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2265 lines (2263 loc) · 1.21 MB

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2265 lines (2263 loc) · 1.21 MB
👑 Repository Stars Forks Description
1 lodash/lodash 50383 5943 A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
2 iamkun/dayjs 35966 1730 ⏰ Day.js 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
3 SheetJS/sheetjs 27000 6950 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Data Toolkit
4 statelyai/xstate 16941 744 State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
5 zloirock/core-js 15078 1094 Standard Library
6 feathersjs/feathers 13532 642 A framework for real-time applications and REST APIs with JavaScript and TypeScript
7 krisk/Fuse 12898 671 Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript
8 yargs/yargs 9066 884 yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist.
9 sindresorhus/ky 6667 245 🌳 Tiny & elegant JavaScript HTTP client based on the browser Fetch API
10 pillarjs/path-to-regexp 6535 328 Turn a path string such as /user/:name into a regular expression
11 i18next/i18next 5759 556 i18next: learn once - translate everywhere
12 pmndrs/jotai 5164 129 👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
13 ianstormtaylor/superstruct 5135 182 A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
14 colinhacks/zod 3729 155 TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
15 oakserver/oak 3489 177 A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
16 vega/vega-lite 3424 436 A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
17 effector/effector 3345 131 The state manager ☄️
18 alephjs/aleph.js 3012 108 The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
19 yisar/fre 2969 290 👻 Tiny Footprint Concurrent UI library for Fiber.
20 dsherret/ts-morph 2097 119 TypeScript Compiler API wrapper for static analysis and programmatic code changes.
21 eveningkid/denodb 1464 84 MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB ORM for Deno
22 balazsbotond/urlcat 1384 32 A URL builder library for JavaScript.
23 f/omelette 1214 32 Omelette is a simple, template based autocompletion tool for Node and Deno projects with super easy API. (For Bash, Zsh and Fish)
24 xcatliu/pagic 1168 78 A static site generator powered by Deno + React
25 selfrefactor/rambda 1128 65 Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
26 connor4312/cockatiel 1051 26 A resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Backoff, Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback. Inspired by .NET Polly.
27 sinclairzx81/typebox 977 30 JSON Schema Type Builder with Static Type Resolution for TypeScript
28 drashland/deno-drash 890 27 A REST microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero 3rd party dependencies
29 webview/webview_deno 848 44 🌐 Deno bindings for webview, a tiny library for creating web-based desktop GUIs
30 davidbonnet/astring 835 39 🌳 Tiny and fast JavaScript code generator from an ESTree-compliant AST.
31 msgpack/msgpack-javascript 826 117 @msgpack/msgpack - MessagePack for JavaScript/TypeScript/ECMA-262 /[JavaScript]
32 denosaurs/denon 825 42 👀 Monitor any changes in your Deno application and automatically restart.
33 keroxp/servest 726 40 🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
34 cztomsik/graffiti 687 12 HTML/CSS engine for node.js and deno.
35 alosaur/alosaur 649 42 Alosaur - Deno web framework with many decorators
36 asos-craigmorten/opine 632 38 Fast, minimalist web framework for Deno ported from ExpressJS.
37 lmammino/financial 624 15 A Zero-dependency TypeScript/JavaScript financial library (based on numpy-financial) for Node.js, Deno and the browser
38 postui/ 608 28 A fast, global content delivery network for ES Modules.
39 garronej/denoify 605 11 🦕For NPM module authors that would like to support Deno but do not want to write and maintain a port for it.
40 zenozeng/color-hash 577 35 Generate color based on the given string (using HSL color space and SHA256).
41 hayd/deno-lambda 577 24 A deno runtime for AWS Lambda. Deploy deno via docker, SAM, serverless, or bundle it yourself.
42 aidenybai/lucia 575 24 🙋‍♀️ 3kb library for tiny web apps
43 zhmushan/abc 557 46 A better Deno framework to create web application.
44 crewdevio/Trex 535 13 Package Manager for deno 🦕
45 jurassiscripts/velociraptor 495 18 The npm-style script runner for Deno
46 oguimbal/pg-mem 494 25 An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
47 xxczaki/light-date 473 10 ⏰ Blazing fast & lightweight (157 bytes) date formatting for Node.js and the browser.
48 halvardssm/deno-nessie 451 25 A modular Deno library for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB and SQLite migrations
49 eemeli/yaml 449 49 JavaScript parser and stringifier for YAML
50 ThomasAribart/json-schema-to-ts 439 11 Infer TS types from JSON schemas 📝
51 ajitid/fzf-for-js 436 10 Do fuzzy matching using FZF algorithm in JavaScript
52 open-source-labs/vno 432 62 a build tool for compiling and bundling Vue single-file components
53 lukeed/regexparam 429 11 A tiny (394B) utility that converts route patterns into RegExp. Limited alternative to path-to-regexp 🙇‍♂️
54 samchon/tstl 427 38 TypeScript-STL (Standard Template Library, migrated from C++)
55 denodrivers/postgres 407 72 PostgreSQL driver for Deno
56 grantila/awesome-phonenumber 387 44 Google's libphonenumber pre-compiled with the closure compiler
57 alitajs/alita 387 25 A mobile React framework based on umi.
58 Ff00ff/mammoth 378 21 A type-safe Postgres query builder for TypeScript.
59 sholladay/pogo 375 31 Server framework for Deno
60 react-querybuilder/react-querybuilder 373 134 A QueryBuilder component for React
61 yargs/yargs-parser 372 102 💪 the mighty option parser used by yargs
62 zandaqo/structurae 372 13 Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
63 littledivy/autopilot-deno 364 7 🚀 Cross-platform desktop automation module for Deno.
64 eta-dev/eta 354 17 Embedded JS template engine for Node, Deno, and the browser. Lighweight, fast, and pluggable. Written in TypeScript
65 open-source-labs/obsidian 351 49 GraphQL, built for Deno - a native GraphQL caching client and server module
66 discordeno/discordeno 344 49 Discord API library for Deno
67 nanojsx/nano 339 8 🎯 SSR first, lightweight 1kB JSX library.
68 dsherret/conditional-type-checks 336 12 Types for testing TypeScript types.
69 denodrivers/deno_mongo 331 74 MongoDB driver for Deno
70 garronej/evt 326 5 💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
71 ka-weihe/fastest-levenshtein 322 10 The fastest implementation of Levenshtein distance in JS/TS.
72 denodrivers/redis 309 30 🦕 Redis client for Deno 🍕
73 humanwhocodes/env 309 13 A utility for verifying environment variables are present
74 justjavac/dvm 308 22 Deno Version Manager - Easy way to manage multiple active deno versions.
75 OwenCalvin/discord.ts 294 43 🤖 Create your discord bot by using TypeScript and decorators!
76 rocicorp/replicache 292 16 Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
77 sniptt-official/monads 279 15 👻 Option, Result, and Either types for TypeScript; Inspired by Rust
78 invertase/denque 257 33 The fastest javascript implementation of a double-ended queue. Used by the official Redis, MongoDB, MariaDB & MySQL libraries for Node.js and many other libraries.
79 yargs/cliui 249 19 easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfaces.
80 neuledge/computed-types 243 13 🦩 Joi like validations for TypeScript
81 Daninet/hash-wasm 238 16 Lightning fast hash functions using hand-tuned WebAssembly binaries
82 c4spar/deno-cliffy 238 13 Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
83 hayes/giraphql 238 13 GiraphQL is library for creating GraphQL schemas in typescript using a strongly typed code first approach
84 lumeland/lume 221 10 🔥 Static site generator for Deno 🦕
85 dyedgreen/deno-sqlite 216 21 Deno SQLite module
86 vim-denops/denops.vim 216 11 🐜 An ecosystem of Vim/Neovim which allows developers to write cross-platform plugins in Deno
87 lucacasonato/dext.ts 211 10 The Preact Framework for Deno
88 mandarineorg/mandarinets 204 9 Mandarine.TS is a typescript, decorator-driven framework that allows you to create server-side applications. Mandarine.TS provides a range of built-in solutions such as Dependency Injection, Components, ORM and more. Under its umbrella, Mandarine.TS has 4 modules: Core, Data, Security and MVC, these modules will offer you the requirements to build a Mandarine-powered application.
89 denodrivers/mysql 203 44 MySQL driver for Deno
90 kt3k/packup 203 3 📦 Zero-config web application packager in Deno
91 adrai/enum 184 32 Enum is a javascript module that introduces the Enum Type. It works for node.js, in the browser and for deno.
92 lucacasonato/deno-puppeteer 181 6 A port of puppeteer running on Deno
93 unjs/ufo 174 9 URL utils for humans
94 hectorm/otpauth 170 24 One Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) library for Node.js, Deno and browsers.
95 harmonyland/harmony 161 37 An easy to use Discord API Library for Deno.
96 crewdevio/Snel 161 5 A Cybernetical framework for svelte applications in deno
97 a-synchronous/rubico 158 12 [a]synchronous functional programming
98 i18next/i18next-http-backend 157 37 i18next-http-backend is a backend layer for i18next using in Node.js, in the browser and for Deno.
99 mdubourg001/ssgo 157 6 The minimalistic but flexible static site generator for Deno 🦕.
100 l2ig/aqua 156 4 A minimal and fast 🏃 web framework for Deno
101 selfrefactor/rambdax 155 18 Extended version of Rambda
102 Snazzah/slash-create 154 24 🗡️ Creator and handler for Discord's slash commands
103 oslabs-beta/onyx 149 11 Onyx is authentication middleware for Deno, inspired by Passport.js
104 discordjs/discord-api-types 145 40 Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version
105 oslabs-beta/dashport 142 17 Local and OAuth authentication middleware for Deno
106 effector/patronum 136 12 ☄️ Effector operators library delivering modularity and convenience ✨
107 b-fuze/deno-dom 133 17 Browser DOM & HTML parser in Deno
108 paulmillr/noble-secp256k1 131 20 Fastest JS implementation of secp256k1. Independently audited, high-security, 0-dependency ECDSA & Schnorr signatures.
109 DevSnowflake/canvacord 130 47 Simple & easy to use image manipulation module for beginners.
110 yargs/y18n 129 47 📒 the bare-bones i18n library used by yargs
111 BentoumiTech/denox 127 13 Script runner and workspace configuration for Deno
112 feathersjs/hooks 122 6 Async middleware for JavaScript and TypeScript
113 ip-num/ip-num 120 10 A TypeScript/JavaScript library for working with ASN, IPv4, and IPv6 numbers. It provides representations of these internet protocol numbers with the ability to perform various IP related operations like parsing, validating etc. on them
114 paulmillr/noble-ed25519 119 19 Fastest JS implementation of ed25519 / ristretto255. High-security, auditable, 0-dependency EDDSA signatures and public keys
115 lukeed/escalade 119 3 A tiny (183B to 210B) and fast utility to ascend parent directories
116 elgs/dns-zonefile 118 53 A DNS zone file generator and parser written in Javascript.
117 hayd/deno-udd 117 6 Update Deno Dependencies - update dependency urls to their latest published versions
118 pietvanzoen/deno-dotenv 115 7 Dotenv file handling for deno.
119 Shougo/ddc.vim 114 7 Dark deno powered completion framework for neovim/Vim8
120 timreichen/Bundler 113 5 A Bundler with the web in mind.
121 circa10a/easy-soap-request 111 33 Small Node.js library to make SOAP requests easier
122 timonson/djwt 111 15 Create and verify JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with deno.
123 syumai/dejs 111 7 ejs template engine for deno.
124 hirosystems/clarinet 110 35 Clarinet is a simple, modern and opinionated workflow for writing, testing and integrating Clarity Smart contracts
125 reno-router/reno 107 3 A thin, testable routing library designed to sit on top of Deno's standard HTTP module
126 chaijs/type-detect 104 30 Improved typeof detection for node.js and the browser.
127 cspotcode/outdent 104 4 Remove indentation from ES6 template strings
128 rahmanfadhil/cotton 101 19 SQL Database Toolkit for Deno
129 liamtan28/dactyl 100 16 Web framework for Deno, built on top of Oak 🦇
130 joshforisha/open-simplex-noise-js 99 12 OpenSimplex noise for TypeScript/JavaScript
131 paulmillr/noble-bls12-381 98 25 Fastest implementation of BLS12-381 in a scripting language. High-security, auditable, 0-dependency aggregated signatures / zk-snarks over pairing-friendly curve
132 ryo-ma/deno-websocket 98 8 🦕 A simple WebSocket library like ws of node.js library for deno
133 MrRefactoring/jira.js 97 17 A JavaScript/TypeScript wrapper for the JIRA REST API
134 functionalland/functional 97 1 Common Functional Programming Algebraic data types for JavaScript that is compatible with most modern browsers and Deno.
135 Caesar2011/denotrain 96 13 Web framework for Deno with often-used functions included
136 echamudi/opencv-wasm 96 11 Precompiled OpenCV 4.3.0 to JavaScript + WebAssembly for node and deno. 🦕
137 siokas/denomander 95 11 Deno command-line interfaces made easy
138 denolib/typeorm 94 12 Forked from
139 satyarohith/sift 94 6 Sift is a routing and utility library for Deno Deploy.
140 fastrodev/fastro 94 4 Fast and simple web application framework for Deno
141 deno-libs/gql 93 3 ☁ Universal GraphQL HTTP middleware for Deno
142 denofn/denopack 92 9 The bundling and minification toolset, made for Deno
143 sniptt-official/guards 92 0 🛡 Comprehensive collection of type guards for JavaScript and TypeScript; Inspired by Elixir
144 kabirbaidhya/keycode-js 91 9 A javascript package with key code constants.
145 oslabs-beta/ 90 17 Real-time Communication Library for Deno (WebSockets & WebRTC)
146 aaronwlee/oak-graphql 89 15 A simple graphql middleware for oak deno framework.
147 arendjr/text-clipper 89 11 Fast and correct clip functions for HTML and plain text
148 oslabs-beta/projectArtemis 88 8 An analytic tool for GraphQL queries to external APIs with a Graphical User Interface to view performance metrics.
149 hyochan/react-native-masonry-list 87 12 The Masonry List implementation which looks like the FlatList in React Native
150 denoland/deployctl 86 10 Command line tool for Deno Deploy
151 hyochan/react-native-switch-toggle 85 27 react-native switch toggle button component.
152 wKovacs64/hibp 85 8 A Promise-based client for the 'Have I been pwned?' service.
153 hazae41/denoflate 85 4 WebAssembly powered Deflate/Gzip/Zlib compression for Deno, written in Rust
154 drashland/wocket 84 4 A WebSocket library for Deno
155 manyuanrong/dso 83 15 Simple Orm library for Deno based on deno_mysql
156 nexojs/nexo 83 5 Preact apps with Deno
157 oslabs-beta/hollow 82 9 A headless CMS built in a Deno runtime environment.
158 anthonychu/azure-functions-deno-worker 82 8 Run Deno 🦕 on Azure Functions ⚡️
159 asos-craigmorten/superdeno 81 3 Super-agent driven library for testing Deno HTTP servers.
160 srackham/drake 79 5 Drake is a make-like task runner for Deno.
161 oguimbal/pgsql-ast-parser 78 8 Yet another simple Postgres SQL parser
162 drashland/rhum 78 7 A lightweight testing framework for Deno
163 invisal/god_crypto 75 10 Pure Javascript/Typescript Crypto Implementation for Deno. AES, RSA, HMAC, and TOTP
164 DjDeveloperr/deno-canvas 75 5 Canvas API for Deno, ported from canvaskit-wasm (Skia).
165 fen-land/deno-fen 75 3 a simple web framework for deno
166 i18next/i18next-http-middleware 72 19 i18next-http-middleware is a middleware to be used with Node.js web frameworks like express or Fastify and also for Deno.
167 xanny-projects/dragon 72 9 ⚡Fast , simple expressive web framework for deno 🦕.
168 Maxvien/supermemo 68 8 🧑‍🎓 A JavaScript/TypeScript implementation of the SuperMemo 2 (SM2) algorithm for spaced based repetition flashcards.
169 galkowskit/denofun 68 7 Small utility library containing functions, monads and other fun stuff.
170 joakimunge/denoliver 67 6 A simple, dependency free static file server for Deno with possibly the worst name ever.
171 aaronwlee/attain 67 4 Deno API middleware Server
172 linux-china/dx 66 2 A tool and task runner for writing better scripts with Deno
173 kriszyp/msgpackr 63 10 Ultra-fast MessagePack implementation with extension for record and structural cloning /[JavaScript/NodeJS]
174 deno-libs/tinyhttp 63 1 🦕 Deno port of tinyhttp, 0-legacy, tiny & fast web framework
175 ktiy/coward 60 7 🐔 Coward is a Deno module for easy interaction with the Discord API.
176 oslabs-beta/dORM 58 16 SQL ORM for Deno
177 nestdotland/deno_swc 58 7 The SWC compiler for Deno.
178 brianboyko/denodash 57 2 A utility library, similar to Underscore and Lodash, but written Typescript-First, designed for use in Deno
179 denyncrawford/dndb 56 8 A Deno 🦕 persistent, embeddable and optimized NoSQL database for JS & TS
180 unjs/destr 56 1 Faster, secure and convenient alternative for JSON.parse
181 syumai/dem 55 2 A module version manager for Deno.
182 esbuild/deno-esbuild 54 0
183 deno-libs/wizard 54 0 [DEPRECATED] 🧙🏼‍♂️ Minimal Jest-like unit testing framework for Deno.
184 alosaur/angular_deno 53 1 Angular Deno - Experimental Angular renderer in server with Deno
185 Kirlovon/AloeDB 52 3 Light, Embeddable, NoSQL database for Deno 🦕
186 mizchi/swdev 52 0 No bundle frontend by service-worker
187 cmorten/deno-rollup 51 9 Next-generation ES module bundler ported for Deno
188 drashland/dmm 51 5 Lightweight Deno Module Manager
189 wynntee/joss 51 1 JOSS can serialize almost every JavaScript data type and data structure, so data can be seamlessly exchanged between browsers and servers (Deno or Node.js).
190 denosaurs/pane 49 0 🖼️ A deno module providing bindings for cross-platform windowing
191 rbrahul/deno_cron 49 0 A cron Job scheduler for Deno that allows you to write human readable cron syntax with tons of flexibility
192 manyuanrong/deno-smtp 48 18 SMTP implements for deno
193 yisar/deku 48 4 ⛄️ No-bundle Dev Server for ES modules with deno.
194 grammyjs/grammY 48 3 The Telegram Bot Framework.
195 dsherret/code-block-writer 47 1 Code writer that assists with formatting and visualizing blocks of JavaScript or TypeScript code.
196 denosaurs/deno_brotli 46 4 🗜 Brotli wasm module for deno
197 ianfabs/nanoid 46 1 A NanoID implementation for Deno
198 gr2m/javascript-plugin-architecture-with-typescript-definitions 45 9 Plugin architecture example with full TypeScript support
199 asos-craigmorten/superoak 45 4 HTTP assertions for Oak made easy via SuperDeno. 🐿 🦕
200 nats-io/nats.deno 44 13 Deno client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system
201 joshforisha/fast-simplex-noise-js 44 6 Fast simplex noise implemented in TypeScript
202 keroxp/dlink 44 6 🦕Deno module linker 🔗
203 kriszyp/cbor-x 44 2 Ultra-fast CBOR encoder/decoder with extensions for records and structural cloning
204 manyuanrong/deno-plugin-prepare 43 13 A library for managing deno native plugin dependencies
205 ameerthehacker/deno-cli-spinners 43 5 Awesome deno terminal spinners 🎨
206 denodep/dep 43 1 Deno dependency management tool.
207 jupegarnica/garn-validator 42 2 Create validations with ease
208 ricardomatias/playa 42 0 A framework for musical composition. It allows creating custom music algorithms, musical phrases, percussion rhythms, harmonic sequences and more.
209 irandeno/espresso 41 8 Minimal web framework for Deno
210 justjavac/deno_starter 41 4 deno starter for creating a module
211 mnasyrov/ditox 41 1 Detoxed dependency injection container for JavaScript, Typescript and Flow.
212 matmen/ImageScript 40 9 zero-dependency JavaScript image manipulation
213 locize/i18next-locize-backend 39 19 A simple i18next backend for which can be used in Node.js, in the browser and for Deno.
214 mesqueeb/is-what 39 9 JS type check (TypeScript supported) functions like isPlainObject() isArray() etc. A simple & small integration.
215 denorg/dpx 39 5 📦 CLI to run a Deno package without installing it (like npx for Deno)
216 maximousblk/chart 39 2 Console ASCII line charts with no dependencies
217 allain/expect 38 9 helpers for writing jest like expect tests in deno
218 danielduarte/flowed 38 6 A fast and reliable flow engine for orchestration and more uses in Node.js, Deno and the browser
219 jinjor/deno-watch 38 5 A pure deno file watcher.
220 SRNV/Ogone 38 2 Advanced Web Composition for Future
221 srackham/rimu 37 5 Readable text to HTML markup language
222 JamesBroadberry/deno-bcrypt 37 4 A port of jBCrypt to TypeScript for use as a Deno module
223 denogram/denogram 37 3 A Telegram Bot framework for Deno 🦕
224 postcss/postcss-deno 37 0 Postcss for Deno
225 manyuanrong/sql-builder 36 14 SQL query builder for Deno
226 leonelv/deno-imagemagick 36 4 Deno port of the WASM library for ImageMagick
227 drashland/sinco 36 2 Browser Automation and Testing Tool for Deno, written in full TypeScript
228 hendrysadrak/firestore-store 36 2 express-session store for Firebase Cloud Firestore
229 crewdevio/merlin 36 0 Testing and Benchmarking framework for deno 🧙‍♂️
230 gpasq/deno-exec 35 13
231 oscarotero/keep-a-changelog 35 11 Node package to parse and generate changelogs
232 i18next/i18next-chained-backend 35 8 An i18next backend to chain multiple backends (add fallbacks, caches, ...)
233 Jozty/Fae 35 4 A functional module for Deno inspired from Ramda.
234 adelsz/graphql-deno 35 1 GraphQL-JS ported to Deno
235 flock-community/zod-endpoints 35 1 Zod Router
236 apex/logs-js 35 0 Apex Logs client for Node, Deno, and the browser
237 emsifa/validasaur 34 7 Deno validation library
238 TheDrone7/descord 34 3 A discord API wrapper written using TypeScript for deno.
239 denoland/manual 33 14 Deno's documentation
240 DevSnowflake/youtube-sr 33 13 Simple package for Node & Deno to make YouTube search easily
241 jozsefsallai/ask 33 8 interactive command-line prompts for deno
242 jdiamond/MQTT.ts 33 5 MQTT in TypeScript for Deno, Node.js, and browsers
243 supergrecko/league-connect 33 2 🔌 Modern NodeJS interface to the League of Legends Client APIs
244 momentumframework/momentum 33 0 Momentum is an open-source framework for building server-side Deno applications in TypeScript. It provides the paradigms and design patterns to guide developers to create robust, scalable, and enterprise-grade applications.
245 uki00a/carol 32 2 A Deno port of carlo
246 fakoua/soxa 31 5 Promise based HTTP client for the deno
247 christophgysin/aws-sdk-js-v3 31 4 Modularized AWS SDK for JavaScript.
248 Tak-Iwamoto/ptera 31 0 Ptera is DateTime library for Deno
249 tajpouria/cors 30 6 Deno.js CORS middleware
250 mjrlowe/maze_generator 30 6 A work-in-progress Javascript maze generator module, compatible with both Deno and Node. 🌽
251 khrj/slack-bolt 30 4 TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
252 crabmusket/deno_sqlite_plugin 30 3 Bindings to rusqlite for Deno
253 Coder-Spirit/nominal 30 0 Powerful nominal types for your Typescript project
254 i18next/i18next-fs-backend 29 12 i18next-fs-backend is a backend layer for i18next using in Node.js and for Deno to load translations from the filesystem.
255 drashland/deno-drash-middleware 29 7 A middleware library for Drash
256 lucacasonato/deno_s3 29 6 Amazon S3 for Deno
257 joshforisha/fractal-noise-js 29 3 Fractal noise functions
258 denosaurs/wait 29 2 🌀 Minimal terminal spinner
259 fakoua/deno_gui 28 5 Deno Web GUI
260 deno-library/progress 28 1 ProgressBar in terminal for deno
261 justjavac/deno-semver 27 7 The semver parser for Deno (a fork of node-semver using TypeScript)
262 irandeno/coffee 27 6 Deno Configuration
263 deligenius/view-engine 27 6 🚀A Template View Engine for Deno frameworks
264 wojpawlik/deno2node 27 1 Transpiles Deno projects into .js and .d.ts for Node.js.
265 bartlomieju/parseargs 27 1 Migrated to
266 aykxt/crypto 27 0 🔐 Fastest crypto library for Deno written in pure Typescript. AES, Blowfish, CAST5, DES, 3DES, HMAC, HKDF, PBKDF2
267 lenkan/deno-amqp 26 9
268 campvanilla/casualdb 26 5 Simple JSON "database" for Deno with type-safety! ⚡️
269 akshgpt7/youtube-deno 26 5 A Deno client library of the YouTube Data API.
270 dfvgbh/deno-telegram-bot-api 26 4 Deno Telegram bot API
271 jinjor/deno-task-runner 26 4 Task runner for deno
272 denosaurs/cache 26 3 🥌 Deno cache library
273 denoffi/denoffi 26 3 Deno Foreign Function Interface.
