ci): fix datahub-client validatePythonEnv by @david-leifker in #12023
- test(urn-validation): additional test case by @david-leifker in #12001
- feat(hudi): add hudi platform to the list of default platforms by @shirshanka in #11993
- fix(airflow): fix AthenaOperator extraction by @steffengr in #11857
- feat(tableau): review reporting and debug traces by @sgomezvillamor in #12015
- fix(ingest/tableau): make
call optional by @hsheth2 in #12024 - feat(cli): add platform filter for undo soft delete by @anshbansal in #12012
- feat(mcp): add kafka batch processing mode option (#4449) by @david-leifker in #12021
- chore: update label for team by @anshbansal in #12032
- fix(ui): Adding overflow handling (also goes to oss) by @jjoyce0510 in #12022
- fix(ingest/pulsar): handle missing/invalid schema objects by @Alice-608 in #11945
- fix(filters) Fix issues with structured properties filters by @chriscollins3456 in #11946
- fix(ingest): avoid bad IPython version by @hsheth2 in #12035
- feat(ingest/kafka): additional validation for oauth_db signature by @mayurinehate in #11996
- fix(ingest/gc): Adding test and more checks to gc source by @treff7es in #12027
- fix(graph-edge): fix graph edge delete exception by @david-leifker in #12025
- feat(ingest): add urn validation test files by @hsheth2 in #12036
- chore(deps): bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.6 in /datahub-web-react by @dependabot in #11978
- fix(datahub-client): prevent unneeded classes in datahub-client jar by @david-leifker in #12037
- fix(entity-service): no-op batches by @david-leifker in #12047
- docs(compliance-forms) update guide for creating form via UI by @maggiehays in #11936
- feat(snowflake): adding oauth token bypass to snowflake by @gabe-lyons in #12048
- fix(ingest): avoid shell entities during view lineage generation by @mayurinehate in #12044
- fix(logs): add actor urn on unauthorised by @anshbansal in #12030
- fix(ingest/snowflake): Add handling of Hybrid Table type for Snowflake ingestion by @siong-tcha in #12039
- fix(ingest/powerbi): reduce type cast usage by @hsheth2 in #12004
- refactor(ingest/sql): add _get_view_definition helper method by @hsheth2 in #12033
- feat(ingest/superset): initial support for superset datasets by @hwmarkcheng in #11972
- fix(ingest/sagemaker): Adding option to control retry for any aws source by @treff7es in #8727
- fix(ingest/gc): Additional dataprocess cleanup fixes by @treff7es in #12049
- feat(tableau): adds more reporting metrics to better understand lineage construction in tableau ingestion by @sgomezvillamor in #12008
- feat(ingestion/tableau): hidden asset handling by @haeniya in #11559
- feat(airflow): drop Airflow < 2.3 support + make plugin v2 the default by @hsheth2 in #12056
- fix(web) disallow deselecting all degrees on impact analysis view by @jayacryl in #12063
- feat: Add parent container hierarchy label to the container by @kanavnarula in #11705
- fix(py-sdk): DataJobPatchBuilder handling timestamps, output edges by @shirshanka in #12067
- fix(plugin-logging): adjust error logging in plugin registry by @david-leifker in #12064
- build(metadata-events): fix shell interpreter mismatch in build script by @chakru-r in #12066
- fix(entity-service): handle no-op system-metadata batches by @david-leifker in #12055
- build(coverage): rename python coverage reports by @chakru-r in #12071
- fix(ingest): replace sqllineage/sqlparse with our SQL parser by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #12020
- fix(entity-service): prevent mutation of systemMetdata on prev by @david-leifker in #12081
- build(datahub-frontend): enable code-coverage by @chakru-r in #12072
- build(ci): codecov integration by @chakru-r in #12073
- fix(openapi): adds in previously ignored keep alive value by @RyanHolstien in #12068
- feat(ui) Add alchemy component library to FE by @chriscollins3456 in #12054
- docs(structured properties) add guide by @maggiehays in #12070
- feat(ingest): allow max_workers=1 with ASYNC_BATCH rest sink by @hsheth2 in #12088
