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Jeroen Baten edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 1 revision

TWiki> LibrePlan Web>AnA17S01ConfigurationUnitInterfaceCorrections (03 Jan 2012, JavierMoran)EditAttach

Story summary Configuration unit interface corrections
Iteration AnA17MachineDerivatedAllocation
FEA AnA17S01ConfigurationUnitInterfaceCorrections
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Passed acceptance test No


This analysis story contains several interface corrections needed in the configuration unit module for machines

Input box for alpha

Input box for the alpha value of the configuration units must take values >0 (we can get a minimun of 0.1). So, negative values and letters must no be allowed.

It must be prevented to save giving an appropiate pop-up message in red informing about the incorrect values.

Now it is saved and the previous value it is kept. Avoid abandoning the window in this happens.

Avoid having two configuration units with the same name in the same machine

Now it is possible to save to configuration units with the same name. Introduce a validation to avoid this.

Sort the workers by lastname, name in the resource selection combo in a configuration unit

Now the order in which the workers appear to assign one of them to a configuration unit shows them in a random order or by creation date. Sort this in order to make it easy to locate a worker to be chosen.

Start date fo worker assigment to a configuration unit is mandatory

Now the start date of the worker assigment to a configuration unit is mandatory so far. However, you can delete it, and save the machine withouth being notified with an error message.

So, implemente this validation in a pop-up and avoid to save a machine with this condition.

Sort the configuration unit by name

Now the order of the configuration units is random. This is a problem. So, show them sorted by name.

Incorrect behavior of the criterion selection combo

Now in the combo to select a criterion to be used in a configuration unit, in the component that it is being used are not showed all the criteria.

This is an error. Use in the case the criteria selection combo that is being used, for instance, in the criteria satisfaction assignment for a resource.

User stories

Tasks in this story

Tasks Est Spent To do Risk Reviewer Developer Task Name Start Date Est End Date End Date
Task 2 0 2 Low JavierMoran   Input box for alpha      
Task 2 0 2 Low JavierMoran   Avoid having two configuration units with the same name in the same machine      
Task 2 0 2 Low JavierMoran   Sort the workers by lastname, name in the resource selection combo in a configuration unit      
Task 2 0 2 Low JavierMoran   Start date fo worker assigment to a configuration unit is mandatory      
Task 2 0 2 Low JavierMoran   Sort the configuration unit by name      
Task 3 0 3 Low JavierMoran   Incorrect behavior of the criterion selection combo      

Total Hours in this Story

User Spent in XpTracker Spent in phpReport Ok?
  0 0 DONE
Total 0 0 DONE

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