274 c4spar/deno-dzx 26 2 🦕 Deno shell tools inspired by zx.
275 luvies/deno_di 26 1 A dependency injection (IoC) module for deno
276 zhmushan/router 26 1 A high-performance basic router works anywhere.
277 bokuweb/zstd-wasm 26 1 Zstandard for browser, Node.js and Deno
278 littledivy/drawille 26 0 HTML5 Canvas on the terminal with Deno.
279 etienne-dldc/chemin 26 0 🥾 A type-safe pattern builder & route matching library written in TypeScript
280 gabrielizaias/cnpj 25 1 🇧🇷 Format, validate and generate CNPJ numbers
281 bokuweb/deno-pretty-assert 25 1 🦕A colorful assertEqual for deno
282 Caesar2011/rhinoder 24 6 Reloads a deno application on file change
283 anvilistas/anvil-extras 24 4
284 yoshixmk/deno-x-ranking 24 3 🦕 Deno Third Party Modules Ranking 👑
285 kt3k/twd 24 2 🚩 Simple tailwind like CLI tool for deno 🦕
286 Denocord/Denocord 24 0 A fast, strongly typed and versatile Discord API wrapper for the Deno runtime. (WIP)
287 Jack-Works/async-call-rpc 24 0 A lightweight JSON RPC client & server
288 jakajancar/pgc4d 23 2 A full-featured PostgreSQL Client for Deno
289 luvies/lazy 23 2 A linq-like lazy-evaluation enumerable/iteration library that aims to support deno, node & browser
290 riiid/pbkit 23 1 riiid web frontend protobuf toolkit
291 cmorten/luath 23 1 Fast front-end development tooling in Deno.
292 vim-denops/deno-denops-std 22 9 🐜 Standard module for denops.vim
293 denosaurs/sodium 22 1 🧂 Sodium is a modern, easy-to-use library for encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more
294 cloudydeno/deno-aws_api 22 1 From-scratch Typescript client for accessing AWS APIs
295 udibo/mock 22 1 Utilities to help mock behavior, spy on function calls, stub methods, and fake time for tests.
296 littletof/charmd 22 1 A simple, extendable markdown renderer for your terminal.
297 HugoDaniel/deno_tag 22 0 A cli command that allows you to write <deno> tags in your html files.
298 BlazifyOrg/evolvejs 21 6 EvolveJS - A Discord Library written in Typescript for Javascript and Typescript.
299 Minigugus/zx-deno 21 2 A tool for writing better scripts
300 garronej/run_exclusive 21 1 ⚡🔒 Generate functions that do not allow parallel executions 🔒 ⚡
301 lengfangbing/min 21 1 A decorator web framework for deno
302 tubbo/saur 21 0 a rapid web development framework for deno
303 chiefbiiko/dynamodb 20 7 deno <3 dynamodb
304 timonson/gentle_rpc 20 6 JSON-RPC 2.0 library with WebSockets and HTTP support for deno and the browser
305 Cqdet/undefined 20 3 undefined
306 littletof/prettyBenching 20 2 🦕 A small lib to make your Deno benchmarking progress and results look pretty
307 exhibitionist-digital/ultra 20 2 🦕 Deno, ESM + React: No build, no bundle, all streaming
308 duart38/Thread 20 1 type safe multi-threading made easier
309 lambdalisue/deno-unknownutil 20 1 🦕 An utility pack for handling unknown type in deno
310 ako-deno/ako 20 0 Expressive HTTP middleware framework for deno using async functions. Aiming to port Koa to Deno.
311 justjavac/deno-is 20 0 Detect the running environment and context of the current script
312 roonie007/axiod 19 4 Promise based HTTP client for Deno
313 mandarineorg/leaf 19 3 A fake file system for Deno binaries
314 Delta456/cli_badges 19 3 Generate Badges for your CLI written in 🦕 Deno and TS
315 lucacasonato/deno_httpcache 19 3 HTTP Caching for Deno - in memory and redis storage support. Inspired by the Service Worker Cache API.
316 htmlplus/core 19 2 HTMLPLUS is a native, framework-less, and lightweight library that is purely developed with Javascript. All HTMLPLUS components are customizable and configurable.
317 zhmushan/dev_server 19 2 Feel free to import TypeScript files in the script tag!
318 vslinko/deno-csv 19 2 Streaming API for reading and writing CSV for
319 nullpub/hkts 19 1 Functional programming tools: option, either, task, state, optics, etc.
320 partheseas/gardens 19 1 A useful logging utility for JavaScript everywhere. 🎉
321 virtualstate/x 19 0 Native JavaScript tooling.
322 deno-libs/parsec 19 0 🌌 Tiny body parser for Deno. Port of the milliparsec library.
323 littledivy/drop 19 0 drop unwanted Deno resources out of memory. yeet.
324 hokaccha/mabiki 19 0 Provides throttle and debounce, which are compatible with lodash.
325 hviana/Upload-middleware-for-Oak-Deno-framework 18 8 This middleware automatically organizes uploads to avoid file system problems and create dirs if not exists, perform validations and optimizes ram usage when uploading big files using Deno standard libraries!
326 denorg/qrcode 18 7 📇 Generate QR code images in Deno
327 Arcoz0308/arcscord 18 5 A Discord client written in typescript
328 KSXGitHub/deno-args 18 3 Extensible CLI arguments parser for Deno with intelligent TypeScript inference
329 appwrite/sdk-for-deno 18 2 [READ-ONLY] Official Appwrite Deno SDK 🦕
330 axetroy/deno_math 18 2 Deno module for high-precision calculations and scientific computing
331 eserozvataf/hex 18 1 Function abstraction framework for better portability between platforms. Write your code once in functional approach, then run on mainstream environments such as cli, bot platforms, cloud-function runtimes and web apis.
332 denosaurs/ddoc 18 1 📑 Offline deno documentation in a desktop app, generated locally
333 denosaurs/plug 18 1 🔌 Deno plugin management library
334 lucacasonato/esbuild_deno_loader 18 1 Deno module resolution for esbuild
335 denosaurs/event 18 0 📆 Strictly typed event emitter with asynciterator support
336 JohannLai/doa 18 0 A middleware framework for Deno's http serve🦕. Transplanted from Koa with ❤️
337 talentlessguy/balance-crypto 18 0 💰 Get wallet balance for 2.5K+ cryptocurrencies with a single function in Node.js and Deno
338 oakserver/middleware 17 5 A collection of middleware to use with oak. 🐿️ 🦕
339 MikaelPorttila/rss 17 5 📰 Deno module for deserializing RSS or ATOM XML feeds into typed objects
340 drand/drand-client 17 4 🎲 A JavaScript client to the drand randomness beacon network.
341 aaronhuggins/cbor-redux 17 4 The Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) data format (RFC7049) implemented in pure JavaScript, revived.
342 MierenManz/EventSource 17 4 EventSource in Deno
343 deepakshrma/30-seconds-of-typescript 17 3
344 dalcib/esbuild-plugin-cache 17 3
345 http4ts/http4ts 17 2 Server as a Function http toolkit for TypeScript & JavaScript
346 XDean/deno-create-react-app 17 2 Create React App with Deno
347 denoify/denofill 17 2 A modern browser polyfill for Deno 🦕
348 checkerschaf/sherlock-deno 17 2 🕵️ Find usernames across 270+ websites & social networks - written in TypeScript and run via Deno
349 nullpub/fun 17 1 A collection of algebraic data types, lenses, and schemables based on a light weight higher kinded type implementation. Written for deno.
350 ihack2712/cstack 17 1 Create custom cool errors in Deno.
351 mmahandev/a11y-slider 17 0 Library for simple and accessible sliders
352 roggervalf/iam-policies 16 5 Iam policies implementation for create roles and manage permissions
353 cvng/deno_graphql 16 4 GraphQL HTTP middlewares for Deno server frameworks.
354 deligenius/multiparser 16 4 multipart/form-data parser for Deno servers
355 jonahsnider/convert 16 4 The smallest & fastest library for really easy, totally type-safe unit conversions in TypeScript & JavaScript.
356 jcardama/deno_slugify 16 3 A string slugifier
357 githubocto/flat-postprocessing 16 2 A collection of postprocessing utilities for flat
358 PandaSekh/lepre 16 1 🐰 Lightweight Emoji Picker for React Enthusiast
359 rikilele/kyuko 16 1 Fast and easy http framework for Deno Deploy 🦕
360 cdaringe/rad 16 0 general purpose build tool. statically typed, batteries included. command, function, and make-style tasks supported. improved npm scripts for deno.
361 littledivy/deno_audio 16 0 Audio playback library for Deno
362 HarryPeach/kia 15 5 🦕 Simple terminal spinners for Deno
363 GameBridgeAI/ts_serialize 15 4 A zero dependency library for serializing data
364 vim-denops/denops-deno 15 2 🐜 Deno module for denops.vim
365 Aplet123/iterplus 15 2 The best of Rust/Haskell/Python iterators in Javascript.
366 nhttp/nhttp 15 2 Fast native http framework for Deno. so hot 🚀
367 paulmillr/noble-ripemd160 15 2 Noble RIPEMD160. High-security, easily auditable, 0-dep, 1-file hash function
368 denyncrawford/dropper-deno 15 2 Custom event-based WebSockets framework for building real-time apps on Deno 🦕
369 chiefbiiko/bwt 15 1 Better Web Token - an iteration of web tokens with a bunch of improvements
370 Pandawan/deno_notify 15 1 Send desktop notifications on all platforms in Deno
371 denoland/deno_graph 15 1 The module graph logic for Deno CLI
372 jeremyBanks/database 15 0 towards a common interface for SQL databases in Deno TypeScript
373 justjavac/justjavac 14 33 justjavac's modules
374 hayd/deno-zip 14 13 A JSZip wrapper for handling zipfiles in deno
375 cordeno/cordeno 14 5 🦕 A Discord API wrapper for developing discord bots using the Deno runtime.
376 fdionisi/deno-argon2 14 5 Argon2 encryption library for Deno
377 ubersl0th/markdown 14 3 Deno Markdown module forked from
378 deno-library/compress 14 3 compress and uncompress for Deno
379 mitranim/prax 14 2 Experimental rendering library geared towards hybrid SSR+SPA apps. Focus on radical simplicity and performance. Tiny and dependency-free.
380 berkaltiok/berk 14 1 npx berk
381 worker-tools/deno-fetch-event-adapter 14 1 Dispatches global fetch events using Deno's native http server.
382 wolfadex/deno_elm_compiler 14 1 A Deno wrapper around the Elm compiler
383 gcaptn/tincan 14 1 A Jest-like testing library for Deno
384 levo-framework/core 14 0 Server side rendering with The Elm Architecture in Deno
385 mandarineorg/orange 14 0 Orange is a testing framework for Deno which was originally created for Mandarine.
386 lynoapp/typed-local-store 14 0 A type-safe and schema based LocalStorage and SessionStorage implementation using TypeScript.
387 littledivy/deno-notify 14 0 Cross-platform system notification with Deno 🚀
388 keroxp/dino 14 0 1KB type safe DI (Dependency Injection) library for Deno/Node
389 oakserver/media_types 13 7 A module that assists in resolving media types and extensions.
390 rista404/deno-debug 13 3 Debugging utility for deno. Ported from
391 onjara/optic 13 2 A powerful logging framework for Deno
392 crewdevio/vue-deno-compiler 13 1 compiler for sfc vue component
393 oslabs-beta/dashport-githubstrategy 13 1 Github OAuth 2.0 strategy for Dashport module for Deno
394 oslabs-beta/dashport-linkedinstrategy 13 1 LinkedIn OAuth 2.0 strategy for Dashport module for Deno
395 deligenius/deligenius 13 1 Lightweight Deno middleware framework
396 kuuote/deno-cache-injector 13 1
397 lucascaro/deno-uuid 13 1 Deprecated! UUID is part of the deno standard library
398 manyuanrong/wasm_gzip 13 1 Gzip encryption and decryption wasm implementation, support Deno
399 AbmSourav/dataStructure 13 1 Implement different Data Structures using TypeScript. Deno Third-party Module.
400 khrj/slack-web-api 13 1 Simple, convenient, and configurable HTTP client for making requests to Slack’s Web API. Deno port of @slack/web-api
401 motss/deno_mod 13 0 Deno modules
402 jswildcards/filedb 13 0 ⚡ A lightweight local JSON database for Deno.
403 mjrlowe/terminal_images 13 0 A Deno module and CLI tool for printing images to the console. 🖼️
404 Keimeno/segno 13 0 segno (Segnosaurus). Validation library for Deno 🦕. Enforcing a high security standard.
405 maximousblk/deno_nightly 13 0 🌙 Nightly builds for Deno 🦕
406 alosaur/handlebars 12 5 Handlebars template engine for Deno
407 denolib/ms 12 3 Tiny milisecond conversion utility. Ported from
408 crowlKats/denv 12 3 A module similar to dotEnv, but for Deno
409 oslabs-beta/dashport-localstrategy 12 2 Local authentication strategy for Dashport module for Deno
410 maximousblk/serve 12 2 A super simple Deno file server
411 OwOland/deno-keyv 12 2 A simple, easy to use key-value database wrapper for Deno
412 patrickkunka/bandwidth-throttle-stream 12 2 A Node.js and Deno transform stream for throttling bandwidth
413 shimataro/value-schema 12 2 simple, easy-to-use, and declarative schema validator; supports Node.js, TypeScript, and Deno
414 michael-spengler/nlp 12 2 🦕 Module for Natural Language Processing (NLP)
415 oslabs-beta/dashport-spotifystrategy 12 1 Spotify OAuth 2.0 strategy for Dashport module for Deno
416 Oursin/denocker 12 1 A Docker client library for Deno
417 hazae41/mutevents.ts 12 1 Typed, mutable, async, and promiseable events for Deno
418 rclarey/deno-emacs 12 1 A collection of utilities to allow for development with deno in emacs!
419 luvies/deno_hooked 12 1 A simple single file test module providing grouping and hooks.
420 martonlederer/Houston 12 1 An advanced Deno logger, like Winston for Nodejs, with no dependencies
421 felixblaschke/storeosaurus 12 1 Deno JSON Store
422 marcopacini/ts_prometheus 12 1 A prometheus client in Typescript for Deno
423 kitsonk/dectyl 12 1 Prototype library for testing Deno Deploy scripts using the Deno CLI
424 MarcHanin/drun 12 1
425 SkyStar-modules/denoFFMPEG 12 0 ffmpeg wrapper for
426 duart38/Observe 12 0 Type-safe observable values (made with Deno)
427 talentlessguy/erc20-balance 12 0 💎 Get 2000+ ERC-20 token balances with JavaScript. Supports Node.js and Deno
428 littledivy/deno_sass 12 0 🚀 Cute Sass compiler bindings to Deno.
429 jacoborus/deno-buckets 12 0 Bundle assets and scripts in a single executable file 🦕🪣
430 grikomsn/airtable-deno 11 4 Unofficial Airtable client for Deno 🦕
431 xcatliu/etype 11 3 Extra types for TypeScript
432 hrsh7th/denops-popup 11 3
433 oslabs-beta/dashport-facebookstrategy 11 2 Facebook OAuth 2.0 strategy for Dashport module for Deno
434 SyrupThinker/docuraptor 11 2 Docuraptor is a JS/TS documentation generator and server
435 lowlighter/xml 11 2 📑 A XML parser/stringifier for Deno written in typescript and with no dependencies
436 caspervonb/sponsor 11 2 The sponsors toolbox gives you Deno super powers in web browsers.
437 Cqdet/Nitro 11 1 A framework for Discord written in TS designed for perfomance using the Deno runtime.
438 funql/funql 11 1 New way to create web server
439 postui/land 11 1 Run Deno X module without installation.
440 c24w/try-catch-finally.js 11 1 A very small library for more flexible error catching in JavaScript.
441 deno-module/download 11 1 Deno fetch api based module to download file from a URL.
442 littledivy/pressf 11 1 A fast (~178loc) http routing framework for Deno.
443 Fzwael/deno-check-updates 11 1 🔍 Automatically checks deno dependencies versions from import maps file
444 fakoua/jpeg.ts 11 1 A pure TypeScript JPEG encoder and decoder for deno
445 littletof/kopo-cli 11 1 🐶 A Deno registry browser in the terminal
446 AlexStory/pine 11 1 Zero dependency Deno utility library with a FP bent
447 Bestulo/deno-cheerio 11 1 Cheerio port to Deno with typings
448 maximousblk/ghlog 11 1 Generate release notes based on GitHub Commits
449 identinet/sanctuary-cheat-sheet 11 0 Functional programming cheat sheet for
450 oslabs-beta/dashport-googlestrategy 11 0 Google OAuth 2.0 strategy for Dashport module for Deno
451 bryntum/siesta 11 0 Stress-free JavaScript/TypeScript testing and benchmarking tool
452 denosaurs/parry 11 0 👷🏽‍♂️ Run deno functions in WebWorkers
453 denosaurs/pngs 11 0 📷 A simple wasm png encoder/decoder module for deno
454 justjavac/deno-ci 11 0 Get environment variables exposed by CI services
455 denofn/type-fest 11 0 A collection of essential TypeScript types
456 lambdalisue/deno-async 11 0 🦕 Asynchronous primitive modules loosely port from Python's asyncio for Deno.
457 lambdalisue/deno-itertools 11 0 🦕 A TypeScript port of Python's itertools and more-itertools for Deno
458 discorddn/discord.dn 11 0 A Deno Library to interact with the Discord API.
459 lucacasonato/ammonia-wasm 11 0 WASM bindings for the Ammonia HTML sanitizer
460 denorg/up 10 3 🔌 Check if a website is up with Deno
461 chiefbiiko/hmac 10 3 hash-based message authentication code
462 cmd-johnson/deno-oauth2-client 10 2 Minimalistic OAuth 2.0 client for Deno.
463 Siilwyn/promise-all-props 10 2 Like Promise.all but for object properties.
464 alosaur/alosaur-lite 10 1 Lightweight version of Alosaur. Specially designed to work with deno deploy.
465 postui/publish 10 1 Publish your module with one command in Deno.
466 crewdevio/dino_env 10 1 🌈 manage environment variables with deno.
467 Pingid/ts-prove 10 1 A lightweight composable decoding and validation library
468 PacoteJS/pacote 10 1 A box of goodies, in TypeScript.
469 Hunam6/Goodgle 10 1 The beautiful/private metasearch engine based on Google written in Deno 🦕
470 kt3k/deploy_dir 10 1 📦 Read a directory and package it as Deno Deploy source code
471 denosaurs/algebra 10 0 ➗ Powerful math library for Deno (WIP)
472 denosaurs/gmath 10 0 🎮 A wasm accelerated game and graphics maths library for deno
473 denodev/deno_vscode_languageserver 10 0 Language server protocol implementation for VSCode. This allows implementing language services in JS/TS running on Deno.
474 Timeraa/FluffCord 10 0 Discord API Wrapper for deno
475 WelingtonMonteiro/mongoose-history-trace 10 0 Plugin mongoose for history logs schemas
476 mangadex-network/mangadex-at-cloud 10 0 This is a NodeJS based reference implementation of the MangaDex@Home client.
477 masataka/xmlp 10 0 XML Parser for Deno
478 etienne-dldc/suub 10 0 📫 A simple pub/sub written in Typescript
479 khrj/get-release-url 10 0 Deno package + CLI for fetching GitHub/BitBucket/Custom provider release + asset links with pattern matching
480 elgs/ip6 9 6 IPv6 address helper utilities.
481 deno-front-end/css-parser 9 4 CSS Lexer & Parser implementation for Deno
482 uzyn/bigdenary 9 2 🦕🧮 Arbitrary-length decimal library, implemented with ES2020's native BigInt.
483 stefanuros/deno_twitter_api 9 2 A Deno Module to make accessing the Twitter API from Deno a bit easier.
484 chiefbiiko/create-deno-plugin 9 2 0-thought deno plugin skeletons
485 keegandonley/input-deno 9 2 CLI user input handler for Deno
486 justjavac/deno_hyper 9 2 Fast and safe HTTP for Deno
487 lucacasonato/deno_local_file_fetch 9 2 This polyfills file:// support for fetch
488 clitetailor/cursornext 9 2 A minimalist library for parsing 🌵
489 edgedb/edgedb-deno 9 1 EdgeDB driver for Deno
490 date-fns/deno 9 1 date-fns Deno package
491 justjavac/deno_tauri 9 1 tauri binding for Deno.
492 apiel/adka 9 1 SSG & SSR: Static site generator and server side rendering using JSX.
493 SkyStar-modules/Stowrage 9 1 Stowre all the thing's you like
494 zcorky/zodash 9 1 Zero's Standard Lib or Doreamon
495 DjDeveloperr/Dename 9 1 DNS Server framework for Deno.
496 linux-china/rsocket-deno 9 1 🦕RSocket Deno module
497 denosaurs/sauron 9 0 🕵️‍♂️ Deno quality metrics analyzer
498 asos-craigmorten/importw 9 0 Permission restricted imports for Deno.
499 txthinking/denolib 9 0 A simple deno library
500 udibo/test_suite 9 0 An extension of Deno's built-in test runner to add setup/teardown hooks and the ability to organize tests. Includes describe/it functions for creating nested tests in a format similar to Jasmine, Jest, and Mocha
501 herudi/dero 9 0 Fast web framework for Deno (support native HTTP/2 Hyper and std/http).
502 crewdevio/importql 9 0 easy way to import and parse graphql files 🎡
503 martonlederer/summon 9 0 An elegant requests library for Deno
504 scttcper/ts-base32 9 0 Base32 encoder/decoder with support for multiple variants
505 baptistemarchand/berror 9 0 Rich Errors including chain of causes, metadata, easy logging and TypeScript definitions.
506 khrj/ngrok 9 0 Expose your localhost to the web. Ultra-simple deno wrapper for ngrok.
507 lechidung/escape 9 0 Simple library escape or un escape HTML, String, SQL for Deno 🈵 🈵 🈵 💎 🔰
508 DavidDeSimone/ng-fuzzy-search 9 0 Fuzzy-search tool built for emacs-ng
509 Yamboy1/deno-structured-logging 9 0 A structured logging module for Deno
510 kt3k/deno_license_checker 8 4 📄 CLI tool for checking license headers in files
511 zikeji/node-hypixel 8 4 With thorough IntelliSense support & 100% test coverage, this is an unopinionated async/await API wrapper for Hypixel's Public API. It is developed in TypeScript complete with documentation, typed interfaces for all API responses (and an OpenAPI 3.0 schema!), built-in rate-limit handling, flexible cache support, helper functions, and support for undocumented endpoints.
512 Srinivasa314/msgpack-deno 8 3 msgpack-javascript ported to deno
513 caseywebdev/pave 8 2 Paving the way to better state management.
514 fakoua/ink 8 2 Terminal string color for Deno
515 asos-craigmorten/oak-http-proxy 8 2 Proxy middleware for Deno Oak HTTP servers. 🐿 🦕
516 bermi/genetic 8 2 🧬 Typescript Genetic Algorithm Framework built using deno
517 lindsaykwardell/http-wrapper 8 2 Simple Server/Router wrapper around Deno's HTTP module
518 marek12306/corddis 8 1 Deno Discord API wrapper made mainly for learning.
519 denosaurs/status 8 1 🗿 HTTP status utility for Deno. Based on Java Apache HttpStatus
520 acathur/cmd 8 1 Commander.js (command-line interfaces) for Deno.
521 liltoto/LRU 8 1 Simple and powerful LRU cache for Deno
522 oscarotero/nodedeno 8 1 Script to convert Node libraries to Deno
523 michael-spengler/deno_moment 8 1 Providing momentjs features in deno
524 Vertrical/tino 8 0 Tiny and functional HTTP server for Deno with local JSON REST API for rapid prototyping.
525 denosaurs/deno_lz4 8 0 🗜 lz4 wasm module for deno
526 functionalland/functional-io 8 0 IO methods as valid Task monads perfect to write great point-free software in JavaScript that is compatible with most modern browsers and Deno.
527 rafaelferres/deno-correiobr 8 0 Complete module to consult information about the zip code, calculate the price and delivery times of orders and also perform their tracking
528 hayd/deno-using 8 0 python-style with statements for deno
529 justjavac/deno_git 8 0 libgit2 bindings for Deno
530 denosaurs/commit 8 0 ✍️ Parser for the conventional commits specification
531 elgs/parse5 8 0 Ported from inikulin/parse5 but for Deno.
532 michael-spengler/food 8 0 🦕 Deno module for food lovers 🍓🍍🍌. Feel free to enhance & contribute.
533 DarthUdp/PathRedux 8 0 better path handling for Deno
534 ihack2712/file-server 8 0 A file-server command.
535 HugoDaniel/shader_canvas 8 0 A rendering engine where you can write WebGL 2.0 shaders using custom tags.
536 GGJJack/TCP-Socket 8 0 A TCP Socket library for Deno
537 Assistant-Bot/Lib 8 0 A framework designed for Deno and used for the Assistant discord bot.
538 khrj/blueprint 8 0 Starter for Deno Modules
539 apacheli/space 8 0 A collection of fast, scalable, low-level Deno modules for interacting with the Discord API.