- fix(openapi): fix sort criteria parameter by @RyanHolstien in #12090
- feat(ingest/snowflake): allow option for incremental properties by @mayurinehate in #12080
- fix(cli): don't use /api in gms url by @anshbansal in #12083
- docs(ingest/athena): update recipe with aws key pair example by @mayurinehate in #12076
- fix(ingest/gc): minor tweak gc source by @anshbansal in #12093
- fix(ingest/abs): detect jsonl schema by @acrylJonny in #11775
- feat(ingest/kafka): Flag for optional schemas ingestion by @skrydal in #12077
- feat(structuredProperties) Add new settings aspect plus graphql changes for structured props by @chriscollins3456 in #12052
- fix(ingest/tableau): project_path_pattern use in _is_denied_project by @sid-acryl in #12010
- feat: Enrich superset ingestion by @hwmarkcheng in #11688
- fix(ui) Add backwards compatibility to the UI for old policy filters by @chriscollins3456 in #12017
- feat(structuredProps) Add frontend for managing structured props and filtering by them by @chriscollins3456 in #12097
- feat(ui) Add full support for structured properties on assets by @chriscollins3456 in #12100
- docs(champions): Update directory of DH Champions by @maggiehays in #12089
- feat(ingest/snowflake): ingest secure, dynamic, hybrid table metadata by @mayurinehate in #12094
- feat(spark):OpenLineage 1.25.0 by @Jorricks in #12041
- fix(ingest): always resolve platform for browse path v2 by @mayurinehate in #12045
- fix(ingest/sdk): report recipe correctly by @anshbansal in #12101
- feat(cli): add --workers arg in delete command by @anshbansal in #12102
- fix(ingest/snowflake): handle dots in snowflake table names by @hsheth2 in #12105
- fix(ingest/tableau): apply
regardless of object count by @sid-acryl in #12026 - docs(ingest/snowflake): update permissions for dynamic tables by @mayurinehate in #12074
- fix(ingestion/lookml): resolve CLL issue caused by column name casing. by @sid-acryl in #11876
- feat(glossary): support multiple ownership types by @kevinkarchacryl in #12050
- feat(datahub-client): additionally generates java8 artefacts by @sgomezvillamor in #12106
- fix(ui): dereference errors by @anshbansal in #12034
- feat(openapi-v3): add minimal timeseries aspect support by @david-leifker in #12096
- feat(forms) Clean up form prompts on structured property deletion by @chriscollins3456 in #12053
- fix(datahub-client): adds missing archiveAppendix to artifactid when publishing by @sgomezvillamor in #12112
- chore(deps): bump nanoid from 3.3.6 to 3.3.8 in /datahub-web-react by @dependabot in #12086
- chore(deps): bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 in /docs-website by @dependabot in #12114
- feat(structuredProperties): add hide property and show as badge validators by @chriscollins3456 in #12099
- fix(ingest/snowflake): further improve dot handling by @hsheth2 in #12110
- feat(ingest): improve query fingerprinting by @hsheth2 in #12104
- docs(ingest): add docs on the SQL parser by @hsheth2 in #12103
- fix(ui): dereference issues by @anshbansal in #12109
- fix(datahub-client): avoid parallel execution of publish and publish-java8 by @sgomezvillamor in #12120
- fix(ingestion/dremio): Ignore filtered containers in schema allowdeny pattern by @acrylJonny in #11959
- fix(ingest/kafka-connect): update connection test url, handle api failures by @mayurinehate in #12082
- fix(ingest/dagster): Fix Dagster build by @treff7es in #12121
- fix(ingest/snowflake): improve warn message by @anshbansal in #12125
- fix(dataproduct): creator is assigned as owner by @anshbansal in #12127
- fix(mysql): index gap lock deadlock by @david-leifker in #12119
- feat(ingest): additional limits on ingestProposalBatch by @hsheth2 in #12130
- refactor(ingest): cleanup structured properties validation by @hsheth2 in #12115
- config(docker-profiles): clean-up by @david-leifker in #12051
- build(gradle): version change (Gradle and shadow plugin) by @dejan2609 in #11999
- feat(airflow): add
