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Jeroen Baten edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 1 revision

TWiki> LibrePlan Web>ItEr63S05PerformanceOrderEdition (09 Nov 2010, JacoboAragunde)EditAttach

Story summary Increase performance in order edition window
Iteration ItEr63week45To46
FEA ItEr63S05PerformanceOrderEdition
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Passed acceptance test No

Acceptance Criteria

Additional Specification Comments

Implementation Notes

After some trial-and-error, I found that the reason why the tree sends the full page instead of the affected event every time there is a modification: the option mold="paging". When paging is activated, all the elements of the page are sent because ZK has to calculate which ones have to be shown and which not. Without paging there isn't such a problem because all elements are shown.

Since it could be very difficult to modify this behaviour, we decided to go for a different approach: remove most of the buttons in the operations row to speed up the rendering time of each row. They have been replaced by buttons on the top of the page, which act on the selected row.

-- JacoboAragunde - 09 Nov 2010


Delay Causes

Final or Pending Considerations


Entregables de código


Tasks in this story

Tasks Est Spent To do Risk Reviewer Developer Task Name Start Date Est End Date End Date
Task 10 8 0 Low JavierMoran JacoboAragunde Rendering of large orders with the tree widget.      

Total Hours in this Story

User Spent in XpTracker Spent in phpReport Ok?
JacoboAragunde 8 0 ALERT!
Total 8 0 ALERT!

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