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Jeroen Baten edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 1 revision

TWiki> LibrePlan Web>ItEr75S18DataTypesTests (03 Jan 2012, JavierMoran)EditAttach

Story summary Data type tests
Iteration ItEr75week25To52
FEA ItEr75S18DataTypesTests
Story Lead  
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Passed acceptance test No

Acceptance Criteria

Additional Specification Comments

Implementation Notes

Data type progress

  • 1 - Create a new process
  • 2 - Create a process with the same name (most be failure)
  • 3 - Create a new process without name (most be failure)
  • 4 - Check Max value and precision
    • 4.1 - Wrong values (last input precision)
    • 4.2 - Wrong values (last input Max Value)
  • 5 - Edit a process
  • 6 - Try to delete a previously assigned progress (most be failure)
    • 6.1 - Create a Project
    • 6.2 - Assign a progress to a project
    • 6.3 - try to delete this progress
    • 6.4 - Delete the previously created project
  • 7 - Delete a process
  • 8 - Try to edit a default value
  • 9 - Try to delete a default value

Data type criteria:

  • 1 - Create a new criterion
  • 2 - Create a criterion with duplicate type (it should be a failure)
  • 3 - Create a criterion with empty type
  • 4 - Create a criterion with duplicate name (it should be a failure)
  • 5 - Create with Hierarchy
  • 6 - Create without Hierarchy (clicking on a previous name)
  • 7 - Edit a criterion
  • 8 - Check code
    • 8.1 - Change configuration
    • 8.2 - Try to create a new Criterion without Code (it should be a failure)
    • 8.3 - Change configuration like before
  • 9 - Delete all criteria

Data type Exception Days:

  • 1 - Create a new Exception Day
  • 2 - Create a Exception Day with duplicate type (it should be a failure)
  • 3 - Create a Exception Day with empty type (it should be a failure)
  • 4 - Create a Exception Day with duplicate name (it should be a failure)
  • 5 - Edit a Exception Day
  • 6 - Check code label
    • 6.1 - Change configuration
    • 6.2 - Try to create a new Exception day without Code (it should be a failure)
    • 6.3 - Change configuration like before
  • 7 - Delete Exception Day

Data type Label:

  • 1 - Create a new Label
  • 2 - Create a Label with duplicate type (it should be a failure)
  • 3 - Create a Label with empty type (it should be a failure)
  • 4 - Create a Label with duplicate name (it should be a failure)
  • 5 - Edit a Label
  • 6 - Assign a Label
    • 6.1 - Create a project
    • 6.2 - Add a Label to a project
    • 6.3 - Try to delete this assigned Label (it should be a failure)
    • 6.4 - Delete the project
  • 7 - Check code
    • 7.1 - Change configuration
    • 7.2 - Try to create a new Label type without Code (it should be a failure)
    • 7.3 - Try to create a new Label name without Code (it should be a failure)
    • 7.4 - Change configuration like before
  • 8 - Delete Label

Data type Unit Measure:

  • 1 - Create a new Unit Measure
  • 2 - Create a Unit Measure with duplicate type (most be failure)
  • 3 - Create a Unit Measure with empty type (most be failure)
  • 4 - Edit a Unit Measure
  • 5 - Assign a Unit Measure to a material
    • 5.1 Create a material and assign the Unit
    • 5.1 Try to delete the assigned Unit (most be failure)
    • 5.2 Delete the material
  • 6 - Delete Unit Measure

Data type Work Hour:

  • 1 - Create a new Work Hour
  • 2 - Create a Work Hour with duplicate name (it should be a failure)
  • 3 - Create a Work Hour with empty name (it should be a failure)
  • 4 - Edit a Work Hour
  • 5 - Assign a work Hour to a project with Work Report Model
    • 5.1 - Create a new Work Report Models
    • 5.2 - Create a new proyect
    • 5.3 - Create a new Machine
    • 5.4 - Create a new Work Report and assign our Work hour and Work Report Models
    • 5.5 - Try to delete the assigned Work Hour (it should be a failure)
    • 5.6 - Try to delete the assigned Work Report Models (it should be a failure)
    • 5.7 - Try to delete the project (it should be a failure)
    • 5.8 - Delete the Work Report
    • 5.9 - Delete the project
    • 5.10 - Delete the machine
    • 5.11 - Delete the work report model
  • 6 - Delete Work Hour
  • 7 - Check code
    • 7.1 - Change configuration
    • 7.2 - Try to create a new Work Hour without Code (it should be a failure)
    • 7.3 - Change configuration like before
  • 8 - Assign a work Hour to a Cost Category
    • 8.1 - Create a Work Hour again
    • 8.2 - Create a Cost Category and associate our Work Hour
    • 8.3 - Try to delete the Work Hour
    • 8.4 - Delete the Cost Category
    • 8.5 - Delete the Work Hour

Data type Work Report Model:

  • 1 - Create a new Work Report Model
  • 2 - Create a Work Report Model with duplicate type (it should be a failure)
  • 3 - Create a Work Report Model with empty type (it should be a failure)
  • 4 - Create a Work Report Model with duplicate name (it should be a failure)
  • 5 - Edit a Work Report Model
  • 6 - Check Different Fields
    • 6.1 - Check code
      • 6.1.1 - Change configuration
      • 6.1.2 - Try to create a new Work Report Model without Code (it should be a failure)
      • 6.1.3 - Change configuration like before
    • 6.2 - Check Complementary Text Fields
    • 6.3 - Check Label Type Fields
      • 6.3.1 - Create a label
      • 6.3.2 - Check Fields
      • 6.3.3 - Delete the label
  • 7 - Delete Work Report Model

Delay Causes

Final or Pending Considerations




Tasks in this story

Tasks Est Spent To do Risk Reviewer Developer Task Name Start Date Est End Date End Date
Task 16 90 0 Low JavierMoran PabloFernandez Progress Type tests      

Total Hours in this Story

User Spent in XpTracker Spent in phpReport Ok?
PabloFernandez 90 0 ALERT!
Total 90 0 ALERT!

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