This is a big release, that's why we decided to move away from the 19.4.x versioning and go to 19.5.x. Since a lot of changes could have some impact on current installations we decided to release some "rc" versions before the official 19.5.0. Tests are more than welcome now but be extra careful with production environment.
What's most important is the removal of all the 3rd party libraries (phpseclib, mcrypt_compat, Cm_RedisSession, Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis and Pelago_Emogrifier and Zend Framework) form our repository, they are now imported via composer. This was an important step to clean up and modernise our code.
Also the M1 legacy themes have been moved to an external repository since it's old (and mostly unused) code.
Don't worry though, if you've always installed OpenMage extracting the zip file, starting from this release you'll find a new zip file attached to the release itself, we build this zip adding all of the old 3rd party libraries so that you will not have to migrate to composer or use composer at all.
- Update title size of unsubscription email by @luigifab in #2722
- Require a parent category to add a new sub category by @luigifab in #2716
- Version bump for next release by @fballiano in #2769
- Use store data for products of order items by @luigifab in #2723
- Fix error when payment methods have been deleted by @sreichel in #2772
- Fixed sort in Manage Tax Rates grid by @sreichel in #2757
- Use default paths for config files by @sreichel in #2765
- Moved phpseclib, mcrypt_compat, Cm_RedisSession, Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis and Pelago_Emogrifier to composer by @fballiano in #2411
- Fixes workflow issues, ref #2770 by @sreichel in #2773
- Added Cm_Redis files to .gitignore by @sreichel in #2779
- Hotfix: broken workflow by @sreichel in #2778
- Removed unreachable code by @sreichel in #2775
- Avoid to use unavailable $data var in Curl HTTP Client by @maximehuran in #2785
- phpstan: added lib/Mage and lib/Magento by @sreichel in #2780
- Updated DOCblocks (fixed param null) by @sreichel in #2776
- Fixed baseline, ref #2785 by @sreichel in #2789
- PHPStan: removed excluded directories by @sreichel in #2790
- Reverted autoloader patch by @sreichel in #2791
- PHPStan: Level 0 update by @sreichel in #2794
- Check $sessionData is an array in Mage_Captcha_Model_Zend by @fballiano in #2804
- Moved null-byte fix from lib/Zend to lib/Magento by @sreichel in #2807
- Updated phpstan 1.9.3 by @sreichel in #2808
- PHPStan: updated lib/Varien by @sreichel in #2795
- Replaced MySql4 classes in installer by @sreichel in #2797
- Updated phpdocs by @sreichel in #2796
- Sync v19 v20 by @sreichel in #2810
- Created a release builder workflow by @fballiano in #2165
- phpstan: Mage.php by @sreichel in #2819
- phpstan: Mage_Poll by @sreichel in #2816
- phpstan: Mage_Rss by @sreichel in #2817
- phpstan: Mage_Page by @sreichel in #2820
- Add confirm dialog to critical massactions by @sreichel in #2814
- Added cweagans/composer-patches - prepare for ZF1Future 🚀 by @sreichel in #2822
- [Backport] Remove documentation hints, ref #1536 by @sreichel in #2815
- phpstan: Mage_Cms by @sreichel in #2818
- Optimisation for Varien_Object::_addFullNames by @AGelzer in #2821
- Fix passing null and array to string conversion error by @sreichel in #2824
- [php8.1] deprecated PDOStatement::fetch, ref #1812 by @sreichel in #2805
- phpstan: Sitemap, Newsletter, ... by @sreichel in #2823
- phpstan: added missing returns by @sreichel in #2832
- Replace lib/Zend with shardj/zf1-future 🚀 by @sreichel in #2827
- phpstan: fixes "Call to function is_null ..." by @sreichel in #2831
- Sonar: fixed path to lib/Zend by @sreichel in #2834
- Fixed bugs for admin save base urls by @sreichel in #2800
- Added getApplyTo() to Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Attribute_Abstract. ref #2829 by @sreichel in #2836
- Removed Mage_PageCache by @sreichel in #2813
- phpstan: step back to level 4 by @sreichel in #2837
- Version bump by @fballiano in #2835
- phpstan: Change OpenMage version compare by @sreichel in #2839
- phpstan: working on level 3 by @sreichel in #2840
- Added dependabot config by @sreichel in #2841
- Moved note about PHP7.2 since it is not supported anymore by @fballiano in #2842
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 34 to 35 by @dependabot in #2843
- Bump symfonycorp/security-checker-action from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #2845
