- standard-version cant generate changelog from commit range (a3e65fbc)
- Speed up webpack build (#1114) (ac935e38)
- Add English i18n (#1105) (cf9ecb5c)
- Remove repo related files (#1103) (aeee8eb9)
- Click switch button trigger select all actions in ISV role page (#1100) (fa48b5cf)
- Set navigation menu according to permissions (#1094) (cd635608)
- release: 0.4.1 (5cde15cd)
- Form input width (#1113) (f0230f39)
- Cyclic dependency in routes module (#1112) (d7550e5f)
- Deploy helm app, changed values.yaml not updated (#1109) (67e4beef)
- Home page infinite scroll (#1104) (bd70a2fd)
- Developer navigation app icon style (#1099) (619644e5)
- Create app when add delivery type (#1096) (a183d5fd)
- Query deploy statistics add deleted status (#1097) (7d9e5d89)
- My apps query status param (#1095) (5a859d2b)
- Unified management for form sub-components (#1110) (07218c75)
- Category mgmt icon list (#1102) (af267aa4)
- Jest config not show coverage files (#1101) (4d9e96fd)
- Detail pages loading style (#1098) (0f9a0bb5)
0.4.1 (2019-03-29)
- fix: Deploy app for vm (#1090) (2c4dd4d)
- refactor: Admin provider page add loading status (#1091)
- refactor: Runtime page form placeholder (#1092)
- fix: Cluster update env with invalid config.json (#1093)
0.4.0 (2019-03-29)
- Account and provider detail page style (#965) (d461a15)
- Account page handle save (#1045) (07e863d)
- Add ISV query in app detail (#932) (1a0b7bb)
- Add namespace tip (#914) (8700067)
- Add regex for helm appName (#1077) (f241ea6)
- Admin delete role tips (#799) (208d208)
- Admin user page of groupName (#1007) (be16472)
- Api role:module no checked_action_id (#801) (aefa8d7)
- App version and review related issues (#1066) (9fbc8b2)
- Can delete suspended app version (#988) (001b6be)
- Category page add app, can not choose app (#1074) (aa7fded)
- Create runtime credential throw missing name (#1026) (80b7c29)
- Deploy app no valid version (#996) (7804871)
- Deployed app detail page reference clusters (ef68a37)
- Email config display_sender (#867) (7a4d16d)
- Hide pagination for helm's cluster (#1010) (6c91379)
- Hide terms of service about app info (7c8652a)
- I18n key and ns separator (#962) (a9d35d4)
- Isv apply auth error (#1011) (6c45c46)
- ISV creat role param is_check_all (#1009) (e1dab0a)
- ISV create user (#898) (d12ad09)
- isv role page (#803) (c042569)
- Loading icon not work on firefox (#953) (648569b)
- Notification server page display_sender (#1030) (6d88316)
- Npm script add cross-env prefix (#879) (d496c00)
- Production build (#881) (8aaf7f3)
- Proxy server read from process.env (#938) (9952a63)
- Review detail page add download package (#1028) (ec9f7cf)
- Runtime detail reference clusters page (#1079) (fc53b0a)
- Runtime set initial credential name (#911) (0456f9f)
- Runtime tab of k8s (#1006) (05fa89a)
- Scss color define error (#826) (a65313f)
- Security problems in packages (#825) (ceb5609)
- Side nav styles for dev role (#847) (0e5b07d)
- SSH page style by new design (#805) (33ddae8)
- Table checkbox (#1029) (6d35016)
- Travis build failed due to slim image (#831) (a16e453)
- Update localstorage apps when delete or update app (#992) (b77c341)
- User portal clusters query add owner param (#994) (06a3b3d)
- User set role (#874) (e9336e2)
- Version suspend operate id error (#927) (8f49993)
- Versions and audits pages style (#810) (41f8893)
- Add cloud info page (#945) (63d541e)
- Add websocket proxy server, refine socket client (#794) (fca7393)
- Change runtime page (#808) (a506da2)
- ISV create role (#817) (36d3699)
0.3.6 (2019-03-13)
- Add runtime credential page bottom tips (#737) (8c8be46)
- Admin nav label (#866) (ed05584)
- Am api url (#772) (f42b9cc)
- Api role:module no checked_action_id (#801) (aefa8d7)
- Banner and app detail type version (#804) (e02b3c6)
- Cluster page actions failed due to tableAction mixin (#740) (6dfd12f)
- Create runtime credential not reset last credential (#763) (6e2daf4)
- Deploy app show note link when no runtimes (#784) (3dfe90e)
- Fetch runtime credential (#725) (a7b83fa)
- Npm script add cross-env prefix (#879) (d496c00)
- Provider interface method modify by new api (#721) (9f3d33e)