540 crqra/github_webhooks 8 0 ⚓ Handle GitHub Webhooks with Deno and Deno Deploy.
541 dahlia/jikji 8 0 Small static site generator toolkit
542 mitschabaude/fast-base64 8 0 Fastest base64 on the web, with Wasm + SIMD
543 AkifumiSato/dexr 8 0 React SSR & hydrate library on Deno.
544 michael-spengler/persistence 8 0 With this module you can use GitHub as a database. I guess this is only recommendable for small projects.
545 rivy/js.xdg-app-paths 8 0 Determine (XDG-compatible) paths for storing application files (cache, config, data, etc)
546 nats-io/nkeys.js 7 5 NKeys for JavaScript - Node.js, Browsers, and Deno.
547 asos-craigmorten/opine-http-proxy 7 3 Proxy middleware for Deno Opine HTTP servers.
548 JohanWinther/websocket_server 7 2 A WebSocket server library for Deno 🔌
549 singhcool/deno-swagger-doc 7 2
550 jackfiszr/deno-faker 7 2 Deno port of
551 MariusVatasoiu/deno-image 7 2 Deno module for resizing images.
552 wachunei/rutcl 7 1 A set of chilean RUT utility functions for Deno
553 xpresserjs/framework 7 1 Xpresser NodeJs Framework
554 michael-spengler/countries 7 1 🦕 module which provides information about countries on earth + mars
555 jeromeludmann/deno-irc 7 1 IRC client protocol module for Deno
556 prohazko2/deno-grpc 7 1 Very basic gRPC implementation for Deno
557 satyawikananda/denovo 7 1 Un-official Ovo API wrapper for Deno 🦕
558 iamcmnut/deno-promptpay 7 1 Generate Thai PromptPay QR code string and Base64-encoded images in Deno.
559 izelnakri/memserver 7 1 JS http mock server AND ORM/in-memory/in-js-vm DB you can run in-browser and node environments. Extremely useful library for fast frontend tests, rapid prototyping and single-file SPA demo deployments.
560 dylanpyle/version 7 1 A simple semantic versioning tool for Deno; a lightweight replacement for npm version
561 bottom-software-foundation/bottom-js 7 1 🥺
562 lambdalisue/deno-msgpack-rpc 7 1 🦕 Deno module to support msgpack-rpc
563 SquarePear/p5_commander 7 1 A tool to easily manage and create p5 sketches
564 vim-denops/deno-vim-channel-command 7 0 🦕 Vim's Channel command for Deno
565 denosaurs/byte_type 7 0 😋 A small helper module for working with different raw types in javascript
566 crewdevio/Commands 7 0 🌈 Create commands shortcuts for node js and deno
567 denosaurs/debug 7 0 📝 Tiny debugging utility
568 snowpackjs/astro-compiler-next 7 0
569 littledivy/deno-tar 7 0 TAR archive management in Deno 📦
570 bordoley/reactive-js 7 0 Fast modern reactive Javascript programming library
571 nullpub/jsonschema 7 0 Generate JsonSchema and TypeScript types at the same time
572 michael-spengler/cities 7 0 🦕 module provides information about cities on earth + mars
573 AlpacaBi/qrcode_terminal 7 0 QRCode Terminal For Deno
574 Maxim-Mazurok/sax-ts 7 0 SAX-style (Simple API for XML) in TypeScript
575 David-Else/simple-youtube-chapter-extractor 7 0 Copy the text containing chapter information directly from YouTube and convert it into simple mkvmerge chapter format to embed in your downloaded YouTube video.
576 deno-libs/forwarded 7 0 Deno port of forwarded library
577 deno-libs/proxy_addr 7 0 Deno port of proxy-addr library
578 DjDeveloperr/ytdl_core 7 0 YouTube Video Downloader module for Deno using Web Streams API.
579 deno-libs/superfetch 7 0 🐕 Superdeno-like superagent testing library based on Fetch API. Ported from node-supertest-fetch.
580 molvqingtai/event-hub 7 0 🚌 This is a minimalist event hub.
581 XRPL-Labs/XUMM-SDK 6 5 XUMM Typescript / Javascript SDK - Interact with the XUMM Developer API the easy way
582 michael-spengler/cicd 6 4 Deno Module for CICD - which can e.g. be used in GitHub Actions
583 lavaclient/lavadeno 6 3 lavadeno is a simple, easy-to-use, and flexible lavalink client built on the Deno Runtime.
584 dmitriytat/keypress 6 2 Deno keypress reader
585 Denoot/denoot 6 2 Web server for Deno. Easily route HTTP requests with Denoot http-server.
586 keithamus/deno-protod 6 2
587 sno2/minifier 6 2 Minify HTML, JS, CSS, and JSON with this WASM-powered module for Deno!
588 jed/esbuild-plugin-http-fetch 6 2 An esbuild plugin that resolves http(s) modules
589 denorg/recursive-readdir 6 1 📁 Recursively read directories in Deno
590 chiefbiiko/curve25519 6 1 djb's Curve25519 in TypeScript
591 apiel/jsx-html 6 1
592 michael-spengler/location 6 1 🦕 Module to get Location Data - e.g. for IP Adresses or for Cities e.g. on earth 🌍 or on mars 🚀👩‍🚀👯‍♀️🛰🌌
593 denosaurs/tokenizer 6 1 ⚙️ A simple tokenizer for deno
594 barrymichaeldoyle/investec-openapi 6 1 A JavaScript/TypeScript wrapper to get up and running fast with Investec's Open API for programmable banking.
595 justjavac/deno_num_cpus 6 1 Get the number of CPUs available on the current system.
596 ihack2712/powerlog 6 1 A powerful logger for Deno.
597 duart38/Carpenter 6 1 Method chaining pattern for all things Deno
598 vierofernando/discord-bot-lib 6 1 A basic discord bot lib for node.js but the library doesn't cache discord objects.
599 LawsonCheng/poke 6 1 👈🏽 A Super handy HTTP Client written in TypeScript.
600 servaland/serva 6 0 The zero setup web framework for Deno.
601 denosaurs/opus 6 0 🔊 Deno bindings for libopus
602 denosaurs/gutenberg 6 0 📝 Complete, correct, and thoroughly tested string manipulation library.
603 mandarineorg/little-crony 6 0 A CRON library for Deno by Mandarine.
604 mandarineorg/microlemon 6 0 A collection of Microservice implementations with a common interface. By Mandarine for Deno.
605 rpgeeganage/async-ray-deno 6 0 Provide async/await callbacks for every, find, findIndex, filter, forEach, map, reduce, reduceRight and some methods in Array.
606 sonirico/datetoken.js 6 0 Parse strings into relative date time objects, ideal for pickers and preventing premature cache invalidation
607 deno-library/pg 6 0 PostgreSQL client for Deno
608 gpasq/deno-sendgrid 6 0
609 rclarey/torrent 6 0 a BitTorrent library for Deno 🦕
610 denosaurs/tty 6 0 🖨 Terminal utils and ansi escapes
611 4ov/dena 6 0 A promise based Deta http api wrapper for deno.
612 areller/denogent 6 0 A TypeScript build system
613 cmd-johnson/deno-reflect-metadata 6 0 A Deno-compatible copy of the TypeScript Metadata Reflection API my Microsoft
614 ihack2712/vterm 6 0 A virtual terminal, to render stuff faster in the regular terminal.
615 DjDeveloperr/Keydb 6 0 Simple Key-value storage module with support for multiple database backends.
616 lolivei/behin 6 0 One-time password lib for Deno 🦕⏱ (TOTP/HOTP)
617 dan-online/cabinet 6 0 Cabinet, the easier way to manage files in Deno
618 axetroy/deno_free_port 6 0 Get free port for Deno
619 ije/postjs 6 0 The Post-Front-End Framework with React.
620 burhanahmeed/time.ts 6 0 🔥🔥 Time.ts - A straightforward Deno timezone manipulation
621 axetroy/deno_process 6 0 process module for Deno
622 justjavac/deno_github 6 0 The GitHub API for Deno
623 xingqiao/dws 6 0 基于 Deno 平台的 Web 开发框架
624 MateoCerquetella/twit-deno 6 0 Simple Twitter API client using the new Deno framework sending authorized requests to the Twitter API.
625 justjavac/deno_ffmpeg 6 0 ffmpeg module for Deno
626 littledivy/brainfuck-deno 6 0 The Brainf**k parser & interpreter in Deno
627 CobyPowers/Ptereno 6 0 An efficient and fully compliant Pterodactyl API wrapper.
628 Cqdet/Aether 6 0 A Deno library to interface with the Discord API
629 maximousblk/ghtop 6 0 See what's happening on GitHub in real time
630 Sanae6/denomira 6 0 A Deno module for parsing Among Us packets.
631 Cqdet/isTrue 6 0 A blazingly fast, efficient, and modern library to determine whether your boolean value is true!
632 satyarohith/metch 6 0 A Deno module to mock fetch() calls.
633 deno-libs/graphql_tools 6 0 🦕 Useful tools to create and manipulate GraphQL schemas. Deno port of graphql-tools library
634 talentlessguy/soundsphere 6 0 🎧 Modern SoundCloud API client for Node.js and Deno
635 rafaelferres/deno-riot 6 0 League of legends api wrapper
636 timreichen/tests 6 0
637 FSou1/fsquery 6 0 Find files and folders with SQL-like queries
638 codearoni/what_url 6 0 A WHATWG URL builder for deno
639 load1n9/synaptic 6 0 dependency-less neural network library ported to deno
640 deno-libs/node-http 6 0 🐢 Node.js-like HTTP server for Deno. Makes porting web things from Node (a little bit) easier.
641 tennashi/deno-denops-app 6 0
642 numb86/power-assert-deno 6 0 Power Assert in Deno. When the test fails, you can get descriptive information.
643 manyuanrong/deno-checksum 5 5 Sha1、MD5 algorithms for Deno
644 NicholasACTran/triceratop 5 5 A BDD testing framework for the Deno runtime
645 denorg/scrypt 5 4 🔑 Deno library for hashing passwords using scrypt
646 saitho/ts-appversion 5 4 Display the version of your app in your frontend. For Angular and any other TypeScript framework.
647 denorg/get-ip 5 3 🌐 Get your public IP address in Deno
648 justjavac/deno-change-case 5 3 Convert strings between camelCase, PascalCase, Title Case, snake_case and more
649 SachaCR/denock 5 3 Denock intercepts HTTP calls to allow mocking response from third parties API
650 denorg/x-name 5 2 🏷️ Check if a package name is available on
651 michael-spengler/request 5 2 API Calls - as simple as it gets :)
652 yoshixmk/gagic 5 2 The easiest way to generate static html page from markdown, built with Deno 🦕 Hard forked by Pagic.
653 yujunjung/puppeteer_deno 5 2 Headless Chrome Deno API
654 codefeathers/hyperactive 5 2 The hyperactive suite of web application development tools
655 joakimunge/deno-local-ip 5 2 Tiny module for Deno to get local network interface address.
656 naticoo/framework 5 2 A powerful and customizable framework for Discordeno
657 Rakhmadi/Lavoca 5 1 Lavoca - Oak MVC Deno Web Framework - It will look like laravel
658 kt3k/mux_async_iterable 5 1 Multiplexer of async iterables for JavaScript, written in TypeScript
659 Eyal-Shalev/docopt.js 5 1 command line option parser, that will make you smile
660 axetroy/deno_machine_id 5 1 Get the unique ID of the current machine
661 chrisdothtml/deno-minimatch 5 1 A deno port of minimatch
662 jabernardo/rute 5 1 A Simple Router for Deno
663 sno2/dwitter 5 1 A typescript API wrapper for the Twitter API v2
664 MaximilianHeidenreich/DsDDB 5 1 A "Dead Simple Deno DataBase".
665 TymanWasTaken/cascade 5 1 A bot framework for discord using discordeno
666 ffflorian/ntpclient 5 1 TypeScript implementation of the NTP Client Protocol
667 VueDeno/vue-server-renderer 5 1 This package can be used to render Vue 2.0 components into strings for server side rendering. This should be used in conjunction with VueDeno's Vue repository.
668 matteocrippa/microraptor 5 1 A deno lightweight middleware for easy REST development.
669 crewdevio/Piwo 5 1 🍺 Piwo is a friendly command-line HTTP client written in Deno environment
670 riiid/urichk 5 0 schema for checking uri
671 authlete/deno-fen-oauth-server 5 0 Authorization Server Implementation in Deno
672 hackathon-sidn/cors-proxy 5 0 This CORS proxy fetches remote URLs and adds CORS headers so that blocked Cross-Origin requests belong to the past.
673 eeve/ascii_table 5 0 Easy table output for deno debugging, but you could probably do more with it, since its just a string.
674 denosaurs/emoji 5 0 🦄 Emojis for dinosaurs
675 lucascaro/denoversion 5 0 Deno cli to manage and bump release versions.
676 denomod/deno_html 5 0 Useful template literal tag for create html strings in ES2015+
677 denosaurs/tabtab 5 0 📎 Generate CLI completions for zsh, bash, and fish
678 denosaurs/release 5 0 📦 Elegant releases with plugins
679 cmd-johnson/deno-dependency-injector 5 0 Simple dependency injection for Deno TypeScript projects.
680 guilhermewebdev/arbitrium 5 0 Arbitrium is a web micro-framework for Deno. It's designed to create a MVC controllers, making available an async web server and a router, to make get started a powerful applications.
681 Tyrenn/mousse 5 0 A Deno web server framework : Let the Deno play with bubbles ! ☁️🦕☁️
682 melike2d/pogsocket 5 0 🌐 deno websocket client
683 billymoon/fiona 5 0
684 ts-graphviz/deno 5 0 🦕 Simple Graphviz library for Deno.
685 JasonHughes94/deno-markdown 5 0 Generate markdown files with ease 🦕
686 aosync/levenshtein 5 0 Deno module to compute the Levenshtein distance between two strings
687 phil-r/q 5 0 Simple queue task runner written in typescript
688 michael-spengler/monitoring 5 0 🦕 Module for Availability Monitoring - Sending Notifications via Telegram.
689 fakoua/force 5 0 A Modern Flat-File CMS for Deno.
690 JWebCoder/mith 5 0 A middleware framework for Deno's http/s server.
691 franckLdx/retry 5 0 Re-execute a function until it does not throw an error or execute a function with a timeout.
692 justjavac/deno_domain 5 0 Get all the top-level domains, including gTLDs such as .com, and country-code TLDs such as .uk.
693 justjavac/deno_curl 5 0 curl for Deno
694 c4spar/deno-fast-forward 5 0 An easy to use ffmpeg module for Deno. 🦕
695 tavofigse/ansi_styles 5 0 ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal
696 ihack2712/texa 5 0 A Deno web framework inspired by Oak and Express. Built-in support for WebSockets, middleware and routing.
697 quaos/deno-react-minimal-fullstack 5 0
698 RaptorsMC/jsbundle 5 0 Binary files for Javascript, used for Netrex.
699 andreswebs/describe 5 0 A simple description formatter for Deno unit tests
700 NaridaL/chroma.ts 5 0 TypeScript library for all kinds of color manipulation.
701 depnoland/depscan 5 0 scan dependencies from given url
702 deno-nekos/hitomi 5 0 api wrapper for deno
703 vsmid/htmlhammer 5 0 javascript html
704 tejasag/alexflipnote.ts 5 0 A simple AlexFlipnote API wrapper for Deno
705 tnario/deno-hyper-http 5 0 Enhanced and lightweight Deno HTTP web server.
706 khrj/p-queue 5 0 Promise queue with concurrency control, for Deno
707 Helloyunho/denodown 5 0 Generates Markdown document from Deno file(probably mod.ts).
708 deno-libs/graphql_tag 5 0 🦕 Create a GraphQL schema AST from template literal. Deno port of graphql-tag library
709 Cqdet/rcon 5 0 A RCON implementation in Deno
710 tarruda/deno_sqlite_shell 5 0 SQLite module for Deno
711 ihack2712/cash 5 0 A shell tool for Deno.
712 Minigugus/bazx 5 0 🐚️ zx on 💊️ steroids
713 grian32/glogger 5 0 A simple logger for Deno with minimal setup.
714 kt3k/bmp 5 0 ⤴️ Version up. No hassles.
715 valtlai/postcss-font-format-keywords 5 0 Specify font formats as keywords in CSS
716 raydog/deno-chess 5 0 A Typescript Chess engine.
717 tanay-pingalkar/pleasant 5 0 a pleasant simple http library for deno
718 uditkarode/drytype 5 0 A runtime type-validation library with TypeScript in mind.
719 deno-libs/ipfs 5 0 🦕🟦 A lightweight Deno HTTP client library for IPFS
720 grantcarthew/deno-cuid 5 0 Collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance.
721 bsunderhus/deno-observable 5 0
722 DevAndromeda/memes 5 0 Simple module for deno to resolve memes from a subreddit.
723 manyuanrong/bytes_formater 4 6 Formatting bytes(Uint8Array、Uint16Array、Uint32Array、ArrayBufferView..) output, is very useful when debugging IO functions
724 Jinglong7/validate 4 5 Validate is a standard Deno module for validating string.
725 lucacasonato/deno_aws_sign_v4 4 4 Generate AWS Signature V4 for AWS low-level REST APIs.
726 jozsefsallai/tbl 4 3 tiny and versatile command-line table generator for deno
727 Skillz4Killz/Sabr 4 3 Deno database using JSON files for quick prototyping with TypeScript support
728 base698/promts 4 3 TypeScript Native Prometheus Client for Deno
729 lucacasonato/rethinkdb-deno 4 2 A RethinkDB driver for deno.
730 wperron/deno_ssm 4 2 Amazon SSM sdk from Deno
731 martonlederer/dpng 4 2 Easily create image files with Deno
732 iAmNathanJ/cursor 4 2 ANSI control sequences for your terminal cursor
733 akunchen/deno-prompt 4 2
734 justjavac/deno_ctrlc 4 2 Cross platform handling of Ctrl-C signals.
735 michael-spengler/sleep 4 2 🦕 module for sleep. You can sleep for a specific amount of time or you can sleep for a random amount of time with this.
736 denyncrawford/deno-figlet 4 2 A Deno 🦕 Figlet from text generator
737 r-hooss/is-odd 4 2 is-odd for deno
738 ekaragodin/clone 4 2 A simple utility for the convenient clone
739 hackathon-sidn/deno-kek 4 1 This 🦕 module is a collection of simple scripts that a developer might find handy. KEK aka Kommand linE utility for Kool developers.
740 velo-org/velo 4 1 Performant Cache implementations for Deno. Supports LRU, LFU, ARC and other caching policies.
741 stylecow/stylecow-core 4 1 The core of stylecow
742 envis10n/deno-ws 4 1 Event-driven WebSocket wrapper for Deno, utilizing the deno-std ws module.
743 timreichen/importmap 4 1 Resolve specifiers with import maps.
744 dance-planner/dance 4 1 🦕 Module for Dance Fans 💃🕺👯‍♀️. Providing Dance Events etc.
745 magnattic/json-server 4 1 Zero code fake backend for development
746 justjavac/deno_is_git 4 1 Whether the filepath is a git repository.
747 anujsinghwd/getmoji 4 1 😃 A fast emoji experience with options to explore every emoji by name.
748 moncefplastin07/deno-zip 4 1 Streaming cross-platform unzip tool written for Deno 🦕.
749 hyurl/js-magic 4 1 JavaScript magic methods support.
750 Minigugus/postgres-deno 4 1 Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Deno
751 littledivy/discordrpc_deno 4 1 Discord RPC with Deno
752 genemators/betalander 4 1 The minecraft server manager
753 lucacasonato/deno_sqs 4 1 Amazon SQS for Deno
754 livecycle/deploykit 4 0 A Deno toolkit for generating deployment configuration files based on Typescript
755 denosaurs/font 4 0 🖌 A simple deno module for font rasterization
756 sustainland/sustain 4 0 A Framework that barely uses dependencies and it is designed especially to make stable and sustainable applications. 📦
757 denosaurs/argontwo 4 0 #️⃣ Argon2 hashing module for deno using wasm
758 alosaur/mustache 4 0 Template render
759 quaos/deno-react-minimal-frontend 4 0
760 justjavac/deno_ftp 4 0 FTP client for Deno.
761 maximousblk/prlog 4 0 Generate release notes based on GitHub Pull Requests
762 michael-spengler/deno-lodash 4 0 Provides lodash for Deno
763 functionalland/functional-http-server 4 0 A simple HTTP server inspired by Express and in tune with Functional Programming principles in JavaScript for Deno.
764 l2ig/2exec 4 0 A super simple and reliable 💪 shell execution library for Deno
765 yishn/algebraic_enum 4 0 An algebraic enum type for TypeScript heavily inspired by Rust.
766 denosaurs/obj 4 0 🌊 A simple wavefront obj and mtl parser and loader module for deno
767 josh-hemphill/maxminddb-deno 4 0 A library that enables the usage of MaxmindDB geoIP databases by using the Rust library in a WASM module
768 behaviorland/match 4 0 A simple pattern matching library for people who love currying!
769 hazae41/deno-aes-cfb 4 0 WebAssembly powered AES-CFB encryption for Deno, written in Rust.
770 timreichen/Coder 4 0 Data encoder and decoder that cares about data types.
771 PaulThompson/dnit 4 0 dnit: typescript (deno) task executor
772 marc2332/deno_dog 4 0 🐶 A wrapper for Deno
773 krthr/gusano 4 0 A minimal workflows lib for Deno 🦖
774 marcushultman/deno-google-protobuf 4 0
775 ful-stackz/funky 4 0 Getting funky with Deno!
776 olaven/kall 4 0 A lightweight fetch-wrapper for calling REST+JSON-APIs
777 zorbyte/pubsub 4 0 A simple PubSub module for Deno.
778 justjavac/deno_cache_dir 4 0 Returns the path to the user's cache directory.
779 justjavac/deno_config_dir 4 0 Returns the path to the user's config directory.
780 justjavac/deno_cli 4 0
781 justjavac/deno_getpass 4 0 Safely read passwords in a console application on Linux, OSX and Windows
782 justjavac/deno_dirs 4 0 Returns the user and platform specific directories
783 aaronhuggins/deno_mocha 4 0 An intuitive wrapper for Mocha targeting Deno, supporting both JavaScript and TypeScript tests.
784 josh-hemphill/valivar 4 0 Javascript/Typescript schema-based validation and sanitation
785 arguablykomodo/deno_rusty_markdown 4 0 Deno bindings for pulldown-cmark, a CommonMark-compliant Markdown parser made in Rust, compiled to WebAssembly.
786 ryannhg/safe-json 4 0 Safely handle unknown JSON in Typescript
787 justjavac/deno_shuffle 4 0 The Fisher-Yates (aka Knuth) shuffle for Deno.
788 uchm4n/crony 4 0 Manage all your cron jobs in one file
789 enimatek-nl/small-orm-sqlite 4 0 Very small Object-relational mapper (bare essential) to quickly setup embedded database in SQLite Deno/Typescript/Web.
790 oguimbal/immutable-js-deno 4 0 Immutable-js port for Deno
791 g-plane/pazza 4 0 Parser combinators library designed for Deno, but also works on browsers and Node.js.
792 aykxt/dune 4 0 🎧 An audio metadata management tool for Deno. Supports FLAC. [Work in progress]
793 brmcerqueira/deninject 4 0 A dependency injection module for Deno.
794 DevAndromeda/calendar 4 0 Simple JavaScript calendar library.
795 loockeeer/deno-deepmerge 4 0 This is a deno module for merging two objects/array deeply. This is NOT the same as deepmerge npm package
796 justjavac/deno_dijkstra 4 0 A simple JavaScript implementation of Dijkstra's single-source shortest-paths algorithm.
797 jajaperson/iterable-utilities 4 0 A bunch of utilities for working with iterables, many inspired by the native array methods.
798 aalykiot/tachyon 4 0 Simple, small, and flexible task scheduler for Deno, backed by MongoDB.
799 DavidDeSimone/ng-async-files 4 0 emacs-ng module for async file operations
800 michael-spengler/wallstreetbets 4 0 This package connects your deno programs to the wallstreetbets subreddit
801 DavidDeSimone/ng-oldschool 4 0 elisp bindings for common Deno functions
802 khrj/p-retried 4 0 Retry a promise-returning or async function. Abstraction for exponential and custom retry strategies for failed operations
803 hazae41/deno-ed25519 4 0 Fast Ed25519 signatures for Deno, written in Rust
804 tomholford/denurbit 4 0 An Urbit API client implemented in Deno
805 hrsh7th/deno-nvim-types 4 0 The Nvim API type definition for TypeScript.
806 Mzaien/next-redirects 4 0 A small client-side redirect utility component for Next.js
807 szhielelp/ProjectBisheng 4 0 毕昇工程-中英文混合排版工具
808 lambdalisue/deno-workerio 4 0 🦕 Deno module to translate Worker's system of messages into Reader and Writer
809 syumai/goplayground-js 4 0 The Go Playground API client for JavaScript written in TypeScript.
810 herudi/static-files 4 0 Serve Static for Deno.
811 zebp/async-cell 4 0 An async cell for TypeScript that supports Node and Deno
812 zebp/channo 4 0 A channel library for Deno that provides Rust-like channels backed by async-cell.
