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Mark Jordan edited this page Mar 10, 2021 · 12 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Danny Lamb
  • Kristina Spurgin
  • Cary Gordon
  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Eli Zoller
  • Rodney Bruce
  • Willow Gillingham
  • Alan Stanley
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Seth Shaw
  • Mark Jordan ⭐ 💪
  • Adam Vessey
  • Bethany Seeger
  • Rosie Le Faive


  1. Metadata Sprint update
  2. Upcoming Open Meeting: March 30th 10:00 - 2:00 Eastern
  3. Presenting at the upcoming Fedora User Group get-together for Europe: March 17th 8:10 Eastern
  4. Merge work from two different "islandora_tokens" ( Jonathan Hunt and Willow) modules into the Controlled Access terms module finally (Willow)
  5. Issue Roundup
  6. PR Roundup
    1. Captions V2: / (Eli)
  7. Feel free to add agenda items...

(Last 10 Minutes): Roundtable


  1. Metadata Sprint update
    1. Off to a good start! Have scheduled six drop-ins for realtime collaboration. Zoom link is in metadata channel in zoom but times are 3/10 (11PST,/1CST/2EST), 3/11 (12PST/2CST/3EST), 3/12 (11EST/1CST/2EST) and then next week 3/16 (12EST/2CST/3EST), 3/17 (12PST/2CST,3EST), and 3/18 (2PST/4CST,5EST)
    2. Sign up sheet:
  2. Upcoming Open Meeting: March 3th 10:00 Eastern
    1. MJ can demo Islandora Whole Object.
    2. Bethany can do something informal on Workbench and Group for access control.
    3. Kristina will check with Nigel if he's got time to drop by show some of his development setup.
  3. Presenting at the upcoming Fedora User Group get-together for Europe: March 17th 8:10 Eastern
  4. Merge work from two different "islandora_tokens" (Jonathan Hunt and Willow) modules into the Controlled Access terms module finally (Willow)
    1. If you want to see any specific tokens, let Willow know in Slack.
  5. Issue Roundup
    1. Consensus is merge and move on.
      1. A lot of complexities in how we handle large files, but this is fundamental. Some discussion of how we should handle remote files, Tus, remote video/audio, etc. If we want a common solution to handling "large files", we need to hear use cases
  6. PR Roundup
    1. Captions V2: / (Eli)
  7. Roundtable
    1. Rosie is continuing to work on refining our docs
    2. Bethany is testing Workbench and Group for access control
    3. Alexander is testing the Playbook running on Ubuntu 20.04
    4. Seth is close to an advanced access control solution, it's in local testing. Sounds promising.

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