- Role api (#774) (f5c7493)
- Security problems in packages (#825) (ceb5609)
- SideNav routes (#699) (0cf3061)
- SSH page style by new design (#805) (33ddae8)
- Travis build failed due to slim image (#831) (a16e453)
- User get role and portal by new api (#775) (3ff2eef)
- User portal issues (#722) (f957879)
- Version review and ISV apply review error (#739) (1a3218f)
- Change runtime page (#808) (a506da2)
- Add admin user and role pages (#747) (d9a8276)
- Add websocket proxy server, refine socket client (#794) (fca7393)
- ISV create role (#817) (36d3699)
0.3.5 (2019-02-12)
- Admin user filterList (1ce8426)
- App info screenshots error (#741) (75b85e9)
- Cluster page actions failed due to tableAction mixin (#740) (6dfd12f)
- Create runtime credential not reset last credential (#763) (6e2daf4)
- Deploy and runtime page api query (#710) (9691a21)
- Deploy app show note link when no runtimes (#784) (3dfe90e)
- Fetch runtime credential (#725) (a7b83fa)
- Pages dashboard link change to toRoute (#711) (c2d6824)
- Portal review issues (#709) (ffc9ea5)
- Provider interface method modify by new api (#721) (9f3d33e)
- Role api (#774) (f5c7493)
- Sandbox and user instances query for dev (#771) (4fd7363)
- SideNav routes (#699) (0cf3061)
- role mgmt: Expand all module actions when switch role (#791) (9c0530f)
- User get role and portal by new api (#775) (3ff2eef)
- User or sandbox instance detail page link (#734) (72771a9)
- User portal issues (#722) (f957879)
- User portal top nav runtime label (#764) (09b4de1)
- Version review and ISV apply review error (#739) (1a3218f)
0.3.4 (2019-01-22)
- App link in provider detail page (#697) (e7c3524)
- App version not update when changed url (#669) (cb3942c)
- Category app count (#681) (171cdbf)
- Overview page routes (#694) (b8893ff)
- Page access role check, app card version type label (#677) (8aacb5d)
- Portal issues (#696) (16fd95f)
- SideNav active style check (#693) (762124c)
- SideNav routes, dev links in isv portal redirect wrong place (#695) (9323674)
- WrapRoute path default val (#698) (05fcf3a)
- Add cloud env setting page and notification server page (#682) (2f824a9)
- Portal design (#688) (cb05f32), closes #690 #691 #692
0.3.3 (2019-01-14)
- App detail page userId transfer name (#626) (de8b597)
- Auth token not updated cause page redirect to login (#609) (90bf637)
- Cluster detail yaml string transform (#604) (dd26562)
- Config parser factory.js getRenderType (#607) (3bbd2b2)
- Create user modal style (#639) (76d4d57)
- Deploy app, parse config with env params (#608) (f747256)
- Dockerfile port (#630) (01dff67)
- Home page fetch active apps (#666) (a6a4bb2)
- Home page loading data and card animation (#664) (16fa672)
- Modify code format by IDE (c705455)
- Npm run locale (#642) (f23c3dd)
- Reviews and audits page fetch data by new api (#645) (6c61cf0)
- Router info different navigation info (#612) (c483986)
- Table render column filter sprea args (#634) (a79e3cb)
- Travis build error (#624) (cf0bfa8)
- Validate runtime credential and create helm type runtime (#601) (eeb80e2)
- Add new app detail page (#655) (762fdf4)
- Add new deploy page (#665) (0ce38d6)
- Add new ISV navigation (#611) (9700678)
- Add new review pages for admin and ISV (#591) (aa5f664)
- Add providers and apply static pages (#602) (787d880)
- Admin category mgmt (#616) (7b752b9)
- App information mgmt and service contract (#594) (879a69e)
- App mgmt for isv and admin (#617) (f6c876a)
- Create testing runtime and runtime credential (#579) (00e1fa1), closes #571
- Developer test and user instance pages (#584) (c2cd6c3)
- Download app version package file from browser (#652) (6621cb3)
- Instances and purchased pages for user (#649) (cf85fa5)
- Integrate app version review api for all roles (#621) (35e7237)
- ISV pages integrate API (#619) (c0eaef6)
- New app version mgmt pages (#578) (bf83cb1)
- New style home page (#654) (06107a5)
- Review submitted app version and validate info (#620) (5a9624c)
- Service provider detail and create static pages (#615) (c6b9fa1)
- User runtime and instance list (#614) (0de33cc)
0.3.2 (2018-12-13)
- Add repo secret key validate (#514) (cd18ff9)
- App detail broken doc link (#573) (da9ffb0)