813 NiclasEgeler/CSGO 4 0 Query information from a running source based game server
814 irandeno/tea 4 0 Modern and Modular telegram framework for deno
815 l2ig/deta-deno 4 0 An unofficial API client for Deno
816 denyncrawford/deno-gkm 4 0 Async based, Global Keyboard and Mouse listener (GKM) driver for Deno.
817 iamtuhana/dewnload 4 0 Yet another DenoJS library for downloading files from URL.
818 link-discord/string-similarity 4 0 A deno port of the string similarity npm package.
819 rimbu-org/rimbu 4 0 Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
820 kitsonk/xhr 4 0 An XMLHttpRequest polyfill for Deno CLI and Deploy 🦕
821 bruh-boys/pai 4 0 remove the ansi colors
822 justjavac/deno_ttl 4 0 Simple in-memory TTL(Time To Live) cache for Deno.
823 satyawikananda/yummy 4 0 A simple wrapper API for Deno 🦕
824 toddself/take-five 4 0 JSON REST server
825 ebebbington/depcheck 4 0 Check for unused Deno dependencies
826 ravimashru/deno-nets 3 3 Create, train and use deep neural networks using Typescript in Deno
827 chances/ini 3 3 An ini parser/serializer in TypeScript for the Deno runtime
828 tbjgolden/deno-htmlparser2 3 3 Deno port of htmlparser2
829 JSBestPractices/numeral 3 2 Numeral is a standard Deno module for formatting and manipulating numbers.
830 fakoua/Humanizer.ts 3 2 Humanizer meets all your TypeScript needs for manipulating and displaying strings, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities.
831 esamattis/deno_karabiner 3 2 Write Complex Modifications for Karabiner-Elements using Typescript and Deno.
832 denorg/online 3 1 🕸️ Check if you're currently online in Deno
833 asos-craigmorten/permission-guard 3 1 A zero-dependency, minimal permission guard for Deno.
834 hayd/deno-sparkpost 3 1 Send emails from deno via the SparkPost API
835 swansontec/cleaners 3 1 Cleans & validates untrusted data, with TypeScript & Flow support
836 iAmNathanJ/bump 3 1 Project versioning tool for Deno
837 yeukfei02/deno-weather 3 1 get current weather by city name, state and country code
838 fakoua/deno_shot 3 1 Deno WebCapture module
839 vincentvictoria/random 3 1
840 jakobhellermann/deno-progressbar 3 1 a terminal progressbar for deno
841 olaven/serialize-xml 3 1 Serialize (i.e. stringify) an object into xml string.
842 glatan/sha2 3 1 SHA-2 family for Deno.
843 justjavac/deno-username 3 1 Get the username of the current user
844 michael-spengler/utilities 3 1 🦕 module for several kinds of utilities 🛠 like random delays, shuffling array contents etc. Feel free to add stuff you find useful via PR. 🤓
845 kress95/prelude 3 1 Use purifree instead. A base library for functional programming in deno.
846 SquarePear/pokedeno 3 1 A module to access and from Deno!
847 hazae41/abortable.ts 3 1 Abortable promises for Deno
848 khrj/hcload 3 1 Upload files to Hackclub's CDN using your CLI
849 juanjoDiaz/streamparser-json 3 1 Streaming JSON parser in Javascript for Node.js and the browser
850 quaos/deno-fetch-graphql 3 1 A lightweight client for creating and sending GraphQL requests over Fetch API (without Schema/GQL Types validation)
851 TokenChingy/panoptes 3 1 A simple array and object watcher function for Deno. Written in TypeScript.
852 DjDeveloperr/Tesseract-Deno 3 1 Deno wrapper for Tesseract OCR engine CLI.
853 thesmart/nodash 3 1 A partial port of lodash and test suit to TypeScript for the Deno JavaScript runtime.
854 garronej/tsafe 3 1 The missing TypeScript builtins
855 brecert/mouri 3 1 A simple, easy to use, and relatively performant way to create and join uri parts together.
856 valtlai/nunjucks-deno 3 1 A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (Jinja 2 inspired) — 🦕 Deno version
857 aqkj/bingo 3 1 仿koa语法的deno版web框架
858 littledivy/mouseevents 3 1 Mouse Events for Deno
859 chiefbiiko/sha256 3 1 SHA2-256 4 Deno
860 ebebbington/dami 3 1 Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) Client for Deno
861 0x1af2aec8f957/reepack 3 1 template pack tool
862 riiid/ubershape 3 0
863 Umajs/umajs-deno 3 0 Umajs deno版本,拥有 Umajs 全量功能。
864 drashland/line 3 0 A command-line interface (CLI) framework.
865 Code-Hex/deno-context 3 0 🦕【Deno】Propagate deadlines, a cancellation and other request-scoped values to multiple promise.
866 cloudydeno/deno-kubernetes_client 3 0 Typescript library for accessing a Kubernetes API server
867 joglr/gubb 3 0 A very minimalistic Node.js test runner
868 davidmartinez10/bigfloat-deno 3 0 A library for arbitrary precision decimal floating point arithmetic.
869 fancy-flashcard/random-mix 3 0 Repeated weighted random selection based on a discrete probability distribution to create pseudo-random lists 🦕⚡
870 denosaurs/exit 3 0 🧹 Execute function when you program is exiting
871 MarcDwyer/tmi.ts 3 0 Connect to Twitch Chat using Deno.
872 fabrv/mustache.ts 3 0 A Typescript Deno-first refactoring of Mustache.js
873 Jkierem/jazzi 3 0 Juan's Algebraic Data Structures
874 DevSnowflake/jpeg 3 0 JPEG Encoder/Decoder for Deno based on Node's jpeg-js
875 trailmix/utilities 3 0 Repository of utilities for deno written in typescript for trailmix🌤🦕🍣😼
876 scientific-dev/custom-socket 3 0 A custom socket for deno to add custom headers!
877 DevArtSite/dftps 3 0 DFtpS is an FTP server on Deno
878 Cretezy/deno_body_parser 3 0 A generic HTTP body parser for Deno
879 franckLdx/fs_cli 3 0 A deno tool to handle directories and files through script: delete directories or files, copy simple or recursive, etc. Inspired by rimraf and mkdirp
880 RobDWaller/explicitly 3 0 Additional assertions for Deno so developers can write more explicit unit tests.
881 justjavac/deno-murmurhash 3 0 An incremental implementation of MurmurHash3 for JavaScript
882 Focinfi/deno-pipeline 3 0 Configurable data pipeline in Deno
883 spitlo/mercuriceratops 3 0 A pretty basic client for Gemini, written for Deno
884 functionalland/ramda 3 0 🐏 Practical functional Javascript
885 JWebCoder/metle 3 0 memory storage with ttl and reset after request quantity
886 deno-nonstd/zap 3 0 Adds a config file to make it easier to use complex Deno shell commands.
887 youngjuning/duck 3 0 Simple dynamic router register for Deno
888 daniel-araujo/deno-rsync-parser 3 0 Parses the output of rsync when called with the --itemize-changes option. This allows you to programmatically identify files that got created, updated and deleted. Output can be in the form of strings and streams.
889 justjavac/deno_string 3 0 Deno string utils.
890 justjavac/deno_serverless 3 0
891 justjavac/deno_data_dir 3 0 Returns the path to the user's data directory.
892 justjavac/deno_actix 3 0 Actix binding for Deno
893 ryankpatterson/deno_server 3 0
894 justjavac/deno_is_running 3 0 Return true if the given PID is running.
895 caspervonb/deno-web 3 0 Cobwebs everywhere
896 justjavac/deno_ansi 3 0 ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal
897 justjavac/deno_is_ssh 3 0 Whether the process is running inside SSH.
898 dance-planner/log 3 0 A frequently used log configuration. Adding Date Time. Adding warnings and errors to file. Infos are green.
899 gustavofabro/deno_kill_port 3 0 Deno module that kills the process of an informed port.
900 Maxvien/jsonfile 3 0 📚 Easily read/write JSON files in Deno
901 MICKeyzwo/arguments_parser 3 0 A simple arguments parser for Deno
902 nebrelbug/eta_plugin_mixins 3 0 Plugin that adds mixin support to the Eta template engine
903 TheThunderGuyS/usefulTags 3 0 A tiny JavaScript library providing some useful template literal tags.
904 Daggy1234/Oak-Logger 3 0 A simple and opinionated logging middleware for Deno oak.
905 deno-log-symbols/log-symbols 3 0 Colored symbols for various log levels for Deno.
906 NCPlayz/DenoHub 3 0 A GitHub API v3 Client for Deno.
907 hyurl/function-intercept 3 0 Binding and calling actions before and/or after invoking a function.
908 hyurl/safe-string-literal 3 0 Escapes and Unescapes strings into safe literals.
909 oloshe/red 3 0 Red dot notification management module based on tree structure (基于树结构的红点通知管理模块)
910 n1c00o/deno-snowflake 3 0 ❄ Deno module to work with Twitter's Snowflake technology
911 cmorten/opine-cli 3 0 Opine's application generator
912 hrsh7th/deno-json-rpc 3 0 Strongly typed json-rpc module for deno.
913 Schotsl/Uwuifier-deno 3 0 This repository contains the Uwuifier Deno package! It's made for Deno which means it's written in TypeScript, the package also makes use of the build-in Deno testing.
914 depnoland/denoland_api 3 0 api wrapper for (UNOFFICIAL)
915 MamoruDS/cap 3 0 Simple cli arguments parser written in typescript for node/Deno
916 OwOland/deno-owoifier 3 0 🦕 A text OwOifier made for Deno 🦕
917 sergetymo/kaksik 3 0 Middleware library for creating apps for Gemini protocol on top of Deno runtime using TypeScript
918 vinliao/decense 3 0 Generate a license with one deno run command 🦕
919 larshisken/deno_uri_template 3 0 A Typescript implementation of URI Template (RFC6570)
920 khrj/p-timeout 3 0 Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time
921 maldan/denolib-bytearray 3 0 Deno module for easy handling of bytes and bits.
922 DjDeveloperr/Raqote-Deno 3 0 Raqote bindings for Deno.
923 hmt/tinyscale 3 0 A tiny BigBlueButton load balancer
924 khrj/typed-event-target 3 0 Strictly typed EventTarget for Deno and the Browser
925 LarsVomMars/YADWF 3 0 Yet Another Deno Web Framework
926 naominotexists/azurite 3 0 An expandable database module for Deno.
927 c4spar/deno-codeview 3 0 🦕 Deno Coverage Webview Reporter
928 veritem/xdeno 3 0 Finite State Machine Library for Deno
929 octavetoast/binlingo 3 0 Binary reader and writer utilities for Deno, Node.js and browsers.
930 saqqdy/marsgit 3 0 marsgit is gitmars for deno
931 scientific-dev/emoji-canvas 3 0 An easy to use module to write text with parsed emojis (supports discord emojis too) in canvas for deno!
932 crayon-js/crayon 3 0 🖍️ Terminal styling done fast
933 benjamn/deno_modules 3 0
934 thelittlefamily/little 3 0 A minimalistic connect-like web framework. Automatically works out of the box with Deno Deploy, Deno's Native HTTP and Deno's Standard HTTP server.
935 vhaghverdi/delo 3 0 The Elo rating system for Deno
936 zebp/multipart-stream 3 0 Create ReadableStreams from multipart forms without allocating the entire form on the heap
937 dogukanakkaya/deno-validify 3 0 Validate your Deno application's incoming data
938 DjDeveloperr/deno_ffi 3 0 Foreign Function Interface Plugin for Deno.
939 ebebbington/crumpets 3 0 Transpiler for client side typescript code
940 wioenena-q/Tiger 3 0 Console-sided log module built for Deno.
941 lambdalisue/deno-disposable 3 0 🦕 Ensure a disposable resource is disposed in Deno
942 sssonamuuu/enummapping 3 0 ts enum object, 带typescript签名的多字段枚举关联对象映射
943 link-discord/loggaby-deno 3 0 A logger package inspired by loggaby for deno
944 eru123/usid 3 0 Short and Unique ID Generator. Random ID, UUID, UID and SID Generator.
945 jcs224/oak_inertia 3 0 Oak middleware for Inertia.js
946 lambdalisue/deno-sandbox 3 0 🦕 Create a temporary sandbox directory which is removed when the instance is disposed
947 uki00a/deno-notifier.ts 3 0 Send desktop notifications with Deno
948 lambdalisue/deno-set-operations 3 0 🦕 Deno module which provides basic set operations
949 kitsonk/virtualStorage 3 0 An observable polyfill for local storage 🦕
950 lucacasonato/comrak-wasm 3 0 WASM bindings for the comrak markdown renderer
951 archoki/wasmtk 3 0 A collection of tools to help you get started with your WebAssembly journey
952 el3um4s/DenoWiki 3 0 A simple API for DenoJS to query Wikipedia and parse the results.
953 DevAndromeda/temperature 3 0 Simple package for deno to convert temperature.
954 pashutk/fp-ts 3 0 Functional programming in TypeScript
955 lionhat-collective/cobain 3 0 A (micro) web-framework for Deno. Utilizing function composition and proxies to create a cohesive and fluent web-framework.
956 LangiviTechnology/twig.js 3 0 JS implementation of the Twig Templating Language
957 ako-deno/type_is 2 2 Infer the content-type of a HTTP Header for Deno
958 ihack2712/shard 2 2 An authentic unique ID for everyone and everything.
959 zekth/deno_case_style 2 2 A string validator and formater for case Style
960 RobDWaller/resulty 2 2 Provides simple, Rust-like Result and Option objects for Deno.
961 Hunam6/lyrics-deno 2 2 A lyrics finder/scraper for Deno
962 rafaelferres/deno-log 2 2 Lightweight logger with an extensible configuration 🦕
963 link-discord/supabase-js 2 2 An isomorphic Javascript client for Supabase.
964 denorg/invert-kv 2 1 🙃 Invert key-value pairs in an object, e.g., { foo: "bar" } → { bar: "foo" }
965 drashland/unilogger 2 1 Logger utility module for Deno
966 michael-spengler/registries 2 1 Deno registries optimization - e.g. synchronization
967 i18next/i18next-resources-to-backend 2 1 This package helps to transform resources to an i18next backend
968 ako-deno/accepts 2 1 Higher level content negotiation for Deno.
969 denorg/arch 2 1 Detect OS architecture
970 denosaurs/branch 2 1 📠 Denosaurs pretty logger
971 ako-deno/keygrip-deno 2 1 A keygrip implementation in Deno
972 jeanlescure/short_uuid 2 1 Deno module used for generating random or sequential UUID of any length
973 AhmedAlYousif/meteorite 2 1 a framework to build REST APIs in Deno runtime.
974 functionalland/functional-redis 2 1 A simple Redis client in tune with Functional Programming principles in JavaScript for Deno.
975 bobheadxi/readable 2 1 👓 Opinionated Markdown formatter, featuring semantic line breaks
976 altdx/testing 2 1 A lightweight module for performing tests and mocks with Deno.
977 funql/ISDB 2 1
978 grammyjs/rateLimiter 2 1 🔌 A simple plugin for grammY and Telegraf frameworks to rate-limit users and avoid spamming requests to your Telegram bot.
979 allain/deno-databatcher 2 1 DataBatcher implementation in deno
980 mauroerta/deno-plural 2 1 deno-plural module helps you to pluralize or singularize a given word.
981 deepakshrma/oak_middlewares 2 1 A collection of middleware for the oak framework.
982 fakoua/SwissKnife 2 1 Deno Swiss Knife tools
983 justjavac/deno-vendors 2 1 List of vendor prefixes known to the web platform
984 garronej/my_dummy_npm_and_deno_module 2 1 Example/tutorial on how to setup denoify
985 justjavac/deno_module_info 2 1 Get module info
986 martonlederer/dirname 2 1 The Deno implementation of __dirname of Node
987 AliBasicCoder/convert-size 2 1 a library to convert file size like MB, GB, ...etc
988 interaapps/cajax 2 1 CajaxJS is an lightweight JS Http client for everyone! (Promise, ES6, deno, npm support)
989 eserozvataf/jsmake 2 1
990 hyurl/utils 2 1 Utility functions of HyURL collection.
991 ihack2712/queue 2 1 A strongly-typed queue object.
992 nullobsi/ftpdeno 2 1 FTP Client for Deno
993 JullianDev/deno-signalr 2 1 A SignalR client for Deno🦕 that supports
994 ajkachnic/replit-database-deno 2 1 A Deno port of the Node DB client
995 Hunam6/minecraft-deno 2 1 A full Minecraft API wrapper for Deno 🦕
996 rafaelferres/deno-hidefile 2 1 Create hidden file or folder in Deno 🦕
997 VueDeno/Vue 2 1 Vue for Deno
998 apacheli/void 2 1 Codec for the External Term Format
999 jpelgrims/terminal 2 1 Use the terminal as a canvas
1000 cmorten/native_http 2 1 Native Deno HTTP client and server implementations
1001 getoslash/chrome-webstore-api 2 1 Deno library for uploading & publishing extensions and themes to the Chrome Web Store
1002 getoslash/chrome-webstore-cli 2 1 CLI for uploading & publishing your extensions and themes to the Chrome Web Store
1003 ovesco/diosaur 2 1 A dependency injection library for Deno and Node
1004 chiefbiiko/sha512 2 1
1005 lapidev/lapi 2 1 A full-featured middleware-based web framework for Deno
1006 khrj/slack-rtm-api 2 1 Connect to the Slack platform over a persistent Websocket connection. Deno port of @slack/rtm-api
1007 tchenu/yeswehack-sdk 2 1 YesWeHack SDK written in Deno 🦕
1008 drashland/moogle 2 0 An easy way to "Google" your "Map" using search terms
1009 deno-library/events 2 0 EventEmitter for deno
1010 cloudydeno/deno-kubernetes_apis 2 0 REST focused Typescript classes for Kubernetes APIs, and tools for generating API interfaces
1011 BlueFox-Development/BlueFoxHost-API-Wrapper 2 0 BlueFox API wrapper for Deno.
1012 grammyjs/runner 2 0 Scale grammY bots
1013 alreadyExisted/deno_app_setuper 2 0 A CLI to setup apps like a Create React App
1014 KSXGitHub/deno-compose 2 0 pipe, pipeline, and compose functions with 64 overloads per function.
1015 ako-deno/isIP 2 0 IP address detector for Deno.
1016 deno-library/logger 2 0 logger for deno
1017 luca-rand/testing 2 0 Move along, just for testing
1018 denosh/denosh 2 0 A cli solution for Deno
1019 KSXGitHub/deno-tree 2 0 Deno's library to traverse filesystem tree.
1020 teddytags/teddytags 2 0 🐻 The superfast way to custom elements.
1021 oganexon/deno-remove-forever 2 0 Data erasure solution for files on deno 🦕
1022 martendV/mei-long 2 0 REST Framework for Deno Standard Library Http
1023 fancy-flashcard/learn 2 0 This 🦕 module is inspired by an education project of DHBW Mannheim. It optimizes learning processes. 🚀
1024 DevSnowflake/deno-snowflake-util 2 0 Snowflake Utility provider based on Discord.js SnowflakeUtil.
1025 udibo/collections 2 0 Collection classes that are not standard built-in objects in JavaScript. This includes a vector, binary heap, binary search tree, and a red-black tree.
1026 DevSnowflake/deno-eval 2 0 [DENO] Eval untrusted and possibly malicious code.
1027 ScarletsFiction/EventPine 2 0 A simple extendable event emitter class
1028 postcss/postcss-deno-import 2 0 postcss-import plugin for Deno
1029 ThaiJamesLee/pwchecker 2 0 A tool to check the password security. Built on deno.
1030 vovacodes/simple-web-locks 2 0 A single threaded implementation of Web Locks API. Works across runtimes (Browser, Deno, Node).
1031 DevSnowflake/serialize_javascript 2 0 Deno version of serialize-javascript
1032 SkyStar-modules/sizeof 2 0 calculate the size of any input
1033 DevSnowflake/bitmap 2 0 Bitmap Encoder/Decoder for Deno based on Node's bmp-js.
1034 sylc/dkill 2 0 kill processes and ports for Deno 🦕 with cli or programmatically
1035 bentruyman/nice-package-json 2 0 An opinionated formatter for package.json files
1036 duart38/BADGESH 2 0 terminal usage achievements.
1037 shopstic/helmet 2 0 Type-safe Helm - the right way to do Infrastructure as Code in Kubernetes
1038 shopstic/k8s-deno-client 2 0 Deno / TypeScript Kubernetes client
1039 felladrin/typed-event-dispatcher 2 0 Strongly-typed events that can be publicly listened but internally-only dispatched.
1040 lideming/btrdb 2 0 A CoW NoSQL database engine inspired by btrfs
1041 fromdeno/cache 2 0 Simple API for Deno cache.
1042 crqra/octono 2 0 🍂 GitHub REST API for Deno projects
1043 Kirlovon/fast-writer 2 0 Fast & Safe file writing for Deno ✒
1044 itsmaheshkariya/a1 2 0 A1 Is Javascript Micro framework for rapid API Development
1045 chiefbiiko/blake2b 2 0 BLAKE2b implemented in WebAssembly
1046 Matthew-Smith/awaitable_mutex 2 0 Deno module for blocking execution of a section of code to one at a time
1047 chiefbiiko/base64 2 0 base64 strings from/to Uint8Arrays
1048 michael-spengler/commandline_processor 2 0 Module to execute commands on command line
1049 michael-spengler/distance-calculator 2 0 🦕 Module to calculate distances based on latitude & longitude geocoordinates.
1050 iMarv/Option 2 0 A deno module for handling null and undefined values, inspired by Rusts Option
1051 paulmj7/linecopyprotocol 2 0 Easily copy and paste lines of data from one file to another. Built on top of Deno.
1052 satty1987/json_tree 2 0
1053 cesar-faria/simple_slackbot 2 0
1054 justjavac/deno_color_name 2 0 A list of color names and its values
1055 often/mojang 2 0 Simple and lightweight Mojang API wrapper.
1056 yourtion/deno-sql 2 0 Powerful and Easy use SQL Query Builder on Deno From @leizm/sql
1057 acathur/store 2 0 A key-value store that persists on disk for Deno.
1058 KSXGitHub/yaml-wasm 2 0 WebAssembly module to parse YAML
1059 deanlyz/gaussian 2 0 A Typescript model of the Normal (or Gaussian) distribution for Deno.
1060 FaberVitale/deno-ndjson 2 0 Read, write, parse and serialize new line delimited JSON in deno:
1061 TrueWill/paleontologist 2 0 Scientist-like module for Deno in TypeScript
1062 justjavac/deno-slash 2 0 Convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths
1063 aynik/deno-purify 2 0 Functional programming library for TypeScript, Ported to Deno -
1064 Srinivasa314/tinyfiledialogs-deno 2 0 A library for displaying various kinds of dialogs. It is a wrapper of tinyfiledialogs-rs
1065 justjavac/deno_language 2 0 ISO 639-1 language
1066 justjavac/deno_open_data 2 0
1067 keithamus/deno-scanner 2 0 Take a Deno.Reader and perform Lexical Analysis/Tokenization on it, returning a stream of tokens.
1068 justjavac/deno_dui 2 0
1069 justjavac/deno_machine_id 2 0 Unique machine (desktop) id (no admin privileges required)
1070 justjavac/deno_data_local_dir 2 0 Returns the path to the user's local data directory.
1071 michael-spengler/time 2 0 🦕 module for location based timezone provisioning etc. - alpha test phase.
1072 justjavac/deno_executable_dir 2 0 Returns the path to the user's executable directory.
1073 envis10n/deno_sockets 2 0 Asynchronous TCP sockets for Deno.
1074 rodolphocastro/dixture 2 0 Dixture is a Deno module that helps you create random data for your tests.
1075 lsegurado/ls-element 2 0 Web Components with TSX
1076 hazae41/timeout.ts 2 0 Abortable promise timeout for Deno
1077 justjavac/deno_pkg 2 0
1078 rok-star/buildsystem 2 0 Build System for C/C++ projects using Deno and TypeScript
1079 michael-spengler/http_to_https 2 0 🦕 module to forward unsafe requests from port 80 to safe port 443.
1080 justjavac/deno_longest 2 0 Get the length of the longest item in an array.
1081 scientific-dev/factful.deno 2 0 Simple way to get random facts using deno...
1082 justjavac/deno_is_free_port 2 0 Return true if a port is free.
1083 rkrmr33/await_to 2 0 A Deno utility module that allows awaiting on promises - Go style
1084 trimorphdev/deno-depd 2 0 Deprecate no longer supported features in your library with ease!
1085 justjavac/deno_letter_spacing 2 0 Set the horizontal spacing behavior between text characters.
1086 Vehmloewff/dirt 2 0 A task-focused build/run tool for Deno
1087 justjavac/deno_version_info 2 0 Get version info of Deno module
1088 justjavac/deno_ssh 2 0 Bindings to libssh2 for interacting with SSH servers and executing remote commands, forwarding local ports, etc.
1089 jariazavalverde/ts-pio 2 0 A monadic library for I/O actions in TypeScript
1090 sekko27/didi-algorithms 2 0 Deno module for Kahn topological sort
1091 sno2/url_builder 2 0 A Deno Module for Building Urls Fast & Easy
1092 sidzan/denoWars 2 0
1093 AliBasicCoder/fs-pro 2 0 working with files easliy
1094 shadowtime2000/denoname 2 0 A dead simple way to get the Deno equivalent of dirname and filename.
