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@aws-cdk-automation aws-cdk-automation released this 14 Apr 16:05


  • core: The type of the image property in BundlingOptions
    is changed from BundlingDockerImage to DockerImage.
  • core: The return type of the DockerImage.fromBuild() API is
    changed from BundlingDockerImage to DockerImage.
  • lambda-nodejs: The type of image property in the
    Bundling class is changed from BundlingDockerImage to
  • lambda-nodejs: The type of dockerImage property in
    BundlingOptions is changed from BundlingDockerImage to
  • apigatewayv2: The type of allowMethods property under corsPreflight
    section is changed from HttpMethod to CorsHttpMethod.
  • lambda-nodejs: the default runtime of a NodejsFunction is now Node.js 14.x if the environment from which it is deployed uses Node.js >= 14 and Node.js 12.x otherwise.
  • appmesh: Backend, backend default and Virtual Service client policies structures are being altered
  • appmesh: you must use the backend default interface to define backend defaults in VirtualGateway.
    The property name also changed from backendsDefaultClientPolicy to backendDefaults
  • appmesh: you must use the backend default interface to define backend defaults in VirtualNode,
    (the property name also changed from backendsDefaultClientPolicy to backendDefaults),
    and the Backend class to define a backend
  • appmesh: you can no longer attach a client policy to a VirtualService
  • apigatewayv2: HttpApiMapping (and related interfaces for Attributed and Props) has been renamed to ApiMapping
  • apigatewayv2: CommonStageOptions has been renamed to StageOptions
  • apigatewayv2: HttpStage.fromStageName has been removed in favour of HttpStage.fromHttpStageAttributes
  • apigatewayv2: DefaultDomainMappingOptions has been removed in favour of DomainMappingOptions
  • apigatewayv2: HttpApiProps.defaultDomainMapping has been changed from DefaultDomainMappingOptions to DomainMappingOptions
  • apigatewayv2: HttpApi.defaultStage has been changed from HttpStage to IStage
  • apigatewayv2: IHttpApi.defaultStage has been removed


Bug Fixes

  • apigatewayv2: error while configuring ANY as an allowed method in CORS (#13313) (34bb338), closes #13280 #13643

  • appmesh: Move Client Policy from Virtual Service to backend structure (#12943) (d3f4284), closes #11996

  • autoscaling: AutoScaling on percentile metrics doesn't work (#13366) (46114bb), closes #13144

  • aws-ecs: drain hook lambda allows tasks to stop gracefully (#13559) (3e1148e), closes #13506

  • cfn-include: allow boolean values for string-typed properties (#13508) (e5dab7c)

  • cfn-include: allow dynamic mappings to be used in Fn::FindInMap (#13428) (623675d)

  • cloudfront: cannot add two EdgeFunctions with same aliases (#13324) (1f35351), closes #13237

  • cloudwatch: cannot create Alarms from labeled metrics that start with a digit (#13560) (278029f), closes #13434

  • cloudwatch: MathExpression period of <5 minutes is not respected (#13078) (d9ee914), closes #9156

  • cloudwatch: metric label not rendered into Alarms (#13070) (cbcc712)

  • codebuild: allow FILE_PATH webhook filter for BitBucket (#13186) (cbed348), closes #13175

  • codebuild: allow passing the ARN of the Secret in environment variables (#13706) (6f6e079), closes #12703

  • codebuild: Fixed build spec file format to return yaml (#13445) (fab93c6)

  • codebuild: module fails to load with error "Cannot use import statement outside a module" (b1ffd33), closes #13699 #13699

  • codedeploy: script installing CodeDeploy agent fails (#13758) (25e8d04), closes #13755

  • codedeploy: Use aws-cli instead of awscli for yum (#13655) (449ce12)

  • codepipeline-actions: BitBucketAction fails with S3 "Access denied" error (#13637) (77ce45d), closes #13557

  • cognito: imported userpool not retaining environment from arn (#13715) (aa9fd9c), closes #13691

  • core: toJsonString() cannot handle list intrinsics (#13544) (a5be042), closes #13465

  • core: custom resource provider NODEJS_12 now looks like Lambda's NODEJS_12_X, add Node 14 (#13301) (3413b2f)

  • dynamodb: replicas not created on table replacement (#13300) (c7c424f), closes #12332

  • ec2: fix typo's in WindowsImage constants (#13446) (781aa97)

  • ec2: NAT provider's default outbound rules cannot be disabled (#12674) (664133a), closes #12673

  • ec2: readme grammar (#13180) (fe4f056)

  • ec2: Security Groups support all protocols (#13593) (8c6b3eb), closes #13403

  • ec2: Throw error on empty InitFile content (#13009) (#13119) (81a78a3)

  • ecr: Allow referencing an EcrImage by digest instead of tag (#13299) (266a621), closes #5082

  • ecr: Generate valid CloudFormation for imageScanOnPush (#13420) (278fba5), closes #13418

  • ecs: services essential container exceptions thrown too soon (#13240) (c174f6c), closes #13239

  • elasticloadbalancingv2: should allow more than 2 certificates (#13332) (d3155e9), closes #13150

  • elasticloadbalancingv2: upgrade to v1.92.0 drops certificates on ALB if more than 2 certificates exist (#13490) (01b94f8), closes #13332 #13437

  • events: cannot trigger multiple Lambdas from the same Rule (#13260) (c8c1762), closes #13231

  • init: Python init template's stack ID doesn't match other languages (#13480) (3f1c02d)

  • use NodeJS 14 for all packaged custom resources (#13488) (20a2820), closes #13534 #13484

  • events: imported ECS Task Definition cannot be used as target (#13293) (6f7cebd), closes #12811

  • events: imported EventBus does not correctly register source account (#13481) (57e5404), closes #13469

  • events,applicationautoscaling: specifying a schedule rate in seconds results in an error (#13689) (5d62331), closes #13566

  • iam: oidc-provider can't pull from hosts requiring SNI (#13397) (90dbfb5)

  • iam: policy statement tries to validate tokens (#13493) (8d592ea), closes #13479

  • lambda: fromDockerBuild output is located under /asset (#13539) (77449f6), closes #13439

  • lambda: incorrect values for prop UntrustedArtifactOnDeployment (#13667) (0757686), closes #13586

  • lambda-nodejs: paths with spaces break esbuild (#13312) (f983fbb), closes #13311

  • neptune: create correct IAM statement in grantConnect() (#13641) (2e7f046), closes #13640

  • python: change Python namespace to aws_cdk (#13489) (2ff5ca1)

  • rds: fail with a descriptive error if Cluster's instance count is a deploy-time value (#13765) (dd22e8f), closes #13558

  • region-info: ap-northeast-3 data not correctly registered (#13564) (64da84b), closes #13561

  • s3: Notifications fail to deploy due to incompatible node runtime (#13624) (26bc3d4)

  • s3: Notifications fail to deploy due to incompatible node runtime (#13624) (aa32cf6)

  • stepfunctions: SageMakeUpdateEndpoint adds insufficient permissions (#13170) (6126e49), closes #11594

  • stepfunctions: no validation on state machine name (#13387) (6c3d407), closes #13289

  • core: remove all references to BundlingDockerImage in the public API (#13814) (9cceb3f)

  • lambda-nodejs: prepare code to reduce merge conflicts when deprecated APIs are stripped (#13738) (ca391b5)

  • lambda-nodejs: update default runtime (#13664) (ca42461)