Releases: fossasia/open-event-attendee-android
Releases · fossasia/open-event-attendee-android
Release v0.1.2-alpha
This is a hotfix release for v0.1.1
- fix: upgrade app database to version 2
Release v0.1.1-alpha 🌈
🧰 Maintenance
- chore: reduce app size by removing mapbox (#1516) - @anhanh11001
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@anhanh11001 and @iamareebjamal
Release v0.1.0-alpha
- fix: Retain number of ticket when coming back from AttendeeFragment (#1444) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Stop shuffle on like and share (#1502) - @angmas1
- fix: incorrect image displayed for event in EventsFragment (#1495) - @addiegupta
- feat: display multiple columns of events in landscape and tablets (#1497) - @addiegupta
- fix: app crash on going back from similar fragment' (#1489) - @addiegupta
- fix: empty field signup crash (#1473) - @thelimitbreaker
- fix: Handle action bar visibility in search location fragment (#1484) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Show correct date and improve UI (#1452) - @angmas1
- fix: multiple app crashes by reverting #1443 (#1477) - @addiegupta
- feat: Fetch similar events on basis of location and topic. (#1413) - @angmas1
- feat: Added Terms and Condition in SignUp Page (#1470) - @somenath1435
- chore(deps): bump material from 1.1.0-alpha04 to 1.1.0-alpha05 (#1462) - @dependabot[bot]
- feat: Add shared element transition (#1443) - @aggarwalpulkit596
- feat: display profile menu options like preferences in fragment (#1457) - @addiegupta
- fix: Changed Button to Material Button in Login/Signup Page (#1466) - @somenath1435
- fix: Removed cardView, replaced with shapes. (#1456) - @angmas1
- fix: Changed FAB color to ColorAccent (#1464) - @somenath1435
- fix: Concise Lambdas (#1468) - @somenath1435
- fix: Hide organizer section when there is no information (#1210) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Fixed FAB issue in Edit Profile (#1461) - @somenath1435
- fix: make register buttons corners rounded (#1021) - @addiegupta
- fix: misaligned terms conditions textview (#1459) - @addiegupta
- fix: back button in actionbar (#1442) - @anhanh11001
- fix: display white icons in accent color FABs (#1448) - @addiegupta
- fix: Resolve HTTP 500 by replacing preferences by functions. (#1449) - @angmas1
- fix: Fixed Shimmer Layout Issue (#1428) - @somenath1435
- feat: Navigation icon clicked scroll to top (#1391) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Add no internet view on social link fragment (#1447) - @anhanh11001
- chore(deps): bump rxjava from 2.2.7 to 2.2.8 (#1445) - @dependabot[bot]
- fix: Fixed Button Color (#1440) - @somenath1435
- feat: Make empty favorite fragment similar to Eventbrite. (#1431) - @angmas1
- fix: Dialog Buttons (#1434) - @somenath1435
- chore(deps): bump mockk from 1.9.2 to 1.9.3 (#1427) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump anko-commons from 0.10.6 to 0.10.8 (#1426) - @dependabot[bot]
- fix: Content for Error fetching event (#1366) (#1375) - @aman210697
- feat: Change app theme to Material Components (#1255) - @liveHarshit
- feat: improve layout of SearchTimeFragment (#1414) - @addiegupta
- fix: Improved UI in Settings (#1417) - @somenath1435
- fix: After coming back from result detail, search result come back to the top, not current position #1150 (#1183) - @anhanh11001
- feat: improve favorite events layout for consistency (#1401) - @addiegupta
- feat: Add Places AutoComplete for Search (#1306) - @thelimitbreaker
- Revert "feat: Implemented Voice Search" (#1412) - @iamareebjamal
- feat: Implemented Voice Search (#1358) - @somenath1435
- feat: Download tickets as pdf (#1367) - @aggarwalpulkit596
- fix: app crash due to IllegalArgumentException in SearchFragment (#1394) - @addiegupta
- fix: Improve Kotlin Code (#1390) - @somenath1435
- feat: Add ripple effect on item when clicking on bottom navigation (#1393) - @anhanh11001
- fix: show previously loaded events on rotation + internet loss (#1377) - @addiegupta
- fix: Added Confirmation Dialog (#1343) - @somenath1435
- fix: EditProfile discard changes dialog shown on back press (#1307) - @addiegupta
- feat: Added Shimmer to display Tickets (#1373) - @somenath1435
- fix: display placeholder image for event (#1290) - @addiegupta
- feat: display snackbar with undo action on removing liked event (#1288) - @addiegupta
- fix: display emptyview in FavoriteFragment when list is empty (#1385) - @addiegupta
- feat: Option to see Website (#1361) - @somenath1435
- fix: App crash on switching between login and signup fragments (#1380) - @angmas1
- chore(deps): bump core-testing from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 (#1381) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump roomVersion from 2.1.0-alpha04 to 2.1.0-alpha06 (#1382) - @dependabot[bot]
- feat: Add LinearSnapHelper to OrderDetailsFragment to enable snapping of tickets on the screen (#1378) - @haroldadmin
- chore: revert requested string changes (#1330) - @addiegupta
- refactor: Migrate project to use viewLifecycleOwner in fragments to observe livedata wherever it makes sense (#1374) - @haroldadmin
- chore(deps): bump stetho-okhttp3 from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 (#1364) - @dependabot[bot]
- fix: ImproperPlacement of OrganizerName (#1370) - @thelimitbreaker
- fix: making search in EventsFragment works again (#1350) - @anhanh11001