1095 narrowizard/oak-injector 2 0 a dependency injector for deno oak server.
1096 jveres/deco 2 0 Decorators for Deno
1097 sno2/deact 2 0 A type enforced Deno module for state management with hooks.
1098 DjDeveloperr/fetch-base64 2 0 A simple module to fetch Base64 data of any image/gif, remote or local.
1099 mayankchoubey/deno-doze 2 0 Async sleeping functions for deno
1100 ihack2712/ternary 2 0 Logical operations for the ternary numeral system.
1101 shadowtime2000/energydb 2 0 Key value database for Deno
1102 Vehmloewff/downloader 2 0 Downloads files, extracting them when ordered to do so
1103 dylanpyle/dataclips-cli 2 0 A CLI for Heroku Dataclips
1104 nullobsi/GoDeno 2 0 Go glue code for Deno.
1105 Nexxkinn/littleZip 2 0 memory-friendly basic zip compression, decompression, and single file extraction for deno framework
1106 ModProg/input_plus 2 0 Advanced input module.
1107 FaberVitale/storage-helpers 2 0 A set of tools to manage localStorage, sessionStorage and more that run on browsers, node and deno. 💾
1108 roggervalf/fake-gen 2 0 Fake data generator
1109 yoshixmk/pinyin 2 0 🇨🇳 汉字拼音 ➜ hàn zì pīn yīn
1110 sno2/type-toolkit 2 0 A collection of types to ease your TypeScript experience and super-charge your development⚡
1111 Tyrenn/mimetypes 2 0 Deno Mime types module
1112 GJZwiers/regexbuilder-deno 2 0 Build regexes using fluent APIs in Deno.
1113 piyush-bhatt/crypto-random-string 2 0 Deno module to generate a cryptographically strong random string
1114 imNevis/Rang 2 0 Rang for deno!
1115 gobengo/heap 2 0 Heap data structure written in TypeScript/Deno
1116 DjDeveloperr/deno_ipc 2 0 Deno module to interact with local sockets.
1117 BlazeWasHere/knackt-nu-deno 2 0 library for in deno
1118 jd1378/deno-another-cookiejar 2 0
1119 khrj/retried 2 0 Deno/ES6+/TypeScript rewrite of
1120 gabrielizaias/deno-validation 2 0 🦕 Validation functions for Deno
1121 khrj/finity 2 0 Deno port of
1122 ImportantDenoModules/isBoolean 2 0 Deno module that tells you if a value is a boolean
1123 DjDeveloperr/SqliteWorker 2 0 Deno SQLite embedded in Worker for async interfacing.
1124 Interfiber/snowfall.ts 2 0 Snowfall.ts is a modern http library for deno
1125 Dygear/Twilio 2 0 Twilio Interface for Deno
1126 maldan/denolib-extend-string 2 0 Extend Default String Class
1127 AhsabAli2000/dishook 2 0 A simple wrapper around Discord WebHook Api (Work in progress)
1128 DjDeveloperr/Glslang-Deno 2 0 Compile GLSL to SPIR-V binary. Port of @webgpu/glslang (NPM).
1129 tebuevd/deno_replit_db 2 0
1130 hazae41/sequence.ts 2 0 Iterable piping and processing utility for Deno
1131 timonson/shadow 2 0 Shadow is simple base class for creating fast, lightweight web components with htm
1132 grevend/singleton 2 0 singleton deno module
1133 apacheli/urbanary 2 0 A Deno library for Urban Dictionary
1134 scientific-dev/guildedeno 2 0 Interact with the guilded client api using deno!
1135 octavetoast/speedytree 2 0 Ultra-fast quadtree implementation in JavaScript for Deno.
1136 lechuckroh/password-meter 2 0 Password strength calculator based on
1137 Okirshen/D-rex 2 0 A simple command wrapper for the Harmony deno discord framework
1138 denyncrawford/deno-rollup-plugin-serve 2 0 Deno rebuilt/port from rollup-plugin-serve. Creates a development server for testing your front-end apps.
1139 denyncrawford/deno-livereload 2 0 Automatic browser reloads at file changes for Deno ✨
1140 josephrocca/XMLHttpRequest-deno 2 0 A polyfill of XMLHttpRequest for Deno (and other browser and browser-like environments) by browserifying @driverdan/node-XMLHttpRequest
1141 josephrocca/gpt-2-3-tokenizer 2 0 GPT-2/3 tokenizer based on @latitudegames/GPT-3-Encoder that works in the browser and Deno
1142 TomokiMiyauci/fonction 2 0 A modern practical functional library
1143 mighty-pattern/mighty-promise 2 0 Powerful promise utils collections
1144 zebp/hash_slinging_slasher 2 0 A streaming hash library for Deno
1145 GCSBOSS/deno-eclipt 2 0 A flexible Deno library to create CLIs
1146 hazae41/ethabi.wasm 2 0 WebAssembly powered Ethereum ABI encoder/decoder for Deno, written in Rust
1147 kt3k/iterable_file_server 2 0 Serve items from AsyncIterable<File>
1148 dlukanin/deno-they-said-so 2 0 Simple They Said So client for Deno
1149 sno2/secret_store 2 0 A secure key/value storage using AES encryption for values using localStorage for Deno.
1150 wioenena-q/dinord 2 0 Discord API wrapper for deno.
1151 connuh/animals 2 0 Animals is an API wrapper that can make customizable HTTP requests to the URL specified making it fully modular!
1152 valtlai/postcss-color-image 2 0 Use a solid color as an image in CSS
1153 deno-libs/slate 2 0 ☯️ Unofficial Slate API client for Deno, an open-source Filecoin-based storage system.
1154 arghyadeep-k/deno-password-checker 2 0 Password checking module for Deno🦕
1155 jiawei397/deno-oak-nest 2 0 Refer to nestjs to realize some common functions for Deno
1156 link-discord/deno-database 2 0 A database package to use in deno
1157 load1n9/openai 2 0 unofficial Deno wrapper for the Open Ai api
1158 yooneskh/yongo 2 0 Minimal MongoDB for Deno
1159 j-mendez/dfirestore 2 0 a deno Firestore client 🦕
1160 MierenManz/rustility 2 0 Ya Like Rust?
1161 leonskidev/range 2 0 Rust-like ranges in Deno.
1162 ca-d/ide 2 0 deno deploy editor
1163 kt3k/deps_info 2 0 An alternative to deno info, supports non-standard file imports, such as .css, .svg, etc
1164 Hadi374/deno-telegram-bot 2 0 telegram bot with deno
1165 alexlafroscia/dui 2 0 Terminal rendering for Deno
1166 kawarimidoll/denote 2 0 A minimal profile page generator for Deno Deploy
1167 dyedgreen/deno-jsx 2 0 Minimal JSX implementation to support Deno SSR
1168 oscarotero/gpm 2 0 Git-based package manager for Deno
1169 remagnedlogeht/amethyst 2 0 some framework im making for fun
1170 simwipado/graphql-ts 2 0 A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript
1171 10yung/consistent_task_dispatcher 2 0 A task dispatcher widget using consistent hashing
1172 oguimbal/moo 2 0 Optimised tokenizer/lexer generator! 🐄 Uses /y for performance. Moo.
1173 oguimbal/nearley 2 0 📜🔜🌲 Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript.
1174 jellydn/node-crawler 2 0 Web Crawler/Spider for NodeJS + server-side jQuery ;-)
1175 khrj/slack-logger 2 0 Logger for slack-deno packages. Deno port of @slack/logger
1176 khrj/slack-types 2 0 Types for slack-deno packages. Deno port of @slack/types
1177 khrj/slack-oauth 2 0 Setup the OAuth flow for Slack apps easily. Deno port of @slack/oauth
1178 khrj/slack-socket-mode 2 0 Recieve events from Slack's Events API over a WebSocket connection. Deno port of @slack/socket-mode
1179 khrj/slack-webhook 2 0 Helper for making requests to Slack's Incoming Webhooks. Deno port of @slack/webhook
1180 crqra/cmdr 2 0 A simple module to parse CLI arguments, flags and options for Deno.
1181 crqra/openapi 2 0 Various modules to power OpenAPI in Deno
1182 link-discord/gotrue-js 2 0 An isomorphic Javascript library for GoTrue.
1183 lemarier/deno-env-paths 1 3 Get paths for storing things like data, config, cache, etc with Deno.
1184 dr-useless/tweetnacl-deno 1 3 Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to TypeScript for Deno
1185 ako-deno/cookies 1 2
1186 ako-deno/http_errors 1 2 Create HTTP Error for Deno
1187 dmpjs/linkedlist 1 2 A doubly linked list (Bi-directional) implementation.
1188 Tnifey/class-transformer 1 2 Deno port of class-transformer
1189 fakoua/cowsay 1 2 Configurable talking cow for Deno
1190 jchen1/crontab-deno 1 2 simple cron-based job runner for deno
1191 hyperupcall/config 1 2 A deno module that helps you load configuration
1192 gastrodon/iFunny.js 1 2 the javascript iFunny library, with full async support
1193 DjDeveloperr/PostQuery 1 2 An easy to use Query Client for Deno Postgres.
1194 authlete/authlete-deno 1 1 Authlete Library for Deno
1195 VueDeno/vue-template-compiler 1 1 This package can be used to pre-compile Vue 2.0 templates into render functions to avoid runtime-compilation overhead and CSP restrictions. In most cases you should be using it with vue-loader, you will only need it separately if you are writing build tools with very specific needs.
1196 data-uri/datauri-deno 1 1 Deno module to generate Data URI schemes
1197 cloudydeno/deno-datadog_api 1 1 Lightweight client for accessing several Datadog APIs
1198 grammyjs/transformer-throttler 1 1 Throttling transformer for grammY
1199 damianperera/ts-arrays 1 1 Provides utility methods for common Array operations
1200 atenasjs/atenas 1 1 The Deno framework for building server-side applications
1201 FaberVitale/deno_minimist 1 1 💾 Parses command line arguments. Port & rewrite of the node library minimist
1202 chiefbiiko/chacha20 1 1 ChaCha20
1203 deepakshrma/deno_util 1 1 A collection of util libraries for Deno like logger [supports color, format, level], prompts [password]
1204 yeukfei02/deno-giphy-api 1 1 giphy api in deno
1205 vslinko/deno-readline 1 1 Readline implementation for Deno
1206 bretanac93/tiny-env 1 1 Tiny dotenv module for Deno
1207 justjavac/deno_unicode 1 1 Unicode lookup table for Deno
1208 DefinitelyMaybe/threejs_4_deno 1 1 A simple transformation of three.js for use within a Deno workflow
1209 justjavac/deno_word_wrap 1 1 Wrap words to a specified length.
1210 kumarchandan/dklearn 1 1 A Deno Machine Learning Framework
1211 SomberTM/local_cache 1 1 local cache for deno / typescript
1212 Rohan-ult/deno_storage 1 1 key-value storage for deno.
1213 ytakahashi/nps 1 1 Interactive npm-scripts runner for Node.js projects.
1214 josephrocca/wasm-image-decoder 1 1 Decodes images using Rust's image crate compiled to WebAssembly
1215 mitranim/afr 1 1 Always FResh: Deno library for serving files, with optional client integration for CSS injection and page reload. Simpler, better alternative to tools like Browsersync and Livereload
1216 daychongyang/dotenv 1 1 Loads environment variables from .env for deno projects.
1217 giovannifersan/Brazilian 1 1 Tools for developers in Brazil, also available for Deno
1218 dzno/deno-svg-captcha 1 1 SVG Captcha for Deno
1219 denosaurs/deps 1 0 🕴deps.ts manager for Deno [highly WIP]
1220 terillos-development/twitchd 1 0 A simple but smart wrapper around the twitch api for deno.
1221 ServiceStack/gistcafe-deno 1 0 utils for Deno
1222 lumeland/autoprefixer-deno 1 0
1223 apiel/adka_server 1 0
1224 amatiasq/deno 1 0
1225 apiel/den 1 0 A better deno cli :p A wrapper of deno cli to give some extra features.
1226 lencx/deno-getfiles 1 0 📂 Recursively get all files in a directory
1227 bawix/Deno-F1 1 0
1228 tiagostutz/annotated-csv-parser 1 0 Parser for Flux annotated CSV data
1229 ako-deno/fresh-deno 1 0
1230 ako-deno/escape_html 1 0 Escape string for use in HTML for Deno
1231 apiel/logol 1 0
1232 ako-deno/vary 1 0 Manipulate the HTTP Vary header for Deno
1233 udibo/mixins 1 0 Helper functions for combining objects and building up classes from partial classes.
1234 skyledge/mongo_query_dot_notation 1 0 Fast, lightweight library to transform objects to mongo update instructions using operators and dot notation. Ported from Node to Deno.
1235 axetroy/deno_pool 1 0 Generic pool for Deno
1236 deno-library/template 1 0 Template engine for Deno
1237 deno-library/unrar 1 0
1238 nic/fuu 1 0
1239 sumitgoelpw/deno-zabbix 1 0 Zabbix API Client for JavaScript/TypeScript Deno runtime.
1240 GGICE/trypoxylus 1 0 Deno based service engine
1241 BZFlagCommunity/bzfquery.js 1 0 JavaScript/TypeScript version of bzfquery for Deno with no external dependencies. It can also be used as a library or from the command line.
1242 ddgtr/is-number 1 0 The legendary is-number library for Deno.
1243 denoorg/json 1 0 The standard Deno module for accessing JSON easily.
1244 pozm/Nvidia_Rtx_Client 1 0 wrapper / client for checking if RTX 30__ card is in stock.
1245 triblesspace/tribles-deno 1 0 A simple immutable distributed knowledge base for tribles (binary triples).
1246 linden/deno-memcached 1 0 memcached driver for deno
1247 Fire7/denode 1 0 Deno in Node.js
1248 ZiomaleQ/twino 1 0 Twitter wrapper for deno
1249 RoXuS/compare-versions 1 0 Compare semver version strings to find which is greater, equal or lesser.
1250 DevSnowflake/json5 1 0 JSON5 for Deno
1251 DevAndromeda/canvaseno 1 0 Canvas API for deno
1252 deno-world/dot 1 0 Dot makes it possible to transform javascript objects using dot notation or array of strings.
1253 itstrivial/is-promise 1 0 You don't need this module. Use x instanceof Promise instead.
1254 brmcerqueira/tsx-render 1 0 A Deno TSX render.
1255 worker-tools/deno-kv-storage 1 0 An implementation of the StorageArea interface for Deno.
1256 regseb/cronnor 1 0 Bibliothèque JavaScript implémentant un programme Unix cron.
1257 tmdh/ascii_faces 1 0 Get some ASCII faces in Deno
1258 lrc-maker/lrc-parser 1 0 lrc-parser for lrc-maker
1259 MonkeDev/discord-webhook 1 0 A module to create/edit/delete webhook messages on Discord using their API
1260 decoverto/decoverto 1 0 Convert data to classes using @decorators
1261 jpmonette/req-ts 1 0 A JavaScript client library for accessing the Registre des entreprises du Québec. 🏢🇨🇦
1262 grammyjs/router 1 0 Router middleware for grammY
1263 dprint/js-formatter 1 0 JS formatter for dprint Wasm plugins.
1264 keean/applicative_parser 1 0 parser combinators applicative TypeScript deno module
1265 maximousblk/audit 1 0 [DEPRICATED] Add an audit notification for insecure versions of your modules
1266 oplik0/base91-deno 1 0 more space efficient encoding than base64
1267 eirikb/domdom-deno 1 0 The proactive web framework for the unprofessional - Deno build
1268 axetroy/deno_cross_env 1 0 A cli tool for setting environment variables across platforms
1269 marcosc90/encoding-wasm 1 0 WASM Base64 encoder/decoder
1270 el3um4s/Damerau-Levenshtein 1 0 Calculate the Damerau–Levenshtein distance between strings.
1271 acathur/exec 1 0 Execute and get the output of a shell or bash command in Deno.
1272 MarkTiedemann/deno_fastlist 1 0 List all running processes on Windows.
1273 luvies/dunner 1 0 A flexible declarative task runner inspired by make/jake
1274 often/ipapi 1 0 Simple API wrapper for Deno.
1275 KSXGitHub/simple-js-yaml-port-for-deno 1 0 This is a simple and crude port of JS-YAML for Deno.
1276 chiefbiiko/deno-libhydrogen 1 0 deno plugin 2 libhydrogen - broken due 2 changes in the deno plugin api - prs welcome
1277 jozsefsallai/iro 1 0 Fast and clean terminal coloring and styling utility for Deno and Node.js.
1278 JWebCoder/mith_router 1 0 Routing system for Mith framework
1279 often/rua 1 0 Random user-agent generator module for Deno.
1280 hkatzdev/secure-compare 1 0 Constant-time comparison algorithm to prevent timing attacks (Deno edition)
1281 KSXGitHub/deno-once 1 0 Create a function that calls and cache a function once
1282 r37r0m0d3l/deno-vicis 1 0 Presentation and transformation layer for data output in RESTful APIs.
1283 jpwilliams/waitgroup-deno 1 0 A tiny version of Golang's WaitGroup for Deno with promises and zero dependencies.
1284 wongjiahau/modify-via-query 1 0 Natural and type-safe query to mutate a copy of data without changing the original source
1285 claytsay/ssds-deno 1 0 Some Specialized Data Structures for Deno.
1286 pthongtaem/thai-baht-text-deno 1 0 Convert number to Thai Baht as Text
1287 approvers/promisub 1 0 The subscription utility by Promise in Deno.
1288 satty1987/time_ago 1 0
1289 dnrsm/pagespeed 1 0 CLI tool and API Wrapper for the PageSpeed Insights API written in Deno 🦕
1290 justjavac/deno_ieee754 1 0 Parse IEEE754 floating point numbers for Deno
1291 deno-nonstd/nonstd 1 0 A library for useful features that aren't currently in the std library.
1292 petruki/skimming 1 0 Skimming is a search engine module for Deno
1293 roonie007/url-parse 1 0 A simple url builder based on the URL object for Deno with typescript
1294 KSXGitHub/deno_run_tests_on_localhost 1 0 Create a localhost server and run tests
1295 Caesar2011/valideno 1 0 Validate your values and schemes with this extendable validator
1296 Uzumachi02/date-format-deno 1 0 Simple helper for Deno to convert Date format to string. Possibility to use predefined or custom formats.
1297 sant123/utfstring 1 0 UTF-safe string operations in Deno
1298 JohannLai/response-time 1 0 X-Response-Time middleware for Deno serve.
1299 ymonb1291/cfg 1 0 Configuration handler for deno with support for .env and scopes
1300 bernardini687/minidate 1 0 🦕 deno utility module for simple date creation
1301 aldinp16/shodan_deno 1 0 Simple Shodan API Wrapper For Deno
1302 glatan/typed_numeric_deno 1 0 Typed numeric for Deno.
1303 justjavac/deno_build 1 0
1304 marcosc90/transform 1 0 This package provides wrappers for Deno.Reader that transform the bytes passing through as well as multiple built-in transformers.
1305 timreichen/program 1 0 command-line interface for deno programs.
1306 vasuvanka/vuniq 1 0 uniq string id generator for deno.
1307 envis10n/deno-events 1 0 EventEmitter for Deno, based on EE-TS
1308 envis10n/deno-telnet 1 0 Telnet / GMCP helper and parser for Deno.
1309 runlevel5/aspect_ratio 1 0 A TypeScript module for image aspect calculation
1310 justjavac/deno_audio_dir 1 0 Returns the path to the user's audio directory.
1311 justjavac/deno_password 1 0
1312 justjavac/deno_picture_dir 1 0 Returns the path to the user's picture directory.
1313 justjavac/deno_tmp_dir 1 0 Returns the path to the user's tmp directory.
1314 justjavac/deno_runtime 1 0
1315 justjavac/deno_font_dir 1 0 Returns the path to the user's font directory.
1316 guaychou/deno-consul-api 1 0 Consul is tool for service discovery, healthcheck , and key value store for your serivces. But deno is new , so Help us to build consul api for deno
1317 miniDeathStriker/Discord.deno 1 0 A discord API wrapper for deno
1318 keithamus/deno-varint 1 0 Encode/Decode Number/BigInts into an array of Varint bytes
1319 wtfaremyinitials/deno-shell-tag 1 0 The simplest way to use a *nix tools in deno. let files = await shls -a
1320 jsimpson/binary_reader 1 0 A Deno module and helper class that provides an easy way to read different types from a binary array buffer.
1321 justjavac/deno_document_dir 1 0 Returns the path to the user's document directory.
1322 justjavac/deno_download_dir 1 0 Returns the path to the user's download directory.
1323 justjavac/deno_template_dir 1 0 Returns the path to the user's template directory.
1324 justjavac/deno_x256 1 0 Find the nearest xterm 256 color index for an rgb
1325 justjavac/deno_desktop_dir 1 0 Returns the path to the user's desktop directory.
1326 justjavac/deno_public_dir 1 0 Returns the path to the user's public directory.
1327 justjavac/deno_video_dir 1 0 Returns the path to the user's video directory.
1328 michael-spengler/ethereum 1 0 Deno Module to interact with the Ethereum Network - e.g. providing an etherscan api wrapper ...
1329 ihack2712/license 1 0
1330 deno-npm/ethjs-signer 1 0
1331 anuragvohraec/compass 1 0 A very simple route detection library
1332 sno2/yaml_loader 1 0 A yaml file loader & parser module for Deno
1333 justjavac/deno_is_unc_path 1 0 Whether the filepath is a windows UNC file path.
1334 rivy/js.xdg-portable 1 0 Determine XDG Base Directory paths (OS/platform portable)
1335 deno-npm/ethjs-account 1 0
1336 chocolateboy/conjoin 1 0 A fast and flexible joiner for iterables and arrays with a tiny footprint
1337 artur-borys/lapis 1 0 A Deno express-like HTTP server
1338 deno-npm/eth-lib 1 0
1339 deno-npm/web3-core-subscriptions 1 0
1340 justjavac/deno_is_relative 1 0 Whether the filepath is a relative file path.
1341 juzi5201314/deno-bincode 1 0 A deno binding of servo/bincode
1342 thismarvin/susurrus 1 0 a simple lightweight javascript library intended to help create highly performant visualizations for the web.
1343 discosaur/drive 1 0
1344 deno-npm/rlp 1 0
1345 discosaur/disc 1 0 Low level Discord API wrapper
1346 deno-npm/web3-eth-abi 1 0
1347 michael-spengler/web3 1 0 Ethereum TypeScript API
1348 zhangyuannie/deno_rat 1 0 A module that provides support for fractions and rational number arithmetic
1349 Aasim-A/yt_xml2srt 1 0 Deno package to convert Youtube caption format from XML to SRT with Zero dependencies
1350 michael-spengler/deno-truffle 1 0 Deno module for developing smart contracts
1351 deno-npm/web3-core-method 1 0
1352 deno-npm/web3-utils 1 0
1353 jsimpson/fitreader 1 0 A Deno library for parsing and decoding .FIT files.
1354 sant123/get_stdin 1 0 Get stdin as a string or buffer in Deno
1355 ryankpatterson/deno_reload 1 0 Automatically reloads a deno server when a file is changed.
1356 justjavac/deno_wechat 1 0
1357 justjavac/deno_text_indent 1 0 Sets the length of empty space (indentation) that is put before lines of text in a block.
1358 justjavac/deno_latest_version 1 0 Get the latest version of Deno module
1359 michael-spengler/telegram-bot-ui 1 0 🦕 module to interact with your bot and to act as your bot.
1360 jw2476/discord 1 0 Discord API bindings written for deno
1361 Escapingbug/r2pipe_deno 1 0
1362 vovacodes/deno-toolbox 1 0 Collection of utility scripts written with Deno
1363 Richienb/deno_temp_dir 1 0 Get the path of the system temp directory.
1364 sanderhahn/html 1 0 HTML escape/unescape and template literal
1365 enimatek-nl/small-bot-matrix 1 0 Small Matrix Little Bot for Deno
1366 scoobss/antsy 1 0 An Advanced ANSI escape sequence module for Deno.
1367 ymonb1291/papyrus 1 0 Lightweight, modular JSON logger for Deno with support for external formatters and transports.
1368 sebastienfilion/functional-markdown2confluence 1 0 Simple CLI to publish local Markdown files to Confluence.
1369 open-zhy/podio-ts 1 0 Podio client module for Deno and Typescript programming
1370 legowerewolf/ratlog-deno 1 0 🐀 Ratlog library for Deno - Application Logging for Rats, Humans, and Machines
1371 laggingreflex/hyperchain 1 0 hyperscript with chaining
1372 meszarosdezso/deno-build-wasm 1 0 Build Rust functions for Deno.
1373 hazae41/multisocket.ts 1 0 WebSockets but with channels, for Deno and the browser
1374 gustavofabro/deno_object_clone 1 0 Deno module for deep object clone
1375 techtastet/denodb-2 1 0 MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB ORM for Deno (DenoDB 1 from eveningkid)
1376 Richienb/deno_load_json_file 1 0 Read and parse a JSON file.
1377 dwiyatci/the_answer 1 0 🔮 The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.
1378 Richienb/avs 1 0 Unit testing framework.
1379 deno-money/money 1 0 The tiny Deno module for real-time currency conversion and exchange rate calculation, from any currency, to any currency.