- Bump EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action from 1.6 to 1.40 by @dependabot in #2846
- Bump pelago/emogrifier from 6.0.0 to 7.0.0 by @dependabot in #2844
- Added helper for admin button onclick actions by @sreichel in #2784
- Added shell/ to checks by @sreichel in #2848
- autoload without hiding errors by @Flyingmana in #2300
- Use correct code for Greece VAT validation by @elidrissidev in #2849
- Updated lib/Varien for PHP8.1 by @sreichel in #2802
- Added .dist and .neon to "deny from all" in .htaccess by @fballiano in #2852
- Added notes about composer library/modules to README (for 19.5.x and 20.1.x) by @fballiano in #2851
- phpstan: remove one diff between v19/20 baseline by @sreichel in #2855
- Hotfix: php7 has no return type "mixed" by @sreichel in #2856
- Add translation helper shell script by @justinbeaty in #2332
- PHPMD: added basic config by @sreichel in #2771
- Load dev shell scripts as composer module by @sreichel in #2853
- Fixed tag aggregation indexer query by @fballiano in #2858
- Updated workflow: run when files are deleted by @sreichel in #2860
- Rewrote Mage_Reports_Model_Resource_Review_Product_Collection/Mage_Reports_Model_Resource_Order_Collection queries for a correct use of Zend_Db_Expr by @fballiano in #2864
- Backport 2271, removed lib/flex by @fballiano in #2862
- Updated copyright blocks by @sreichel in #2866
- Updated autoloader, ref #2300 by @sreichel in #2867
- Adding useful feedback to Gd2.php exceptions by @loekvangool in #1339
- Added ddev command shortcuts by @sreichel in #2868
- Use github URL for patch files by @sreichel in #2871
- Remove "was" from error messages by @loekvangool in #2869
- Add autocomplete attribute to known password fields. by @rfeese in #2700
- Create codeql-analysis.yml by @Flyingmana in #2644
- Cast types, ref #735 by @sreichel in #2872
- Fix error on add new contributor by @AGelzer in #2877
- Fix for #2874 by @sreichel in #2878
- Bump colinmollenhour/cache-backend-redis from 1.14.4 to 1.15.0 by @dependabot in #2881
- Exception on add reserved catalog product attribute by @AGelzer in #2875
- rector: automatic code refactoring (part 1) by @sreichel in #2879
- Added DEV_PHP_STRICT env variable by @sreichel in #2882
- Updated PHPStan to 1.9.6 by @fballiano in #2887
- Fixes passing null to strlen() inside escapeHtml() by @sreichel in #2884
- Ensure null values are not passed to trim() by @mattdavenport in #2889
- Removed Mage_Backup by @sreichel in #2811
- Require Mage_Backup and Mage_PageCache on v19's release builder by @fballiano in #2890
- Added getter/setter for getCouponCode() by @sreichel in #2825
- Added getter for Customer::getPassword(), ref #2586 by @sreichel in #2891
- Removed info about Magento versions merging by @fballiano in #2894
- Use method instead of _getData(), ref #2825 by @sreichel in #2892
- Updated README.md by @sreichel in #2897
- phpstan/plugin version update by @sreichel in #2896
- Better exceptions for file upload by @fballiano in #2902
- Added default return string to getParam() by @sreichel in #2893
- Ensure count() is not called on a string by @mattdavenport in #2888
- Cast return of getClass() to string by @sreichel in #2905
- Updated calls to strlen(), ref #2586 by @sreichel in #2898
- Bump symplify/vendor-patches from 11.1.24 to by @dependabot in #2911
- Bump phpstan/phpstan from 1.9.7 to 1.9.8 by @dependabot in #2913
- Bump dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer from 0.7.2 to 1.0.0 by @dependabot in #2912
- Ensure null value not passed to str_replace by @mattdavenport in #2901
- Fix Use Base Class Instead of Child Class when Referencing Constants by @Sdfendor in #2904
- Removed unused autoloaders Mage_Autoload_Simple and Magento\Autoload\Simple by @fballiano in #2859
- [PHP 8.1] Fix passing null to non-nullable internal function params by @elidrissidev in #2586
- Fix searching for utf8 characters by @sreichel in #2919
- remove scriptaculous/effects.js dependency in js/prototype/validation.js by @empiricompany in #2609
- Better error handling when XML file cannot be parsed, ref #1372 by @fballiano in #2923
- RWD theme: removed border bottom from h1/h2 by @fballiano in #2920
- getAttributeRawValue return false if value is '0' by @bastienlm in #572
- Added info about #572 to README by @fballiano in #2926
- New event "order_status_changed_before_save", ref #1128 by @fballiano in #2927
- Generalized currency formatting method formatPriceTxt() for use in or… by @kiatng in #2924