method by @hsheth2 in #12116 - tests(datahub-client): new tests for the AvroSchemaConverter by @sgomezvillamor in #12087
- feat(ingest/snowflake): secure view lineage without owner permissions by @mayurinehate in #12123
- chore(dep): exclude end of life dependency by @deepgarg-visa in #12007
- chore(version): bump kafka version by @chakru-r in #12136
- build(ci): fix vercel setup script by @chakru-r in #12143
- feat(ingest/airflow): Add way to disable Airflow plugin without a restart by @treff7es in #12098
- fix(ingestion/tableau): honor the key projectNameWithin in pagination by @sid-acryl in #12107
- fix(ingest/datahub): Use server side cursor instead of local one by @treff7es in #12129
- feat(ingestion/tableau): verify role assignment to user in
. by @sid-acryl in #12042 - docs(ingest): fix sink recipe to correct config parameter by @kousiknandy in #12132
- feat(ui) Add finishing touches to the structured props feature by @chriscollins3456 in #12111
- feat(ingest/sqlite): Support sqlite < 3.24.0 by @asikowitz in #12137
- feat(cli): added cli option for ingestion source by @kevinkarchacryl in #11980
- fix(patch): Add Finegrained Lineage patch support for DatajobInputOutput (#4749) by @treff7es in #12146
- fix(ingest/s3): incorrectly parsing path in s3_uri by @eagle-25 in #12135
- feat(ingest/datahub): report progress on db ingestion by @hsheth2 in #12117
- build(ingest/sqlglot): Bump pin to support snowflake CREATE ... WITH TAG by @asikowitz in #12003
- fix(frontend): fix typo datahub-frontend logback.xml by @deepgarg-visa in #12134
- feat(git): add subdir support to GitReference by @hsheth2 in #12131
- fix(ui) Fix nesting logic in properties tab by @chriscollins3456 in #12151
- fix(ingest/snowflake): improve lineage parse failure logging by @hsheth2 in #12153
- fix(ingest/pulsar): handle Avro schema with missing namespace or name by @Alice-608 in #12058
- fix(cli/properties): allow structured properties without a graph instance by @hsheth2 in #12144
- fix(ingest/gc): more logging, error handling, explicit flag by @anshbansal in #12124
- fix(ingest/kafka): update dependency, tests by @mayurinehate in #12159
- feat(api): authorization extended for soft-delete and suspend by @david-leifker in #12158
- fix(env) Fix forms hook env var default config by @chriscollins3456 in #12155
- feat(ingest/mlflow): Support configurable base_external_url by @asikowitz in #12167
- fix(cli/properties): fix data type validation by @hsheth2 in #12170
- fix(pgsql): Postgres doesn't support UNION select with FOR UPDATE by @david-leifker in #12169
- refactor(ingest/kafka-connect): define interface for new connector impl by @mayurinehate in #12149
- feat(ingest): add looker meta extractor support in sql parsing by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #12062
- feat(ingest/iceberg): Improve iceberg connector by @skrydal in #12163
- feat(python): split out temp wheel builds by @hsheth2 in #12157
- docs(release): v0.3.7.7 by @david-leifker in #12091
- fix(docs): Add improvements in examples for PATCH documentation by @jjoyce0510 in #12165
- feat(graphql/ml): Add custom properties to ml entities by @asikowitz in #12152
- chore(bump): ingestion-base & actions by @david-leifker in #12171
- feat(mssql): platform instance aspect for dataflow and datajob entities by @sgomezvillamor in #12180
- fix(tableau): prevents warning in case of site admin creator role by @sgomezvillamor in #12175
- fix(tableau): restart server object when reauthenticating by @sgomezvillamor in #12182
- fix(dagster): support dagster v1.9.6 by @sgomezvillamor in #12189
- fix(graphql): add suspended to corpuserstatus by @kevinkarchacryl in #12185
- feat(ingest/snowflake): include external table ddl lineage for queries… by @mayurinehate in #12179
- fix(gms): Change names of charts in Analytics by @deepgarg-visa in #12192
- fix(ingest/databricks): Fix profiling by @skrydal in #12060
- refactor(ingestion/tableau): mark the
configuration as deprecated. by @sid-acryl in #12126 - test(ingest/tableau): add test for extract_project_hierarchy scenario by @sid-acryl in #12079