1380 deno-npm/web3-providers-ipc 1 0
1381 ihack2712/eventemitter 1 0 A typed event-emitter.
1382 pitust/denopwn 1 0 A library for pwning things in deno.
1383 oguimbal/moment-deno 1 0 Deno-compatible version of momentjs
1384 sno2/dector 1 0 A zero-dependency module for using vectors with Deno.
1385 BlazifyOrg/sign-logger 1 0
1386 moncefplastin07/deno-is-json 1 0 JSON validator for deno 🦕
1387 etienne-dldc/miid 1 0 🏯 A middleware and context system
1388 etienne-dldc/stachine 1 0 A TypeScript state machine with events and effects
1389 KaanDoesNothing/DenoADB 1 0 ADB Client for Deno
1390 guildenstern70/DyeLog 1 0 A simple - but colorful - logger for Deno
1391 linux-china/markdown-wasm 1 0 Markdown wasm based on md4c for Deno 🦕
1392 ratson/deno-subprocess 1 0 Capture command output wihtout boilerplate
1393 DevAndromeda/collection 1 0 Utility data structure for Deno (Discord.js Collection).
1394 techtastet/deno-shopify 1 0 Deno lib for Shopify
1395 hyurl/class-mixins 1 0 A real mixin tool that works with class hierarchy.
1396 hyurl/check-iterable 1 0 A toolbox to check if an object is iterable, an iterator or a generator, etc.
1397 hyurl/thenable-generator 1 0 Create generators implemented the PromiseLike interface so that they can be awaited in async contexts.
1398 hoangtranson/nric-validator 1 0 An Utility to validate Malaysia NRIC
1399 Hunam6/funcraft-deno 1 0 A Funcraft scraper for Deno
1400 quaos/deno-html-react-transformer 1 0 Tool for Transforming HTML/DOM to React element in Deno
1401 hong4rc/next 1 0 Get coming time after input with hour, minute, second, timezone
1402 DjDeveloperr/nekoslife-deno 1 0 API wrapper for Deno.
1403 Ashlee-11/system_status 1 0 A library made for deno to check system related information like- total and free memory, CPU utilisation, etc.
1404 ymonb1291/dotenv-parser 1 0 A fast, zero-permission parser for '.env' files with support for multiline variables.
1405 Cslove/de_template 1 0 Automatically generates template content when you create a new file.(base on deno)
1406 fuwn/node-uwufy 1 0 🎨 An NPM package which allows you to uwufy a given string.
1407 satyarohith/cardinal 1 0 A Deno module to get compass direction (16 directions) from degree.
1408 GGICE/denomander 1 0 Deno command-line interfaces made easy
1409 NotSyntax/glimmer 1 0 ✨ Webserver, Templating, and a Framework all in one 🦕
1410 xiaoxigua-1/HttpAssist 1 0
1411 menzil/deno_bson 1 0 Bson for deno
1412 sant123/cjs 1 0 A Deno implementation to create variables like __dirname and __filename of Node.js
1413 Okirshen/loggit 1 0 A simple logger middleware
1414 JCGithu/SinonStories 1 0 A npm module for downloading Instagram Stories
1415 mguilherme/deno-tinyurl 1 0 TinyURL library for Deno
1416 WatchDG/deno-result 1 0 Result classes and utils for Deno
1417 Okirshen/servey 1 0 Servey is a simple http static file server made with deno and typescript
1418 jwkim101201/weeper 1 0 simple deno web framework
1419 gold/mediainfo 1 0 wrapper for mediainfo command line utiltity: reading info from audio/image/video files.
1420 yujunjung/domtype 1 0
1421 HugoDaniel/glsl_codegen_typescript 1 0 TypeScript generator for GLSL shader code (WebGL 2.0 only)
1422 jjeffcaii/deno-zeromq 1 0 Pure Deno bindings for ZeroMQ.
1423 PandaSekh/Dynamic-Script-Loader 1 0 🐼 Tiny (~300B) library to dynamically load js files only when they're needed.
1424 NotSyntax/zam 1 0 ⚡ Create Deno webservers quickly 🦕
1425 ceorleorn/cli 1 0 Elegant command line interface for Deno.
1426 Eyoatam/Gif.ts 1 0 convert videos to gifs using ffmpeg and deno.
1427 erikbrinkman/node-quadprog 1 0 Module for solving quadratic programming problems with constraints
1428 richhenderson/nanotsdb 1 0 Tiny JSON based database in Typescript for Deno
1429 jd1378/deno-semaphore 1 0
1430 trgwii/bundler 1 0
1431 trgwii/pastebin 1 0
1432 mdubourg001/deno-routine 1 0 Inline, Promise based wrapper around Deno Workers 🏃‍♂️
1433 pnlng/jxa 1 0 JavaScript for Automation (JXA) scripting for Deno
1434 jajaperson/copb 1 0 A functional composition framework built for TypesScript that provides type safety without the need for the usual countless overloads, thanks to some functional type trickery.
1435 jd1378/deno-fetch-goody 1 0
1436 glebbash/panic-fn 1 0 Functional way of throwing errors in JS/TS
1437 petrbroz/forge-deno-sdk 1 0 Experimental Autodesk Forge SDK for Deno (v1.7.0).
1438 tomchen/fetchline 1 0 Read text file (remote over HTTP(S) or local) line by line as async iterator, with Node, browsers and Deno
1439 ninest/shorter 1 0 Shorten URLs
1440 Artemis69/is-image 1 0 Checks if the string is a picture by extension
1441 ChangJoo-Park/trimmer 1 0 Validation library for deno
1442 DjDeveloperr/ModuleCache 1 0 Global module cache for all modules.
1443 jd1378/deno-steam-trader 1 0
1444 ChangJoo-Park/Duration 1 0 Make duration for deno. It is successor of dart's Duration
1445 gabrielizaias/cpf 1 0 🇧🇷 Format, validate and generate CPF numbers
1446 Hadaward/deno-bytearray 1 0 A byte wrapper that assists in the transmission of data packets between server and client.
1447 maldan/denolib-image 1 0 Module for works with images. Decode, encode, resize and etc.
1448 Hadaward/deno-network 1 0 An auxiliary library for TCP servers that need multiple open ports or need to deal with clients simultaneously. You can also connect to servers.
1449 maldan/denolib-extend-array 1 0 Extended array for deno
1450 zebp/snoono 1 0 A Reddit api for Deno
1451 youngyou/deno-libs 1 0 微信(小程序,公众号,企业微信),飞书工具包
1452 GGICE/Upload-middleware-for-Oak-Deno-framework 1 0 This middleware automatically organizes uploads to avoid file system problems and create dirs if not exists, perform validations and optimizes ram usage when uploading big files using Deno standard libraries!
1453 matt1/deno-gopher 1 0 RFC1436 Gopher protocol client for Deno
1454 Mzaien/next-redirects-preact 1 0 A small client-side redirect utility component for Next.js with Preact
1455 sno2/wiz 1 0 A refreshingly simple module for requests for Deno.
1456 gabrielizaias/atlas 1 0 🦕 An application framework for Deno
1457 ericselin/worker-types 1 0 Deno-compatible types for service workers and Cloudflare workers
1458 jamesliu96/railgun 1 0 deno web server framework
1459 connuh/cat 1 0 Cat is an API wrapper that allows you to easily generate pictures of cats (Powered by TheCatAPI).
1460 Eyoatam/deno_progress 1 0 Another flexible ascii progress bar for deno
1461 josh-hemphill/subslate 1 0 A configurable template string replacement library for Node.js, web, and Deno
1462 connuh/dog 1 0 API Wrapper for written in Deno (!
1463 often/tcpaste 1 0 Simple tcpaste wrapper made for Deno.
1464 aegooby/turtle 1 0
1465 FullStackPlayer/ts-xml-parser 1 0 A better xml parser written in pure typescript and works well with deno.
1466 leolabs/gpto 1 0 Organize and optimize files in your Google Photos Takeout folder
1467 Hunam6/namemc-deno 1 0 A NameMC API/scraper for Deno
1468 HugoDaniel/simple_shape_math 1 0 2D math operations, data types, and storage
1469 andrewbridge/bbssg 1 0 A barebones static site generator
1470 quantumhousegames/deno-playfab-sdk 1 0 A collection of API modules, written in TypeScript, designed for use with Deno.
1471 jamescoleuk/run 1 0 run lets you use Typescript to create a CLI for your project.
1472 l2wilson94/MotherTode 1 0 language language
1473 pokatomnik/deno-environment 1 0 Friendly wrapper for Deno env
1474 SkyStar-modules/skyFrame 1 0
1475 cdaringe/promise_fns 1 0 Promise utility functions for Deno
1476 yw662/deno_markdown_tree 1 0 A markdown to JSON tree converter for deno, based on rusty_markdown
1477 Patbox/Cobblestone-Classic 1 0 Server for Minecraft Classic 0.30 written in Deno
1478 himbolion/yiff.deno 1 0 Deno e621 Library / Lio's first Deno Lib
1479 WatchDG/deno-http-request 1 0 http requests for everything
1480 WatchDG/deno-http-instance 1 0
1481 Electroid/bytebuf 1 0 A byte buffer for encoding and decoding binary data in JavaScript.
1482 WatchDG/deno-tinkoff-invest 1 0 tinkoff invest api module
1483 scientific-dev/evtmanager 1 0 Simple and easy to use eventemitter to manage your events synchronously and asynchronously too for Deno, node and for the browser with a typesafe environment!
1484 raydog/deno-statsd-client 1 0 A simple StatsD + datdog metrics client for Deno
1485 aricart/cobra.js 1 0 small library to create Deno cli tools
1486 cdaringe/markdown_player 1 0 Executable markdown files. Documentation & demonstrations, all in one!
1487 tru9/denblox 1 0 A Deno API Wrapper for connecting projects to the ROBLOX Official API.
1488 WatchDG/deno-wasm-sort 1 0
1489 denyncrawford/deno-rollup-plugin-livereload 1 0 Rollup automatically reloads your browser when the filesystem changes.
1490 nanlei2000/new-book-weekly 1 0
1491 janispritzkau/deno-minecraft 1 0 A collection of modules that can be used to build Minecraft servers, clients, utilities and other tools.
1492 hex3928/dlogger 1 0 A simple logger for Deno
1493 esselius/nix-deno 1 0
1494 tommywalkie/gauntlet 1 0 Work-in-progress front-end tool which does put a smile on my face
1495 dahlia/web_deno_test 1 0 Run your tests on Deno and web browsers at a time
1496 kt3k/tee_async_iterable 1 0 tee for AsyncIterable
1497 opvasger/elm_scripts 1 0 Scripts for developing Elm programs!
1498 genemators/dottissimo 1 0 The dot file organizer that creates an awesome workspace for everyone
1499 SRNV/Susano 1 0 a Deno CLI Dev/Build Tool
1500 joshforisha/noise-deno 1 0 Noise algorithms for Deno
1501 sno2/pfmt 1 0 A strongly-typed Deno module for formatting strings and printing to the console like Rust.
1502 ccalamos/barrel-cli 1 0 Barrel CLI 🛢 - Mono-Repos for the Multi-Repo teams.
1503 erfanium/deno-objectId 1 0 Native bson objectId implementation for Deno
1504 uki00a/tinyssg 1 0
1505 connuh/mail 1 0 API Wrapper for 1secmail written in Deno!
1506 TomokiMiyauci/equal 1 0 TypeScript-first deep equivalence comparison between two values
1507 metanomial/jtd 1 0 A Deno TypeScript implementation of JSON Type Definition
1508 envis10n/dansi 1 0 Deno library for generating and parsing ANSI colors.
1509 dannydenenberg/stock-quotes 1 0 📈 Get stock quotes and histories from Yahoo Finance.
1510 stokes91/reed_solomon 1 0 exports GaloisField, ReedSolomonEncoder, ReedSolomonDecoder
1511 wioenena-q/dinord-collection 1 0 The Collection module for dinord.
1512 TomokiMiyauci/is-valid 1 0 A pure functional validator with composite function and validation utilities
1513 GuiltyDolphin/dspv 1 0 JSON parsing for TypeScript with smart type specifications
1514 sno2/promisify 1 0 A promisify util for Deno.
1515 GuiltyDolphin/functionality 1 0 Functional programming for TypeScript
1516 GuiltyDolphin/dentest 1 0 Testing framework for Deno
1517 envis10n/darango 1 0 An ArangoDB driver for Deno.
1518 kt3k/basic_auth 1 0 Module for performing Basic Auth in Deno Deploy
1519 stackinspector/mime_types 1 0 TypeScript portage of mime-types (on npm) for Deno.
1520 irandeno/paradise 1 0 Smart and smooth Dynamic Pattern Parser and Tokenizer
1521 AkiaCode/harmony-tsx 1 0 tsx extension module for users using Harmony
1522 sgwilym/internet_time 1 0 Convert legacy time to decimal internet time, for Deno.
1523 nhttp/nhttp_controller 1 0 Micro routing controller for Deno with decorator support.
1524 codehz/deno-pbf 1 0 Deno pbf port of
1525 eibens/jog 1 0 A simplified API for running sub-processes in TypeScript for Deno.
1526 ericmadu/learning_deno 1 0 Hackweek Project - Eric & Sebastian
1527 alextes/vegas 1 0 Vegas helps generate numbers or pick elements based on randomness.
1528 kt3k/esbuild_loader 1 0 A utility module for loading esbuild wasm into Deno runtime from the disk
1529 alextes/twitter_v1_oauth 1 0 Make twitter v1.1 API authorization headers.
1530 AppleMayExist/common 1 0 common functions that I use in js, and it would be nice to not write out in every project as if reciting a poem.
1531 josephrocca/deno-csv-string 1 0 A version of npm's csv-string package that works in the browser and in Deno
1532 link-discord/topgg-deno 1 0 Deno sdk for the api
1533 wioenena-q/mixed 1 0 A module that generates random numbers for Deno and offers extra functional features.
1534 eru123/numesis 1 0 Custom Number System
1535 arnu515/rexcheck 1 0 Form validation for deno
1536 Onyxzen/LoggerJS 1 0 ☁️ A simple JavaScript logger
1537 LuisMayo/deno-telegram-bot-api-utils 1 0 Utils for the deno telegram bot api library
1538 codehz/tiny-expr 1 0 eval js expression in safe way
1539 liquidz/deno-bencode 1 0 Bencode decoder/encode for Deno
1540 herudi/dero_swagger 1 0 Swagger doc for Dero framework based on OAS3. Inspire nestjs-swagger and swagger-ui-express.
1541 yandif/saga 1 0 ⛰️ functional event emitter / pubsub in deno.
1542 Crystal-RainSlide/regex-subset-to-glob 1 0
1543 eibens/pitch 1 0 Tools for working with musical pitch in TypeScript for Deno.
1544 justinmchase/deno-scripts 1 0 Automated installation and execution of locally scoped scripts
1545 UserJHansen/get-JS-var-deno 1 0 Fetch a Javascript variable from html or js string
1546 RumbleWikis/socialmod 1 0 AutoModerator & API Client for Fandom discussions
1547 SeparateRecords/deno_mock_fetch 1 0 An extremely simple way to mock window.fetch, for Deno.
1548 asg017/har-to-sqlite 1 0
1549 eibens/soundfont 1 0
1550 pavi2410/xtend 1 0 Extend JS standard library with xtend
1551 elycheikhsmail/testManager 1 0 deno tool for running test in deno and browser
1552 hugoalh-studio/command-line-parser-deno 1 0 A Deno module to parse command line with better standard.
1553 liquidz/deno-nrepl-client 1 0
1554 n1c00o/deno-json-rpc 1 0 Deno implemenation of JSON-RPC
1555 yakesho/test_utils 1 0 🦕 Testing library for Deno
1556 SkyBlockDev/githubwrapper 1 0
1557 brad-jones/denoexec 1 0 A higher level wrapper around
1558 lavaclient/lavalink-types 1 0 Deno typings for lavalink
1559 PatMan10/https_status_codes 1 0 A port of the http-status-codes npm library for deno.
1560 arghyadeep-k/deno-tld-validator 1 0 Deno 🦕 module to check if a TLD is valid.
1561 seriousme/durable-data 1 0 Durable versions of Map and Set using an append log on disk.
1562 rafaelmotaalves/better_permissions 1 0 A nicer way to handle permissions on Deno
1563 chiefbiiko/chacha20-poly1305 1 0 Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
1564 el3um4s/deno-adodb 1 0 A deno.js javascript client implementing the ADODB protocol on windows.
1565 moncefplastin07/deno-is-email 1 0 email address validation module for Deno 😁
1566 DiFronzo/pkce-deno 1 0 PKCE code verifier and challenge generator for Deno.
1567 imcotton/proxy-bind 1 0 foobar.fn.bind(foobar) -> bind(foobar).fn
1568 aaronhuggins/readable-stream 1 0 Node-core streams for userland
1569 babajidemm/african-countries-api 1 0 A Node.js library that provides APIs to get useful data about African countries including their cities (with more than 500 inhabitants).
1570 HandsomeWalker/handsome-char 1 0 generate character as you like, only English letters and Numbers
1571 oscarotero/deno-source-map 1 0 Port of mozilla / source-map to deno.
1572 oblador/deno-punycode 1 0 A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891.
1573 khrj/slack-events-api 1 0 @slack/events-api in Deno: Use slack_bolt instead
1574 khrj/slack-interactive-messages 1 0 @slack/interactive-messages in Deno. Use slack_bolt instead.
1575 FurryWolfX/deno_moment 1 0 This moment was ported from moment.js@2.29.1 with typings
1576 aleokheen/oak-upload 1 0 This middleware automatically organizes uploads to avoid file system problems and create dirs if not exists, perform validations and optimizes ram usage when uploading big files using Deno standard libraries!
1577 deno-orm/deno-orm 1 0
1578 rmw-deno-lib/utf8 1 0 utf8 decode and encode , use singleton encoder&decoder will faster
1579 giovannifersan/brazilianutils 1 0 Util Tools for developers in Brazil, also available for Deno
1580 bashismith/exodus.ts 1 0 The first MongoDB compatible data migration tool built on for the Deno runtime environment, allowing users to perform complete schema and database migrations.
1581 athyuttamre/stego-deno 1 0 A web toolkit for Deno.
1582 the-ez-org/ezapi 1 0 Easy Peasy API
1583 jiawei397/validator.js 1 0 String validation
1584 mehulagg/ipfs-car 1 0 Convert files to content-addressable archives and back
1585 jiawei397/deno_mongo 1 0 MongoDB driver for Deno
1586 LangiviTechnology/sessions 1 0 Sessions middleware for Opine, Oak web frameworks
1587 lemarier/deno-conf 0 4 Simple config handling for your app or module with Deno.
1588 keithamus/deno-protoc-parser 0 3 Parse Google Protocol Buffer DSL into an AST, which can be converted into JSON or back into the Protocol Buffer DSL.
1589 serh11p/noble-base58check 0 3 Noble base58check. Typed, native, 0-dep port of bs58check module.
1590 jcs224/deno_sessions 0 3 Sessions for deno web frameworks
1591 denorg/is-docker 0 2 🐳 Check if the process is running inside a Docker container in Deno
1592 LuisPaGarcia/propx 0 2 Access and create object props safe and with confidence
1593 denorg/humanize-url 0 1 🔗 Humanize a URL in Deno →
1594 denorg/is-wsl 0 1 Check if the process is running inside a WSL enviroment in Deno
1595 deno-library/crc32 0 1
1596 ako-deno/content_type 0 1 Create and parse HTTP Content-Type header according to RFC 7231 for Deno
1597 denoorg/is-online 0 1 Check if the internet connection is up in Deno.
1598 sane-fmt/deno 0 1 Opinionated code formatter for TypeScript and JavaScript
1599 DenoBRComunitty/boolbase 0 1 Only two functions: one that returns true, one that returns false
1600 Vuelancer/color-deno 0 1 Deno library for printing colored logs
1601 rodolphocastro/helix 0 1 Helix is a simple wrapper for NPM commands written in Deno
1602 yeukfei02/currencyFinder 0 1 find currency information in deno
1603 rodolphocastro/deno_dockernames 0 1 Moby's name generation now in Deno!
1604 thiti-y/deno-check-thai-pid 0 1
1605 hazae41/denorand 0 1 WebAssembly powered random TypedArray generation for Deno, written in Rust.
1606 okwudav/deno-string-validator 0 1 String validation for Deno, inspired by Validator.js =>
1607 asabya/dedupe 0 1 removes duplicates from your array.
1608 often/leet 0 1 Text to leetspeak module for Deno.
1609 Vufuzi/nattramn 0 1 Universal web applications with Deno.
1610 alextes/run_with_limit 0 1 Run promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency
1611 littletof/testEach 0 1
1612 faustotnc/Rhino 0 1 Rhino 🦏 - Deno Framework for scalable APIs.
1613 timreichen/Validator 0 1 A lightweight value validator.
1614 TheThunderGuyS/february29th 0 1 A JavaScript module and CLI tool that does nothing but tell you whether or not it's February 29th
1615 ThaiJamesLee/properties-deno 0 1 Read and write .properties files.
1616 cofiy/dcbadge 0 1 Deno code coverage badges powered by
1617 ihack2712/middleware 0 1 If you're gonna implement middlewares, you should do it right! ;)
1618 revgum/serverless_oak 0 1 Run Oak applications with AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
1619 AkiaCode/Saebasol 0 1 We love Saebasol
1620 windchime-yk/bracesdb 0 1 DB that JSON format created with Deno
1621 FurryWolfX/deno_exif 0 1 migrate exif-parser to Deno
1622 Redstoneguy129/Deno-Discord-Slash-Commands 0 1 Deno Slash Commands for Discord
1623 asantos00/deno_web_development_jwt_auth 0 1 JWT Authentication dummy package created on "Deno Web Development" book by Alexandre Portela dos Santos (
1624 brecert/micro_template 0 1 micro_template is a very simple and small templating tool
1625 IsaacScript/isaacscript-common 0 1
1626 yuenc/deno_http_router 0 1 deno http router
1627 chiefbiiko/sha1 0 1
1628 oguimbal/yallist 0 1 Yet Another Linked List
1629 oguimbal/node-lru-cache 0 1
1630 link-discord/postgrest-js 0 1 Isomorphic JavaScript client for PostgREST.
1631 easyops-cn/flow_builder_js_helpers 0 0
1632 denoorg/is-up 0 0 Check whether a website is up or down in Deno.
1633 denoorg/ip-address 0 0 IP address utilities for Deno.
1634 BugSplat-Git/bugsplat-deno 0 0 BugSplat integration for deno applications!
1635 DevSnowflake/streamconv 0 0 Web ReadableStream to Node Readable stream and vice versa for Deno
1636 whistle-lang/whistle_deno 0 0
1637 apiel/caller 0 0
1638 ako-deno/encodeurl 0 0 Encode a URL to a percent-encoded form, excluding already-encoded sequences. Build for Deno
1639 deno-library/isuuid 0 0 uuid check for Deno
1640 ako-deno/media_typer 0 0 Simple RFC 6838 media type parser and formatter for Deno.
1641 chiefbiiko/xchacha20-poly1305 0 0 XChaCha20-Poly1305
1642 ancene/troodon 0 0 🦖 Troodon is a Library for Deno to Handle Algorithms
1643 ako-deno/negotiator 0 0 An HTTP content negotiator for Deno.
1644 koji/deno-mtrand 0 0 mt19937 for Deno
1645 KSXGitHub/deno-shell-escape 0 0 Escape and stringify an array of arguments to be executed on the shell
1646 roonie007/url-join 0 0 A simple port of the NodeJS module url-join to Deno with typescript
1647 ziv/natav 0 0 Deno HTTP Router
1648 use-seedling/seedling 0 0 🌱 The seedling static site generator.
1649 kt3k/frontmatter 0 0 A simple frontmatter parser for deno.
1650 stylecow/stylecow-plugin-import 0 0 Stylecow plugin to concatenate the imported css files with relative paths in the main css file.
1651 stylecow/stylecow-plugin-nested-rules 0 0 Stylecow plugin to add support for nested rules.
1652 deltegui/SimpleJsonValidator 0 0 Json Validator for Node and Deno
1653 zspencer/elected 0 0 Do a Democracy! Do it Everywhere!
1654 use-seedling/seedling-data-plugin-toml 0 0 A data plugin to process TOML
1655 deno-memoize/memoize 0 0
1656 atsjj/btreemap 0 0 BTreeMap is a library that implements Map based on a B-Tree.
1657 DevArtSite/getport 0 0 Get an available TCP port
1658 nullpub/sedate 0 0 A port of hyper-ts for Deno
1659 atsjj/inflector 0 0 Inflector that is compatible with ActiveSupport::Inflector
1660 trs/pokemon-data-deno 0 0 Collect Pokemon data using Deno:
1661 use-seedling/seedling-data-plugin-json 0 0 Plugin to process JSON
1662 use-seedling/seedling-data-plugin-yaml 0 0 Data processing for YAML
1663 Skillz4Killz/confusables 0 0
1664 nakleiderer/microsoft_graph_cli 0 0 An unofficial command line utility for accessing the Microsoft Graph, written with Deno and Typescript
1665 rdfland/rdf 0 0 RDF libraries for Deno
1666 load1n9/deno-css-tokenizer 0 0
1667 denoModules/yaml2json 0 0
1668 denoModules/base62 0 0
1669 denoModules/baseemoji 0 0
1670 ycw/svg-path 0 0 A toolset helps manipulate SVG 1.1 path data.