- Attachment image not display when forward request (#568) (7756e55)
- Cluster detail loading when runtime type not resolved (#546) (8e535e7)
- Create repo add aliyun provider (#574) (fa22f2b)
- Deploy app query no runtimes add note (#497) (caa77c1)
- Detail page init loading value (#522) (fa8adbe)
- Downgrade webpack to compat with extract-css-webpack-plugin (#533) (21e7155), closes #532
- Eslint warnings (#550) (0d8f4f0)
- Eslint warnings (#566) (1e68693)
- Helm page refresh button (#519) (fed682d)
- Home app list card style (#504) (b586abf)
- Image letter change error (#539) (e6930a6)
- Mobx array out of range (#559) (10c9ef3)
- NoData filename case error (#545) (5bceb49)
- Package.json script compat with npm, remove yarn cmd (#537) (744eb34)
- Remove event-stream due to security (#555) (ac462b9), closes #553
- Remove window.onscroll in Layout component (#549) (30ea9cd)
- Repo refresh add noLimit param (#536) (2c1d2f1)
- Socket url compose in entry file (#565) (2356894)
- SSHKey page nodes query (#529) (abbf27f)
- Watch server config files not reload (#558) (f130ec0)
- Add additional_info for helm type cluster (#544) (6da0397), closes #540
- Add audit record page (#534) (ee70460)
- Add icon letter style (d5ef194)
- Add new style navigation menu (#509) (f9fa1f8)
- Add version audit record (#567) (95ba6dc)
- Add vm config parser, unify vm and helm type app deployment (#503) (aa84b64)
- App mgmt pages (#552) (3c14060)
- VM cluster support add nodes and resize (#564) (7f7cbeb)
0.3.0 (2018-10-15)
- Add menu op logo (#386) (#426) (9d63fb5)
- Admin related styles issues (#485) (9bf5dc3), closes #436
- App create file check bug (#459) (a406a44)
- App detail create new version (#463) (eb56624)
- Cluster detail card hide long namespace txt (#448) (432ab76)
- Cluster detail card show username (#470) (7e1ff11)
- Cluster detail fetch sort_key (#310) (63b90c1)
- Create app error (#461) (45cc086)
- Deploy app click submit button throw error when config file is empty (#324) (55629dd)
- Deploy app select vxnet (#314) (b92504d)
- Deploy app version filter bug (#449) (d448693)
- Deploy page token auth error (#489) (b0639af)
- Developer menu apps refresh bug (#488) (575891c)
- Developer related style issues (#487) (4a6f79e), closes #434
- Fetch data entangle with cluster and runtime (#329) (7fc8cde)
- Get clientId/clientSecret from env (#432) (01482e7)
- Header animation more smoothly when scroll (#332) (ffebe0c)
- Home page card position bug in safari (#492) (78c14bf)
- I18n default lang zh not set in safari (#407) (7545ce3)
- Icon svg sprite symbols override global vars (#392) (9e28b58)
- Login oAuth error handle (#396) (d552e10)
- Modify app reviews page data (#431) (aaa36ff)
- Modify header show condition (#464) (53de6e8)
- Modify overview query for different role (#438) (2e2f175)
- Modify repo query for public (#414) (1457f90)
- No data when change pods of helm cluster (#472) (7e782cd)
- Normal user related bugs (#493) (f2d02ab)
- Overview app query remove status filter (#462) (443ebe8)
- Overview normal user show runtime list (#429) (b10cde4)
- Pages show userid change username (#447) (1b66bdf)
- Password modify failed (#450) (86eafd3)
- Remember me button in login (#422) (#430) (5a7d418)
- Repo create provider select error (#354) (5e6b6d1)
- Switch to App list, ui thread blocked (#345) (c5f2e81)
- Table filter condition can not be clear when data source is empty (#366) (c06dc2e), closes #316
- Table sort by
only sort in-page data (#312) (e1a4089) - Webpack config when handle css file (#397) (0c358e2)
- Websocket auth failed (#404) (211d0ac)
- Add app reviews page (#408) (8fdf8b7)
- Add cluster attach or detach key pairs (#474) (b5a6301)
- Add Cluster Details(Helm) page (#347) (#424) (a82c2c3)
- Add login auth token (#390) (48c09a9)
- Add profile ssh_key pages (#287) (bad206c)
- Add user detail page (#317) (5be7c33)
- Api request add auth token (#378) (479dc1a)
- Cluster and repo pages can listen to websocket messages (#315) (d9f3ec1)
- Profile page integrate API (#401) (ab484c0)
- Remove all
preload on server side, using client side fetch (#473) (ebc5ac7) - User pages integrate API (#364) (#377) (72111b8)