- Add some specific debugging hint to email queue recipient empty by @seansan in #1386
- Remove unmatched error from phpstan baseline by @elidrissidev in #2929
- Limit decrypt to 256 characters by @luigifab in #2685
- Documenting all shell/indexer.php arguments with dashes by @loekvangool in #2930
- Fix error when calling shell script from browser by @Caprico85 in #2674
- Fix unlink no such file or directory by @luigifab in #2675
- Check ACL for customer link of orders by @luigifab in #2933
- Add Events around Zend_Email by @rjocoleman in #1438
- PHP8.1 Apply latest ZF1F changes to patch OM-918 by @sreichel in #2936
- Allow rewrite Varien_Image by @luigifab in #2666
- PHP8.0 Fixes passing null as 1st parameter to mktime() by @sreichel in #2938
- Fixes typo in observer by @sreichel in #2942
- PHP8.1 Fixes passing null to trim() - for non-existing payment methods by @sreichel in #2939
- Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.5.27 to 9.5.28 by @dependabot in #2947
- Bump symplify/vendor-patches from to by @dependabot in #2948
- Bump phpstan/phpstan from 1.9.8 to 1.9.11 by @dependabot in #2949
- Replace strftime with date by @luigifab in #2934
- Removed app/code/core/Zend by @fballiano in #2861
- Replace deprecated gmstrftime with gmdate by @elidrissidev in #2951
- Adds polyfills for PHP 7.4-8.1 by @sreichel in #2946
- Fix less than typo by @justinbeaty in #2952
- Disable cash on delivery for virtual orders by @luigifab in #2953
- Reduce getId calls by @luigifab in #2957
- Ascending sort for themes/packages dropdown by @sreichel in #2967
- Fix for mcrypt_compat 2.0.4 by @luigifab in #2968
- Updated PHPStan to 1.9.13 and ZF1Future to 1.22 by @fballiano in #2960
- Brexit of Great-Britain by @luigifab in #2971
- Improving query performance for coupon code check by @lemundo-team in #1110
- Set dependabot updates from weekly to daily by @sreichel in #2970
- Keep current selection for Related, Up-sells, Cross-sells, Associated grids by @luigifab in #2715
- Bump colinmollenhour/cache-backend-redis from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0 by @dependabot in #2972
- Added counter for input fields with maximum-length attribute by @sreichel in #2950
- Add ifconfig for layout updates by @luigifab in #2974
- Add template only if necessary (ups with Mage_Usa) by @luigifab in #2975
- Bump phpstan/phpstan from 1.9.13 to 1.9.14 by @dependabot in #2983
- Update jscolor to 1.4.5 by @justinbeaty in #2976
- Remove version check from api.php, get.php, index.php, install.php by @justinbeaty in #2986
- Wrap WHERE condition in parens by @mattdavenport in #2965
- Install composer dependencies in gitpod by @elidrissidev in #2989
- Moved patch files to repo by @sreichel in #2985
- Added a forced refresh if the user modifies the minicart while being on the cart page by @fballiano in #2990
- Small Typo Fix otions => options by @Sdfendor in #2994
- Update README install instructions by @justinbeaty in #2981
- Clear hasDataChanges flag after loading collection items by @elidrissidev in #3000
- Fix HEADERS ALREADY SENT from Mage_Core_Block_Template by @luigifab in #2978
- Bugfixes addto.phtml by @loekvangool in #3002
- Fixed bug in prototypejs by @fballiano in #3003
- Resolve getPasswordTimestamp join issues by @alexkirsch in #3010
- Head.php to HTML5 by @loekvangool in #3006
- Fix phpseclib class namespace in Varien_Io_Sftp by @elidrissidev in #3008
- Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.5.28 to 9.6.3 by @dependabot in #3013
- Fix bug in admin interface where Bundle Option Is Required setting is not loaded. by @rfeese in #3014
- Backported #1600: removed M1 legacy themes by @fballiano in #2863
- Bump phpstan/phpstan from 1.9.14 to 1.9.16 by @dependabot in #3016
- Bump symplify/vendor-patches from to 11.2.3 by @dependabot in #3015
- Reduce getId calls by @luigifab in #3007
- Bump phpstan/phpstan from 1.9.16 to 1.9.17 by @dependabot in #3018
- Fix bug in admin interface where Bundle Option Select User Defined Qty setting is not loaded. by @rfeese in #3020
- Remove minOccurs attr from WSDL message part by @elidrissidev in #3022
- Fix position sort with flat tables when no category filter is applied by @elidrissidev in #2637
New Contributors
- @AGelzer made their first contribution in #2821
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #2843
- @rfeese made their first contribution in #2700
- @alexkirsch made their first contribution in #3010
Full Changelog: v19.4.20...v19.5.0-rc1