- fix: stop reloading old image when rotating on EditProfileFragment (#1273) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Convert Events and FavouriteEvents RecyclerAdapter to ListAdapter (#1240) - @haroldadmin
- feat: Add ripple effect for RETRY (#1298) - @anhanh11001
- chore(deps): bump stetho from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 (#1365) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore: Remove unchecked cast (#1321) - @ShridharGoel
- chore: Disable missing translation lint check (#1360) - @ShridharGoel
- feat: Add stetho to project (#1334) - @ShridharGoel
- feat: improve no internet layout for SearchResultsFragment (#1340) - @addiegupta
- fix: Retain search results after rotating screens (#1351) - @anhanh11001
- fix: No Visual Difference on Clicking Views (#1283) - @thelimitbreaker
- feat: Added Country Picker Dialog (#1291) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Empty organizer section in Ticket Details (#1308) (#1309) - @aman210697
- fix: room dependency causing build fail (#1324) - @addiegupta
- fix: Retain ticket details' visibility after screen rotation (#1293) - @anhanh11001
- fix: display storage permission snackbar only once in EditProfileFragment (#1305) - @addiegupta
- fix: Stop reloading events after rotating screen (#1296) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Add remove favorite event animation (#1294) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Added Bengali Translations. (#1276) - @somenath1435
- fix: Added More CardType during Payment (#1265) - @somenath1435
- chore(deps): bump lifecycle_version from 2.1.0-alpha02 to 2.1.0-alpha03 (#1299) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump roomVersion from 2.1.0-alpha04 to 2.1.0-alpha05 (#1300) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump appcompat from 1.1.0-alpha02 to 1.1.0-alpha03 (#1301) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump navigation-fragment-ktx from 1.0.0-rc02 to 1.0.0 (#1312) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin from 1.0.0-rc02 to 1.0.0 (#1311) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump navigation-ui-ktx from 1.0.0-rc02 to 1.0.0 (#1313) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump logging-interceptor from 3.13.1 to 3.14.0 (#1314) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump recyclerview from 1.1.0-alpha02 to 1.1.0-alpha03 (#1302) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump mockk from 1.9.1 to 1.9.2 (#1277) - @dependabot[bot]
- fix: edit text retention in EditProfileFragment (#1257) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Added Vietnamese strings (#1235) - @anhanh11001
- fix: fully display number of tickets TextView (#1263) - @anhanh11001
- fix: detail name empty with spaces still valid (#1262) - @anhanh11001
- fix: wrong colors in Buttons in Login/Signup Fragment (#1252) - @somenath1435
- fix: Removed HardCoded Margins (#1247) - @somenath1435
- fix: Added displaying invalid message on email (#1236) - @anhanh11001
- chore(deps): bump stripe-android from 8.4.0 to 8.5.0 (#1245) - @dependabot[bot]
- fix: Hide organizer name when empty (#1244) - @ShridharGoel
- feat: Display timedate according to the timezone specified in event. (#1153) - @angmas1
- chore(deps): bump gradle from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 (#1233) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump threetenabp from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0 (#1241) - @dependabot[bot]
- refactor: Migrate entire project to use Safe Args (#1229) - @haroldadmin
- fix: improve payment by stripe (#1084) - @pranavpandey1998official
- fix: Remove extra space in settings. (#1108) - @angmas1
- refactor: Migrate EventDetailsFragment to use SafeArgs (#1204) - @haroldadmin
- chore: Remove unnecessary layouts and fixed minor bugs. (#1225) - @angmas1
- feat: Store credentials with Google smart lock after authentication (#1177) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Refactor class name (#1218) - @somenath1435
- Revert "chore: Replaced java class with kotlin." (#1226) - @iamareebjamal
- chore: Add location to the details while sharing an event (#1224) - @ShridharGoel
- chore: Replaced java class with kotlin. (#1211) - @angmas1
- feat: Add toggle feature to see more organizer detail in EventDetailsFragment (#1203) - @anhanh11001
- chore(deps): bump material from 1.1.0-alpha03 to 1.1.0-alpha04 (#1206) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump navigation-fragment from 1.0.0-rc01 to 1.0.0-rc02 (#1200) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin from 1.0.0-rc01 to 1.0.0-rc02 (#1199) - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump navigation-ui from 1.0.0-rc01 to 1.0.0-rc02 (#1201) - @dependabot[bot]
- feat: Ripple effect in cards (#1197) - @ShridharGoel
- fix: Similarevents itemview fix. (#1190) - @angmas1
- fix: Hide no events available text when events are being loaded (#1193) - @ShridharGoel
- fix: Replace google map with mapbox. (#1181) - @angmas1
- fix: another layer of SimilarEvents created (#1187) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Disable signup and login button. (#1154) - @angmas1
- fix: "See more" button disappear #1337 (#1148) - @anhanh11001
- chore(deps): bump rxjava from 2.2.6 to 2.2.7 (#1184) - @dependabot[bot]
- feat: Add drawable suggesting editable profile picture in editprofileframent. (#1100) - @angmas1
- feat: Added empty view for events fragment (#1157) - @anhanh11001
- chore: Fix typos in README (#1179) - @somenath1435
- fix: Pop to back ...