Releases: powsybl/powsybl-open-loadflow
Releases · powsybl/powsybl-open-loadflow
Release notes
Bump to powsybl-core 5.3.2 (#804)
- Clean indexed terms when removing an equation (#808)
- Fix already converged case in fast restart mode (#802)
- Fix switch update in fast mode (#803)
- Fix updated Q limits in reactiveLimitsOuterLoop (#813)
- Fix generators update after forcing a bus to remain PV (#814)
- Fix calculated bus load targetQ when distributed slack on loads with constant power factor (#815)
- Fix contingency on phase shifter controlled branch causing exception (#817)
- Fix phase shifter flow control on non impedant branch causing exception (#816)
- LfLoad refactoring (#812)
Release notes
- Upgrade to PowSyBl Core 5.3.0 (#793)
- Basic implementation of asymmetric AC load flow (#703)
- Increase default value for max realistic voltage magnitude (#769)
- Improve propagating by dealing with internal connections (#774)
- Fix infinity voltage shift in secondary voltage control outer loop (#782)
- Fix update of voltage controls after bus disabling (#787)
- Fix slackBusesIds parameter type (#786)
- Fix isHidden() method and introduce isDisabledAndAlsoAllItsDependentVoltageControls() method (#784)
- Fix voltage control equation system updater: only main voltage control (#785)
- Fix update voltage control merge status (#783)
- Fix remove equation (#779)
- Fix pre contingency monitored branch empty in DC Security analysis. (#776)
- Fix disabled voltage control equations (#772)
- Fix no impact load contingency when simulated with a switch contingency (#768)
- Refactor outer loop (#789)
- Refactor equation derivative (#746)
- Rename LfAggregatedLoads to LfLoad (#777)
- Replace dc boolean by an enum (#773)
Release notes
- Improve equations testing (#720)
- Newton Raphson new stopping criteria (#699)
- Improve GraphViz voltage control representation (#734)
- Network listener tracer (#733)
- Incremental phase shifter outer loop (#722)
- Log all parameters formatted as a table (#749)
- New parameter to always update iIDM network even in case of non-convergence (#755)
- Split NR and outer loops max iterations (#730)
- Add most meshed slack bus max nominal voltage percentile parameter (#761)
- Country filter for slack bus selection (#721)
Load flow fast restart for AI
- Fast switch position modification (#705)
Security analysis
- Use reader/writer API instead of the result object based one (#719)
- Partial support of GeneratorAction (#704)
- Support of static var compensator contingency (#748)
- Partial support of HvdcAction (#744)
- Support of busbar section contingency (#667)
Sensitivity analysis
- Support of static var compensator contingency (#748)
- Sensitivity values filtering (#757)
- Support of busbar section contingency (#667)
- Refactor PI model array (#712)
- Remove updateAllowedDirection method duplication (#723)
- Refactor voltage controls (#735)
- Angle in degree in LfBus (#739)
- Refactor parameters (#750)
- Refactor voltage control equations (#751)
- Use SensitivityFunctionType::getSide and SensitivityVariableType::getSide (#752)
- Avoid useless peruniting/de-peruniting (#760)
- Various performance improvements (#745)
- Fix zero impedance subgraph and refactor voltage controls (#718)
- Remove AssertionError (#716)
- Fix ac and outerloop package design (#729)
- Fix sensitivity calculation (#731)
- Fix missing DC context close (#732)
- Fix breakers in PropagatedContingency list creation (#726)
- Fix hvdc converter stations update for fast restart (#736)
- Fix hvdc line open at one side (#738)
- Fix non impedant phase shifter with active power flow control activated (#641)
- Fix (or simplify) load action support (#741)
- Fix secondary voltage control when branch disconnected at one side (#747)
- Shunt voltage control: fixes after testing on real cases (#753)
- Fix contingency on line disconnected at one side (#756)
- ReactiveLimitsMaxPqPvSwitch parameter name lowerCamelCase (#758)
- Only use branches connected at both sides in most meshed slack bus selection (#762)
- Add limit name to violation (#737)
Release notes
We are happy to release the 1.0.0 version! 🚀
- Remove add ratio to lines with different nominal voltage parameter (#658)
- Low impedance threshold into OLF parameters (#656)
- Fast restart from previous LF for AI use cases with fast generator
modification (#635) - Newton-Raphson state vector scaling (#669)
- Fast restart: support of shunt section modification (#698)
- Specific parameters description (#689)
- Add unrealistics voltages trace logs (#665)
- Add target dead band check in transformer voltage control outerloop (AFTER_GENERATOR_VOLTAGE_CONTROL) (#668)
- SVC with stand by automaton (#636)
- Multiple slack buses support (#679)
- GraphViz export for identifying the spanning tree and the controlled buses (#706)
- Shunt incremental voltage control (#692)
- Secondary voltage control simulation (#695)
Security analysis
- Adds DcLoadFlowContext (#647)
- Support of operator strategies in DC security analysis (#662)
- Support of LoadAction in AC and DC security analysis (#660)
Sensitivity analysis
- Get RHS from equation (#673)
- Support of three windings transformers as variable or function in sensitivity analysis (#654)
- Refactor security analysis network loading (#659)
- Refactor equation systems creation (#684)
- Refactor PV -> PQ switch counter (#687)
- Refactor default outer loop config (#708)
- Transformer voltage control refactoring (#709)
- Simplify sensitivity calculation on transformer voltage control incremental outer loop (#696)
- Add AbstractElementEquationTerm (#686)
- Move bus getters to Networks utility class (#678)
- Update deprecated API usage (#697)
- Automatic indexing of equation terms (#672)
- Use LfNetworkParameters everywhere to simplify code (#682)
- Zero impedance branch management refactoring (#666)
- DcValueVoltageInitializer fails in presence of resistive only branches (#683)
- Add network update state parameters (#681)
- Fix log: generator with inconsistent target (#661)
- Fix DcEquationSystem with disabled non impedant branch (#663)
- Fix calculation status report severity (#677)
- Fix log message with voltage controllers (#694)
- Fix incremental transformer voltage control loop (#693)
- Fix deprecated API usage (#707)
- Fix shunt compensator disabling in DC security analysis (#710)
- Fix variable name (#713)