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Jeroen Baten edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 1 revision

TWiki> LibrePlan Web>AnA08S17NewVersionsNotification (13 Jan 2012, ManuelRego)EditAttach

Story summary System to notify users about new versions being published
Iteration AnA08Usability
FEA AnA08S17NewVersionsNotification
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Passed acceptance test No


Show notification to admins when a new version is released

This tasks consist to implement a new warning in LibrePlan to notify users with Administration profile about new versions being released.

In order to do this we will need to follow the following steps:

  • Create a new file VERSION
    • This will be a simple text file with the full number of current version. Right now it will have the next string: 1.2.0
    • This file will be accessible at (simply add a link to this file in www folder at LibrePlan repo)
  • Show the notification message
    • Message text when a new version is be available will be the following:

      A new version of LibrePlan is avilable. Please check next link for more information:
    • The idea is to show a warning only to users with Administrator profile

    • The warning will be placed at LibrePlan footer (like the warning about default passwords)

    • Warning behavior:

      • It always checks the URL of file VERSION on LibrePlan startup
      • If you're running and older version of LibrePlan
        • It stores a cached value and show the warning
        • URL is not going to be checked anymore (until you restart LibrePlan on that machine) as we already now that you're running an old version and we can show the warning (when you install a new version LibrePlan is restarted so there isn't any issue with this approach)
      • If you're running the last version of LibrePlan
        • It stores the cached value accordingly
        • The URL will be checked again 1 day later (or when you restart LibrePlan on that machine)

Add option to disable notification

Maybe some people doesn't want to enjoy this feature. We should add a new option in configuration to disable it. This option will be set to TRUE by default.


  • Add new field checkNewVersionEnabled to Configuration entity

  • Modify configuration window to show this new option and a checkbox to enable/disable it with the following text:

    Check for updates: [X] Show a notification when new LibrePlan versions are released
    Tooltip text: Enable/Disable warning about new LibrePlan versions available
  • Don't show warning if that option is disabled

Add option to request permissions to collect stats

As we're going to use the request to to know how many people is using LibrePlan, in order to be kind, we should ask for permission to the users to collect that data.

We'll add a new option in configuration to give us permissions to collect data as usage stats. This option will be set to FALSE by default.


  • Add new field allowToGatherUsageStatsEnabled to Configuration entity

  • Modify configuration window to show a new checkbox inside *Warning new version" option to enable/disable it with the following text:

    [ ] Help project developers to collect information about which LibrePlan version you are using
    Tooltip: Check this option to send this information to LibrePlan developers in order to generate usage statistics
  • If that option is marked pass as GET parameters stats=1 in the request. The complete URL will be to

  • We're going to take advantage to send too LibrePlan version in another GET param version=1.2.0. So the final URL would be something like this:

User stoties

Tasks in this story

Tasks Est Spent To do Risk Reviewer Developer Task Name Start Date Est End Date End Date
Task 3 3 0 Low JavierMoran ManuelRego Show notification to admins when a new version is released      
Task 2 2 0 Low JavierMoran ManuelRego Add option to disable notification      
Task 2 2 0 Low JavierMoran ManuelRego Add option to request permissions to collect stats      

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