1671 itstrivial/is-boolean 0 0 You don't need this module. Use typeof x === 'boolean'; instead.
1672 tekuasia/robust-deno 0 0 The Deno version of Robust Framework
1673 jabuco/deno_tags 0 0 Deno wrapper for common-tags npm module
1674 Rightech/node-utils 0 0 Miscellaneous JavaScript (Node.js and Browser) utility functions used in Rightech IoT projects
1675 thelocalcoder/deno-hosts 0 0 The hosts file parsing and resolver module for Deno
1676 udibo/oauth2_server 0 0 This module will be a standards compliant implementation of an OAuth 2.0 authorization server. It is currently a work in progress.
1677 XDean/deno-static 0 0 convert file to static typescript file
1678 jceb/semver-compare-cli 0 0 CLI wrapper of the semver-compare library
1679 rivy/deno.dxx 0 0 🚀 (Deno) enhanced executor
1680 Hyprtxt/cards 0 0 Deno playing cards
1681 kreteshq/retes-deno 0 0 Declarative, Data-Driven Routing for Deno
1682 jceb/dir-in-path-cli 0 0 Utility to test if a given directory is in $PATH
1683 shopstic/helmet-mods 0 0 A collection of essential helmet modules
1684 load1n9/nn 0 0 some dumb idea
1685 leifb/deno-async-lock 0 0 A simple lock to synchronize async code
1686 delveam/goethite 0 0 JavaScript meets Rust
1687 SHND/args-command-parser 0 0 Nodejs minimal opinionated command-line argument parser.
1688 resumerise/resumerise_theme_retro 0 0
1689 resumerise/resumerise_library 0 0
1690 funql/fundispatcher 0 0 a top level server registry and discovery for dispatching request between servers (to implement micro-service architecture)
1691 keean/lambdapi 0 0 Deno TypeScript implementation of LambdaPi interpreter from "A Tutorial Implementation of a Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus"
1692 earthstar-project/rich-threads-layer 0 0
1693 grammyjs/files 0 0 File handling simplified
1694 often/bgpview 0 0 Lightweight BGPView API wrapper.
1695 atenasjs/cli 0 0 The Deno CLI Tool for Atenas
1696 jgchk/auto-bind 0 0 automatically bind methods to their class instance 🌟✨
1697 often/cstring 0 0 Generate cryptographically random strings with ease.
1698 yeukfei02/hk-stock-api 0 0 get hk stock information in deno
1699 chiefbiiko/hchacha20 0 0 HChaCha20
1700 yeukfei02/hk-stock-cli 0 0 Get hk stock information cli
1701 asabya/escape_string_regexp 0 0 Escape RegExp special characters
1702 bartholomej/geosearch-deno 0 0 Simple Deno CLI library to find places all around the world
1703 yeukfei02/favQuote-cli 0 0 Get favourite or random quote cli
1704 yeukfei02/deno-pixabay 0 0 search image and video from pixabay in deno
1705 FriendlyUser/deno-tft 0 0
1706 miZyind/deno-hctk 0 0 Deno HantChar to Keyboard 漢字轉鍵盤配置
1707 hyperupcall/ensure 0 0 Ensure you are running a minimum version of Deno, Typescript, or V8
1708 matschik/deno_html_entities 0 0 Fast html entities decode & encode library for Deno.
1709 acathur/mac 0 0 Get the MAC addresses of the current machine in Deno.
1710 hyperupcall/is_exe 0 0 test if a file is executable
1711 ondras/deno-json-rpc 0 0 JSON-RPC for Deno
1712 rikilele/json2yaml 0 0 A Deno module that converts a JSON string to a (pretty) YAML string 🦕
1713 bernardini687/minitable 0 0 🦕 deno utility module for simple table printing
1714 mnmaraes/impostor 0 0
1715 arsenykruglikov/flux-standard-action 0 0 Port of flux-standard-action npm package for Deno.
1716 KSXGitHub/deno_simple_type_assert 0 0 Simple type assertion library for Deno
1717 JWebCoder/mith_static 0 0 Serve static files under Mith framework
1718 jacob-ian/deno_random_bigint 0 0 Generate a random BigInt by bit-length with Deno.
1719 parzh/xrange 0 0 Python-esque iterator for number ranges
1720 moncefplastin07/deno-gravatar 0 0 Gravatar (Globally Recognized Avatars) for deno
1721 agm-dev/passgen 0 0 Util function to generate random passwords
1722 chiefbiiko/poly1305 0 0 Poly1305
1723 jabernardo/strcolors.ts 0 0 FMT String Extensions for Deno
1724 moncefplastin07/deno-unique-string 0 0 Random and unique string or ID's for Deno
1725 often/proxyScrape 0 0 Lightweight proxy scraper for Deno.
1726 jacob-ian/deno_random_primes 0 0 Generate random prime numbers with Deno and the Miller-Rabin test.
1727 FriendlyUser/open-deno-weather 0 0 Port of my typescript open weather package
1728 chiefbiiko/xchacha20 0 0 XChaCha20
1729 JWebCoder/deno_worldtides 0 0 Worldtides API wrapper for Deno
1730 bunlong9/csv-stream-transform 0 0
1731 satty1987/password-generator 0 0
1732 Bunlong/fetch 0 0
1733 animyrch/doc 0 0 testing-based documentation module for Deno
1734 nonsensecodes/emissary 0 0 Simple OAuth & OAuth2 authentication library.
1735 GirkovArpa/hutton-typescript 0 0 The Hutton cipher implemented in TypeScript.
1736 rodolphocastro/envio 0 0 Quickly grab configuration from the environment!
1737 moncefplastin07/deno-ip-location 0 0 a simple Deno 🦕 Module for fetching IP location details
1738 Nasafato/denoFiles 0 0 For quick Deno gists.
1739 THeK3nger/movingai2json-deno 0 0 Experimental porting of movingai2json for Deno
1740 THeK3nger/marvin-api-deno 0 0 API client for Deno for the AmazingMarvin task manager.
1741 Yovach/craftium 0 0 A project to manage Minecraft Vanilla server and others servers [BETA]
1742 mnmaraes/sentinel 0 0 A quick and dirty cli time-tracker
1743 Voycawojka/copybara 0 0 Small HTML preprocessor for personal use in Deno
1744 moncefplastin07/deno-bitly 0 0 bitly url's shortener module for deno
1745 michael-spengler/simplecors 0 0 As seems pretty complete now I do no longer maintain simplecors.
1746 wperron-rand/testing 0 0 used for testing only -- nothing to see here
1747 idris-maps/deno-ndjson 0 0 CLI tools for dealing with ndjson in Deno
1748 michael-spengler/spinners 0 0 🦕. Terminal Spinners
1749 juzi5201314/deno_utils 0 0 Some personal deno utils.
1750 windchime-yk/dsm 0 0 Deno based simply scripts manager
1751 Sluvu/Sluvu 0 0
1752 metapages/cloudseed-deno 0 0 Deno scripts and tools for building, packaging, deploying, and publishing libraries and apps from repositories.
1753 michael-spengler/chat 0 0 Deno module for chat related challenges and solutions - e.g. providing a mapping (and forwarding) between shared invitation links and original invitation links.
1754 moncefplastin07/deno-tinify 0 0 Tinify Image Optimizer and Compressor Module for Deno 🦕
1755 deno-npm/web3-providers-ws 0 0
1756 michael-spengler/mac-address 0 0 🦕. Provides the mac address of current device
1757 deno-npm/web3-eth-iban 0 0
1758 arekminajj/genius-lyrics-deno 0 0 Deno module for API and lyrics scraping.
1759 deno-npm/web3-bzz 0 0
1760 Hellsos/deno-dotenv-file 0 0 A library for Deno parsing dotenv file into object-oriented structure
1761 jcs224/faktory_worker_deno 0 0 Faktory job pusher and worker library for Deno
1762 lemueldls/illuminated 0 0 A modern TypeScript rewrite of the Illuminated.js – 2D lights and shadows rendering engine for HTML5 applications library originally written by Gaëtan Renaudeau.
1763 mjrlowe/mersenne_twister 0 0
1764 pavi2410/kollections 0 0 Kotlin inspired collections library for JS
1765 moncefplastin07/deno-is-url 0 0 simple URL validator with Typescript for Deno 🦕
1766 deno-npm/web3-core-helpers 0 0
1767 deno-npm/web3-core-promievent 0 0
1768 ihack2712/visitor-count-api 0 0 A visitor count API written in TypeScript for Deno.
1769 ahmetcanozcan/dukefile 0 0
1770 aaronhuggins/deno_run 0 0 A project manifest and runner for Deno.
1771 denocode/code 0 0 Code is a standard Deno module for Generating QRcode and Barcode.
1772 DefinitelyMaybe/d3_4_deno 0 0 A simple transformation of d3 for use within a deno workflow
1773 ihack2712/big 0 0 Turn a number, string or big integer into a big integer.
1774 atomicpages/i18next-pseudo-localizer 0 0 A pseudolocalization plugin for i8next
1775 Vehmloewff/glob-filter 0 0 Check if a glob matches a file path
1776 ymonb1291/papyrus-file 0 0 Transport for the Papyrus logger
1777 moncefplastin07/deno-os 0 0 Os info for deno
1778 akaustav/roman-number-utils 0 0 Utility methods to convert natural numbers to roman numbers and vice-versa.
1779 bq-educacion/denjucks 0 0 Deno templating engine
1780 Vehmloewff/hackle 0 0 A hackable logger for the 21 Century
1781 deno-csv-parser/csv-parser 0 0 The standard Deno module for streaming CSV files.
1782 after-finitude/react_module_generator 0 0 CLI for create react modules
1783 eliassjogreen/twinprime 0 0
1784 use-seedling/seedling-data-plugin-graphcms 0 0 A data plugin to handle queries to Graph CMS
1785 deno-phone/phone 0 0 Phone is a standard Deno module for normalizing mobile phone numbers into E.164 format.
1786 deno-progressbar/progressbar 0 0 Progress bar module for Deno.
1787 deno-npm/web3-core 0 0
1788 mokeyish/ext.ts 0 0 language extensions for typescript
1789 moncefplastin07/deno-is-regex 0 0 RegExp patterns validator 🦕
1790 cloudydeno/deno-jmespath 0 0 A query language for JSON, implemented in Typescript for Deno.
1791 deno-public-ip/public-ip 0 0 Get your public IP address.
1792 DefinitelyMaybe/c3_4_deno 0 0 A simple transformation of c3 for use within a deno workflow
1793 deno-npm/web3-core-requestmanager 0 0
1794 ccouzens/airbrake_error_notification_deno 0 0 Create Airbrake error notifications from Deno
1795 FujiHaruka/TransM 0 0 Translation assistant tool for Markdown document 🇺🇸 🇯🇵
1796 aurium/deno-module-aurium 0 0 A profile Deno package.
1797 deno-npm/web3-providers-http 0 0
1798 cj1128/deno-bencode 0 0
1799 vovacodes/globals 0 0 Set of wrappers that re-export globally available libraries as ES modules
1800 deno-spinner/spinner 0 0 Elegant terminal spinner.
1801 deno-npm/ethereumjs-util 0 0
1802 deno-benchmark/benchmark 0 0 The standard Deno benchmark module that supports high-resolution timers & returns statistically significant results.
1803 deno-npm/ethereumjs-tx 0 0
1804 joshgillies/codespace-url 0 0 Get the Github Codespace URL of a forwarded port. 🦕
1805 yachtmee/ecb_exchange 0 0 A minimalist deno lib for Euro foreign exchange reference rates. (no dependencies)
1806 moncefplastin07/deno-is-mobile 0 0 Check if the request is from mobile browser or no, based on user agent
1807 bq-educacion/oak-graphql 0 0 A simple graphql middleware for oak deno framework.
1808 ihack2712/base 0 0 A tool to encode 6 decode from & to different bases.
1809 eltonmrk/i18n-translator 0 0 convert xlf files based on powerful deepL translator
1810 ymonb1291/chrono 0 0 A date utility library
1811 ihack2712/tmplx 0 0 An integrated templating engine and tool for your upcoming projects.
1812 Rakhmadi/LaLoadSpin 0 0 loading spiner cli for deno
1813 kidonng/deno-extras 0 0 🦖 Extra wrappers for Deno runtime API and standard library
1814 bKiraly/sequencer 0 0 sequencer - a deno 🦕 module for sequential promises
1815 divyanshbajpai/denogithub 0 0 Deno Module for Github API
1816 jerskisnow/CSGO-Stats 0 0 A simple wrapper for the CSGO API from TNR.
1817 knpwrs/listenator 0 0 Turn any event stream into an async iterator
1818 DjDeveloperr/dblapi-deno 0 0 Wrapper for DBL API ( for Deno.
1819 deno-npm/ethjs-util 0 0
1820 DBC-Works/code-contract-deno 0 0 Tiny code contract programming utility for Deno
1821 ymonb1291/papyrus-pretty 0 0 A prettifier for Papyrus
1822 sno2/async_function 0 0 A simple Deno module for accessing the AsyncFunction class and type.
1823 oplik0/deno-batch-gcd 0 0 A Deno module allowing you to check one aspect of RSA key security with a batch gcd test to see if your key moduli share any primes
1824 atomicpages/pseudo-localizer 0 0 A tiny pseudo localization utility that doesn't mangle strings
1825 GurkanHQ/Decro 0 0
1826 DefinitelyMaybe/cannon_4_deno 0 0 A simple transformation of the cannon-es scripts for use within a deno workflow
1827 AliBasicCoder/node-buffer 0 0
1828 deno-pluralize/pluralize 0 0
1829 felipecrs/reverse-words 0 0
1830 deno-faker/faker 0 0 The standard Deno module that generates fake data for you.
1831 deno-delay/delay 0 0 The standard Deno module for delaying a specified amount of time.
1832 sno2/dad_jokes 0 0 A simple Deno API wrapper for the icanhazdadjoke Dad Joke Api
1833 jerskisnow/Spiget-Deno 0 0 Simple Spiget API wrapper for Deno
1834 JulienVanelian/deno_isup 0 0 A (very) simple module to check whether a host is up or not.
1835 ihack2712/denary 0 0 Logical operations for the denary numeral system.
1836 envis10n/envis10n.lib 0 0 A library of useful things for Deno projects.
1837 trs/deno-png 0 0 Binary reader for PNG files
1838 load1n9/ExtendedBrainfuck 0 0
1839 vasuvanka/schema_validator 0 0 json validator for deno
1840 ronyv89/taskermq 0 0 A redis based background job processor for Deno
1841 pSnehanshu/pressex 0 0 Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Deno.js
1842 tuhe32/leaves 0 0 A Web framework For Deno with Decorator and middleware
1843 brmcerqueira/densequel 0 0 A micro ORM module for Deno using tagged template.
1844 alfredosalzillo/foora 0 0 A forem ( api client for Deno
1845 VGB-Devs/velocity-discord 0 0 velocity - a Discord library to balance performance and features.
1846 cfjello/hierarkey 0 0 Provides sortable numbering for nodes in a hierarchy
1847 cfjello/cxgraph 0 0 Dependency Graph with sortable hierarchical numbering
1848 enimatek-nl/yandlebars 0 0 Yet Another Handlebars for Deno
1849 ihack2712/subscription 0 0 An event object that calls subscriptions each time the event is dispatched.
1850 jeremiah-shaulov/deno_csv_file 0 0 CSV file reader and writer (seekable, sync/async)
1851 ChoqueCastroLD/check_permissions 0 0 A Deno module to check permissions
1852 ChoqueCastroLD/mandatory_env 0 0 A deno module for handling mandatory environment variables
1853 Gu-Miao/classnames 0 0 classnames utility for deno
1854 MierenManz/denoStdOutStream 0 0 stdout & stderr as a stream
1855 ihack2712/forever 0 0 A deno function to run a callback forever, until manually cancelled.
1856 hyurl/structured-clone 0 0 A cheap way to clone typed data for serialization.
1857 hyurl/is-like 0 0 Functions to check if a value is something alike.
1858 ZiomaleQ/commandis 0 0 Official framework for Corddis lib ( for Deno only )
1859 bryan-hoang/advent-of-code 0 0 A CLI tool built with Deno to help solve Advent of Code puzzles.
1860 Krytius/mvc-deno 0 0
1861 pandaquests/foo 0 0 test
1862 Preta-Crowz/mUtil 0 0 mUtil : Multi minimum Util
1863 jupegarnica/garn-yaml 0 0 read or write yaml interpolating env variables
1864 elgs/ppw 0 0 Pixel Perfect Works.
1865 ribizli/deno_rcon 0 0 An RCON client for Source RCON Protocol (e.g. for CS:GO server)
1866 HPaulson/typpy-deno 0 0 ✌️A better typeof for JavaScript.
1867 HPaulson/deffy-deno 0 0 🔺 Small and fast library to set default values.
1868 PascalSalesch/eval 0 0 Evaluate expressions to import
1869 lechidung/sample 0 0
1870 lechidung/teste 0 0
1871 josephrocca/prompt2 0 0 A rough sketch of an async version of window.prompt that has a bunch of different input types (date, , color, file, etc)
1872 MrFaiman/FiveM 0 0 Fivem API
1873 weakish/suzhou-numerals 0 0 Encoding and decoding Suzhou numerals.
1874 fuwn/node-002 0 0 🎨 An NPM/ Deno package which returns a quote by Zero Two from the anime DARLING in the FRANXX in string form.
1875 UAK-35/jquery-utilities 0 0 A set of tools based on jQuery
1876 alfredosalzillo/sauron 0 0 An easy template clone CLI made in Deno.
1877 PaulPopat/safe-type 0 0 Typesafety with strong inference
1878 ihack2712/flow 0 0 A flow of addons.
1879 muratyaman/denominator 0 0 denominator is for low code service development using JavaScript/TypeScript with Deno
1880 beiranvand-karim/packit 0 0
1881 Vehmloewff/jsonrpc 0 0 A JsonRPC library for Deno - client and server
1882 itohatweb/deno-maylily 0 0 A changed copy of Maylily a distributable, serverless, and customizable unique ID generator based on Snowflake.
1883 mcbobby123/nbt_parser 0 0 NBT Data parser for Deno
1884 Preta-Crowz/Taebo-deno 0 0 모 두 태 보 해
1885 awcrotwell/tailsjs 0 0
1886 EthanThatOneKid/deno-blog-starter 0 0 💌 Blog CLI and static blog project-starter in Deno.
1887 Y-lonelY/stockup 0 0 Stock Up Up Up!
1888 Ayfri/Tims 0 0 Textual display of millisecond durations and in several languages.
1889 Ghary/name_parser 0 0 Deno module for parsing human names
1890 land47/deno-parse-vk-params 0 0
1891 ForestKatsch/apogee-ssg 0 0 Apogee static site generator
1892 CryptoSharon/simple_json_set_get 0 0 A simple persistent json storage framework.
1893 Vehmloewff/storable 0 0 Stores for Deno
1894 GJZwiers/eddist-deno 0 0 Edit distance calculator for the Deno runtime
1895 crossphoton/newsapi-deno 0 0 Deno interface for
1896 jackfiszr/archisaurus 0 0 A simple JSON-based local database for Deno.
1897 arthur-rs/asteroid 0 0 Framework for developing web applications and API's with Deno.
1898 pleshevskiy/it-range 0 0 Simple and minimalistic range iterator object
1899 HugoDaniel/glsl_variables 0 0 Read a GLSL string and return a parsed list of its variables. Only supports WebGL 2.0.
1900 michael-spengler/defi-deno 0 0 Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Features for Deno.
1901 phongnhat19/rlp 0 0 Deno library for RLP encode / decode
1902 rivy/js.os-paths 0 0 Determine common OS/platform paths (home, temp, ...)
1903 nurmohammed840/prototype.js 0 0
1904 piyush-bhatt/is-object 0 0 Checks whether given value is an object
1905 piyush-bhatt/is-array 0 0 Checks whether a given value is an array
1906 piyush-bhatt/finance 0 0 Deno module for common financial calculations
1907 Xeoth/Reddeno 0 0 A simple Reddit API wrapper for Deno
1908 FelixLuciano/import-script 0 0 Import text files as modules 📦
1909 w-ah/lazer 0 0 A console printer with a fluent API for Deno and Node ⚡🔫 🦕
1910 GCSBOSS/confort 0 0 A library for incrementally build config objects through layering config files in many formats.
1911 cardiacs/json-ref 0 0 json reference and json pointer utilities
1912 skanfd/deno-scel 0 0
1913 skanfd/deno-ark 0 0
1914 manojap/Deno-CLI-create-app-master 0 0 A Deno CLI Tool for create different type of deno projects. It is developed with Deno standard library and cliffy
1915 GCSBOSS/golog 0 0 A light-weight heavily inspired logging library for NodeJS
1916 evanwashere/clamav 0 0 ClamAV client for deno
1917 UAK-35/jquery-ajax 0 0 A jQuery based AJAX helper library
1918 piyush-bhatt/deno-port 0 0 Deno module to check if a port is available, get an available TCP port, or kill a process running on a port.
1919 WhatzGames/Dest 0 0 A fluent assertions framework, created with the deno.
1920 ihack2712/identity 0 0 An identity for everone, and everything.
1921 jd1378/deno-steam-totp 0 0
1922 jd1378/deno-steamid 0 0
1923 skanfd/deno-bark 0 0
1924 BumpyBill/inflix 0 0 💻An easy-to-use Discord API wrapper for Deno.
1925 Rakhmadi/Volca 0 0 Deno framework
1926 tmaxmax/jslazyiter 0 0 Rust iterators ported to Javascript.
1927 thinceller/sb_diary_opener 0 0
1928 Raphtalia-Bot/tweetnacl-deno 0 0 Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to TypeScript for Deno
1929 l2wilson94/Habitat 0 0 JavaScript Libraries
1930 pedropalhari/deno-srt-to-vtt 0 0 A Deno library for converting .srt subtitles to .vtt ones.
1931 naoki-tomita/automated-omusubi-deno 0 0
1932 l2wilson94/Frogasaurus 0 0 project template
1933 rok-star/route66 0 0 Router for Deno
1934 skanfd/deno-frontyaml 0 0
1935 HadiMardanian/stack-for-deno 0 0 This is data structure stack for Deno
1936 JohnnytheShark/Stegosaurus 0 0 Open Source Library with the intentions of providing financial calculations to the deno community.
1937 GJZwiers/deno-assert-matches 0 0 Deno module to test a RegExp to a list of string matches
1938 erikbrinkman/principia 0 0 A library for making plots loosely based off of principiae
1939 gold/serialize_simple 0 0 Simple serialize and deserialize with multiple language interoperability
1940 tomchen/searchconfig 0 0 TypeScript (JavaScript) package to get and merge configuration, made for Node.js and Deno
1941 skanfd/deno-local8601 0 0 Generate a ISO8601 string with local timezone, like "2021-02-09T12:20:04+08:00".
1942 yu-ichiro/logged.js 0 0 logging library without any dependencies inspired from python builtin logging package
1943 HadiMardanian/singlylinkedlist 0 0 Singly linked list for deno
1944 Hadaward/discord-deno 0 0
1945 brmcerqueira/denvalidator 0 0 A Deno fluent validator.
1946 dbushell/dbushell 0 0
1947 gil0mendes/EL-Oxido 0 0 Base Monads for Deno
1948 areller/denolibdemo1 0 0
1949 PaulPopat/sote 0 0 A modern JavaScript Framework for static HTML templates.
1950 5argon/linacc_gen 0 0 Deno module to read a file with keyed hierarchical structure, then codegen a new linear accessor file of that file.
1951 lyssieth/deno_lysutil 0 0 Various small utilities by Lyssieth, for Deno.
1952 jjeffcaii/dcache 0 0 A simple Deno LRU cache utilities.
1953 timonson/deno_tlsify 0 0 Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS using the Deno Web Workers API
1954 jeremiah-shaulov/deno_php_world 0 0 Extend Deno world with PHP, by running commandline PHP interpreter in the background, to use both languages in single application.
1955 itstrivial/is-array 0 0 You don't need this module. Use Array.isArray() instead.
1956 dareksob/deno-api-server 0 0 API Server for deno for functional programmed endpoints
1957 sno2/wiz_logger 0 0 A plugin for logging your Wiz requests with ease.
1958 TymanWasTaken/git-cli-wrapper 0 0
1959 TheMaestro0/lavalink 0 0 An easy-to-use Lavalink client for Deno.
1960 5argon/responsive_image_module 0 0 Deno script to batch generate a module for each set of responsive image files.
1961 m-bednar/webno 0 0
1962 FurryWolfX/deno_qs 0 0 A querystring parsing and stringifying library with some added security ported from qs@6.9.6
1963 FurryWolfX/deno_lodash 0 0 Lodash port to Deno with typings
1964 FurryWolfX/deno_webp_converter 0 0 a tool for converting images to webp
1965 SigureMo/mugyu 0 0
1966 cocop/asyncable 0 0
1967 cocop/rinner 0 0 A deno library for retry processing
1968 ezarcel/deno-url-pattern 0 0 ⚡ An easy and simple approach for URL patterns in Deno
1969 ezarcel/deno-lazy-getter 0 0 🚀 One-time getters for Deno
1970 carlrafting/chugger 0 0 A tool for managing web assets...