- docs(structured properties) fix entityTypes in creating structured property by @nicholas-fwang in #12187
- chore(bump): bump alpine and dockerize by @david-leifker in #12184
- docs update: Update v_0_3_7.md by @david-leifker in #12197
- feat(gradle): add quickstartPgDebug option by @david-leifker in #12195
- fix(ingest/powerbi): support comments in m-query grammar by @sid-acryl in #12177
- feat(ingestion/aws-common): improved instance profile support for ec2, ecs, eks, lambda, beanstalk, app runner and cft roles by @acrylJonny in #12139
- feat(ingestion/hive): Add lineage functionality for hive tables from/to file storage by @acrylJonny in #11841
- fix(mssql): adds missing containers for dataflow and datajob entities, required for browse paths v2 generation by @sgomezvillamor in #12194
- Revert "fix(mssql): adds missing containers for dataflow and datajob entities, required for browse paths v2 generation" by @anshbansal in #12201
- chore(bump): bump node version long term support release (build time … by @david-leifker in #12199
- fix(ingest): exclude aspect from migration by @anshbansal in #12206
- fix(ingest/snowflake): handle empty snowflake column upstreams by @mayurinehate in #12207
- fix(ui): null dereference by @anshbansal in #12193
- fix(ingest): quote asset urns in patch path by @hsheth2 in #12212
- feat(ingest): add sql parser trace mode by @hsheth2 in #12210
- fix(ingest): preserve certs when converting emitter to graph by @hsheth2 in #12211
- fix(ingest/mode): move sql logic to view properties aspect by @hsheth2 in #12196
- feat: update mlflow-related metadata models by @yoonhyejin in #12174
- feat(ingest/looker): Do not emit usage for non-ingested dashboards and charts by @asikowitz in #11647
- fix(tableau): retry on InternalServerError 504 by @sgomezvillamor in #12213
- fix(ingest/snowflake): always ingest view and external table ddl lineage by @mayurinehate in #12191
- fix(tableau): fixes wrong argument when reauthenticating by @sgomezvillamor in #12216
- fix(ingest/looker): Add flag for Looker metadata extraction by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #12205
- fix(ingest/mode): Handle 204 response and invalid json by @asikowitz in #12156
- fix(ingest/glue): Add additional checks and logging when specifying catalog_id by @asikowitz in #12168
- fix(ingest/gc): misc fixes in gc source by @anshbansal in #12226
- Parallelize smoke test by @chakru-r in #12225
- chore(bump): spring minor version bump 6.1.14 by @david-leifker in #12228
- fix(ingest/lookml): emit warnings for resolution failures by @hsheth2 in #12215
- chore(ingest): remove
helper by @hsheth2 in #12222 - feat(ingest/dbt): support "Explore" page in dbt cloud by @hsheth2 in #12223
- feat(ingest/snowflake): support email_as_user_identifier for queries v2 by @mayurinehate in #12219
- fix(tableau): retry if 502 error code by @sgomezvillamor in #12233
- ci: remove qodana by @anshbansal in #12227
- chore(tableau): adjust visibility of info message by @sgomezvillamor in #12235
- chore(python): test with python 3.11 by @hsheth2 in #11280
- feat(ingest): add parse_ts_millis helper by @hsheth2 in #12231
- fix(ingest): use
by @hsheth2 in #12230 - feat(businessAttribute): generate platform events on association/removal with schemaField by @deepgarg-visa in #12224
- fix(ingest/sql-common): sql_common to use SqlParsingAggregator by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #12220
- fix(ingest/gc): reduce logging, remove unnecessary sleeps by @anshbansal in #12238
- fix(docs-site) mobile site and artwork polish by @jayacryl in #12237
- feat(data transform): adding dataTransformLogic models by @gabe-lyons in #12198
- fix(tests): fixing QueryPropertiesMapperTest.java by @gabe-lyons in #12241
- feat(delete): delete logic non-strict monotonically increasing version by @david-leifker in #12242
- docs(graphql): create graphql best practices by @david-leifker in #12229
- fix(ci): further consolidate NODE_OPTIONS by @david-leifker in #12217
