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TWiki> LibrePlan Web>Meetings>MinuteS20110718 (20 Aug 2012, ManuelRego)EditAttach
- Date: July 18, 2011 at 12:00 CEST (GMT +2)
- Agenda: Coordination meeting
- Log:
- First of all, Pablo Cigoña was introduced to the community. An Igalia intern that is going to be working in functional tests for LibrePlan with Sahi.
- Rego
- Patch review (helped Nacho and Cristina with their tasks with some small patches)
- LDAP branch finally merged to master
- Reuse JavaScript code to show/hide default password warnings in new page Change Password
- Helped in web services providing common method to return 404 HTTP status code if InstanceNotFound happens
- Implemented BaseCRUDController and adapted some controllers to it: labels, machines, exception days
- Defined IHumanIdentifiable interface
- Fixed critical bug #1108 with Óscar's help. This bug is about a wrong mapping between Orders and Labels causing concurrency problems.
- Release LibrePlan 1.1.2
- Patch review and general bugfixing
- Javichan
- Carry on testing Sahi for functional testing with good results
- Replying users questions in mailing list
- Ayalize more features for 1.2 release
- Starting to prepare contents for new website
- Javichan introduced two points to discuss about
- Labels filtering issue:
- Rego thinks that we should fix it for next major release
- Duplicated names of tasks in Gantt and WBS
- Rego thinks that we should have just one name for tasks in Gantt and WBS
- Debate about the problem to save TaskElement and OrderElement from Gantt if we want to keep name just in OrderElement
- Óscar will take a look to the issue as part of his task of share state between perspective. Maybe saving everything is not a problem after his task
- Discussion will be moved to mailing list if needed
- Labels filtering issue:
- Nacho
- LDAP Integration: Finished and already merged in master. We have now a quite flexible approach for role matching that seems to work in different LDAP configurations.
- Web Services: Implemented the method getEntity for all integration entities. You can get just one entity passing the code as an extra GET parameter
- Locale settings for user: Patch ready and pending revision
- Start to review issue with labels filtering
- Maybe work in other planned task (support minutes in work reports) or review any assigned bug
- Cristina
- Closed last issues in Settings menu entry
- Fixed 2 bugs (these bugs are going to be part of LibrePlan 1.1.2 release):
- Bug #1101: Option to delete a user pending in the interface of user list
- Bug #1104: Allow remove profile if it's only used in order authorizations
- Changed method
in order to throws a InstanceNotFoundException and manage it properly inconfirmDelete
- Changed the entities: ExternalCompany, Worker, QualityForm, CostCategory, User and Profile to implement IHumanIdentifiable
- Updated controllers to BaseCRUDController
- Worker, Scenario and BaseCalendar are pending because of they are more complicated. Rego will take a look to them
- Finish the work with BaseCRUDController and IHumanIdentifiable
- Review some bugs if assigned
- Susana
- Worked in calendar edition changes. Some problems with new ZK version due to changes in the layout.
- Changed the way to fix earned value chart issue, but patches still pending to be reviewed and pushed
- Fix last issues with calendars interface
- Improve bandbox search component (ItEr75S09ImproveBandboxFinders)
- General bugfixing
- Maybe she stops to work for some weeks in LibrePlan
- Óscar
- Fixed issues with Maven 3 and Eclipse Indigo
- Worked in state integration part. Not patches pushed yet
- Keep working in the state integration part and try to finish it during next weeks
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