590 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
What Changed π
- [CHORE]: development workflows. local and dev docker files @nunocaseiro (#593)
- fix: login form, merge board slack msg, create board name error, handle votes @nunocaseiro (#590)
- fix(issues): unauthorised login error, create card with user, change responsible slack message @nunocaseiro (#582)
- [FEATURE]: change responsible and merge slack message @nunocaseiro (#576)
- [Fix]: unmerge cards and remaining votes @nunocaseiro (#565)
- [REFACTOR]: slack schedules and slack option @nunocaseiro (#542)
- [FIX]: stakeholders, delete cron job @nunocaseiro (#559)
- [REFACTOR]: list boards without showing subboards @CatiaAntunes96 (#557)
- docs: add miguel-felix1 as a contributor for code, bug, and 2 more @allcontributors (#535)
- docs: add mourabraz as a contributor for code, doc, and review @allcontributors (#534)
- docs: add CatiaAntunes96 as a contributor for code, doc, and review @allcontributors (#533)
- [BUG]: Board Settings Info cancel button to reset info @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#490)
- [FIX]: fix card team layout @CatiaAntunes96 (#505)
- [FEATURE]: disable teams button from sidebar menu @CatiaAntunes96 (#513)
- fix(NI): ESLint errors on Sprite @dsousa12 (#511)
- [FIX]: adding cards to closed sub boad eslint issues @f-morgado (#510)
- [BUG] Adding cards to closed sub-board @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#509)
- feat(NI): update main with development @dsousa12 (#508)
- feat(NI): update main branch @dsousa12 (#507)
- [FIX]: eslint issues import order @f-morgado (#504)
- [BUG] Adding cards to closed sub-board @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#502)
- Feat/create team @CatiaAntunes96 (#500)
- [FIX] - Eslint changes @CatiaAntunes96 (#499)
- [FEATURE]: Add team page @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#498)
- [BUG] Voting/Comment icons misaligned @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#482)
- [BUG] Anonymous card name revealed @f-morgado (#475)
- [FEATURE]: Comment anonymously @f-morgado (#474)
- [BUG] Comment on Hidden card @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#471)
- fix(build): eslint import order @nunocaseiro (#469)
- refactor(socket): prevent multiple connections and update next auth @nunocaseiro (#468)
- [SUGGESTION]: Checking if the users is from the sub-team @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#451)
- fix: disable import order rule @mourabraz (#450)
- [FEATURE]: Responsible can change to another @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#448)
- [BUG] Deleting merged cards @f-morgado (#442)
- [BUG]: stakeholder and admin board permissions @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#444)
- [BUG]: disable button to remove non-user votes @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#440)
- [BUG]: disable button between orders @f-morgado (#438)
- [BUG] Unmerging cards that I do not own @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#435)
- [FEATURE]: Hide id from users when they vote on the cards @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#429)
- [BUG] Comment icon remains in clicked state @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#431)
- [FEATURE]: backend vote protection @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#426)
- [BUG]: Editing a card title to empty crashes the website @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#422)
- [FEATURE]: User vote count limit on a specific board verification @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#414)
- [FEATURE]:disable button when card is empty @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#424)
- [BUG] Editing a comment to empty crashes the website @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#419)
- [BUG] Editing a comment to empty crashes the website @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#417)
- [BUG] : Post Anonymously label checks the incorrect box @f-morgado (#418)
- [BUG]: users permissions to delete boards @f-morgado (#408)
- Chore update slack queue communication module @mourabraz (#403)
- [FEATURE]: Call communication execute with queue @mourabraz (#375)
- [BUG]: TextArea improvements @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#396)
- [FEATURE]: Change responsible on board settings @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#374)
- [BUG]: lock boardSettings button with subboard merge @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#390)
- fix: string path @f-morgado (#373)
