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Jeroen Baten edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 1 revision

TWiki> LibrePlan Web>ItEr62S08PerformanceOrderEdition (09 Nov 2010, JacoboAragunde)EditAttach

Story summary Increase performance in order edition window
Iteration ItEr62week41To43
FEA ItEr62S08PerformanceOrderEdition
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I've been studying the time spent by the system in the save process. Some facts:

  • The method OrderModel.initEditAfterSave() reloads all the objects related with the order, and takes around 1 second. It could be replaced by calls to dontPoseAsTrasientObjectAnymore() for all the related objects, it's more laborious but less heavy, in theory.
  • The method OrderCRUDController.refreshOrderWindow, which is called after right after pressing the OK button on the 'Order saved' modal, takes between 1 and 2 seconds. Most of the time is spent on the call reloadTree(orderElementsTree) in the method initializeTabs.
  • After performing OrderCRUDController.refreshOrderWindow, most of the time is spent in the browser-side of the application, reloading the order elements tree. I couldn't measure exactly the time spent, but it seems to be 2-3 seconds.

All these measurements were done with my test DB, with the order called 'Pedido 1' which contains 51 lines.

-- JacoboAragunde - 18 Oct 2010

I have replaced OrderModel.initEditAfterSave() with calls to dontPoseAsTransientObjectAnymore(). That operation used to take around 1 second, and now it takes less than 20 ms.

-- JacoboAragunde - 19 Oct 2010

I've been studying the time spent when rendering the order element tree. Some conclusions:

  • OrderCRUDController.setupOrderElementTreeController() takes around 2 seconds (with 'Pedido 1' in my test DB). After that, most of the time is spent in the client side (the browser).
  • I tried ZK5 and there's no noticeable improvement in the performance of the order tree.
  • Removing cells does seem to have impact. Removing all the cells but the first column, the load times improve greatly both in the client and the server (reloadTree() inside setupOrderElementTreeController() is reduced from 1.5 s to ~0.1 s).

-- JacoboAragunde - 25 Oct 2010

The cells with most impact are the ones containing icons (the operations column). The cell containing a datebox doesn't seem to be very heavy, since removing them doesn't have a noticeable impact.

-- JacoboAragunde - 27 Oct 2010

I've been reading the documentation about load-on-demand solutions. Unfortunately, the two small tals from are about load on demand in tree objects when changing pages or opening tree nodes, and I was looking for a solution to avoid rendering the rows that are outside the scroll area.

-- JacoboAragunde - 27 Oct 2010

I was making some tests of performance on the order elements tree. It seems that 20 elements per page and eliminating the operations column has a good performance. Anyway, I have to check if rows are refreshed every time an order line is added (they shouldn't).

-- JacoboAragunde - 28 Oct 2010

Our main problem with the order elements tree is the fact that all the rows are re-rendered when the tree is manipulated (for example, when you add a new row). It can be checked looking at the response from ZK when adding a row; its XML contains all the rows of the tree.

After some experiments with trees, I realized that it's our fault: a simple tree, using MutableTreeModel<String> as model, doesn't do that. When a row is added, the XML only contains the new row. I suspect the problem can be in our custom renderers, since I don't use them in my example.

Files of the example with trees:

-- JacoboAragunde - 05 Nov 2010


Delay Causes

Final or Pending Considerations


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Tasks in this story

Tasks Est Spent To do Risk Reviewer Developer Task Name Start Date Est End Date End Date
Task 7 19.5 0 Low JavierMoran JacoboAragunde Rendering of large orders with the tree widget.      
Task 20 24 0 Low JavierMoran JacoboAragunde Rendering of large orders with the tree widget.      

Total Hours in this Story

User Spent in XpTracker Spent in phpReport Ok?
JacoboAragunde 43.5 0 ALERT!
Total 43.5 0 ALERT!

Attachments Attachments

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
javajava manage 1.4 K 05 Nov 2010 - 10:57 JacoboAragunde Example with a simple tree: controller class.
elsezul testTree.zul manage 1.1 K 05 Nov 2010 - 10:58 JacoboAragunde Example with a simple tree: .zul file

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