- chore: cleanup extra lines by @anshbansal in #12248
- fix(docs-site) hero image typo by @jayacryl in #12250
- fix(ingestion/aws_common): update iam role and aws access key tests to complete successfully when executed on EC2 instance by @acrylJonny in #12252
- fix(ingest): json serializable fix by @anshbansal in #12246
- fix(ingest/gc): soft deletion loop fix by @anshbansal in #12255
- fix(ingest/bigquery): All View generation when queries_v2 is turned off by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #12181
- test(ingest/athena): add connector integration tests by @sagar-salvi-apptware in #12256
- chore(ingest): refactor common pytest args by @hsheth2 in #12240
- fix(sample data): Update timestamps in bootstrap_mce.json to more recent by @pedro93 in #12257
- refactor(sdk/patch): improve patch implementation internals by @hsheth2 in #12253
- feat(auth): user.props authentication by @david-leifker in #12259
- docs(undo_by_filter): Document un-soft-delete commands in delete-metadata.md by @gabe-lyons in #12251
- fix(tableau): fixes some aspects being emitted multiple times by @sgomezvillamor in #12258
- fix(ingestion/redshift): Bumped redshift-connector dependency due to CVE-2024-12745 by @skrydal in #12265
- fix(ingest/gc): logging and stopping fix by @anshbansal in #12266
- fix(ingest): consistent fingerprint for sql parsing aggregator by @mayurinehate in #12239
- docs(queries_v2): set use_queries_v2 to true in snowflake_recipe.yml by @gabe-lyons in #12269
- feat(ingest/gc): truncate query usage statistics aspect by @anshbansal in #12268
- fix(ingest/tableau): retry on auth error for special case by @mayurinehate in #12264
- fix(ingest/gc): infinite loop query entities by @anshbansal in #12274
- fix(ingest/snowflake): use fast query fingerprint for lineage by @mayurinehate in #12275
- fix(spark): Finegrained lineage is emitted on the DataJob and not on the emitted Datasets. by @treff7es in #11956
- docs(tableau): clarify docs around tableau permissions by @hsheth2 in #12270
- feat(ingest): enable
for all sources by @hsheth2 in #12262 - fix(ingestion/classifier): temporary measure to avoid deadlocks for classifier by @skrydal in #12261
- feat(ingest/datahub): use stream_results with mysql by @hsheth2 in #12278
- ci: fix shellcheck warnings, update actions by @anshbansal in #12281
- docs(business attribute): clarify support by @skrydal in #12260
- fix(airflow): fix tests with Airflow 2.4 by @hsheth2 in #12279
- fix(ingest): better correctness on the emitter -> graph conversion by @hsheth2 in #12272
- feat(ingest): configurable query generation in combined sources by @hsheth2 in #12284
- fix(javaEntityClient): correct config parameter by @david-leifker in #12287
- ci: upload test coverage to codecov by @anshbansal in #12291
- log(elastic/index builder): add est time remaining by @anshbansal in #12280
- fix(ingest/glue): don't fail on profile by @anshbansal in #12288
- fix(ingest/gc): also query data process instance by @anshbansal in #12292
- fix(cli): correct url ending with acryl.io:8080 by @anshbansal in #12289
- dev: add pre-commit hooks installed by default by @anshbansal in #12293
- fix(ingest/file-backed-collections): Properly set _use_sqlite_on_conflict by @asikowitz in #12297
- fix(doc): make folder_path_pattern usage more clear by @kevinkarchacryl in #12298
- dev: fix pre-commit passing filenames incorrectly by @anshbansal in #12304
- feat(sdk): structured properties - add support for listing by @shirshanka in #12283
- chore(tableau): set ingestion stage report and perftimers by @sgomezvillamor in #12234
- chore(version): bump jdbc drivers by @david-leifker in #12301
- build(coverage): fix carry-forward coverage by @chakru-r in #12306
- chore(deps): Migrate EOL vulnerability of javax.mail to jakarta.mail by @pankajmahato-visa in #12282
- chore(alpine): bump alpine images 3.21 by @david-leifker in #12302
- feat(ingest/datahub): support dropping duplicate schema fields by @hsheth2 in #12308