- [FEATURE]: Create slack channels @mourabraz (#336)
- feat(board-header): add team admins avatars @nunocaseiro (#364)
- [FEATURE]: Board Settings Permissions @dsousa12 (#345)
- [FIX]: Board Settings (Pipeline Error) @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#342)
- [FIX]: Only show the board settings for the user that created the board @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#341)
- [FIX]: Only show the board settings for the user that created the board @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#339)
- [FEATURE]: option post cards anonymously @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#337)
- [FEATURE]: Hide cards from others @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#302)
- [FEATURE]: hide votes from others on the board @mourabraz (#309)
- Fix build errors @joaosantos99 (#327)
- docs: add joaosantos99 as a contributor for code, doc @allcontributors (#257)
- fix: check user email or unique name in AD @nunocaseiro (#266)
- docs: add dvpfran as a contributor for code, doc @allcontributors (#256)
- [FEATURE]: Create Board Settings @dsousa12 (#235)
- [FIX]: Spacing mail text @f-morgado (#244)
- [FIX]: Register form @f-morgado (#242)
- [FIX]: Login Form Layout @r-dmatos (#239)
- fix: get boards error @nunocaseiro (#230)
- fix: workflows app name @nunocaseiro (#229)
- chore: workflows and connection string @nunocaseiro (#228)
- [FIX]: Merge Errors @dsousa12 (#225)
- [FEATURE]: Remove order select and add a βsort by votesβ button on each column @dsousa12 (#217)
folder on frontend @dsousa12 (#219) - feat: reset pasword backend @r-dmatos (#197)
- [FEATURE]:Error toasts should dismiss @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#212)
- docs: add CatiaBarroco-xgeeks as a contributor for code, doc @allcontributors (#204)
- [FEATURE]: Alert box- create board page - no team or min users @dsousa12 (#196)
- [FEATURE] Split Dependencies @dsousa12 (#194)
- docs: add r-dmatos as a contributor for code, doc @allcontributors (#132)
- [FEATURE]: Improve Sidebar Layout @dsousa12 (#192)
- [FEATURE]: Improve Sidebar Layout @dsousa12 (#189)
- feat: reset token and mailer @r-dmatos (#117)
- feat: userIcon and eye/eyeslash onclick @f-morgado (#190)
- fix: userIcon and eye-slash sprite @f-morgado (#187)
- [FIX]: Background Color @dsousa12 (#186)
- [FEATURE]: Universal Scroll Style @dsousa12 (#184)
- [FEATURE]: Avoid errors on new board page @dsousa12 (#181)
- [FEATURE]: Avoid Errors when don't have teams @dsousa12 (#180)
- [FIX]: Toastr no closing @dsousa12 (#179)
- [FEATURE]: New Board Page @dsousa12 (#175)
- docs: add f-morgado as a contributor for code, doc @allcontributors (#174)
- [Feature] Manual Sign up @f-morgado (#167)
- [FIX]: "OR" Separator on Login @dsousa12 (#172)
- [FIX]: Dashboard Tiles Size @dsousa12 (#169)
- [FIX]: Change Background Color @dsousa12 (#170)
- [FEATURE] SVG Sprite @dsousa12 (#168)
- [FIX] PR Errors @dsousa12 (#166)
- [Feature] Board Header @dsousa12 (#163)
- refactor: alert-box and users @nunocaseiro (#162)
- refactor: boards and scheduling @nunocaseiro (#161)
- refactor: boards page @nunocaseiro (#156)
- docs: add RubenMCCarreira as a contributor for code, review @allcontributors (#147)
- feat: boards page and add cards @nunocaseiro (#146)
- [FIX] Fix paths on
file @dsousa12 (#155) - docs: add dsousa12 as a contributor for code, doc @allcontributors (#152)
- [Feature]: Run project on Docker in Dev mode @dsousa12 (#151)
- Feat: Change favicon @dsousa12 (#149)
- refactor: create board users from team, create team user, get teams methods @nunocaseiro (#143)
- feat: create board and configurations @nunocaseiro (#142)
- feat: generate main and sub boards @nunocaseiro (#140)
- feat: create split board screen - board name input and tip bar @nunocaseiro (#139)
- feat: boards page @nunocaseiro (#136)
- feat: dashboard page @nunocaseiro (#134)
- refactor: major update facing new design changes @nunocaseiro (#131)
- refactor: delete board @nunocaseiro (#129)
- feat: dashboard statistics and get all boards with pagination @nunocaseiro (#125)
- chore: improve some code @rpvsilva (#127)
- feat: team and team users @nunocaseiro (#124)
- feat: board users and roles @nunocaseiro (#121)
- refactor: icons and update packages @nunocaseiro (#120)
- feat: persistent alert @JoelLInt (#116)
- refactor: check user exists methods @nunocaseiro (#113)
- chore: unique npm install and env files for all apps @nunocaseiro (#111)
- feat: manual signin, cleaning and prepare code to implement the new design @nunocaseiro (#110)
