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TWiki> LibrePlan Web>AnA19S03AdapatingProjectsToExpenses (11 Sep 2012, JavierMoran)EditAttach

Story summary Adapting projects to expenses
Iteration AnA19CostModule
FEA AnA19S03AdapatingProjectsToExpenses
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In these tasks are described a set of adaptations needed to adapt completely the expenses to be used in the LibrePlan projects.

Avoid to delete a project with expenses

It is needed to implement a validation to be checked when a user requests to delete a project. The validation to be checked will be the following: Search in the database if there are some ExpenseSheetLine imputing money to some of the OrderElement of the project. It must be avoided the deletion in this case with a red info message.

Avoid to delete an order element with expenses

If you try to delete an OrderElement that has objects WorkReportLine imputing time, it is prevented this deletion with an error message.

It must be implemented a validation similar to the WorkReportLine for the ExpenseSheetLine. It must be prevented the deletion of a OrderElement if there are some ExpenseSheetLine object imputing cost.

warning It must be also checked that the OrderElement that wanted to be deleted do not have any descendant with some ExpenseSheetLine imputing cost to it.

Order expenses cache system

This task consists of precalculating the total money spent in expenses in the OrderElement of an Order instead of having to query the database each time the expenses cost can be displayed in a project. It is a cache mechanism similar to the one developed for the sum of hours devoted in the projects.

The class diagram for this task is the next one:


The mapping of the OrderElement and SumExpenses class must be similar to the one existing between OrderElement and SumChargedEffort. It must be guaranteed that:

  • On saving a project, the OrderElement, it has to cascade to SumExpenses the delete operation.
<one-to-one name="sumChargedEffort" class="SumChargedEffort"
            cascade="delete" property-ref="orderElement" />

<many-to-one name="orderElement" column="order_element"
            class="OrderElement" cascade="none" unique="true" />
  • The SumExpenses are not created on editing a project, they will be just read to calculate the cost taking into account the expenses.

Creation of the SumExpenses objects

The creation of the SumExpenses objects will be done on saving a ExpenseSheet. At this moment for each ExpenseSheetLine are created/updated the SumExpense objects associated to the OrderElement and its parents to which the ExpenseSheetLine imputes time.

tip You can inspire and guide yourself looking into the code that does a similar action but for the WorkReportLine.

Update the SumExpenses on planning a project

The database mapping has been designed in order to avoid storing the SumExpenses objects when saving the project plan. This is to avoid concurrency problems between the project planning perspectives and the screen to manage the expenses.

So, the strategy that we will need to implement here is the same as the one for the WorkReport lines. This strategy consists of:

  • Detect when it is needed to recalculate the SumExpenses of an Order. It is needed to include in the WBS interface a system to detect when it is changed the position of an OrderElement with some ExpenseSheetLine imputing money to it. If some of this movements is done in the WBS tree then the Order is flagged to be recalculated the SumExpenses.
  • The recalculation is done by an independent thread and not by the Order saving code. It must be followed the same approach that the used in the SumChargedEffort case.

tip Some classes that you should take a look to implement this task:


Update money based cost bar in Gantt chart with expenses

In the Gantt diagram of the projects in LibrePlan there is a bar which shows the spent money in the the OrderElement bound to a task and all its descendants OrderElement objects. Cost categories, type of hours and the configuration of the resources related to the cost category they belong are taken into account. This can can called the cost because of worked hours.

This task consists of adding the cost because of expenses to the cost because of worked hours. They must be added not only the expenses because of the direct expenses but because of the indirect expenses, expenses of the OrderElement children to the cost bar. These quantities must be extracted from the SumExpenses object.

Include the cost because of expenses in the WBS imputed hours pop-up

This task consists of adding the information about the expenses done in an OrderElement in the tab Imputed hours.

The changes to do are the next ones:

  • Change the name of the tab. It will be Cost.
  • Create a new section below Imputed hours allocation called Expenses. Do a table with the list of the direct expenses imputing in the OrderElement. The expenses must appear sorted by Date. It will have the following columns:
      | Date | Concept | Resource  | Value |
      |         |              |                 |          |
      Sum of direct expenses
      Sum of expenses imputed in children tasks
  • Do a new format of the bottom table Money spent to be:
    • Money spent. It will be the sum of the cost because of worked time and expenses.
      • Because of hours. The total cost because of the hours worked in the OrderElement and its children.
      • Because of expenses. The total cost because of the expenses in the OrderElement and its children.

Modify the report Project cost by resource

Change the name of the report to be just Project cost

The report will have a new area per OrderElement called Expenses. It will contain a list of expenses imputing money to the OrderElement. The columns of the Expenses area will be:

        | Date | Concept | Resource  | Value |
        |         |              |                 |          |

The table will be order by Date and must include a subtotal with all the expenses done in an OrderElement.

warning If an OrderElement has not any expenses the area must not be rendered, not even the heading of the table.

User stories

Tasks in this story

Tasks Est Spent To do Risk Reviewer Developer Task Name Start Date Est End Date End Date
Task 3 3 0 Low JavierMoran SusanaMontes Avoid to delete a project with expenses      
Task 3 3 0 Low JavierMoran SusanaMontes Avoid to delete an order element with expenses      
Task 14 14 0 Low JavierMoran SusanaMontes Order expenses cache system      
Task 14 14 0 Low JavierMoran SusanaMontes Update money based cost bar in Gantt chart with expenses      
Task 7 7 0 Low JavierMoran SusanaMontes Include the cost because of expenses in the WBS imputed hours pop-up      
Task 5 5 0 Low JavierMoran SusanaMontes Modify the report Project cost by resource      

Attachments Attachments

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
pngpng expense_cache_class_diagram.png manage 7.6 K 19 Apr 2012 - 17:13 JavierMoran Expenses class diagram

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