1971 sawcce/chic 0 0 An easy to use server system for deno
1972 marcelsud/deno-shallow-equal 0 0 A port of "" to Deno.
1973 sxwei123/deno-quick-stable-stringify 0 0 Deterministic JSON.stringify() for Deno
1974 yw662/deno-tsx 0 0 A minimal Deno library for tsx prerender/SSG
1975 ratson/deno_stdx 0 0 Deno Standard Extensions
1976 jeremiah-shaulov/deno_fcgi 0 0 FastCGI implementation for Deno
1977 jgrazian/deno-scalargrad 0 0 A scalar autograd engine for Deno.
1978 wsafight/memoizee-proxy-deno 0 0 Memoize based on Proxy for Deno.
1979 FullStackPlayer/TS-NiceError 0 0 An extension for TS/JS Error Object, brings you better development experience.
1980 TheRealSyler/s.color 0 0 simple color library.
1981 TheRealSyler/suf-log 0 0
1982 RazerMoon/Deno-print-file-contents 0 0 Deno test
1983 ruivieira/srhtclient 0 0 A Deno client to sourcehut REST API
1984 antoniovizuete/djira 0 0 Jira Client for Deno
1985 ElliotNS/fsociety 0 0
1986 saurrabhkadave/DENO- 0 0
1987 royletron/gitfinger 0 0
1988 ruivieira/deno-boxes 0 0
1989 prohazko2/deno-utils 0 0 Collection of miscellaneous utility functions used by me in various Deno projects.
1990 magic-akari/ncm_crypto 0 0
1991 bramirez96/clever_sso_deno 0 0 A Clever Client to incorporate SSO in your Deno application.
1992 magic-akari/modpow 0 0 modpow
1993 SeparateRecords/deno_substitute 0 0 Simple & flexible variable substitution for Deno. Perfect for environment variables.
1994 unbyte/deno-xml-parser 0 0 naive xml parser for deno
1995 antyas/deno-markov-chain 0 0
1996 itohatweb/guildeno 0 0 Guilded API module for Deno
1997 cnrdh/newline 0 0 newline delimited data tools
1998 phoenisx/deno-utils 0 0 All utility functions that will come handy to work with Deno Scripts
1999 swimauger/rmi 0 0 🤝 TypeScript implementation of Remote Method Invocation in Deno
2000 hyungjun7/deno_xml_generator 0 0 Deno! XML Generator @0.1.0
2001 alexizzarevalo/deno_mockjson 0 0 Fake JSON data that you can build yourself.
2002 greenya/bnapi 0 0 Blizzard API wrapper for Deno.
2003 timonson/fetchs 0 0 fetch something with types
2004 octavetoast/supersets 0 0 Useful abstractions over JavaScript's native collections (Map and Set) for Deno, Node.js and browsers.
2005 brecert/durations 0 0 a simple and small durations module for deno
2006 aleksrutins/waterlog 0 0 A logging library for Deno.
2007 aleksrutins/train 0 0 A web app library for Deno.
2008 vamsiaila/onewheeler 0 0
2009 Artemis69/Swagify 0 0 "I use it every day." - Connor, 12, 420th prestige on BLOPS2
2010 laughedelic/github_app_auth 0 0 Tiny Deno library and CLI to authenticate as a GitHub App and generate installation tokens
2011 valtlai/postcss-value-parser-deno 0 0 Transforms CSS values and at-rule params into a tree — 🦕 Deno version
2012 FurryWolfX/deno_utils_ex 0 0 deno utils for personal use
2013 jsejcksn/deno-roman-numerals 0 0
2014 vultuk/microservice-deno 0 0
2015 SeparateRecords/deno_iterators 0 0 Iterators and related functions for Deno. Similar to Python's itertools module. Unlicensed, do what you want.
2016 cloudydeno/deno-docker_registry_client 0 0 Typescript client for the Docker Registry API. Useful for inspecting and managing images or tags.
2017 DiFronzo/oauth2-deno 0 0 OAuth 2.0 with support for PKCE in Deno.
2018 c4spar/deno-deploy-route 0 0 Routing module for deno deploy 🦕
2019 Eyoatam/remove_comments 0 0 remove comments from JavaScript and TypeScript files
2020 ratson/deno_watchman 0 0 A port of fb-watchman running on Deno
2021 josephrocca/ftfy-pyodide 0 0 A quick JavaScript port/wrapper of Python's ftfy module (using Pyodide)
2022 RobloxWiki/wave 0 0 A module-based Deno Deploy routing library, built for web APIs
2023 josephrocca/clip-bpe-js 0 0 A JavaScript port of OpenAI's CLIP byte-pair-encoding tokenizer
2024 Tecardo1/deno_grammy_i18n 0 0
2025 ratson/deno_puppeteer 0 0 A TypeScript port of puppeteer running on Deno
2026 MNLaugh/steam 0 0 Deno Wrapper to communicate with Steam Web API
2027 deno-stuff/optional 0 0 A TypeScript implementation of Java's Optional for Deno.
2028 hex3928/dffmpeg 0 0 A simple to use ffmpeg wrapper for Deno
2029 papp-balazs/nixi 0 0 Nixi is an open-source JavaScript library to create blazing fast web applications.
2030 DjDeveloperr/struct 0 0 Python-like struct module for Deno to easily pack/unpack binary data.
2031 surgeboris/aip 0 0 Async Iterator Pipeline
2032 PaulPortal/lectionary 0 0 Order of readings for use at Mass Promulgated by His Holiness Pope Paul VI
2033 nnnnusui/deno.combinator 0 0 Provides combinator functions.
2034 VdustR/gwf 0 0 A Google web font downloader
2035 josiaheakle/deno-framework 0 0 A custom deno framework with mySQL connection.
2036 hjboss/honuya 0 0
2037 jheysonsaav/wink 0 0 Command Line Argument Parser for Deno
2038 TomokiMiyauci/arithmetic4 0 0 Type-safe curried arithmetic functions
2039 gcaptn/denoblox 0 0 Deno wrapper for the Roblox API
2040 RilDev/rildev_says_hi 0 0
2041 RilDev/deno-modules 0 0 A hub for all of RilDev's modules
2042 tshelburne/machiatto 0 0 A Deno testing framework similar to mocha
2043 Akuukis/deno-pako 0 0 high speed zlib port to javascript, works in browser & node.js. Republished for Deno, see original at the link.
2044 loops6340/deno-espchatbotapi 0 0 Paquete espchatbotapi de node trasladado a deno
2045 cloudydeno/deno-stream_observables 0 0 A collection of observables built with ReadableStreams & friends.
2046 cloudydeno/deno-observability 0 0 WIP module for transmitting common metrics to multiple destinations
2047 zhengxs2018/deno_js_tree 0 0 @zhengxs2018/js.tree 模块的 deno 包装
2048 testinggospels/camouflage_deno 0 0 HTTP/HTTPs Mocking tool
2049 magic-akari/ncm_api 0 0
2050 magic-akari/p_limit 0 0 Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency. For Deno.
2051 magic-akari/yocto_queue 0 0
2052 Eyoatam/charcodes 0 0 charcodes utility for deno
2053 SRNV/Exium 0 0 Lexer to parse multiple languages
2054 Avizhen/kandoo 0 0 A Simple Database For Deno (File-centric)
2055 rmw-link/rmw 0 0 next web ( developing )
2056 jabr/deno-spec 0 0 Spec-like testing framework for Deno
2057 LDWX/deno-store 0 0
2058 dansalias/json_pointer 0 0 JSON Pointer for Deno (IETF RFC6901).
2059 TomokiMiyauci/registerable 0 0 Check if it can be registered as a package name or domain name
2060 stableness/caldera 0 0 http/https CONNECT tunnel server on top of Deno 🦕
2061 GJZwiers/deno-init 0 0 Simple command line tool to initialize Deno projects from prompts.
2062 hex3928/deno-escapes 0 0 A simple ascii escapes module for Deno
2063 yeukfei02/notion-sdk-deno 0 0 notion-sdk-deno
2064 johnsonjo4531/pythonic_input 0 0 A tiny input/output reader, built for Deno, and inspired by Python's input module!
2065 au6rey/Mpesa-Deno 0 0 A Deno module for M-Pesa Daraja API calls
2066 twyy/brokers.deno 0 0
2067 mmstick/deno-slotmap 0 0 Arena allocator for Deno/TypeScript with persistent unique keys via generational indices
2068 wille-io/deno-blockchain 0 0
2069 valtlai/markdown-it-ib 0 0 Use and along with and with Markdown syntax
2070 brettkolodny/discodeno 0 0 A Discord bot framework for the Deno runtime
2071 enjikaka/lume_plugin_squoosh 0 0
2072 ocpu/typed-flags-deno 0 0 Strictly type your program flags in deno
2073 josh-hemphill/azure-msal-deno 0 0 Deno port of Microsoft Authentication Library for Node (MSAL)
2074 TomokiMiyauci/is-valid-package-name 0 0 Validation for package name
2075 mtso/faster-word-id 0 0
2076 0z00/zoo-utils 0 0
2077 mtso/uid 0 0
2078 stokes91/datamatrix 0 0 A DataMatrix implementation for Deno.
2079 irandeno/reflection 0 0 Lightweight metadata reflection for deno
2080 lu4/parse-aws-session-token 0 0
2081 gabriel4g/readline-sync 0 0 readline for deno
2082 codehz/deno-pug 0 0 Pug template engine for deno(for proper typing definition)
2083 jiawei397/deno_lib 0 0 some deno tools
2084 jiawei397/deno_cli 0 0 some deno cli
2085 ninevra/p-iterate 0 0 Iterate over promises as they're fulfilled.
2086 linux-china/deno-httpx 0 0 httpx: run request in http file
2087 Puellaquae/Deno-Indicators 0 0
2088 kedicesur/AQ 0 0 An Asynchronous Queue implementation for JS/TS (Deno)
2089 stokes91/thirty_nine 0 0
2090 eibens/modulo 0 0 The mathematical modulo operation in TypeScript for Deno.
2091 IT-Pianist/has-flag 0 0 基于Deno环境的Typescript检测运行参数中包含指定参数。
2092 Octo8080/asset_builder 0 0 Asset files (eg, text, images) bundle tool for Deno.
2093 ffelipelimao/localidades-deno 0 0 a lib to return all locations
2094 garyhai/neon 0 0 Neonatal framework.
2095 eibens/ansiml 0 0 AnsiML is a markup language for ANSI colors in TypeScript for Deno.
2096 kierangilliam/deno-craigslist 0 0 Deno driver for searching listings
2097 jupegarnica/garn-exec 0 0
2098 TomokiMiyauci/curry 0 0 TypeScript-first curry function without upcast
2099 eibens/lgram 0 0
2100 jd1378/deno-websocket-extensions-qp 0 0
2101 jd1378/deno-permessage-deflate-qp 0 0
2102 sssonamuuu/front-end-cache 0 0 支持typescript的前端浏览器缓存,browser front end cache (支持localstorage, sessionstorage, cookie)
2103 eibens/wsfs 0 0 WebSocket server (ws) that broadcasts file system (fs) events to its clients.
2104 eibens/ecli 0 0
2105 denyncrawford/barcode-scanner 0 0 Deno native barcode scanner driver
2106 JheysonSaavedr4/directories-deno 0 0 a library that provides config/cache/data paths, following the respective conventions on Linux, macOS and Windows.
2107 TomokiMiyauci/core-fn 0 0 A collection of built-in object method and property as currying function
2108 Doenerbote/magichome-deno 0 0 Simple Deno lib to turn local MagicHome RGB(W) on/off and set color
2109 brecert/seeded-numbers 0 0 generate psuedorandom numbers from a seed for Deno, Node, and the Browser
2110 stuymedova/easings 0 0 Easing functions for smooth motion in animation
2111 yext/ts-sdk-experiment-2021 0 0
2112 bwhetherington/lazy-iters-deno 0 0
2113 nhttp/nhttp_view 0 0 View template engine for Deno nhttp
2114 nhttp/nhttp_validator 0 0 Body validator for Deno nhttp based on class-validator.
2115 thomascarvalho/clubhouse_api 0 0 api wrapper for deno.
2116 eibens/edcb 0 0 A build and CI workflow for Deno projects.
2117 xtao-org/jsonhilo 0 0 Fast lossless JSON parse event streaming, in JavaScript.
2118 jiawei397/deno_es 0 0 deno elasticsearch
2119 eibens/surv 0 0 A build tool for websites built with Deno.
2120 Blanche-Neige-Network/deno 0 0
2121 tteerawat/xendit-testing 0 0
2122 jabr/weak-value-map 0 0 A Javascript/ECMAScript map using weak references to values.
2123 ihack2712/dottie 0 0 A dotfile sync/manager tool.
2124 GuiltyDolphin/sample-deno-with-org-readme 0 0 Sample Deno project with an Org readme.
2125 jeremiah-shaulov/office_spirit_mysql 0 0 MySQL driver for Deno
2126 jabr/ref-most-used 0 0 Maintain strong object references using LRU/LFU cache logic/behavior.
2127 mywaiting/psql 0 0 Deno implementation of the Postgresql client-server protocol
2128 SadiePi/AutoCLI 0 0 A small library for creating CLIs in TypeScript
2129 NfNitLoop/feoblog-client 0 0 a JavaScript client for feoblog written for Deno
2130 kevinelong/deno_tag_objects 0 0 HTML TAG ELEMENTS FOR DENO
2131 NfNitLoop/rss2fb 0 0 JavaScript/Deno script for syncing RSS feeds to FeoBlog
2132 j-mendez/dgql 0 0 0 config deno full featured graphql side car. Generate gql from any datasource.🦕
2133 sramam/klick 0 0 klick is a test snapshot library for Deno.
2134 brettkolodny/bn.deno 0 0
2135 NfNitLoop/deno-feomasto 0 0 Sync posts from Mastodon into FeoBlog
2136 NfNitLoop/feotweet 0 0 Syncs tweets into FeoBlog
2137 TomokiMiyauci/utilitypes 0 0 A collection of utility types for TypeScript
2138 eibens/binary_search 0 0 Binary search implemented in TypeScript for Deno.
2139 eibens/peek 0 0 Add a peek function to iterators in TypeScript for Deno.
2140 justinmchase/deno-dag 0 0 A Directed Asyclic Graph (DAG) resolver for Deno
2141 jcs224/oak_sessions 0 0 Session middleware for Oak
2142 coolrc136/cqhttp-bot 0 0 使用正向 websocket 的 cqhttp bot
2143 Mora2407/deno-require 0 0 Require function for Deno
2144 eibens/vec 0 0
2145 codehz/binary-embed 0 0
2146 codehz/sqlite3-ts 0 0 SQLite3 compiled to wasm for deno
2147 jsejcksn/ts-match 0 0 A TypeScript implementation of Rust's match control flow operator
2148 dareksob/deno-api-server-swagger-plugin 0 0
2149 codehz/dspack 0 0 Dead simple deno to browser packager
2150 watzon/html_parser 0 0 Port of fb55/htmlparser2 for Deno
2151 watzon/BigInteger.ts 0 0 Deno first BigInt wrapper based on peterolson/BigInteger.js
2152 jabr/xxhash64 0 0 A fast, simple xxHash64 implementation in TypeScript/WASM.
2153 watzon/wasm-crypto 0 0 Various Rust crypto libraries wrapped in WASM for use in the browser
2154 MintoD/simsimi 0 0 SimSimi API for Deno
2155 jeremiah-shaulov/base64to 0 0 base64 encoder and decoder for string, Uint8Array and Deno.Reader - optimized for big inputs
2156 fungible-systems/noble-secp256k1 0 0 Fastest JS implementation of secp256k1. Independently audited, high-security, 0-dependency ECDSA & Schnorr signatures.
2157 erfanium/deno_sonic 0 0 Sonic search engine driver for Deno
2158 Preta-Crowz/Cat-on-Oak 0 0 (Deno) Template engine for Deno
2159 Micha-ohne-el/deno-thyme 0 0 Time library for Deno with formatting support.
2160 kawarimidoll/deno-markup-tag 0 0 Render markup tag easily
2161 eruhoon/vega-kakaopot-lib 0 0
2162 grian32/atr 0 0 A extension to the at method that can also replace the element!
2163 MichailVestnik/wings 0 0 Template engine for Deno projects.
2164 austincummings/http_response_helpers 0 0 Simple helper functions to create Fetch API Response objects.
2165 TriForMine/kwik 0 0 Kwik is a deno database using messagepack files.
2166 imagineeeinc/orbs-js 0 0 Create beautiful 2D content for the web with a fast lightweight 2D library that works across a lot of devices using HTML5 canvas for the most compatibility.
2167 austincummings/html_template 0 0 Template literal function for creating HTML templates in Deno.
2168 caspervonb/deno-tools 0 0
2169 Micha-ohne-el/deno-term 0 0 A simple library for manipulating the terminal. Written for Deno but will work in any TypeScript environment, and even any JavaScript environment after compiling.
2170 M1ntDev/is.gd_shortener 0 0 Deno module for URL shortener
2171 Some-Dood/deno-deque 0 0 A modern double-ended queue for TypeScript/JavaScript.
2172 Ffloriel/postcss-selector-parser-deno 0 0
2173 FullHuman/purgecss-deno 0 0 PurgeCSS for deno
2174 Srabutdotcom/html-dom 0 0 small tools to create html dom element in Client Side
2175 Srabutdotcom/html-selectMenu 0 0 select menu as web component that can interactively run the function attached to drop down menu item and change the active menu item selected.
2176 adxzhang1/deno_demo 0 0
2177 SRNV/Exium-grapher 0 0 modeling of dependencies
2178 grian32/gini 0 0 A small and quick INI parser(and stringifier) for Deno
2179 erfanium/page_iter 0 0 Iterate through paginated api results for Deno
2180 massimo-vettori/linalg 0 0 Simple linear-algebra library for Deno
2181 mul-ink/mulink 0 0 Components of
2182 m-bednar/depverse 0 0 Dependency injection done simply and efficiently
2183 Srabutdotcom/pdfparser 0 0
2184 mtso/obi 0 0 Obi is a programming language inspired by koka and lua.
2185 dansalias/aws_s3_presign 0 0 Deno module to create presigned URLs for AWS S3
2186 Noct-TS/nocular 0 0 An asyncronous HTTP client written for Noct.
2187 liquidz/deno-interceptor 0 0 Interceptor implementation for Deno.
2188 andrewbrey/desh 0 0 The Deno-Enhanced Shell Environment 🦕
2189 eibens/module_url 0 0 Extract version number, module name, and more from ESM or TypeScript module URLs.
2190 Atlas48/ampelstatus 0 0 A miniscule module to provide a framework for program statuses.
2191 tteerawat/monoova 0 0 Moonova API scripts
2192 LNow/dspec 0 0 Simple BDD testing lib for Deno 🦕
2193 hexacell/hexa 0 0 CMS framework for deno 🦕
2194 alfredosalzillo/url-to-file 0 0 An utility to convert url to File object.
2195 queekusme/secret-santa-algorithm 0 0 algorithm to generate Secret Santa Pairings
2196 queekusme/dns_types 0 0 Deno port of the types
2197 scheatkode/deno-spinners 0 0 🔄 Terminal spinners for Deno without flicker
2198 elemental-mind/Awaitium-js 0 0 Put your await on fire and chain together async functions, promises and syncronous code in one line.
2199 drawm/contemplating 0 0 Freakishly small templating language script
2200 drawm/ezelement 0 0 Custom elements made easy
2201 mrsimb/steam_blank_icon_fix 0 0 Fixes blank desktop shortcut icons for steam games in a specified folder
2202 Bauke/minimal_dotenv 0 0 A very minimal .env parser for Deno.
2203 swadhinbharat/deno 0 0 Deno Library
2204 sera1mu/deno-mecab 0 0 An asynchronous Japanese morphological analysis module using MeCab.
2205 grammyjs/hydrate 0 0 Hydration plugin for API calls and context objects
2206 Srinivasa314/calcite-ts 0 0 Typescript helper library for calcite
2207 c-m-hunt/odds-converter 0 0 Deno project to convert betting odds
2208 SachaCR/Specosaur 0 0 Specification pattern library for Deno.
2209 avalero/Oak-GraphQL 0 0 A simple graphql middleware for oak deno framework.
2210 XiangnianZhou/neta 0 0 A SRT and ASS/SSA subtitle parser 🦕
2211 grantcarthew/deno-pg-format 0 0 Deno implementation of PostgreSQL's format() to safely create dynamic SQL queries.
2212 brecert/ 0 0 ECMAScript/Deno lightweight zlib implementation
2213 ramiel/deno-memoizy 0 0 Powerful memoization library for deno
2214 ac5tin/usefuljs 0 0 List of js functions that might be useful
2215 izelnakri/ansi-colors 0 0 Easily add ANSI colors to your text and symbols in the terminal. ansi-colors is the official ansi styling library for gulp, and is used by hundreds of other projects, including mocha and enquirer.
2216 ebebbington/context-finder 0 0 Search a given file for specific sections/context data, collect this and write to a new file. For Node and Deno.
2217 WilsonGramer/parjs 0 0 JavaScript parser-combinator library
2218 Po0pperS/denodb 0 0 MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB ORM for Deno
2219 oguimbal/functional-red-black-tree 0 0 A purely functional red-black tree data structure
2220 nathsou/Picolog 0 0 Minimal Prolog interpreter
2221 oguimbal/object-hash 0 0 Generate hashes from javascript objects in node and the browser.
2222 cvkline/chokidar 0 0 An efficient wrapper around node.js / fs.watchFile / FSEvents
2223 sorenbronsted/directus 0 0 Open-Source Data Platform — Directus wraps your new or existing SQL database with a realtime GraphQL+REST API for developers, and an intuitive admin app for non-technical users. 🐰
2224 lucas-bortoli/hjson-deno 0 0 Hjson for Deno
2225 antyas/new-hope 0 0 Esperanto tokenizer
2226 BenMcH/yahoo-stock-prices-deno 0 0 Deno API to scrape stock prices from Yahoo Finance
2227 PaulThompson/tsPEG 0 0 PEG Parser Generator for TypeScript - The modifications for running under deno
2228 elmurci/ripple-lib 0 0 A JavaScript API for interacting with the XRP Ledger in Node.js and the browser
2229 elmurci/ripple-address-codec 0 0 Address encoding/decoding for the XRP Ledger
2230 tarek-eg/alpaca 0 0 A TypeScript Node.js library for the REST API and WebSocket streams.
2231 ihack2712/hue 0 0 Syntax highlighter for all kinds of shit.
2232 denlyjs/denly 0 0 A Deno web development framework
2233 yext/plugins 0 0
2234 jsejcksn/deno-cashify 0 0 💸 Lightweight currency conversion library, successor of money.js
2235 ratson/node-fast-plist 0 0 A fast PLIST parser
2236 dynoland/dyno 0 0 🦕 A dependency management for Deno
2237 canonic-epicure/chalk-deno 0 0 🖍 Terminal string styling done right
2238 rmw-deno-lib/extract 0 0 util for extract text
2239 zongwei007/cli-format-deno 0 0 A command line formatting that makes it easy to manage word wrapping, indents, padding, columns, and more.
2240 rmw-deno-lib/upnp 0 0 upnp port mapping for deno
2241 rmw-deno-lib/sleep 0 0 sleep for seconds
2242 davidjamesstone/incremental-dom 0 0 An in-place DOM diffing library
2243 rmw-deno-lib/rmw_crontab 0 0 Given a time interval, the task is run periodically, and the default interval has 1 minute,1 hour or 1 day
2244 rmw-deno-lib/try 0 0 try await a function , when throw error will console.error(error)
2245 crayon-js/color-support-deno 0 0 🎨 Terminal color support detection for 🦕 Deno
2246 crayon-js/keywords 0 0 🔑👄 Extension package for crayon.js which adds support for CSS Keywords
2247 crayon-js/chalk-aliases 0 0 👐 Extension package for crayon.js which aims to make its API fully compatible with chalk one
2248 UnbreakableKid/Deno-Discord-Slash-Commands 0 0 Deno Slash Commands for Discord
2249 thelittlefamily/types 0 0 The interfaces and types that should be respected across the little-modules.
2250 jiawei397/Mock 0 0 A simulation data generator
2251 n1s/coingecko-api-v3 0 0 The nodejs api library for accessing coingecko api v3 , develop with typescript
2252 tallandroid/parzec 0 0 Parser combinators for TypeScript
2253 GJZwiers/sliced 0 0 A faster JavaScript alternative to []
2254 jiawei397/class-validator 0 0 Decorator-based property validation for classes.
2255 link-discord/realtime-js 0 0 An isomorphic Javascript client for Supabase Realtime server.
2256 link-discord/storage-js 0 0 JS Client library to interact with Supabase Storage
2257 DestroyerXyz/TypingDna_Verify_Client_DenoJS 0 0 Node.js implementation for working with TypingDNA Authentication API.
2258 watzon/quickchart 0 0 Javascript client for
2259 Octo8080/js_with_embedded_wasm 0 0 A tool that converts wasm and js created by wasm bindgen into js with embedded wasm.
2260 Octo8080/deno-csrf 0 0 Provides Deno with the CSRF protection of rust-csrf.