- chore: deployment workflows @nunocaseiro (#105)
- feat: check user exists in AD then login or register him @nunocaseiro (#103)
- docs: add rpvsilva as a contributor for code, review @allcontributors (#100)
- docs: add gfdias as a contributor for code, review, doc, projectManagement @allcontributors (#101)
- feat: Update text, comment and vote actions in the card group @nunocaseiro (#99)
- feat: mongodb replicaset @nunocaseiro (#94)
- refactor: domain driven design @nunocaseiro (#81)
- docs: add nunocaseiro as a contributor for code, test, infra, doc @allcontributors (#80)
- chore: docker compose and docker files for each app @nunocaseiro (#77)
- feat: add, edit, delete cards @nunocaseiro (#76)
- feat: create, update and delete card @nunocaseiro (#74)
- refactor: replace typeorm by mongoose @nunocaseiro (#70)
- feat: share, edit title and delete board from the dashboard @nunocaseiro (#65)
- refactor: airbnb eslint rules @nunocaseiro (#53)
- docs: readme - how to use. Env example files @nunocaseiro (#54)
- feature: create, get and update board @nunocaseiro (#50)
- feat: nest starter app with typeorm and mongo db @nunocaseiro (#36)
- feat: create board and persist data @nunocaseiro (#26)
- build: testing environment @nunocaseiro (#10)
- feat: next starter app @nunocaseiro (#2)
π Features
- [FEATURE]: show boards members @CatiaAntunes96 (#560)
- [FEATURE]: Add team list page @CatiaAntunes96 (#494)
- 343/feature communication between create board and slack service @mourabraz (#437)
- [REFACTOR]: delete postAnonymously variable @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#392)
- [FEATURE]: Swagger Documentation @dsousa12 (#371)
- [SUGGESTION]: Improve ESLint configs to sort props @dsousa12 (#377)
- [FEATURE]: Split .env files @dsousa12 (#383)
- [REFACTOR]: Remove Downvote Transaction @nunocaseiro (#366)
- [FEATURE]: Optimistic Updates @dvpfran (#335)
- [FEATURE]: Save stakeholders into team_user table @geomarb (#321)
- [SUGGESTION] Improve Backend Imports @dsousa12 (#332)
- [FEATURE]: Migrate from Zod to Joi @dsousa12 (#267)
- chore(deps): bump next-auth from 4.6.1 to 4.9.0 in /frontend @dependabot (#314)
- [FIX]: Remove Votes options from Board Settings on Sub-boards @joaosantos99 (#312)
- [FEATURE]: add hide cards settings @dvpfran (#305)
- [FEATURE]: Remove "Option to post cards anonymously" from Board Settings @joaosantos99 (#301)
- [FIX]: Remove unused dependecies (Backend) @dsousa12 (#276)
- [FEATURE]: Disable sorting on sub-boards @dsousa12 (#287)
- [FEATURE]: Disable Teams, Users, Account and Settings menu @dsousa12 (#288)
- [FIX]: Pipeline Error @dsousa12 (#286)
- [FIX]: Create Board: Slack checkbox uncheck when change between tabs @joaosantos99 (#289)
- [FIX]: Delete card not centred @joaosantos99 (#271)
- [FIX]: Sub-team AlertBox miss placed @joaosantos99 (#292)
- [FIX]:Remaining Votes Toast on Board @dsousa12 (#233)
- [FIX]: Handling the minimum of users error @joaosantos99 (#259)
- [FIX]: "Your teams" blob displaced in google chrome @joaosantos99 (#248)
- [FIX]: SSO icons margin @joaosantos99 (#246)
- [FEATURE]: Remaining Votes Toast on Board @r-dmatos (#227)
- [FEATURE]: Improve user feedback on cards @dsousa12 (#208)
- [FEATURE]: Boards Lists Improvements @dsousa12 (#214)
- [FEATURE]: Lock boards & Add an indicator on the new board @dsousa12 (#221)
- [FEATURE]: New register schema, helpertext update on form @f-morgado (#222)
- [FIX]: Comment Box Alignment @dsousa12 (#206)
- [FEATURE]:500 error page Layout @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#203)
- [FEATURE]: Add New Board Improvements @dsousa12 (#199)
- [FEATURE]:404 Page Layout @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#201)
- feat: merge and unmerge @nunocaseiro (#92)
- feat: upvote, downvote and count votes @nunocaseiro (#89)
- feat: upvote and downvote @nunocaseiro (#87)
- feat: create, read, update and delete comments @nunocaseiro (#84)
- feat: create, update, delete comments @nunocaseiro (#82)
- feat: update title board and delete board @nunocaseiro (#62)
- feature: real time interactions @nunocaseiro (#60)
- feature: websocket gateway @nunocaseiro (#58)
- refactor: create, get and update boards using our backend endpoints @nunocaseiro (#51)
- feat: logout user and login after register @nunocaseiro (#46)
- feat: authentication form and next-auth @nunocaseiro (#44)
- feat: login user @nunocaseiro (#43)
- feat: register user form @nunocaseiro (#40)
- feat: register user endpoints @nunocaseiro (#37)
- feat: board details with drag and drop @nunocaseiro (#30)
- feat: list the boards on the dashboard @nunocaseiro (#27)