- feat(ci): add manual trigger for full build by @chakru-r in #12307
- fix(ci): make upload-artifact name unique by @chakru-r in #12312
- fix(ingestion/s3): groupby group-splitting issue by @eagle-25 in #12254
- feat(graphql): adds container aspect for dataflow and datajob entities by @sgomezvillamor in #12236
- docs(ingest/glue): add permissions for glue by @anshbansal in #12290
- fix(ingest/gc): add delete limit execution request by @anshbansal in #12313
- chore(deps): Migrate CVE-2024-52046 with severity >= 9 (severity = 9.3) vulnerability of org.apache.mina:mina-core:2.2.3 by @pankajmahato-visa in #12305
- fix(ci): fix artifact upload name by @chakru-r in #12319
- feat(sdk): support urns in other urn constructors by @hsheth2 in #12311
- fix(ingest): improve error reporting in
by @hsheth2 in #12309 - docs(ingest): refactor docgen process by @hsheth2 in #12300
- fix(dockerfile) Remove all references to jetty from the docker file by @ryota-cloud in #12310
- Add more notifications docs about platform notifications and multiple channels by @ethan-cartwright in #10801
- fix(cli/delete): prevent duplicates in delete message by @hsheth2 in #12323
- feat(ingestion/iceberg): Improve iceberg connector logging by @skrydal in #12317
- fix(header): prevent clickjack/iframing by @david-leifker in #12328
- fix(ingest): tighten Source.create type annotations by @hsheth2 in #12325
- fix(ci): only upload metadata model on root repo by @hsheth2 in #12324
- feat(models): update mlflow-related mappers by @yoonhyejin in #12263
- fix(ingest): support async_flag properly in ingestProposalBatch by @hsheth2 in #12332
- feat(ingest/snowflake): Support ingesting snowflake tags as structured properties by @asikowitz in #12285
- fix(ingestion) fix snappy inconsistent version in ingestion by @ryota-cloud in #12321
- Super type dbt redshift by @kevinkarchacryl in #12337
- fix(docker) add new gradle profile for consumer debug purpose by @ryota-cloud in #12338
- feat(entityVersioning): initial implementation by @RyanHolstien in #12166
- feat(build): use remote gradle cache by @hsheth2 in #12344
- feat(docker-profiles): version mixing & docs by @david-leifker in #12342
- docs(async-api): addition to known issues by @david-leifker in #12339
- fix(ingest/gc): fix logging by @anshbansal in #12348
- design: revamp navbar dropdown by @yoonhyejin in #11864
New Contributors
- @kanavnarula made their first contribution in #11272
- @donovan-acryl made their first contribution in #11393
- @AColocho made their first contribution in #11284
- @th0ger made their first contribution in #11475
- @Bumyu made their first contribution in #11338
- @udays-visa made their first contribution in #11513
- @kris48k made their first contribution in #11391
- @udbhav-hbk made their first contribution in #11524
- @llance made their first contribution in #10954
- @ssidorenko made their first contribution in #11540
- @kartikey-visa made their first contribution in #11720
- @chriscc2 made their first contribution in #11755
- @vejeta made their first contribution in #11764
- @tanguyantoine made their first contribution in #11769
- @ronybony1990 made their first contribution in #11767
- @raudzis made their first contribution in #11881
- @mikeburke24 made their first contribution in #11883
- @alberttwong made their first contribution in #11872
- @kevinkarchacryl made their first contribution in #11915
- @shepherd44 made their first contribution in #11925
- @margaridafernandes-trip made their first contribution in #11784
- @k-bartlett made their first contribution in #11526
- @chakru-r made their first contribution in #11992
- @Alice-608 made their first contribution in #11945
- @siong-tcha made their first contribution in #12039
- @hwmarkcheng made their first contribution in #11972
- @dejan2609 made their first contribution in #11999
- @kousiknandy made their first contribution in #12132
- @eagle-25 made their first contribution in #12135
- @ryota-cloud made their first contribution in #12310
Full Changelog: v0.14.1...v0.15.0