- feat: create board dialog @nunocaseiro (#23)
- feat: navigation bar @nunocaseiro (#11)
- feat: stitches and base layout @nunocaseiro (#7)
π Bug Fixes
- [BUG] Cancel/X Buttons @CatiaAntunes96 (#564)
- [BUG]: remove space between avatar icons @CatiaAntunes96 (#563)
- [FIX]: Board list bottom cut off @CatiaAntunes96 (#554)
- [BUG] Accessing a deleted board @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#522)
- [BUG]: permissions to access a board @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#488)
- [FIX] shorting merged cards @joaosantos99 (#491)
- [FIX] password regex @joaosantos99 (#492)
- [FIX] Anonymous card identity @joaosantos99 (#493)
- [FIX]: Add correct config @CatiaAntunes96 (#497)
- [BUG] Merging cards from a sub-team on the main board @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#461)
- [BUG] Stakeholder names incorrect @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#473)
- [BUG] Sub-board Name @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#470)
- [BUG]: BoardSettings response failed @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#457)
- [BUG] Post card as Anonymous @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#458)
- chore: add communication service for slack disabled @mourabraz (#453)
- [BUG] Edit/remove comments from merged card @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#446)
- [FEATURE]: Votes request with timer @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#433)
- [BUG] User can edit someone else's cards @joaosantos99 (#432)
- [BUG] Unmerging cards crashes the website @joaosantos99 (#420)
- [FIX]: Azure Authentication @dsousa12 (#405)
- [FIX]: Pipeline errors after merge @dsousa12 (#391)
- [BUG]: Delete card crash the app @mourabraz (#387)
- [BUG]: Board shows wrong sub-team setups @dsousa12 (#367)
- [BUG]: Add a new retro board button not working @dsousa12 (#355)
- [BUG]: Team configuration is reseted when clicking on configurations and coming back to it @joaosantos99 (#360)
- [FEATURE]: Hide id from anonymously cards @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#356)
- [REFACTOR]: Remove Downvote Transaction @nunocaseiro (#366)
- [BUG]: Lazy loading indicator in the dashboard @joaosantos99 (#370)
- [FIX]: Tooltip Content @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#359)
- [BUG]: Sub team "merge into main board" typo @CatiaBarroco-xgeeks (#354)
- [BUG]: Main board says no sub-team as merged even though it has @dsousa12 (#363)
- [FIX]: frontend pipeline @dvpfran (#347)
- [FIX]: Pipeline error @dsousa12 (#340)
- [FIX]: Delete Board Function @aforteski (#328)
- [FIX]: Delete votes error @aforteski (#329)
- [FIX]: Deleting a card will not return votes to users @FranciscoGaspar (#319)
- [FIX]: totalUsedVotes type error @joaosantos99 (#325)
- [FIX]: Edit cards from others @dvpfran (#320)
- [FIX]: Extra votes left on card @joaosantos99 (#308)
- [FIX]: Missing upper case validation on register user @joaosantos99 (#317)
- [FIX]: Disable Limit Votes @dvpfran (#307)
- fix: switchs @dvpfran (#300)
- [FIX]: Frontend Pipeline - Avatar properties @dvpfran (#297)
- [FIX]: Pipeline Error @dsousa12 (#286)
- [FIX]: Avatar color @dvpfran (#290)
- [FIX]: Create Board: Slack checkbox uncheck when change between tabs @joaosantos99 (#289)
- [FIX]: Docker Configs @dsousa12 (#252)
- [FIX]: Responsible Lottery is freezing the page when the group only contains 1 user. @joaosantos99 (#285)
- [FIX]: Add Sub boards @dvpfran (#274)
- [FIX]: Deploy frontend error @joaosantos99 (#268)
- [FIX]: Handling the minimum of users error @joaosantos99 (#259)
- fix(azure-auth): login with azure method updated @nunocaseiro (#261)
- fix(azure-token): remove cron job to request a token @nunocaseiro (#263)
- [FIX]: Error go to main board @dvpfran (#255)
- [FIX]: error pages go back link @nunocaseiro (#232)
- [FEATURE]: Lock boards & Add an indicator on the new board @dsousa12 (#221)
- [FIX]: Wrong Feedback on first login attempt @dsousa12 (#211)
π Documentation
- [REFACTOR]: update readme @nunocaseiro (#531)
- [FEATURE]: Swagger Documentation @dsousa12 (#371)
- docs: add geomarb as a contributor for code, doc @allcontributors (#322)
𧩠Dependency Updates
- chore(deps): bump vm2 from 3.9.10 to 3.9.11 in /backend @dependabot (#537)
- chore(deps): bump moment from 2.29.3 to 2.29.4 in /backend @dependabot (#323)
- chore(deps): bump next-auth from 4.6.1 to 4.9.0 in /frontend @dependabot (#314)
- chore(deps): bump next-auth from 4.3.4 to 4.5.0 in /frontend @dependabot (#258)
Full Changelog: ...v0.1.0